1,278 research outputs found

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perkuliahan Pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya

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    One of the main tasks of Computer Science Faculty of Sriwijaya University (Fasilkom Unsri) as one of the higher education institution is the academic management. Academic process in Fasilkom Unsri still emphasizes the use of word processing and spreadsheet applications that can result in delays and redundancy on the processing of data for syllabus, units lecture event, teachers' attendance, and class schedules reports. The absence of a specialized system that monitors the lecture materials directly can also result in decision making process by the top-level-management becomes less optimal to improve the quality of higher education in the academic field. Development of Course Management Information Systems is an effort to facilitate the top-level-management (Dean, Assistant Dean) in business management and evaluation of the overall college process that has occurred in order to improve the quality of higher education in the academic field using computer-based systems.This study emphasizes the process of developing course management information systems at Fasilkom Unsri, particularly in systems analysis phase. The methodology used is the Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST). In this methodology there are some systems analysis processes, namely the scope definition, problem analysis, requirements analysis, logical design and decision analysis.This study produced a proposed system and application architecture of management information systems courses in Fasilkom Unsri


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan faktor produksi tanah, pola tanam, pemupukan, Pengendalian Organik Penganggu Tanaman (POPT), panen dan pascapanen dalam peningkatan produksi padi di Desa Pattukku Kecamatan Bontocani Kabupaten Bone. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Pattuku Kecamatan Bontocani Kabupaten Bone Sulawesi Selatan selama 3 bulan sejak Maret hingga Juni 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling atau pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan secara sengaja, yaitu seluruh petani di Desa Pattuku Kecamatan Bontocani yang mengusahakan tanaman padi sebagai salah satu komoditi pertanian sebanyak 125 orang. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan porposive sampling (sengaja) yaitu petani yang tergabung ke dalam kelompok tani sebanyak 48 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dimulai dengan observasi yaitu pengamatan secara langsung, wawancara semi terstruktur kepada nelayan rumput laut dan pedagang pengumpul berdasarkan kuesioner yang telah disiapkan terkait rantai pasok dan kualitas rumput laut. Focus Group Discussion (FGD), kemudian di lanjutkan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) faktor tanah, pengetahuan petani dalam pengolahan tanah masih rendah, (2) faktor cara dan pola tanam, pengetahuan petani dalam hal penanaman dan pemeliharaan masih rendah, (3) masih rendahnya pemahaman petani terhadap penggunaan pupuk organik sehingga masi banyak yang menggunakan pupuk kimia, (4) faktor POPT, masih rendahnya keterampilan petani dalam penerapan sistem pengelolaan tanaman dan sumber daya terpadu (PTT), (5) masih rendahnya pemahaman dan pola pikir terhadap panen dan pasca panen yang tepat sehingga mempengaruhi kualitas dan berdampak pada harga.

    Analisa Penggunaan Recloser untuk Pengaman Arus Lebih pada Jaringan Distribusi 20 Kv Gardu Induk Garuda Sakti

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    PT.PLN: 20 kV network substations Garuda Sakti, frequently interference, one of interferences is the short-circuit current. To install equipment to include Recloser. This paper discuss the analysisof the use Recloser on distribution network 20 kV, this paper also be simulated using the software ETAP 12.6 which will feature some of the parameters for comparison of calculations and data thatalready exists in PLN, with two parameters, short circuit and coordination Recloser with overcurrent relay (OCR). Recloser is supposed to work first on feeder interferences and OCR on theincoming side works for incoming 20 kV interferences

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa SMA melalui Pembelajaran Open Ended pada Materi Spldv

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    This research is aims to describe mathematical creative thinking ability of senior high school students through open ended problem learning in Linier Equation System of Two Variables (LESTV). This reasearch type is descriptive kualitative. Subject of this research are tenth grade students of SMAN 1 WAJA DOMPU. The learning steps of this research are: 1) orientation, 2) inform the material, 3) offering and solving the Open Ended problems, 4) presentation of discussion result, 5) conclution. This research result is that students have ability to creative thinking mathematically.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa SMA melalui pembelajaran open ended problem materi SPLDV. Jenis penelitian ini, yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Subjeknya adalah siswa kelas X.2 SMA Negeri 1 Woja Dompu. Tahap pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Orientasi, (2) pembekalan materi, (3) penyajian dan pengerjaan soal open ended, (4) presentasi, (5) kesimpulan. Kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa meliputi: (a) fluency, kemampuan siswa lancar dalam memberikan jawaban benar, (b) flexibility, kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan berbagai cara penyelesaian masalah, (c) novelty, kemampuan siswa dalam memberikan jawaban yang baru dan berbeda dengan siswa lain. Penelitian ini hasilnya, bahwa siswa mempunyai kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis

    Textual Meaning in Song Lyrics

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    The study, entitled “Textual Meaning in Song Lyrics” is aimed to find out the most frequent Topical Theme in the song lyrics. The study used Systemic Functional Grammar to answer the research questions. The data were taken from dreamtheater.net involving three Dream Theater lyrics. Data were analyzed by Halliday Theme and Rheme analytical framework. The research shows that Topical Theme is the most frequent Theme which appears 70 times (68.63%) followed by Textual Theme which appears 28 times (27.45%) and Interpersonal Theme which appears 4 times (3.92%). The messages in the lyrics are mostly about love which is divided into three different points of view, i.e. the issue of love to an opposite sex, the issue of love to a son, the issue of love to life.Key-words: Theme, Topical, song lyrics, message

    Analisis Struktur Navigasi Antaramuka Pengguna Pada Penyebaran Informasi Publik Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Website Departemen Negara RI)

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    According to the user\u27s perspective, User interface is visible and important part of the computer system; that require the highest priority in the design of computer systems (Jaspers, 2006). There are many aspects to web design. According to Vandelay (2007), successful website is made by content quality, simple and interactive design, easy to navigate, unique, fresh, and optimize. Design context will be the great importance related to the dissemination of public information. According to Act No. 14/2008 on the Openness of Public Information that Each of Public Information is open and can be accessed by any user of Public Information and Each of Public Information should be obtained by each Public Information\u27s applicant quickly and on time, low cost and with less effort. Information dissemination efforts through the web are often hampered by the difficulty of navigation in a website. This study examined the structure of navigation in the website\u27s user interface of any departments within the Republic of Indonesia to find out how difficult public information can be accessed through the website. The method is carried out in this study is the observation, literature study and analysis of 20 website\u27s user interface in the environment department of the Republic of Indonesia. The results obtained from this study is that the user can easily access public information, because all the website\u27s homepage displays the latest news or information and almost all websites have a search section to find out necessary information in the website. And the user will not be confused in knowing their positions, because in most cases the department has implemented a web site using a signpost and window title page, logo web pages, tabs and indicator selection. In addition, users can learn about the flow to get public information with the use of wayfinding, that is good signage, environmental clues and maps
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