4,324 research outputs found

    Innovation in organic vegetable growing

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    Innovation is essential to allow organic vegetable growers to continue to develop in response to a changing market and environment. This paper examines uptake of innovations amongst a group of organic vegetable growers over a period of three years. The study revealed that innovations in a wide range of disciplines were carried out and that both small and large farms were active in pioneering innovations. The drivers behind innovation and the various factors infl uencing uptake and implementation were varied and complex and are discussed here

    LANN wing design

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    The LANN wing is the result of a joint effort between Lockheed, the Air Force, NASA, and the Netherlands to measure unsteady pressures at transonic speeds. It is a moderate-aspect-ratio transport wing configuration. The wing was machined from NITRONIC 40 and has 12 percent thick supercritical airfoil sections

    Context, control and the spillover of energy use behaviours between office and home settings

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    This paper examines how office-based lighting and computer use behaviours relate to similar behaviours performed by the same individuals in a household setting. It contributes to the understanding of energy use behaviour in both household and organisational settings, and investigates the potential for the‘spillover’of behaviour from one context to another. A questionnaire survey was administered to office-based employees of two adjacent local government organisations (‘City Council’and‘County Council’)in the East Midlands region of the UK. The analysis demonstrates that the organisational or home setting is an important defining feature of the energy use behaviour. It also reveals that, while there were weak relationships across settings between behaviours sharing other taxonomic categories, such as equipment used and trigger for the behaviour, there was no evidence to support the existence of spillover effects across settings

    The challenges and potential benefits of perennial organic cropping systems-example of organic top fruit

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    Of all the organic food sectors in the UK, top fruit production is one of the least developed. Despite strong consumer demand and high prices for organic fruit, UK production remains small and 90% of supplies are imported. Current methods of production are unsatisfactory with low yields and erratic quality, with resulting variable economic performance. Pest and disease problems are one of the main reasons for this poor performance, with current varieties being unable to provide sufficient resistance. New varieties and an improved pest and disease management programme, identified as part of a HORTLINK project, offer new hope to the sector. There are now opportunities for the sector to grow and provide greater UK supplies of top fruit, in addition to widening the proven benefits to biodiversity of organic orchards

    Study of the market for organic vegetables

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    This project was led and conducted by HDRA, in collaboration with the Soil Association, Elm Farm Research Centre and The Institute of Rural Studies, Aberystwyth. Data was collected from UK packers and wholesalers of organic vegetables on the amounts, value and source of organic vegetables traded during the 2001/02 season. This was supplemented with crop area data from the organic certification bodies on the area of organic vegetable crops grown in the season. All data was cross-referenced with other published sources of information for the same season. Results and conclusions For a range of twenty-five organic vegetables, which can be grown commercially in the UK, levels of self-sufficiency, or market share, have risen from previous reported levels of 30-40% to an average of 57% for all vegetables. When considered on a crop by crop basis, however, there are large variations of UK market share, ranging from 96% for swedes to 33% for onions. For staple crops such as potatoes, carrots and cabbage the UK share is 65%. Within the main marketing season, for most staple crops, it is estimated that the UK is self sufficient for two-thirds of organic produce with the remainder being imported. Levels of imports rise during the time when UK produce is not in season. Packers and wholesalers estimate that on average there is potential to increase UK market share by 10-15%, although again there are variations on a crop by crop basis. If this were achieved this would put organic production at similar UK market share levels to that achieved in conventional production, namely 70%, which is the target set by the English government’s organic action plan. In order to increase supplies UK growers will have to compete with imports on quality, continuity of supply and in some cases on price. Much of the challenge for UK growers is to increase production at the beginning and end of the season, a time when there is greatest risk from pest, diseases, poor nutrient supply and variable economic returns. The need for organic growers to use organic seed, for which supplies are not always available, could in the short-term act as a constraint to UK growers expanding their production levels. In the EU, the largest markets for organic vegetables are in Germany, France and the UK, these three are major importers of organic vegetables. On the other hand Spain, Italy and the Netherlands are major exporters of organic vegetables. The UK has the lowest level of self-sufficiency in both vegetables and potatoes compared to other EU countries. Many EU countries have increased their levels of production to meet the growing UK market, and for some crops there is oversupply at the EU level. In the future the UK market is predicted to grow at a slower rate, 10-15% per annum. Future growth will be related to a wide range of factors such as the growth of the economy, and education of the consumer to the benefits of organic food. According to retail analysts 8% of the ‘committed’ organic shoppers buy 60% of the organic food. It is a challenge, firstly to encourage the committed consumers to buy more organic food and secondly to entice the other 71% of so called ‘dabblers’, who only currently buy organic food occasionally, to buy more regularly. Commitment to buying organic grows as consumers become more aware of the benefits of organic farming. Recommendations Farmers, policy-makers and other market actors must react swiftly to the changing conditions of the new environment that will evolve in coming years. But in order to do this, government must continue to give clear policy support to the sector. Growers and marketers need a clear picture of the market and knowledge about the supply levels of crops at different times of the year and precisely where there are opportunities for innovation, processing and expanding production. Hence there is an imperative for market information to be collected annually, so future projections could be more easily and accurately mapped. However conversion period time lags will inevitably act to slow the response of farmers to changes in market conditions or consumer behaviour. Growers should also be encouraged to innovate and differentiate their produce, to invest in suitable facilities for storage and processing of crops, such as washing carrots, and to increase their marketing awareness and marketing skills. Co-operation and communication must be fostered within the supply chain. Ideally the food chain should be short, fast, transparent, seamless and collaborative, with all partners in the chain taking equal responsibilities and sharing risks, too often the food chain is complex, price driven, confrontational, disjointed and opaque. An increased UK supply can only be successful if organic market actors join forces to realise the potential of the advantages arising from the economies of scale associated with growing supply. The easiest way to secure long-term growth in UK production is through long-term contracts between partners in the supply chain

