174 research outputs found

    The effects of post-deposition annealing conditions on structure and created defects in Zn0.90Co0.10O thin films deposited on Si(100) substrate

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    We analyze the effect of post-deposition annealing conditions on both the structure and the created defects in Zn0.90Co0.10O thin films deposited on the Si (100) substrates by RF magnetron sputtering technique using home-made targets. We concentrated on understanding the homogeneity of substituted Co+2 ions and the annealing effects on the amount of defects in the ZnO lattice. Orientations of thin films are found to be in the [0002] direction with a surface roughness changing from 67±2 nm to 25.8±0.6 nm by annealing. The Co+2 ion substitutions, changing from 7.5±0.3 % to 8.8±0.3 %, cause to form Zn–O–Co bonds instead of Zn–O–Zn and split the Co2p energy level to Co2p1/2 and Co2p3/2 with 15.67±0.06 eV energy difference. In addition, the defects in the lattice were revealed from the correlations between Zn–O–Co bonds and intensity of Raman peak at around 691 cm-1. Furthermore, the asymmetry changes of O1s peak positions in X-ray Photoelectron Spectra (XPS) were also found to be in accordance with the Raman results

    Znieczulenie do cięcia cesarskiego u rodzących z łożyskiem przodującym z/bez łożyska wrośniętego – badanie retrospektywne

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    Objectives: The aim of this retrospective study was to review placenta previa cases and determine the prognostic factors effective on morbidity and mortality and to evaluate the strategy of anesthetic management. Material and methods: 65 women with placenta previa scheduled for elective or emergency cesarean sections from 2004 to 2009 were examined. Patient demographic data, surgery and obstetric characteristics, anesthetic techniques, blood transfusions, the values of hemoglobin and complications were recorded. Results: Mostly, general anesthesia was preferred in the parturients with placenta previa (86.2%, 56/65). 9 patients (13.8%), 2 of whom were converted to general anesthesia due to bleeding and prolonged surgery, received regional anesthesia. 37 of 65 women (56.9%) with placenta previa had had cesarean sections previously. More than half of these patients (21/37, 56.7%) had abnormally invasive placentation and 16 of 21 cases underwent cesarean hysterectomy. The incidence of complications in women with previous cesarean section with abnormally invasive placentation was higher than in the other women (pCel pracy: Celem tego retrospektywnego badania była analiza przypadków łożyska przodującego pod kątem oceny czynników prognostycznych wpływających na zachorowalność i śmiertelność oraz ocena postępowania anestezjologicznego. Materiał: Przeanalizowano 65 przypadków kobiet z łożyskiem przodującym zakwalifikowanych do elektywnego lub pilnego cięcia cesarskiego w latach 2004-2009.Zebrano następujące dane: demograficzne, wywiad operacyjny i położniczy, techniki anestezjologiczne, transfuzje krwi, poziomy hemoglobiny i powikłania. Wyniki: Preferowaną metodą znieczulenia u rodzących z łożyskiem przodującym było znieczulenie ogólne (86,2%; 56/65). Przewodowe znieczulenie otrzymało 9 pacjentek (13,8%) ale u 2 z nich trzeba było przejść na znieczulenie ogólne z uwagi na krwawienie i przedłużony czas operacji. 37 z 65 kobiet (56,9%) z łożyskiem przodującym miało cięcie cesarskie w poprzedniej ciąży. Więcej niż połowa tych pacjentek (21/37, 56,7%) miała nieprawidłowo utworzone łożysko a 16 z 21 przeszło histerektomię położniczą. Częstość powikłań u kobiet po cięciu cesarskim w wywiadzie i z nieprawidłowo utworzonym łożyskiem w analizowanym materiale była wyższa niż u innych pacjentek (

    Is there a relationship between age and side dominance of tubal ectopic pregnancies? – A preliminary report

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    Objectives: To determine whether there exists a relationship between age and side dominance of tubal ectopic pregnancies. Material and Methods: One hundred twenty patients were retrospectively analyzed. The sides of the tubal ectopic pregnancies were recorded on the basis of laparoscopy or laparotomy findings. Five age groups were created: 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, and ≥40 years. Results: Of the patients who were ≥ 30 years of age, 46 (69%) and 21 (31%) had tubal ectopic pregnancies on the right and left sides, respectively (p=0.002). In the 35-39 years of age group, 17 of 20 patients (85%) had tubal ectopic pregnancies on the right, and 3 of 20 patients (15%) on the left side (p=0.002). In the 30-34 years of age group, 26 of 39 patients (67%) and 13 of 39 patients (33%) had tubal ectopic pregnancies on the right and left sides, respectively (p=0.037). In the ≥ 40 years of age group, 3 of 8 patients (37%) had tubal ectopic pregnancy on the right side, while 5 patients (63%) on the left side (p=0.48). Conclusions: Patients who are between the age of 30-40 years have a right-sided dominance of tubal ectopic pregnancy, however studies that involve larger numbers of subjects are needed to make definitive conclusions about women older than 40 years of age

