51,184 research outputs found

    Inflowing gas onto a compact obscured nucleus in Arp 299A: Herschel spectroscopic studies of H2O and OH

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    Aims. We probe the physical conditions in the core of Arp 299A and try to put constraints to the nature of its nuclear power source. Methods. We used Herschel Space Observatory far-infrared and submillimeter observations of H2O and OH rotational lines in Arp 299A to create a multi-component model of the galaxy. In doing this, we employed a spherically symmetric radiative transfer code. Results. Nine H2O lines in absorption and eight in emission as well as four OH doublets in absorption and one in emission, are detected in Arp 299A. No lines of the 18O isotopologues, which have been seen in compact obscured nuclei of other galaxies, are detected. The absorption in the ground state OH doublet at 119 {\mu}m is found redshifted by ~175 km/s compared to other OH and H2O lines, suggesting a low excitation inflow. We find that at least two components are required in order to account for the excited molecular line spectrum. The inner component has a radius of 20-25 pc, a very high infrared surface brightness (> 3e13 Lsun/kpc^2), warm dust (Td > 90 K), and a large H2 column density (NH2 > 1e24 cm^-2). The outer component is larger (50-100 pc) with slightly cooler dust (70-90 K). In addition, a much more extended inflowing component is required to also account for the OH doublet at 119 {\mu}m. Conclusions. The Compton-thick nature of the core makes it difficult to determine the nature of the buried power source, but the high surface brightness indicates that it is either an active galactic nucleus and/or a dense nuclear starburst. The high OH/H2O ratio in the nucleus indicates that ion-neutral chemistry induced by X-rays or cosmic-rays is important. Finally we find a lower limit to the 16O/18O ratio of 400 in the nuclear region, possibly indicating that the nuclear starburst is in an early evolutionary stage, or that it is fed through a molecular inflow of, at most, solar metallicity.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Modeling the H2O submillimeter emission in extragalactic sources

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    Recent observational studies have shown that H2O emission at (rest) submillimeter wavelengths is ubiquitous in infrared galaxies, both in the local and in the early Universe, suggestive of far-infrared pumping of H2O by dust in warm regions. In this work, models are presented that show that (i) the highest-lying H2O lines (E_{upper}>400 K) are formed in very warm (T_{dust}>~90 K) regions and require high H2O columns (N_{H2O}>~3x10^{17} cm^{-2}), while lower lying lines can be efficiently excited with T_{dust}~45-75 K and N_{H2O}~(0.5-2)x10^{17} cm^{-2}; (ii) significant collisional excitation of the lowest lying (E_{upper}<200 K) levels, which enhances the overall L_{H2O}-L_{IR} ratios, is identified in sources where the ground-state para-H2O 1_{11}-0_{00} line is detected in emission; (iii) the H2O-to-infrared (8-1000 um) luminosity ratio is expected to decrease with increasing T_{dust} for all lines with E_{upper}<~300 K, as has recently been reported in a sample of LIRGs, but increases with T_{dust} for the highest lying H2O lines (E_{upper}>400 K); (iv) we find theoretical upper limits for L_{H2O}/L_{IR} in warm environments, owing to H2O line saturation; (v) individual models are presented for two very different prototypical galaxies, the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 and the nearest ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220, showing that the excited submillimeter H2O emission is dominated by far-infrared pumping in both cases; (vi) the L_{H2O}-L_{IR} correlation previously reported in observational studies indicates depletion or exhaustion time scales, t_{dep}=Sigma_{gas}/Sigma_{SFR}, of <~12 Myr for star-forming sources where lines up to E_{upper}=300 K are detected, in agreement with the values previously found for (U)LIRGs from HCN millimeter emission...Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Speed Limits in General Relativity

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    Some standard results on the initial value problem of general relativity in matter are reviewed. These results are applied first to show that in a well defined sense, finite perturbations in the gravitational field travel no faster than light, and second to show that it is impossible to construct a warp drive as considered by Alcubierre (1994) in the absence of exotic matter.Comment: 7 pages; AMS-LaTeX; accepted for publication by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Testing formula satisfaction

