9 research outputs found

    Perancangan Lengan Robot 5 Derajat Kebebasan Dengan Pendekatan Kinematika

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    This study discusses the design of arm robot model with 5 degree of freedom that is designed to be a small-scale model of the articulated robot industry to simulate the movement of the robots industry. The objective of this research is to build a real arm robot based on kinematic aspects with the movement of waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist pitch, wrist roll and gripper, and to analyze the robot movement. The design includes building the real arm robot based on Arduino Uno board controller and the movement of the robot using servo motor DC. The robot can be controlled automatically from the computer with the RS-232 or USB port interface and it learns about the kinematic of the robot\u27s arm when an experiment on the forward kinematic is accomplished. The robot was running well, with the maximum distance that can be reached by the robot on the coordinate axis x = 425 mm, y = 425 mm and z = 480 mm

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Pakan Alami (Skeletonema SP., Chaetosceros SP., Tetraselmis SP.) terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Nutrisi pada Artemia SP. [Effect Of Different Live Feed Type (Skeletonema SP., Chaetosceros SP., Tetraselmis SP.) To The Growth Rate And Nutritional Content On Artemia SP. ]

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    Artemia is an important live feed in the hatchery. Quality of Artemia can not be separated from the feed quality that given. The quality and quantity of feed in the waters constitute factors that determine the growth rate and nutrition contentent the Artemia. This study aims to determine effect of different live feed type to the growth rate and nutritional content on Artemia sp.. The research method used was experimental with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using four treatments and five replications. The treatments used were: silage fish (A), Skeletonema sp. (B), Chaetoceros sp. (C) and Tetraselmis sp. (D). Analysis of data uses Anova. To know the difference among the treatments were done by Duncan Multiple range test. The results showed that difference of natural feed influence highly significant (p<0,05) on the rate of growth in absolute length and significant influence (p <0,05) on average daily growth weight of Artemia sp. Absolute length growth rate was highest in treatment D (3,92mm), then a row followed by treatment C (3,275mm), A (1,89mm) and B (1,775mm). The daily growth rate of weight was highest in treatment D (25,43%), then a row followed by treatment C (21,91%), B (19,24%) and A (18,77%). . Artemia that given live feed produces highest nutritional value of D (protein 44,96%; carbohydrate 18,47% and fat 26,91%) wasted Tetraselmis sp. and the lowest obtained by treatment A (protein 41,21%; carbohydrate 8,88% and fat 29,1%) wasted silage fish. Water quality during Artemia cultivation was temperature 28-320C, pH 7, dissolved oxygen 5-8 mg/L, salinity 31 ppt and ammonia 00,25 mg/L

    Analisa Variasi Putaran Pada Mesin Roll Pembentuk Plat Profil Terhadap Hasil Pengerolan Plat 1 Mm

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    Plate roll machine is a tool used to make materials into other forms as the basic material for making gutters. To get good rolling quality and in accordance with the basic ingredients for making machines. The question of roll machine rolls is done to analyze the yield and rolling quality. From the observation of 6061-O aluminum plate with 23 rpm (n) rotation, the results of rolling are 8 pieces, 36 rpm (n) rotation, 9 pieces of rolling results, and 44 rpm yield (n) rolling produces a wave of 11 pieces. The results of rolling with a slight wave defect and will be used as the basic material for making gutters

    Development of Mathematics E-book with Islamic Nuance as Teaching Materials to Increase Conceptual Understanding at Elementary School

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    Research on the development of Islamic mathematic e-book as teaching materials at the elementary level is expected to help students in learning mathematics to improve students' conceptual understanding. Besides that, Islamic e-books are more effectively used in mathematics learning and become one of the innovations as a medium for learning mathematics. The research methodology uses the R & D method (ADDIE). This research was conducted at the SD IT Lentera Ilmu on July 17, 2019 until July 19, 2019. The subjects in this study were IV A classes totaling 30 students at SD IT Lentera Ilmu. Data collection using pretest and posttest data as well as the questionnaire method to determine the assessment of e-book nuanced Islamic on understanding the concept of elementary level conducted by material validators, media and Islamic fiqh. Based on the results of the research from the pretest and posttest data it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Then there are differences in learning outcomes using mathematic e-books with Islamic nuances towards understanding student concepts. And the mathematic e-book with Islamic nuance meets the criteria effectively used in learning based on the test of student learning outcomes with a percentage of 67% which is included in the criteria of good

