266 research outputs found

    Direct-acting antivirals and visceral leishmaniasis: A case report

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    Background: Visceral leishmaniasis is a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by protozoa belonging to the genus Leishmania. The clinical presentation of visceral leishmaniasis strictly depends on the host immunocompetency, whereas depressive conditions of the immune system impair the capability to resolve the infection and allow reactivation from sites of latency of the parasite. Case presentation: We describe a case of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) that occurred in a patient with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAA). The hypothesized mechanism is the alteration of protective inflammation mechanisms secondary to DAA therapy. Downregulation of type II and III IFNs, their receptors, which accompany HCV clearance achieved during treatment with sofosbuvir and ribavirin might have a negative impact on a risk for reactivation of a previous Leishmania infection. We know indeed that IFN-\u3b3 is important to enhance killing mechanisms in macrophages, which are the primary target cells of Leishmania. Conclusion: Since VL is endemic in Sicily as well as in other countries of the Mediterranean basin, physicians should be aware of the possible unmasking of cryptic Leishmania infection by DAAs

    Stressed caregivers. An observational study in a rehabilitation care home in western Sicily

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    Introduction: Caregiver is the person who takes care of the patient from the practical point of view, helping him in managing the disease and carrying out daily activities, but also supporting him on an emotional level. Caregiver burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that may be accompanied by a change in attitude from positive and caring to negative and unconcerned. The aim of the study was to understand what factors were associated with having panic attacks or crying crises in the caregivers of our study population. Materials and methods: The study design is observational. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to caregivers of the patients of a hospital for the intensive post-acute rehabilitation from April 2016 to December 2018. The statistical significance level chosen for the entire analysis was 0.05. The covariates to be included were selected using a stepwise backward selection process, with a univariate p-value <0.25 as the main criterion. Results are expressed as adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) with 95% Confidence Intervals (CI). Results: The sample consists of 302 caregivers (60.93% was females and 39.07% was males). The mean age of the sample is 53.42 years old (SD ± 12.19). The multivariable logistic regression model shows that the risk to have panic or crying crisis is significantly associated with the following indipendent variables: female gender (aOR 27.06); living with the patient (aOR 4.38); had claimed that the problems related to the illness of their family member is a source of stress (aOR 23.54), smoking cigarettes (aOR 14.68); had claimed that taking care of their client affected their personal financial statement/career (aOR 5.95), having free time (aOR 7.68). Conclusions: In our study we found a greater probability of having panic attacks or crying crises in female subjects, smokers, who think they have sacrificed their careers to take care of the person they follow from a welfare point of view. Certainly in the light of what has emerged it is necessary to dedicate and pay close attention to the psychological and social aspects of the caregiver

    A proposal for an evidence-based model of the screening for the colorectal carcinoma in an Italian setting

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    Introduction. The aim of this paper is to improve the feasibility perception of policymakers, health care workers and target population about the cost-effectiveness of the implementation of colorectal screening as Public Health strategy. Methods. Retrospective study by application of a three-step model designed for a local setting in Sicily (Palermo and its Province) in order to distribute Fecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBTs), offer colonoscopy and surgery, by district allocation of pharmacies, public digestive endoscopic centres and oncologic and general surgery units. Mean adherence to consolidated colorectal screening programs in Italy was applied in order to evaluate the feasibility of an operative model in our area. Results. Applying the model to the target population (269,368 individuals of both sexes), it can be expected a mean percentage of 79% delivered invitation and a mean participation rate of 46.3% accounting for a total of 213,070 invited individuals and 98,651 participating in the first round of the program. Furthermore, considering the national mean of 6% positive FOBT, 82% of colonscopy adhesion and 7% CRC detection rate, it can be scheduled a burden for health care structures involved in the program accounting for 49,325 FOBTs, 2,338 colonscopies and 141 surgeries for each year. Discussion. This work demonstrates the feasibility of a colorectal screening project in our area, showing a sustainable impact for local health care involved structures. Furthermore, this program may be spread as an applicative model to other areas, adapting the project to the needs of the local setting in which the colorectal screening will be organized

    Il Percorso Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziale del paziente con melanoma metastatico presso l\u2019Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone di Palermo come strumento applicativo della clinical governance

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    L\u2019evoluzione dello scenario internazionale relativo alla sanit\ue0 identifica cinque specifiche dimensioni come driver del cambiamento: il sistema, la finanza, le persone, i processi e la tecnologia. In linea con tali elementi, il patto per la salute 2014-2016 esplicita la necessit\ue0 di una rivisitazione a tutti i livelli del sistema salute, sia organizzativo che gestionale, con l\u2019intento di aumentare l\u2019efficienza e l\u2019efficacia, sviluppando nuovi modelli assistenziali, anche nella logica delle reti cliniche, dove tra gli \u201cstrumenti\u201d viene identificata l\u2019attivazione di Percorsi Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziali (PDTA). I percorsi condivisi e codificati per i vari stadi di patologia, con un sistema di raccolta dei dati clinici che possa generare gli indicatori di processo e di esito, sono ritenuti indispensabili per innescare il miglioramento della qualit\ue0 e valutare l\u2019efficacia e l\u2019efficienza. Tenendo conto di queste premesse, nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone di Palermo \ue8 stata sviluppata una progettualit\ue0 al fine di formalizzare e studiare il PDTA del paziente con melanoma metastatico, identificando il percorso ideale e descrivendo il percorso applicabile con le relative leve del cambiamento. Il progetto ha reso evidente come la gestione consapevole del \u201cprofondo cambiamento\u201d in essere nelle organizzazioni clinico assistenziali pu\uf2 essere \u201cgovernata\u201d grazie anche alla \u201cdocumentazione\u201d del proprio modo di operare in riferimento alle Linee Guida di riferimento e alle relative raccomandazioni. Il progetto ha reso evidente inoltre come la sostenibilit\ue0 dei percorsi passa anche attraverso la definizione di opportuni indicatori, correlati alle diverse fasi ed attivit\ue0 chiave, da poter monitorare nella \u201cvita corrente dell\u2019organizzazione\u201d