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    We study the query complexity of testing for properties defined by read once formulae, as instances of massively parametrized properties, and prove several testability and non-testability results. First we prove the testability of any property accepted by a Boolean read-once formula involving any bounded arity gates, with a number of queries exponential in \epsilon and independent of all other parameters. When the gates are limited to being monotone, we prove that there is an estimation algorithm, that outputs an approximation of the distance of the input from satisfying the property. For formulae only involving And/Or gates, we provide a more efficient test whose query complexity is only quasi-polynomial in \epsilon. On the other hand we show that such testability results do not hold in general for formulae over non-Boolean alphabets; specifically we construct a property defined by a read-once arity 2 (non-Boolean) formula over alphabets of size 4, such that any 1/4-test for it requires a number of queries depending on the formula size

    C-phycocyanin from Mastigocladus laminosus

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    On the D0D^0 -- DsD_s lifetime difference and τ→7π+ντ\tau\to 7\pi + \nu_\tau decays

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    In this paper we discuss some aspects of inclusive decays of charmed mesons and also decays of the τ\tau lepton into ντ+7π\nu_\tau + 7\pi. We find that phase space effects are likely to explain the observed lifetime ratio τ(Ds+)/τ(D0)\tau(D_s^+) / \tau(D^0) = 1.17. In particular one need not appeal to a large annihilation contribution in the inclusive D0D^0 decay which, being absent in Ds+D_s^+ decays could also contribute to the enhanced D0D^0 decay rate relative to that of the Ds+D_s^+. Examining a separate problem, we find that the rate for τ→ντ+7π\tau\to \nu_\tau + 7\pi is almost completely dominated by the tiny phase space for the final eight particle state. Using an effective chiral Lagrangian to estimate the matrix element yields a branching ratio into the channel of interest far smaller than the present upper bound.Comment: No figure

    Quasar Feedback in the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy F11119+3257: Connecting the Accretion Disk Wind with the Large-Scale Molecular Outflow

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    In Tombesi et al. (2015), we reported the first direct evidence for a quasar accretion disk wind driving a massive molecular outflow. The target was F11119+3257, an ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) with unambiguous type-1 quasar optical broad emission lines. The energetics of the accretion disk wind and molecular outflow were found to be consistent with the predictions of quasar feedback models where the molecular outflow is driven by a hot energy-conserving bubble inflated by the inner quasar accretion disk wind. However, this conclusion was uncertain because the energetics were estimated from the optically thick OH 119 um transition profile observed with Herschel. Here, we independently confirm the presence of the molecular outflow in F11119+3257, based on the detection of broad wings in the CO(1-0) profile derived from ALMA observations. The broad CO(1-0) line emission appears to be spatially extended on a scale of at least ~7 kpc from the center. Mass outflow rate, momentum flux, and mechanical power of (80-200) R_7^{-1} M_sun/yr, (1.5-3.0) R_7^{-1} L_AGN/c, and (0.15-0.40)% R_7^{-1} L_AGN are inferred from these data, assuming a CO-to-H_2 conversion factor appropriate for a ULIRG (R_7 is the radius of the outflow normalized to 7 kpc and L_AGN is the AGN luminosity). These rates are time-averaged over a flow time scale of 7x10^6 yrs. They are similar to the OH-based rates time-averaged over a flow time scale of 4x10^5 yrs, but about a factor 4 smaller than the local ("instantaneous"; <10^5 yrs) OH-based estimates cited in Tombesi et al. The implications of these new results are discussed in the context of time-variable quasar-mode feedback and galaxy evolution. The need for an energy-conserving bubble to explain the molecular outflow is also re-examined.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Obtaining Stiffness Exponents from Bond-diluted Lattice Spin Glasses

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    Recently, a method has been proposed to obtain accurate predictions for low-temperature properties of lattice spin glasses that is practical even above the upper critical dimension, dc=6d_c=6. This method is based on the observation that bond-dilution enables the numerical treatment of larger lattices, and that the subsequent combination of such data at various bond densities into a finite-size scaling Ansatz produces more robust scaling behavior. In the present study we test the potential of such a procedure, in particular, to obtain the stiffness exponent for the hierarchical Migdal-Kadanoff lattice. Critical exponents for this model are known with great accuracy and any simulations can be executed to very large lattice sizes at almost any bond density, effecting a insightful comparison that highlights the advantages -- as well as the weaknesses -- of this method. These insights are applied to the Edwards-Anderson model in d=3d=3 with Gaussian bonds.Comment: corrected version, 10 pages, RevTex4, 12 ps-figures included; related papers available a http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher
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