28 research outputs found

    Analisis Kualitatif Parasetamol Pada Sediaan Jamu Serbuk Pegal Linu Yang Beredar Di Purwokerto

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    A study concerning the qualitative analysis of paracetamol in traditional herbs powder for relieving stiff and muscle pain circulating in Purwokerto. This study aimed to identify paracetamol in traditional herbs for relieving stiff and muscle pain. The method used is a thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The mobile phase used in TLC was chloroform: ethyl acetate (6:4) with ferric chloride reagen for spot detection. TLC and the results showed that the traditional herbs powder for relieving stiff and muscle pain does not contain paracetamol. Keywords: traditional herbs powder for relieving stiff and muscle pain, paracetamol, TL

    The Perceived Image of Transjakarta Bus Rapid Transit

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    Public transport services provided by Bus Rapid Transit TransJakarta has been launched by the local government of DKI Jakarta as a mass and rapid transport mode that can attract the users of personal vehicle to use this mode of transport. Although the passengers are increasing, but the condition has not reached the optimum level yet. This study is done as an attempt to map the image perceived by the users, either frequent users, occasional users, or non-frequent users. The image projected by the users will depend on the experience degree and information each individual has. The method used here is descriptive analysis and reduction factor to obtain the dimensions of image in the respondents' mind toward TransJakarta bus. The result shows five dimensions that construct the image, namely affective dimension (Eigenvalue = 5,488, or 26% of all variances), dimension of vehicle aspects (Eigenvalue = 1,794, or 8.5% of all variances), dimension of service characteristic (Eigenvalue = 1,635, or 7.8% of all variances), dimension of impact on the trip (Eigenvalue = 1,348, or 6.4% of all variances), and dimension of impact on the user/other people (Eigenvalue = 1,088, or 5.1% of all variances)

    The Local Innovation Perspective: Development of Mobile-Herbal Service for Indonesia's Mobile Cellular Market

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    This paper reports the local-innovation perspective for the Indonesian mobile cellular market. Under the local perspective, the innovation opportunity appears when it suit characteristics of the country and the behavior nature of its people such concept is built into realization by making an applications of mobile-herbal (m-herbal) services applications. The service is designed by following the proposed framework, starting from scanning the market demand, defining specific applications, defining the actors, exploration of tacit knowledge of the actors, engineering development, implantation innovation and concurrent innovative development. We used the results of previous market survey emphasizing a need of health-related service for Indonesian market. Herbal remedy was chosen as the focal point of health-related service development since it is well-known indigenous method of treatment by using Indonesian natural ingredients. The service is developed to run on the Android-based smartphone, connects to the database called Indonesian HerbalDB. It consists two main features, i.e. query of herbal remedies and self evaluation assessment. Users of the services may search the names of Indonesian traditional plantation, its local names, and the kind of disease which can be cured. Through the features of self evaluation assessment, users are encouraged to give their personal perception of the herbal remedies, and being the recommendation to other users afterward. Finally, our proposed framework signifies the importance of communications channel among the actors in the mobile cellular facilitating mutual interaction between the multiple actors involved in the mobile herbal development

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung di Taman Nasional Betung Kerihun Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    This observation objection to cover bird diversity in Sibau Watershed, Betung Kerihun National Park (BKNP). The observation was done in along river (Sibau Rill, Sibau River, Apyang River, Menyakan River) and hill (Menyakan Hulu Hill and Apyang Hill) and point at transect. That habitat is riverine. Amount of bird was found are 93 species from 31 family with 39 species new record for Sibau Watershed. The large abundance is Edible-nest Swiftlet (Collocalia fuciphaga), and than folowwed by Asian Palm-swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis) and Whiskered Treeswift (Hemiprocne comata). The total individu was found is 660 individu with vaule of diversity index is 3.7618 and evennes index is 0.8299. The five bird species is endemic to the Borneo, one species is Appendix I CITES, 13 species is Appendix II CITES, 26 species is protected, and five species is treathened