409 research outputs found

    Peran Lembaga Adat Kenagarian Rumbio dalam Pelestarian Hutan Larangan Adat ( Studi : Hutan Larangan Adat Kenagarian Rumbio Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar)

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    Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 Section 18 B of paragraph (2) which states that "The State recognizes and respects units customary law communities along with their traditional rights as long as they live, and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Republic Indonesia is stipulated in the indigenous Prohibition undang.Hutan Rumbio Kanagarian a protected forest which is managed by the indigenous peoples Kenagarian Rumbio that are within the customs union led by ninik mamak as officials.The method used in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive approach, with a focus on: (1) the role of the Institute of Indigenous Kenagarian Rumbio in Forest Conservation (2) Factors Less land is customary prohibition Forest Kenagarian Rumbio. Results of research adalahLembaga Indigenous Kenagarian Rumbio is an institution set up and manage forests Prohibition of customs, while the role of traditional institutions Kenagarian Rumbio namely: Creating rules About Rimba Prohibition of Indigenous, Formation of farmers group Forest (KTH) in forest preservation prohibition of customs, besides that there are also factors reduced Indigenous forest land ban is due to fixing limit less effective, factor nephew children who accidentally took timberland

    Evaluasi Tingkat Kemampuan Fisik Atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah Tahun 2016

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    Penelitian yang berjudul: “Evaluasi Tingkat Kemampuan Fisik Atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah Tahun 2016 ” ini mengangkat masalah bagaimana Tingkat Kemampuan Fisik Atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Tingkat Kemampuan Fisik Atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah yang berjumlah 10 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total sampling yaitu keseluruhan dari jumlah populasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes kemampuan fisik atlet yaitu tes:(1) Lari 15 Menit Tes Balke, (2) Vertical Jump, (3) Sit up, (4) Sit & Reach, (5) Lari 30 Meter, (6) 300 meter, dan (7) Lari Bolak Balik 4 x 5 meter. Selanjutnya data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis statistik sederhana yaitu persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data menunjukan bahwa tingkat kemampuan fisik atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah Tahun 2016 dengan hasil persentase yaitu lari 30 meter berada pada Kategori Baik dengan rincian 60% kategori Baik dan 40% kategori Sedang, Vertical Jump berada pada Kategori Sedang dengan rincian 10% Kategori Baik Sekali, 30% kategori Baik dan 60% Kategori Sedang, lari 300 meter berada pada Kategori Baik dengan rincian 60% kategori Baik dan 40% kategori Sedang, Sit Up berada pada Kategori Baik dengan rincian 60% kategori Baik dan 40% kategori Sedang, lari Bolak Balik 4x5 meter berada pada Kategori Baik dengan rincian 70% kategori Baik dan 30% kategori Sedang, Sit and Reach berada pada Kategori Baik dengan rincian 60% kategori Baik dan 40% kategori Sedang, tes Balke berada pada Kategori Sedang dengan rincian 40% kategori Baik dan 60% kategori Sedang. Dengan demikian atlet Sepak Takraw UKM Unsyiah masih sangat perlu memperhatikan dan meningkatkan intensitas latihan hingga mencapai taraf kemampuan fisik yang maksimal. Karena dengan adanya kemampuan fisik yang ideal akan berdampak pada pencapaian prestasi yang maksimal

    Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Air pada Kolam Ikan Berbasis Wireless Sensor Network Menggunakan Komunikasi Zigbee

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    Kualitas air merupakan parameter utama dalam keberhasilan USAha perikanan. Air dengan kadar keasaman (pH) yang terlalu asam atau basa dapat menyebabkan kegagalan budidaya ikan. Suhu air juga dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kematian ikan. Apabila suhu tidak sesuai maka ikan akan mati. Pada penelitian ini dibangun alat yang berfungsi untuk membantu mengontrol kualitas air kolam berbasis wireless sensor network. Piranti yang diperlukan adalah sensor keasaman (pH), sensor suhu dan Xbee PRO sebagai media komunikasi nirkabel berstandar zigbee. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sensor keasaman (pH) mampu menjangkau pH nilai 1 sampai dengan 14, serta memiliki akurasi diatas 90 % dengan kertas pH meter sebagai pembanding. Sensor suhu juga memiliki akurasi diatas 90 %

    Pertanggungjawaban Pemerintah Terhadap Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu Berdasarkan Hukum Lingkungan Internasional