    The Difference of Eosinophil Amount in Tuberculosis Patients with and Without Soil-Transmitted Helminths Co-infection in Panti District, Jember

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    Tuberculosis is one of the world's health problems even in Indonesia. The immune response that needed to deal with TB can be influenced by other infections, such as helminth infection. The helminth infections induce Th2 immune responses and eosinophilia to eliminate these pathogen. Meanwhile, the Th2 response and eosinophilia can also suppress the Th1 immune response which is very important to eliminate the bacterium M. tuberculosis and make a negative impact on the success of TB therapy. Thus, the eosinophil profile can describe the immune response in TB patients with helminth co-infection. This study aims to determine the prevalence of helminthiasis in TB patients and determine the differences in eosinophil amount in tuberculosis patients with and without helminth co-infection. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design conducted at Puskesmas Panti in August 2019-January 2020 using fecal and blood samples from 24 research subjects. Helminth co-infection status was obtained from fecal examination with sedimentation and flotation methods while the number of eosinophils was obtained from leukocyte counts. Data analysis used the Mann Whitney U test to determine differences in the number of eosinophils in the two groups. The results showed there was no difference in the number of eosinophils in TB patients with helminth co-infection and without helminth co-infection (p> 0.05). There is no typical picture of the number of eosinophils in both groups so that eosinophils cannot describe the immune response that arose in TB patients with helminth co-infections in Panti district, Jember


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    Istilah Pembangunan sudah menjadi pokok bahasan yang menarik tidak hanya di kalangan para ekonom namun juga kalangan lain seperti pengusaha, politisi dan teknokrat. Untuk itu Ekonomi pembangunan menjadi hal yang penting sejak disadari adanya ketimpangan perkembangan ekonomi yang besar antara negara maju dengan negara berkembang. Maka dari itu Pembangunan ekonomi dipandang sebagai suatu proses kenaikan pendapatan total dan pendapatan perkapita dengan memperhitungkan adanya pertumbuhan penduduk dan disertai dengan perubahan fundamental dalam struktur ekonomi suatu negara dan pemerataan pendapatan bagi penduduk suatu negara. Ekonomi pembangunan adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari mengenai pembangunan di bidang ekonomi atau salah satu dari percabangan ilmu ekonomi yang difokuskan bahasannya tentang pembangunan di negara-negara yang statusnya masih tergolong ke dalam negara berkembang. Tujuan dari ekonomi pembangunan ialah untuk mencapai suatu kemajuan yang berkelanjutan sehingga kemakmuran dari suatu negara serta kesejahteraan rakyat dapat tercapai. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan roda perputaran perusahaanya agar dapat menciptakan kualitas dan kuantitas perusahaan yang baik. Oleh sebab itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan di bidang ilmu ekonomi, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual di lingkungan perguruan tinggi ataupun praktis


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    Istilah Pembangunan sudah menjadi pokok bahasan yang menarik tidak hanya di kalangan para ekonom namun juga kalangan lain seperti pengusaha, politisi dan teknokrat. Untuk itu Ekonomi pembangunan menjadi hal yang penting sejak disadari adanya ketimpangan perkembangan ekonomi yang besar antara negara maju dengan negara berkembang. Maka dari itu Pembangunan ekonomi dipandang sebagai suatu proses kenaikan pendapatan total dan pendapatan perkapita dengan memperhitungkan adanya pertumbuhan penduduk dan disertai dengan perubahan fundamental dalam struktur ekonomi suatu negara dan pemerataan pendapatan bagi penduduk suatu negara. Ekonomi pembangunan adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari mengenai pembangunan di bidang ekonomi atau salah satu dari percabangan ilmu ekonomi yang difokuskan bahasannya tentang pembangunan di negara-negara yang statusnya masih tergolong ke dalam negara berkembang. Tujuan dari ekonomi pembangunan ialah untuk mencapai suatu kemajuan yang berkelanjutan sehingga kemakmuran dari suatu negara serta kesejahteraan rakyat dapat tercapai. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan roda perputaran perusahaanya agar dapat menciptakan kualitas dan kuantitas perusahaan yang baik. Oleh sebab itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan di bidang ilmu ekonomi, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual di lingkungan perguruan tinggi ataupun praktis