463 research outputs found

    Who Wants to Get Involved? Determinants of Citizens’ Willingness to Participate in German Renewable Energy Cooperatives

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    This paper analyzes the potential for citizen participation in renewable energy cooperatives and in the energy transition process. We consider representative survey data for more than 4,200 financial decision-makers in German households and analyze (i) differences between members and non-members of renewable energy cooperatives, (ii) non-members’ willingness to participate in energy cooperatives, and (iii) factors determining citizen participation in terms of not only voluntary involvement, but also private investments. We find that the lack of familiarity with energy cooperatives among non-members is a limiting factor for the expansion of citizen participation, a finding that indicates the potential of information campaigns. However, we also reveal a substantial participation potential, as about 40% of the non-members who are familiar with the term “energy cooperative” express a high willingness to become involved. Our econometric analysis based on bivariate binary probit models complements the current state of research by showing the relevance of economic preferences such as time preferences, trust, and negative reciprocity. Interestingly, psychological personality traits, measured by the Big Five, are found to be of minor importance. We additionally confirm the findings of earlier work with regard to the relevance of individual environmental values, social contextual factors, and social norms

    Die Persistenz von Institutionen - Hindernisse auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Flächennutzungspolitik in Deutschland

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    Sollen in Zukunft ambitionierte Ziele der nachhaltigen Flächennutzung erreicht werden, wie zum Beispiel das 30-Hektar-Ziel aus der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der rot-grünen Bundesregierung aus dem Jahre 2002, dann müssen politische Strategien gefunden werden, die es erlauben, weitgehende institutionelle Reformen zu verwirklichen. Die Voraussetzung dazu ist, vorhandene institutionelle Persistenzen und damit Reformblockaden zu identifizieren. Aufbauend auf theoretische Überlegungen widmet sich der Aufsatz einer Erörterung der Persistenz von Institutionen der Flächennutzung, um daraus politische Handlungsbeschränkungen und -spielräume ableiten zu können

    Der Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz im Personengesellschaftsrecht

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    Der Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz dient im Personengesellschaftsrecht der Ermittlung der Reichweite der gesellschaftsvertraglichen Ermächtigung zur Mehrheitsentscheidung. Er beruht auf Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts und war lange Zeit fester Bestandteil der Rechtsprechung, wurde dann aber zunehmend in Frage gestellt. Ende 2014 ist ein Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs ergangen, in dem der Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz ausdrücklich aufgegeben wurde. Die Autorin untersucht, ob und in welcher Form der Bestimmtheitsgrundsatz weiter angewendet werden sollte, sowie welche Anforderungen an die Bestimmtheit von Mehrheitsklauseln zu stellen sind

    Is a Sustainable Land-Use Policy in Germany Possible?

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    Land is an essential but limited natural resource. We employ the concept of stocks to analyse driving forces for land-use conversion and to assess, whether the German political "30- hectares-goal" is feasible given the current institutional setting. In this paper major driving forces for land-use conversion are identified and underlying stocks and persistent institutional structures as well as their dynamics are investigated. It will be shown that meeting the 30- hectares-goal is unlikely. We further argue that due to persistent stocks and institutional structures land-use conversion from agricultural into urbanised land takes place on smaller time scales than its reconversion. We conclude that demographic change and regional migration processes may result in further land-use conversion even with declining population. Economic structural change as well as an increasing traffic volume will likewise contribute to further land-use conversion

    Decision making in humanitarian logistics - A multi-objective optimization model for relocating relief goods during disaster recovery operations

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    ABSTRACT Disaster recovery operations rarely proceed smoothly and disruptions often require the redistribution of relief items. Such a redistribution has to be carried out taking into account both the current disruption and the uncertainty regarding possible future incidents in the respective area. As decisions have to be made fast in humanitarian operations, extensive optimization runs cannot be conducted in such a situation. Nevertheless, sensible decisions should be made to ensure an efficient redistribution, considering not only satisfaction of needs but also operational costs, as the budget is usually scarce in the recovery phase of a disaster. In this work, different scenarios are generated and then solved with a multiobjective optimization model to explore possible developments. By evaluating the results of these scenarios, decision rules are identified which can support the decision maker in the actual disaster situation in making fast, but nevertheless well-founded, decisions

    Anti-MĂĽllerian hormone as a diagnostic tool to identify queens with ovarian remnant syndrome

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    Objectives Ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) is suspected when heat signs occur in spayed individuals, but further diagnostic procedures are necessary to exclude other possible oestrogen sources, such as the adrenal gland or exogenous supplementation. Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), secreted by granulosa cells or Sertoli cells, serves to differentiate sexually intact from gonadectomised animals and has been described in dogs as a tool for diagnosing ORS. The aim of this study was to evaluate if AMH determination can be used to diagnose ORS in cats. Methods AMH was measured with a chemiluminescence immunoassay in serum samples of 15 sexually intact, 9 spayed and 16 cats with a history of heat signs after spaying. Abdominal ultrasound (n = 13), vaginal smears (n = 7), progesterone measurement (n = 5) and laparotomy (n = 14) were used to determine the presence of ovarian tissue. After surgery, a histological examination of the obtained tissue was performed in the cats with suspected ORS. Results In 15 cats with ORS the AMH serum concentrations were significantly higher than in spayed cats (n = 10; P = 0.025) and significantly lower than in sexually intact cats (n = 15; P = 0.001). Among the cats with ORS, the highest AMH serum concentrations were measured in the queens with cystic ovarian alterations and in one cat from which a whole ovary was obtained. The cat with the lowest AMH serum concentration had a simultaneous high progesterone serum concentration. Cats with ORS did not show any heat signs after surgical removal of the ovarian tissue. Conclusions and relevance A single determination of AMH in blood serum is a useful diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of ORS in cats, regardless of the hormonal activity of the remnant ovarian tissue

    A comprehensive analysis of Helicobacter pylori plasticity zones reveals that they are integrating conjugative elements with intermediate integration specificity

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    Background: The human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori is a paradigm for chronic bacterial infections. Its persistence in the stomach mucosa is facilitated by several mechanisms of immune evasion and immune modulation, but also by an unusual genetic variability which might account for the capability to adapt to changing environmental conditions during long-term colonization. This variability is reflected by the fact that almost each infected individual is colonized by a genetically unique strain. Strain-specific genes are dispersed throughout the genome, but clusters of genes organized as genomic islands may also collectively be present or absent. Results: We have comparatively analysed such clusters, which are commonly termed plasticity zones, in a high number of H. pylori strains of varying geographical origin. We show that these regions contain fixed gene sets, rather than being true regions of genome plasticity, but two different types and several subtypes with partly diverging gene content can be distinguished. Their genetic diversity is incongruent with variations in the rest of the genome, suggesting that they are subject to horizontal gene transfer within H. pylori populations. We identified 40 distinct integration sites in 45 genome sequences, with a conserved heptanucleotide motif that seems to be the minimal requirement for integration. Conclusions: The significant number of possible integration sites, together with the requirement for a short conserved integration motif and the high level of gene conservation, indicates that these elements are best described as integrating conjugative elements (ICEs) with an intermediate integration site specificity
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