22 research outputs found


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    Organisasi advokat itulah penentu bagaimana advokat yang terhormat atau tidak. Maka dari itu, memiliki sebuah organisasi advokat yang kuat dan kredibel tentu merupakan keharusan. Rekrutmen advokat tentu harus bersifat sentralistik. Sehingga single bar menjadi suatu keharusan. Jika rekrutmen advokat buruk, yang dirugikan adalah pencari keadilan. Yaitu masyarakat itu sendiri, karena masyarakat tak terjamin mendapatkan pembelaan yang baik dan benar. Yang rugi tentu pencari keadilan itu sendiri, karena pengawasan terhadap advokat tak akan berjalan optimal. Kelemahan pada sistem ini yaitu tidak banyak ruang bagi masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi. Namun jika diterapkan multi bar, ruang itu banyak, tapi tidak menjamin tegaknya rule of law. Karena masing-masing organisasi advokat akan membuat aturan-aturan sendiri.Maka berdasarkan kasus yang telah dipaparkan diatas maka penulis merumuskan dua permasalahan yaitu yang Pertama, Problematika Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.35/PUU-XVI/2018 dengan Pasal 28 berkaitan dengan single bar dan multi bar Organisasi Advokat. Dan yang Kedua Apa akibat hukum dari Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 35/PUU-XVI/2018 dan Pasal 28 dikaitkan dengan kualitas Advokat. Dalam putusan hakim pada Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.35/PUU-XVI/2018 dirasa kurang mempertegas dan memperjelas bahwa PERADI merupakan satu-satunya Organisasi Advokat yang berwenang sehingga menimbulkan kekaburan hukum. Dalam melakukan putusanya hakim menggunakan metode kontitusional. Dengan penafsiran konstitusional yang dilakukan tentu masih akan menimbulkan masalah di masa depan karena masih belum terdapat kejelasan secara eksplisit dalam peraturan Undang-Undang Advokat mengenai satu-satunya Organisasi Advokat dalam hal ini PERADI. Kebijakan instansi negara untuk advokat tidak konsisten dan selaras antara kebijakan satu dengan yang lain bahkan tidak sesuai dengan yang telah berlaku di Undang-Undang Advokat


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    AbstractThis study was conducted using descriptive qualitative research methods researchtype, to know the teacher’s perparation bold learning media in history learning, theprocess of implementing teachers in using bold learn the media in the history oflearning, and the obstacles that teachers feel in learning to use learning media thatare bold in history. This search location is in SMAN 7 Pontianak which is locatedon road Sulawesi Dalam No. 10. Data collection techniques used are observation,interviews tools are observation guidelines, interviewguidelines, and studydocuments. The researcher’s data analysis technique used data reduction, datadisplay, and levers. Researchers test the validity of the data using triangulation.From the results of the data, the researcgers know that: (1) To prepare the media asa bold lesson in history learning, the teacher must also prepare the steps forpreparing the implementation of learning (RPP) to adjust to the learning materialthat will later be delivered to raised. (2) Implementation of learning utilizinglearning media does not know all students do understand the material that theteaching conveys because the delivery of the material is too simple and there is nomore in-depth explanation. (3) The use of learning media that has been conveyed bythe teacher is almost the same as what the participants said, use of your learningsupporthistory learning is less effective. (4) In the use of learning means, we oftenfind several sbstacles that become a problem in a learning process, both teahnicallyand non-technically. The usage of google class media under learning is taking intoaccount quite effective, although it has several obstacles. However, this media canhelp teachers stay connected with students and they get lessons that they can learnon their own anywhere and anytime.Keywords: Google Class, Learning History, Media Learnin