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    Biosphere Reserves are ekosisem mainland and coastal or ocean or a combination of more than one type of ecosystem, which is Internationally recognized as part of the Man And Biosphere (MAB) Programme of UNESCO in accordance with the legal framework. Biosphere Giam Siak small rocks were designated as a Biosphere Reserve in the 21st Session Session Of The International Coordinating Council Of theman And the biosphere is one of 22 locations nominations proposed by 17 countries. Biosphere Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu has advantages as the largest peat swamp forests, but the management and protection of the region is very poor, it is proved by the destruction of the heritage area due to human activities that have an impact on air pollution and has been designated as a national disaster. Based on the above description, the problem can be formulated as follows: First, How is the implementation of the responsibilities undertaken by the government of the region of the biosphere reserve in accordance with International environmental law? Secondly, The extent to which the government's efforts in implementing Article 9 of the Seville Strategy 1995 on the network of biosphere reserves?This type of research can be classified into types of normative juridical, namely the study of the principles contained in the International and National Law. From the research, there are two main things that can be inferred. First, the Government has taken concrete steps in order to biosphere reserves, namely the presence of Riau Governor Decree No. Kpts. 920 / V / 2010 Date of May 14, 2010 on the establishment of the Management Coordination Agency GSK-BB Biosphere Reserve. The decision contains Coordination and its partnership between the manager who has an interest. Each party involved in the management team reserves giam siak biosefer small rock hill has roles and responsibilities of different but interrelated. However, the implementation, the Government did not carry out their roles and responsibilities to the maximum so that the biosphere reserve is damaged and bad. ; Secondly, Based on the mandate of the Seville strategy, if reserves were damaged and not functioning as it should, then the government has the responsibility to perform the restoration effort, however based on the data obtained, the government did not implement the program for reserve recovery seriously and quickly. Suggestions Author, First, management of funds (trust fund) that is transparent to carry out activities Coordinating and managing the reserve It needs a special Budget allocation for the management of biosphere reserves. Second, a special team should be formed outside the biosphere reserve of the existing government institutions, so as to maximize its performance and focused. If there should be rules regarding sanctions for a team that does not perform its responsibilities

    A Reasoning Technique for Taxonomy Expert System of Living Organisms

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    Taxonomy of living organisms can help scientists to sort organisms in order and help them to identify new organisms by finding out which their groups. It also is easier to study organisms when they are sorted in groups. Taxonomy of living organisms system is a important basic part of ecology system. Researcher should know about any organisms that they noted in an ecology. Integration between classification taxonomy of Living Organisms and technology information will have many advantages for researchers and ecology information system. The expert system is one solution to help the problem of classification of living organisms that are authentic and novelty, and can provide advice to the user when the user needs an information about a living organism. One of the important things on the expert system is Reasoning technique. This paper used Production rule as Reasoning technique. Production rule has two reasoning method; forward chaining and backward chaining. Forward chaining method with backward chaining modified is used for inference engine in taxonomy expert system of living organisms. The method is actually forward chaining but in reasoning proccess it takes one hyphothesis of taxonomy level to help the process so the process can be faster to find solution for identification of living organisms

    Implementasi Steganografi Dengan Metode Pixel Value Differencing (PVD) pada Gambar JPG dan PNG

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    Abstrak— Informasi dalam bentuk pesan tidak hanya disandikan, namun dapat juga disisipkan ke dalam citra digital. Teknik menyembunyikan atau menyisipkan pesan disebut steganografi. Steganografi merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menyembunyikan informasi sehingga informasi yang bersifat rahasia tidak dapat diketahui pihak yang tidak berhak mengetahuinya. Dalam steganografi terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan dalam mengamankan informasi dari suatu pihak yang tidak berhak mengetahuinya, salah satunya dengan menggunakan metode PVD (Pixel Value Differencing) yang dalam implementasinya memanfaatkan citra digital sebagai media penampung. Penelitian ini bermaksud menghitung kapasitas jumlah bit dan melihat pengaruh format gambar terhadap jumlah kapasitas bit yang dapat disisipi pesan. PVD yang digunakan adalah dengan dua blok piksel untuk mempertahankan kualitas citra hasil steganografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan kapasitas yang didapat pada gambar JPG dan PNG tidak berbeda signifikan. Kemudian juga didapat nilai PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) dari gambar JPG dan PNG yang relatif sama diatas 40 dB. Namun metode PVD tidak dapat mengantisipasi perhitungan nilai piksel baru yang melebihi nilai maksimal warna 255 dan tidak memiliki ketahanan terhadap modifikasi hasil steganografi.   Kata Kunci— Steganografi, Citra Digital, Pixel Value Differencing, Kapasitas, PSNR

    Analisis Kualitatif Parasetamol Pada Sediaan Jamu Serbuk Pegal Linu Yang Beredar Di Purwokerto

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    A study concerning the qualitative analysis of paracetamol in traditional herbs powder for relieving stiff and muscle pain circulating in Purwokerto. This study aimed to identify paracetamol in traditional herbs for relieving stiff and muscle pain. The method used is a thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The mobile phase used in TLC was chloroform: ethyl acetate (6:4) with ferric chloride reagen for spot detection. TLC and the results showed that the traditional herbs powder for relieving stiff and muscle pain does not contain paracetamol. Keywords: traditional herbs powder for relieving stiff and muscle pain, paracetamol, TL
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