8 research outputs found

    Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery in SENONETWORK Italian breast centers: lights and shadows

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    Breast cancer (BC) poses a significant worldwide health challenge. In the year 2020, more than 2.3 million cases were detected, and there were approximately 685,000 deaths attributed to BC [1]. Although systemic treatments are gaining importance in BC management, surgery continues to be the fundamental treatment approach for the majority of early-stage patients. A prolonged discussion continues, examining the overall survival rates between mastectomy and breast-conserving therapy (BCT), yielding inconclusive results. Nevertheless, breast-conservative therapy appears to present fewer complications [2, 3]. Patients undergoing BCT experience enhanced cosmetic results and a better quality of life compared to those opting for non-reconstructed mastectom

    Why tocotrienols work better: insights into the in vitro anti-cancer mechanism of vitamin E

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    The selective constraint of liver uptake and the sustained metabolism of tocotrienols (T3) demonstrate the need for a prompt detoxification of this class of lipophilic vitamers, and thus the potential for cytotoxic effects in hepatic and extra-hepatic tissues. Hypomethylated (γ and δ) forms of T3 show the highest in vitro and in vivo metabolism and are also the most potent natural xenobiotics of the entire vitamin E family of compounds. These stimulate a stress response with the induction of detoxification and antioxidant genes. Depending on the intensity of this response, these genes may confer cell protection or alternatively they stimulate a senescence-like phenotype with cell cycle inhibition or even mitochondrial toxicity and apoptosis. In cancer cells, the uptake rate and thus the cell content of these vitamers is again higher for the hypomethylated forms, and it is the critical factor that drives the dichotomy between protection and toxicity responses to different T3 forms and doses. These aspects suggest the potential for marked biological activity of hypomethylated “highly metabolized” T3 that may result in cytoprotection and cancer prevention or even chemotherapeutic effects. Cytotoxicity and metabolism of hypomethylated T3 have been extensively investigated in vitro using different cell model systems that will be discussed in this review paper as regard molecular mechanisms and possible relevance in cancer therapy

    Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery in SENONETWORK Italian breast centers: lights and shadows

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    : • Despite the significance of oncoplastic procedure, an italian database is lacking. • Senonetwork established a multidisciplinary survey to assess their safety and efficacy. • Reconstructive outcomes were positive across low and high-volume centers. • After mastectomy, implant-based techniques are common. DTI reconstruction is advantageuos. • This contributes to the global understanding of effective strategies against breast cancer

    B. Sprachwissenschaft.

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