    Omnichannel strategy in increasing customer satisfaction post Covid-19 In automotive industry (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    COVID-19 has plagued the auto industry for the past two years. The automotive ecosystem is currently being hit by problems stemming from three main forces, namely competition, advances in digital technology, and increasingly advanced consumers. With so many choices on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start let alone make the right choice. The answer lies in the omnichannel experience. This study aims to highlight the critical factors for the successful incorporation of an omnichannel strategy. This research is a type of quantitative research to verify the theories that have been made through different tests and information handling. The population used in this research is Daihatsu car consumers at PT. Asco Prima Mobilindo East Java. The sampling technique used in this study was to use a probability sampling technique of 120. The results showed that the ability to provide services in the form of an integrated customer experience through different channels can have a positive impact on the level of car consumer satisfaction or it could be that the company is able to recognize , fulfilling and satisfying consumer needs very well so that consumer expectations and expectations can be achieved. The results of the two studies found that a natural, seamless, and sustainable cross-channel experience felt by car consumers also gave a very positive signal towards increasing the level of satisfaction felt by consumers

    Meningkatkan customer satisfaction pasca Covid-19 melalui omnichannel strategy dan positive affect experience (studi pada perusahaan automotive PT Asco Daihatsu Jawa Timur)

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    COVID-19 has plagued the auto industry for the past two years. The automotive ecosystem is currently being hit by problems stemming from three main forces, namely competition, advances in digital technology, and increasingly advanced consumers. With so many choices on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start let alone make the right choice. The answer lies in the omnichannel experience. This study aims to highlight the critical factors for the successful incorporation of an omnichannel strategy. This research is a type of quantitative research to verify the theories that have been made through different tests and information handling. The population used in this research is Daihatsu car consumers at PT. Asco Prima Mobilindo East Java. The sampling technique used in this study was to use a probability sampling technique of 120. The results showed that the ability to provide services in the form of an integrated customer experience through different channels can have a positive impact on the level of car consumer satisfaction or it could be that the company is able to recognize , fulfilling and satisfying consumer needs very well so that consumer expectations and expectations can be achieved. The results of the two studies found that a natural, seamless, and sustainable cross-channel experience felt by car consumers also gave a very positive signal towards increasing the level of satisfaction felt by consumers

    Meningkatkan customer satisfaction pasca Covid-19 melalui omnichannel strategy dan positive affect experience (studi pada perusahaan automotive PT Asco Daihatsu Jawa Timur)

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    COVID-19 has plagued the auto industry for the past two years. The automotive ecosystem is currently being hit by problems stemming from three main forces, namely competition, advances in digital technology, and increasingly advanced consumers. With so many choices on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start let alone make the right choice. The answer lies in the omnichannel experience. This study aims to highlight the critical factors for the successful incorporation of an omnichannel strategy. This research is a type of quantitative research to verify the theories that have been made through different tests and information handling. The population used in this research is Daihatsu car consumers at PT. Asco Prima Mobilindo East Java. The sampling technique used in this study was to use a probability sampling technique of 120. The results showed that the ability to provide services in the form of an integrated customer experience through different channels can have a positive impact on the level of car consumer satisfaction or it could be that the company is able to recognize , fulfilling and satisfying consumer needs very well so that consumer expectations and expectations can be achieved. The results of the two studies found that a natural, seamless, and sustainable cross-channel experience felt by car consumers also gave a very positive signal towards increasing the level of satisfaction felt by consumers

    Omnichannel strategy in increasing customer satisfaction post Covid-19 in automotive industry

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    COVID-19 has plagued the auto industry for the past two years. The automotive ecosystem is currently being hit by problems stemming from three main forces, namely competition, advances in digital technology, and increasingly advanced consumers. With so many choices on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start let alone make the right choice. The answer lies in the omnichannel experience. This study aims to highlight the critical factors for the successful incorporation of an omnichannel strategy. This research is a type of quantitative research to verify the theories that have been made through different tests and information handling. The population used in this research is Daihatsu car consumers at PT. Asco Prima Mobilindo East Java. The sampling technique used in this study was to use a probability sampling technique of 120. The results showed that the ability to provide services in the form of an integrated customer experience through different channels can have a positive impact on the level of car consumer satisfaction or it could be that the company is able to recognize , fulfilling and satisfying consumer needs very well so that consumer expectations and expectations can be achieved. The results of the two studies found that a natural, seamless, and sustainable cross-channel experience felt by car consumers also gave a very positive signal towards increasing the level of satisfaction felt by consumers

    Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Algoritma Kriptografi Serpent dan Twofish pada Dataset "World Bank Projects and Operations"

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    Serpent dan Twofish merupakan algoritma kriptografi yang menduduki peringkat kedua dan ketiga dalam kompetisi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui algoritma mana yang lebih unggul dalam proses enkripsi dan dekripsi suatu file, serta keamanan kedua algoritma dalam menahan serangan brute force. Sebagai simulasi, enkripsi dan dekripsi kedua algoritma akan diterapkan pada dataset World Bank Projects and Operations. Sebelum enkripsi, file dataset yang digunakan akan dibagi menjadi beberapa file-file sampel berdasarkan jumlah kolom data. Kemudian file-file sampel yang sudah dienkripsi akan didekripsi dengan serangan brute force. Pada pengujian pertama, untuk kunci 128 bit, kecepatan rata-rata untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi Twofish 35% dan 43% lebih tinggi daripada Serpent. Pada kunci 192 bit, kecepatan rata-rata untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi Twofish 40% dan 48% lebih tinggi daripada Serpent. Pada kunci 256 bit, kecepatan rata-rata untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi Twofish 42% dan 48% lebih tinggi daripada Serpent. Pengujian kedua menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan serangan brute force tidak terpengaruh oleh ukuran kunci. Kecepatan rata- rata serangan brute force pada Twofish 56% lebih tinggi daripada Serpent. Meski dengan perbedaan kecepatan serangan yang tinggi, mendekripsi file yang dienkripsi oleh Twofish tetap memerlukan waktu berabad-abad. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kombinasi kunci yang banyak sekali bahkan pada kunci 128-bit. Secara keseluruhan, Twofish lebih unggul daripada Serpent tanpa mengorbankan sisi keamanan Twofish terhadap serangan brute force


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    Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is one of the conservation areas as a habitat for diurnal raptors in East Java. However, the updated information on diurnal raptors in MBNP is still limited, with the latest information recorded in 2014. Therefore, this study aims to inventory the species composition of diurnal raptors in Bandealit Resort at MBNP. This research was conducted in April-June 2022 using the point count method with an observation radius of 1 km. We sampled a total of three observation points in three forest cover types i.e dense vegetation (primary forest), semi-dense vegetation (secondary forest-plantation), and low vegetation (coastal forest). Data collection included diurnal raptors species, frequency of encounters for each species, time of encounter, coordinate points, and activity (flyover, soaring, and perched). The results showed the presence of 10 diurnal raptors at the Bandealit Resort MBNP which consisted of two families (Accipitridae and Falconidae). Based on the IUCN Red list of threatened species, there are eight species of least concern (LC), one species of near threatened (NT), and one species of endangered (EN). The frequency of encounters shows that Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela) has the highest frequency value (20%), while the Spotted Kestrel (Falco moluccensis) and Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) have the lowest frequency value (4%). Furthermore, as a special record, the Javan Hawk-eagle (N. bartelsi) is found with a fairly high frequency of encounters (11%). Approximately 75.71% of observed diurnal raptors are in soaring activity. Moreover, based on their distribution area, the primary forest has the highest composition of diurnal raptor species encountered

    E-banking service quality dan e-trust serta implikasinya pada e-customer satisfaction dan e-customer loyalty

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    This study aims to make a significant contribution to the banking marketing literature and to explain how the dimensions of e-service quality and e-trust are used as predictors of e-satisfaction and consequently increase e-loyalty. The population in this study consisted of banking customers, both Islamic banking and conventional banking in Malang City. The sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. The results of the study show that the services provided by banking in Malang City in the form of online transactions are able to have a good impact on the satisfaction felt by customers, so that because customers are satisfied they will always use these services, especially at this time which is very much needed considering the restrictions on community activities due to there is a COVID-19 pandemic. Customer confidence in online media provided by banks in Malang City has a positive influence on the satisfaction felt by customers, which in the end customers will feel loyal and return to using these services during this covid-19 pandemic