    Potential impact of a nonavalent HPV vaccine on HPV related low-and high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions: A referral hospital-based study in Sicily

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    While bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines have been used for about 10 years, a nonavalent vaccine against HPV types 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52 and 58 has been recently approved by FDA and EMA and is now commercially available. The objective of our study was to evaluate the potential impact of the nonavalent vaccine on HPV infection and related low- and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL, HSIL), compared to the impact of the quadrivalent vaccine, in a female population living in Sicily (Italy). Low estimates of HPV vaccine impact were calculated as prevalence of HPV 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52 and 58 genotypes, alone or in association, but excluding presence of other HPV types; high estimates were calculated as prevalence of HPV 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52 and 58 genotypes alone or in association, in the presence of other HPV types. The nonavalent HPV vaccine showed increased impact, compared to the quadrivalent vaccine. Estimates of potential impact varied from 30.9% (low estimate) to 53.3% (high estimate) for LSIL, and from 56.9% to 81,0% for HSIL. The proportion of additional cases potentially prevented by the nonavalent vaccine was 14.4%\u201323.8% for LSIL, and 19.0%\u201332.8% for HSIL. The benefit of the nonavalent vaccine compared to the quadrivalent vaccine was more than 80% for both low and high impact estimates for LSIL and more than 50% for both low and high impact estimates for HSIL. The present study confirms that the switch from a first generation HPV vaccines to a nonavalent vaccine would increase the prevention of cervical HSIL in up to 90% of cases

    Nursing students and depressive symptomatology: An observational study in University of Palermo

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    Purpose - Depression is a common and serious medical illness, considered as a public health issue because it interferes with the interpersonal, social and professional functioning of the individual, and its frequency is constantly increasing. According to a recent review, approximately 34 per cent of nursing students had experienced depression worldwide. The university period may represent a moment in which the mental well-being of students is subjected to stress with a relative predisposition to the development of diseases related to mood disorders. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence and examine the socio-demographic correlates of depressive symptomatology. Design/methodology/approach - In April 2019, a questionnaire was administered to all the nursing students of University of Palermo of the three years of course, accompanied by informed consent. Multivariable logistic regression was performed. The statistical significance level chosen for all analyses was 0.05. The results were analyzed using the STATA statistical software version 14. Results are expressed as adjusted odds ratio (aOR) with 95 per cent confidence intervals. Findings - The sample consists of 493 students who completed the questionnaire, and the average age of the sample participants is 21.88 years. The multivariable logistic regression model shows that the risk to have depressive symptomatology is significantly associated with the following independent variables: female gender (aOR 1.91), being single (aOR 1.87), second year of study (aOR 1.94), third year of study (aOR 1.92), not performing regular physical activity (aOR 1.78) and perceived low health status (aOR 3.08). Originality/value - This study shows that belonging to the female gender, being further along in the years of study, having a chronic illness and perceiving a low state of health are all factors that can increase the risk of developing the symptoms of depression; rather, regular physical activity, friendship and romantic relationships can be considered factors protecting them from the risk of falling into depression that can undermine both the study and work performance. Certainly, it is important to analyze all the involved variables to improve the global health not only of the nursing students but of all the students

    Immunotherapy for recurrent ovarian cancer: a further piece of the puzzle or a striking strategy?

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    Introduction: Treatment of ovarian cancer has been long standardized with the inclusion of surgery and chemotherapy based on platinum and taxanes, this strategy reaching high remission rates. However, when this treatment fails, further options are available with little benefit. Since ovarian cancer has specific immunologic features, actually immunotherapy is under evalua- 15 tion to overcome treatment failure in patients experiencing recurrence. Areas covered: Immunogenicity of ovarian cancer and its relationship with clinical outcomes is briefly reviewed. The kinds of immunotherapeutic strategies are summarized. The clinical trials investigating immunotherapy in recurrent ovarian cancer patients are reported. 20 Expert opinion: The results of these clinical trials about immunotherapy are interesting, but little clinical benefit has been achieved until now. For this reason, we could conclude that immunotherapy is quite different from other treatment options and it could change the global approach for recurrent ovarian cancer treatment. However, to date only fragmentary findings are 25 available to define the real role of immunotherapy in this setting
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