7 research outputs found


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    E-Government is a form of government service in digital form that utilizes the internet network which makes government services to the community easy. However, behind the perceived convenience, of course, there will be risks that arise, for example data loss, data theft, mis-access, illegal access, hardware damage, hacking, etc. which will have a negative impact on an organization, including in the Statistics and Encryption Communication and Information Service, XYZ Regency. The most commonly found threats are those that come from humans and electricity. In addition, there are still many sources of threats that have the potential to pose risks that will interfere with the implementation of electronic-based government. From the results of risk measurements that have been carried out based on NIST SP 800-30 By multiplying between the levels determined in the likelihood and impact processes to produce a number to be used as a guide in determining the level of risk, it was found that the risk threats originating from humans are 60% risk with Low level, 30% risk with Medium level, and 10% risk with High level. While the risk derived from electricity was 20% risk with Low level, 20% risk with Medium level, and 60% risk with High level. Lastly sourced from Technical is 34% risk with Low level, 33% Medium level risk, and 33% High level risk. Overall the risk assessment results were 39% risk threats with Low level, 33% risk threat with Medium level, and 28% risk threat with High level

    E-Commerce Product Image-Based Recommendation System Kalcare.Com Using Deep Learning

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    Recommendation systems have now become an important part of a digital service, one example is e-commerce. The facts show that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on customers by making them spend more time surfing online to get daily necessities products by shopping on e-commerce sites. With the rapid development of deep learning technology today, of course, it can be used to help in terms of the process of producing a product image-based recommendation system that has a fairly high level of similarity. This study will discuss how to produce an image-based product recommendation system architecture by comparing the results of the application of algorithms 8 pre-trained models that are available and have also been widely used in various studies and the information technology industry. The dataset used is product images sourced from the kalcare.com website. After testing the pre-trained model, then an application prototype was made to be tested then in the final stage of this research a poll was conducted to determine the response and opinion of users to the protopine recommendation system made for e-commerce kalcare.com using deep learning

    Design Dashboard Monitoring Teacher Performance Assessment at Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi High School

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    Teachers are one of the main components in the world of education where they have a role in improving the quality of education. Where the quality of this education can be seen from the quality of teachers, but the quality of teachers is not only determined by the way of teaching and learning in the classroom, therefore it is necessary to conduct an assessment of teacher performance to measure the duties and responsibilities and obligations of each teacher. So to make it easier to analyze data and see the quality of teachers, a dashboard is designed to monitor teacher performance assessments that have been set by Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi High School based on document studies and interviews with school principals. Dashboard is one solution to present data in the form of visualization which is considered to provide clarity of information to be conveyed. This dashboard design uses a user centric method to describe the end-user design process that influences how a design is formed by utilizing Google Data Studio which will present information based on key performance indicators in graphic form to make it more interactive and easy to understand


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    Pada era globalisasi pemanfaatan suatu teknologi informasi pada organisasi mulai dikembangkan dengan strategi yang beragam, hal ini diperlukan terlebih pada sebuah organisasi simpan pinjam pada koperasi dimana lanjunya perkebangan sistem atau teknologi informasi akan berpengaruh pada proses bisnis yang sedang berjalan. Koperasi Syariah Benteng Mikro Indonesia atau disingkat Kopsyah BMI adalah Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Pembiayaan Syariah yang merupakan Koperasi Besar Indonesia yang memiliki 77 kantor cabang. Begitupun dengan program kerja dalam divisi-divisi manajerial Kopsyah belum terintegrasi dan audit internal yang dilakukan oleh TIM Satuan Pengendali Internal (SPI) belum menggunakan aplikasi atau online, sehingga laporan audit internal harus di rekap dan ditulis dengan menggunakan aplikasi office sehingga membutuhkan waktu dan tidak dapat mengambil keputusan dengan cepat. Setiap kegiatan usaha atau bisnis pasti diperlukan perancangan arsitektur bisnis untuk memudahkan dalam pencapaian visi dan misi perusahaan. Enterprise Architecture (EA) adalah kumpulan dari metode, model, dan prinsip yang digunakan dalam membuat rancangan dan merealisasiskan teknologi informasi, proses bisnis, struktur organisasi, dan infrastrukturnya. Hasil Enterprise Architecture pada koperasi syariah BMI, terdapat beberapa usulan fase arsitektur visi untuk merubah struktur organisasi dari segi peran dan stakeholders. Sehingga harapannya dapat mempertanggungjawabkan tugasnya masing-masing dalam struktur organisasi untuk mencapai visi dan misi. Dapat juga memberikan dokumentasi setiap tahapan mulai dari data, aplikasi hingga proses bisnis di BMI Kopsyah baik dari segi Sistem informasi maupun teknologi informasi yang diusulkan oleh TOGAF untuk mencakup keseluruhan kegiatan di BMI Kopsyah


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    Booking a meeting place is usually done by visiting the location directly or asking via telephone and it turns out that for the desired day is not available. This is very ineffective if the customer needs a meeting place in the near future and does not know which place can be used for the meeting and according to the capacity of the desired person. The solution to make it easy to book a meeting place is in the form of the Meeting Room Booking application which is the research theme of this publication's text. This information system design method uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method in which there are requirements analysis stages, system design, system coding, system testing, and analysis. The feature given by the user is that the user can book a meeting place based on time, the desired place and the number of meeting attendees' capacity that can be done without the user having to reserve a location directly and get information on the availability of places that can still be used for meetings. Admin is given a website admin dashboard that is used to monitor incoming orders. By doing this research can facilitate a number of employees who want to book a meeting place quickly when an unexpected time or from a long distance without having to review the location of the meeting by visiting one by one location but only by looking at a review of places through the application. They can immediately determine the place as desired and determine the accommodating room with the number of meeting participants

    Model Perbandingan Metode Prediksi Jumlah Penjualan Produk Aplikasi HRIS Dengan Algoritma Forecasting Time Series Perusahaan SaaS

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    Perkembangan teknologi sangatlah bermanfaat dalam menyelesaikan masalah pada suatu perusahaan. Dunia usaha yang tumbuh dan berkembang semakin cepat, mengakibatkan semakin ketatnya persaingan dalam dunia usaha, Perusahaan harus mampu menganalisis dan meramalkan berbagai kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Perusahaan SaaS merupakan perusahaan jasa layanan Aplikasi HRIS berbasis cloud untuk pelayanan terhadap pelanggan b2b (business to business) ke perusahaan. Masalah yang penting bagi perusahaan Perusahaan SaaS dalam meningkatkan strategi penjualan aplikasi HRIS adalah belum adanya peramalan jumlah penjualan setiap bulan. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan peramalan penjualan produk HRIS Perusahaan SaaS dengan membandingkan metode peramalan Exponential smoothing , Moving average , dan ARIMA. Dari proses perbandingan dari ketiga metode tersebut untuk produk HRIS Perusahaan SaaS dengan Metode Exponential Smoothing di dapat kan hasil pengujian MSE sebesar 1411606, RMSE sebesar 11,881100 , MAPE sebesar 7,756206%, Metode Moving Average di dapat kan hasil pengujian MSE sebesar 14370113, RMSE sebesar 37,90793 , MAPE sebesar 20.41778%, Metode ARIMA di dapat kan hasil pengujian MSE sebesar 502221.4 , RMSE sebesar 7,086758, MAPE sebesar 4,507644%.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diketahui Metode peramalan dengan ARIMA sangat cocok untuk meramalkan penjualan produk HRIS di Perusahaan SaaS karena memiliki nilai tingkat error paling rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan metode lainnya