101 research outputs found

    A Unified Framework based on HTN and POP for Approaches for Multi-Agent Planning

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    International audienceThe purpose of this paper is to introduce a multi-agent model for plan synthesis in which the production of a global shared plan is based on a unified framework based on HTN and POP approaches. In order to take into account agents' partial knowledge and heterogeneous skills, we propose to consider the global multi-agent planning process as a POP planning procedure where agents exchange proposals and counter-proposal. Each agent's proposal is produced by a relaxed HTN approach that defines partial plans in accordance with the plan space search planning, i.e., plan steps can contain open goals and threats. Agents' interactions define a joint investigation that enable them to progressively prune threats, solve open goals and elaborate solutions step by step. This distributed search is sound and complete

    Un modèle de composition automatique et distribuée de services web par planification

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    National audienceWeb services advent as an inevitable technology of the Web and its dissimination on a large scale, poses the problem of their automatic composition. Indeed, one of the most im- portant obstacle to the development of web services oriented architectures relies on the manual generation of composite services by human experts. In order to overtake this approach, we propose in this article a novel architecture for web services composition based on planning techniques. Its originality consists in its completely distributed planning model where agents reason together on their own services to achieve a shared goal defined by users and where the global shared plan built stand for a possible composition of their services.L'avènement des services web comme une technologie incontournable du web et sa dissémination à grande échelle pose dorénavant la problématique de leur composition automa- tique. En effet, l'un des verrous les plus importants au développement des architectures orien- tées services réside dans l'élaboration manuelle par un expert de services composites. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, nous proposons dans cet article une architecture originale de composition automatique de services web par des techniques de planification. Son originalité repose sur la conception d'un modèle de planification entièrement distribué dans lequel les agents raisonnent conjointement sur leurs services respectifs pour atteindre un but commun prédéfini par l'utilisateur, créant ainsi un plan global représentant une composition possible de leurs services

    Approche multi-agent pour l'exploration coordonnée d'un environnement labyrinthique 2D

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    National audienceCet article présente une approche multi-agent résolvant le problème de "poursuite-évasion" pour un ou plusieurs robots mobiles coopératifs possédant une vision omnidirectionnelle. Cette approche possède l'originalité de mettre en oeuvre une coopération réelle entre les agents fondée sur un partage de connaissances. Un algorithme complet pour une patrouille de robots reposant sur une décomposition de l'environnement en points critiques est présenté. Nous abordons son application dans le cadre de l'exploration coordonnée d'un environnement inconnu et nous présentons quelques résultats de simulation

    Coordinated exploration for labyrinthine environments with application to the Pursuit-Evasion problem

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a multirobot cooperation approach to solve the "pursuit evasion'' problem for mobile robots that have omnidirectional vision sensors. The main characteristic of this approach is to implement a real cooperation between robots based on knowledge sharing and makes them work as a team. A complete algorithm for computing a motion strategy of robots is also presented. This algorithm is based on searching critical points in the environment. Finally, the deliberation protocol which distributes the exploration task among the team and takes the best possible outcome from the robots resources is presented

    Coordinated Exploration of unknown labyrinthine environments applied to the Pusruite-Evasion problem

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a multi-robot cooperation approach to solve the "pursuit evasion'' problem for mobile robots that have omni-directional vision sensors in unknown environments. The main characteristic of this approach is based on the robots cooperation by sharing knowledge and making them work as a team: a complete algorithm for computing robots motion strategy is presented as well as the deliberation protocol which distributes the exploration task among the team and takes the best possible outcome from the robots resources

    Un modèle de composition automatique et distribuée de services web par planification

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    National audienceWeb services advent as an inevitable technology of the Web and its dissimination on a large scale, poses the problem of their automatic composition. Indeed, one of the most im- portant obstacle to the development of web services oriented architectures relies on the manual generation of composite services by human experts. In order to overtake this approach, we propose in this article a novel architecture for web services composition based on planning techniques. Its originality consists in its completely distributed planning model where agents reason together on their own services to achieve a shared goal defined by users and where the global shared plan built stand for a possible composition of their services.L'avènement des services web comme une technologie incontournable du web et sa dissémination à grande échelle pose dorénavant la problématique de leur composition automa- tique. En effet, l'un des verrous les plus importants au développement des architectures orien- tées services réside dans l'élaboration manuelle par un expert de services composites. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, nous proposons dans cet article une architecture originale de composition automatique de services web par des techniques de planification. Son originalité repose sur la conception d'un modèle de planification entièrement distribué dans lequel les agents raisonnent conjointement sur leurs services respectifs pour atteindre un but commun prédéfini par l'utilisateur, créant ainsi un plan global représentant une composition possible de leurs services
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