    Storage of organically produced crops (OF0127T)

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    This is the final report of Defra Project OF0127T. The main objective of this review was to establish best storage practice for field vegetables, potatoes, cereals and top fruit. A literature review was carried out and information was also gathered from the industry. Information relevant to growers and farmers has been drawn together to provide a comprehensive base from which technical advisory leaflets can be produced. The costs of different storage methods are provided, and case studies used wherever possible. In general, organic crops can be stored using the same methods as conventional crops but there is an increased risk that sometimes there will be higher storage losses because pesticides and sprout suppressants are not used. On the whole, specific problems with pests and diseases can be avoided using good organic husbandry techniques and by storing undamaged, healthy crops. In the case of cereals storage at correct moisture content and temperatures can avoid pests and moulds. However, there are some areas where more technical development or research would be useful and these have been identified. Relatively few organic growers store vegetables, but in order to maintain a supply of good quality UK produce throughout the year, more long term cold storage space is required (either on farm or in co-operative type stores). Based on the limited data available, economic analysis revealed that long term storage of organic vegetables has generally not been profitable. However, as the market expands in the future, it is likely that storage will become as essential for vegetables as it is for organic cereals and fruit

    The Alternating Surface Segmented Lap Joint: a Design for Thin Highly Loaded Joints

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    The combination of thin airfoil sections and high aerodynamic loads on many wind tunnel models presents a major problem for attachment of flap elements. Conventional methods of attaching fixed control elements such as lap and tongue-in-groove joints are not rigid enough to provide surface continuity required in high Reynolds number research. For the extreme cases, the solution has been to fabricate separate wings for each flap setting with the flap element being and integral part of the wing. Here an attractive solution to this problem, the alternating surface segmented lap joint, is discussed. This joint provides increased rigidity and lower stress levels than conventional joints. Additionally, attachment fastener loading is low and the joint can be designed to accommodate high shear levels due to bending without the use of dowel pins

    Investigation of Low-temperature Solders for Cryogenic Wind Tunnel Models

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    The advent of high Reynolds number cryogenic wind tunnels has forced alteration of manufacturing and assembly techniques and eliminated usage of many materials associated with conventional wind tunnel models. One of the techniques affected is soldering. Solder alloys commonly used for wind tunnel models are susceptible to low-temperature embrittlement and phase transformation. The low-temperature performance of several solder alloys is being examined during research and development activities being conducted in support of design and fabrication of cryogenic wind tunnel models. Among the properties examined during these tests are shear strength, surface quality, joint stability, and durability when subjected to dynamic loading. Results of these tests and experiences with recent models are summarized

    Diverse characteristics of UK organic direct marketing chains

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    In the past few years, organic direct sales in the UK have grown rapidly. Direct sales are assumed to have short or distinct marketing chains from farm gate to consumer. This paper begins by outlining some current problems with the widely accepted defi nition of organic direct sales and charts some of their diverse characteristics. It goes on to argue that the mix of organic direct and multi-farm direct sales is so diverse that a greater clarification of terms is necessary in order to progress consumer, policy and research understanding

    Initial Investigation of Cryogenic Wind Tunnel Model Filler Materials

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    Filler materials are used for surface flaws, instrumentation grooves, and fastener holes in wind tunnel models. More stringent surface quality requirements and the more demanding test environment encountered by cryogenic wind tunnels eliminate filler materials such as polyester resins, plaster, and waxes used on conventional wind tunnel models. To provide a material data base for cryogenic models, various filler materials are investigated. Surface quality requirements and test temperature extremes require matching of coefficients of thermal expansion or interfacing materials. Microstrain versus temperature curves are generated for several candidate filler materials for comparison with cryogenically acceptable materials. Matches have been achieved for aluminum alloys and austenitic steels. Simulated model surfaces are filled with candidate filler materials to determine finishing characteristics, adhesion and stability when subjected to cryogenic cycling. Filler material systems are identified which meet requirements for usage with aluminum model components