6,008 research outputs found

    The generation of a Gaussian random process in a position parameter

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    Analog computer method for approximating stationary Gaussian random process depending only on position paramete

    Behavior of Piles in Liquefiable Soils During Earthquakes: Analysis and Design Issues

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    A general picture of the current state of the art and the emerging technology for dealing effectively with the seismic design and analysis of pile foundations in liquefiable soils is presented. Two distinct design cases are considered and illustrated by case histories. One is the static response of pile foundations to the pressures and displacements caused by lateral spreading of liquefied ground. The other is the seismic response of piles to strong shaking accompanied by the development of high pore water pressures or liquefaction. Design for lateral spreading is examined in the context of developments in design practice and the findings from shake table and centrifuge tests. Response of piles to earthquake shaking in liquefiable soils is examined in the context of 1.5m cast in place reinforced concrete piles supporting a 14 storey apartment building

    Alternative splicing of tropomyosin pre-mRNAs in vitro and in vivo

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    A single rat gene encodes both fibroblast TM-1 and skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin by an alternative RNA-processing mechanism. The gene contains 11 exons: Exons 1-5 and exons 8 and 9 are constitutive exons common to all mRNAs expressed from this gene; exons 6 and 11 are used in fibroblasts as well as smooth muscle; exons 7 and 10 are used exclusively in skeletal muscle. We have studied the internal alternative RNA splice choice (exons 6 and 7) of the rat tropomyosin 1 gene in vitro, using nuclear extracts obtained from HeLa cells. Use of alternative splice sites in vitro is dependent on the ionic conditions of the assay, and correct splicing occurs only under well-defined salt conditions. Splicing of exon 5 to exon 6 (fibroblast-type splice) and exon 5 to exon 7 (skeletal muscle-type splice) was dependent on precursors in which exon 6 or 7 was first joined to exon 8. The same patterns of alternatively spliced RNAs were formed when similar templates were introduced in HeLa cells by transfection. Thus, there appears to be an ordered pathway of splicing in which the internal alternatively spliced exons must first be joined to the downstream constitutive exon before they can be spliced to the upstream constitutive exon. The data are consistent with a model in which the critical event in alternative splicing occurs during the joining of exon 6 to exon 8 (fibroblast-type splice) or exon 7 to exon 8 (skeletal muscle-type splice)

    Crustal Oscillations of Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars

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    We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.Comment: 15 page

    Binary inspiral, gravitational radiation, and cosmology

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    Observations of binary inspiral in a single interferometric gravitational wave detector can be cataloged according to signal-to-noise ratio ρ\rho and chirp mass M\cal M. The distribution of events in a catalog composed of observations with ρ\rho greater than a threshold ρ0\rho_0 depends on the Hubble expansion, deceleration parameter, and cosmological constant, as well as the distribution of component masses in binary systems and evolutionary effects. In this paper I find general expressions, valid in any homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, for the distribution with ρ\rho and M\cal M of cataloged events; I also evaluate these distributions explicitly for relevant matter-dominated Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models and simple models of the neutron star mass distribution. In matter dominated Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological models advanced LIGO detectors will observe binary neutron star inspiral events with ρ>8\rho>8 from distances not exceeding approximately 2Gpc2\,\text{Gpc}, corresponding to redshifts of 0.480.48 (0.26) for h=0.8h=0.8 (0.50.5), at an estimated rate of 1 per week. As the binary system mass increases so does the distance it can be seen, up to a limit: in a matter dominated Einstein-deSitter cosmological model with h=0.8h=0.8 (0.50.5) that limit is approximately z=2.7z=2.7 (1.7) for binaries consisting of two 10M10\,\text{M}_\odot black holes. Cosmological tests based on catalogs of the kind discussed here depend on the distribution of cataloged events with ρ\rho and M\cal M. The distributions found here will play a pivotal role in testing cosmological models against our own universe and in constructing templates for the detection of cosmological inspiraling binary neutron stars and black holes.Comment: REVTeX, 38 pages, 9 (encapsulated) postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for estimating parameters with gravitational radiation data

