32 research outputs found

    A multi-arm bandit neighbourhood search for routing and scheduling problems

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    Abstract Local search based meta-heuristics such as variable neighbourhood search have achieved remarkable success in solving complex combinatorial problems. Local search techniques are becoming increasingly popular and are used in a wide variety of meta-heuristics, such as genetic algorithms. Typically, local search iteratively improves a solution by making a series of small moves. Traditionally these methods do not employ any learning mechanism. We treat the selection of a local search neighbourhood as a dynamic multi- armed bandit (D-MAB) problem where learning techniques for solving the D-MAB can be used to guide the local search process. We present a D-MAB neighbourhood search (D-MABNS) which can be embedded within any meta- heuristic or hyperheuristic framework. Given a set of neighbourhoods, the aim of D-MABNS is to adapt the search sequence, testing promising solutions rst. We demonstrate the eectiveness of D-MABNS on two vehicle routing and scheduling problems, the real-world geographically distributed mainte- nance problem (GDMP) and the periodic vehicle routing problem (PVRP). We present comparisons to benchmark instances and give a detailed analysis of parameters, performance and behaviour. Keywords Meta-heuristic Local search Vehicle routin

    Using argument notation to engineer biological simulations with increased confidence

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    The application of computational and mathematical modelling to explore the mechanics of biological systems is becoming prevalent. To significantly impact biological research, notably in developing novel therapeutics, it is critical that the model adequately represents the captured system. Confidence in adopting in silico approaches can be improved by applying a structured argumentation approach, alongside model development and results analysis. We propose an approach based on argumentation from safety-critical systems engineering, where a system is subjected to a stringent analysis of compliance against identified criteria. We show its use in examining the biological information upon which a model is based, identifying model strengths, highlighting areas requiring additional biological experimentation and providing documentation to support model publication. We demonstrate our use of structured argumentation in the development of a model of lymphoid tissue formation, specifically Peyer's Patches. The argumentation structure is captured using Artoo (www.york.ac.uk/ycil/software/artoo), our Web-based tool for constructing fitness-for-purpose arguments, using a notation based on the safety-critical goal structuring notation. We show how argumentation helps in making the design and structured analysis of a model transparent, capturing the reasoning behind the inclusion or exclusion of each biological feature and recording assumptions, as well as pointing to evidence supporting model-derived conclusions

    The Epsilon Object Language (EOL)

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    Abstract. Model-Driven Development requires model management languages and tools for supporting model operations such as editing, consistency checking, and transformation. At the core of these model management techniques is a set of facilities for model navigation and modification. A subset of the Object Constraint Language can be used for some of these tasks, but it has limitations as a general-purpose language to be used in a variety of model management tasks. We present the metamodel independent Epsilon Object Language (EOL) which builds on OCL. EOL can be used both as a standalone generic model management language or as infrastructure on which task-specific languages can be built. We describe how it has been used to construct a selection of languages, such as model merging, comparison, and text generation languages.