    Türkiye ortaöğretim sektöründe katma değer oluşumu: üniversiteye giriş yarışı

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    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de üniversiteye giriş yarışı “katma değer” yaklaşımıyla incelemektedir. 2005 yılı ÖSYM verileri ile ÖSS’ye başvuran tüm öğrencileri içeren bir veritabanı oluşturulmuş, lise son sınıf öğrencilere ait LGS puanları eklenmiş, bir örneklem gruba anket uygulanmıştır. Raporda önce veritabanı ve tanımlar sunulmuş, cinsiyet, coğrafi bölge, mezuniyet durumu, lise türe arasında çeşitli kesitlere bakılmış, sonra katma değerin belirleyicileri regresyon denemeleri ile sınanmıştır. Sonuç bulgular ÖSS’de başarının büyük ölçüde LGS’de başarı, okunan lise, dershaneye ayrılan zaman ve lisede gösterilen çaba tarafından açıklandığı ve belirlendiğidir. Gelir ve anne baba eğitimi dolaylı, bölge, cinsiyet ve diğer bazı değişkenler zayıf açıklayanlar olarak çıkmaktadır. ABSTRACT This study offers a value-added approach analysis of the competition for admission to universities in Turkey administered by the Center for Student Selection and Placement (CSSP). We initially constructed a database involving all the 1.800.000 plus applicants in 2005 has been constructed from the CSSP data. To this database then we added for all lycee graduating students first their individual Lycee Entrance Examination (LEE) scores and secondly for a subsample among them the outcomes of a survey we designed and conducted in 2005. In this report, we first present this database along with various descriptive accounts across gender, region, school type and graduation status. We then present the modeling exercise undertaken to identify the primary factors that explain success in the competition. We find these to be the student’s lycee, LEE score, external training for the Exam in the so-called drilling sector, and effort in lycee. Income, education level of parents, gender, region and some other variables we have tested all turn out to have indirect or weak significance

    Przypadek dwuogniskowej endometriozy w bliźnie po cięciu cesarskim

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    Abstract A 25-year-old woman was referred to our clinic for atypical cyclic pain and masses at both ends of a Pfannenstiel incision scar. Ultrasound of the anterior abdominal wall showed two masses. Both masses were hypoechoic, heterogeneous lesions located at opposite ends of the scar. The lesions were surgically excised with. Microscopic examination revealed endometrial gland structures with endometrial stroma in fibroadipose tissue in sections of both specimens indicative of endometriosis. Incisional endometriosis (IE) is a form of extrapelvic endometriosis especially in scars of obstetric or gynecologic surgery. IE may be multifocal at surgical scars. We report the a case of bifocal incisional endometriosis in Pfannesteil scar. Whole scar evaluation should be done for incisional endometriosis and surgical excision should be performed for treatment.Streszczenie 25-letnia kobieta została przyjęta do naszej kliniki z powodu nietypowego, cyklicznego bólu i guzów po obu końcach blizny po cięciu cesarskim. W badaniu USG przedniej ściany brzucha uwidoczniono dwie hipoechogenne zmiany zlokalizowane na końcach blizny. Zmiany usunięto. Badanie mikroskopowe wykazało struktury gruczołów i podścieliska endometrium w tkance włóknisto-tłuszczowej wskazujące na endometriozę. Endometrioza w bliźnie pooperacyjnej jest jedną z form pozamiedniczej endometriozy. Może występować wieloogniskowo, zarówno po operacjach położniczych jak i ginekologicznych. W postępowaniu leczniczym należy przeprowadzić dokładną ocenę całej blizny oraz wykonać wycięcie blizny

    Gender Difference in Apnea and Hypopnea Component in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Introduction We aimed to analyze the apnea and hypopnea structure separately with demographic parameters and sleep architecture in men and women with sleep apnea. Materials and Methods Patients referred for snoring, witnessed apnea and/or day time sleepiness to Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Research and Educational Hospital Sleep Center and gone under polysomnography (PSG) between December 2010 and June 2012 were taken in order. PSG reports were analyzed retrospectively. The patients with sleep efficiency less than 40% were excluded. The BMI, neck circumference (NC), abdominal circumference (AC) and PSG values were recorded. Results Totally 406 patients (250 male, 156 female patients) were studied. NC was found more in males whereas AC and BMI were found significantly more in females. Mean age, apne-hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation index (ODI) for 3% were similar in two genders. Percentage of total light sleep (Stage 1+2) was significantly more in males while Stage 3 (slow wave sleep: SWS) was more in females. Total apneas were significantly more in males and hypopneas were significantly more in females. The factors associated with AHI were NC and BMI in males and AC and BMI in females. Discussion We found that, females are more hypopneic and men are more apneic, in a study group of similar apne-hypopnea indexed patients. The different distribution of fat in genders seems to effect the apnea/hypopnea predominance. The clinical significance of the apnea and hypopnea indexes separately can be related with SWS percentage. Prospective studies are needed to evaluate the effect of apneas and hypopneas on morbidity and mortality in both genders

    Multi-object segmentation using coupled nonparametric shape and relative pose priors

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    We present a new method for multi-object segmentation in a maximum a posteriori estimation framework. Our method is motivated by the observation that neighboring or coupling objects in images generate configurations and co-dependencies which could potentially aid in segmentation if properly exploited. Our approach employs coupled shape and inter-shape pose priors that are computed using training images in a nonparametric multi-variate kernel density estimation framework. The coupled shape prior is obtained by estimating the joint shape distribution of multiple objects and the inter-shape pose priors are modeled via standard moments. Based on such statistical models, we formulate an optimization problem for segmentation, which we solve by an algorithm based on active contours. Our technique provides significant improvements in the segmentation of weakly contrasted objects in a number of applications. In particular for medical image analysis, we use our method to extract brain Basal Ganglia structures, which are members of a complex multi-object system posing a challenging segmentation problem. We also apply our technique to the problem of handwritten character segmentation. Finally, we use our method to segment cars in urban scenes