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    We present a Bayesian approach to the problem of determining parameters for coalescing binary systems observed with laser interferometric detectors. By applying a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, specifically the Gibbs sampler, we demonstrate the potential that MCMC techniques may hold for the computation of posterior distributions of parameters of the binary system that created the gravity radiation signal. We describe the use of the Gibbs sampler method, and present examples whereby signals are detected and analyzed from within noisy data.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Aperture synthesis for gravitational-wave data analysis: Deterministic Sources

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    Gravitational wave detectors now under construction are sensitive to the phase of the incident gravitational waves. Correspondingly, the signals from the different detectors can be combined, in the analysis, to simulate a single detector of greater amplitude and directional sensitivity: in short, aperture synthesis. Here we consider the problem of aperture synthesis in the special case of a search for a source whose waveform is known in detail: \textit{e.g.,} compact binary inspiral. We derive the likelihood function for joint output of several detectors as a function of the parameters that describe the signal and find the optimal matched filter for the detection of the known signal. Our results allow for the presence of noise that is correlated between the several detectors. While their derivation is specialized to the case of Gaussian noise we show that the results obtained are, in fact, appropriate in a well-defined, information-theoretic sense even when the noise is non-Gaussian in character. The analysis described here stands in distinction to ``coincidence analyses'', wherein the data from each of several detectors is studied in isolation to produce a list of candidate events, which are then compared to search for coincidences that might indicate common origin in a gravitational wave signal. We compare these two analyses --- optimal filtering and coincidence --- in a series of numerical examples, showing that the optimal filtering analysis always yields a greater detection efficiency for given false alarm rate, even when the detector noise is strongly non-Gaussian.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Waves from coalescing binaries: Estimation of parameters

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    The paper presents a statistical model which reproduces the results of Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the parameters of the gravitational wave signal from a coalesing binary system. The model however is quite general and would be useful in other parameter estimation problems.Comment: LaTeX with RevTeX macros, 4 figure

    Estimation of parameters of gravitational waves from coalescing binaries

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    In this paper we deal with the measurement of the parameters of the gravitational wave signal emitted by a coalescing binary signal. We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations carried out for the case of the initial LIGO, incorporating the first post-Newtonian corrections into the waveform. Using the parameters so determined, we estimate the direction to the source. We stress the use of the time-of-coalescence rather than the time-of-arrival of the signal to determine the direction of the source. We show that this can considerably reduce the errors in the determination of the direction of the source.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, 2 figures (bundled via uufiles command along with this paper) submitted to Praman

    The Physical Origins of Entropy Production, Free Energy Dissipation and their Mathematical Representations

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    A complete mathematical theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics of stochastic systems in terms of master equations is presented. As generalizations of isothermal entropy and free energy, two functions of states play central roles: the Gibbs entropy SS and the relative entropy FF, which are related via the stationary distribution of the stochastic dynamics. SS satisfies the fundamental entropy balance equation dS/dt=ephd/TdS/dt=e_p-h_d/T with entropy production rate ep0e_p\ge 0 and heat dissipation rate hdh_d, while dF/dt=fd0dF/dt=-f_d\le 0. For closed systems that satisfy detailed balance: Tep(t)=fd(t)Te_p(t)=f_d(t). For open system one has Tep(t)=fd(t)+Qhk(t)Te_p(t)=f_d(t)+Q_{hk}(t) where the housekeeping heat Qhk0Q_{hk}\ge 0 was first introduced in the phenomenological nonequilibrium steady state thermodynamics. Entropy production epe_p consists of free energy dissipation associated with spontaneous relaxation, fdf_d, and active energy pumping that sustains the open system QhkQ_{hk}. The amount of excess heat involved in the relaxation Qex=hdQhk=fdT(dS/dt)Q_{ex}=h_d-Q_{hk} = f_d-T(dS/dt).Comment: 4 pages, no figure