932 research outputs found

    A Deeper Look at the "Neural Correlate of Consciousness"

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    A main goal of the neuroscience of consciousness is: find the neural correlate to conscious experiences (NCC). When have we achieved this goal? The answer depends on our operationalization of “NCC.” Chalmers (2000) shaped the widely accepted operationalization according to which an NCC is a neural system with a state which is minimally sufficient (but not necessary) for an experience. A deeper look at this operationalization reveals why it might be unsatisfactory: (i) it is not an operationalization of a correlate for occurring experiences, but of the capacity to experience; (ii) it is unhelpful for certain cases which are used to motivate a search for neural correlates of consciousness; (iii) it does not mirror the usage of “NCC” by scientists who seek for unique correlates; (iv) it hardly allows for a form of comparative testing of hypotheses, namely experimenta crucis. Because of these problems (i–iv), we ought to amend or improve on Chalmers's operationalization. Here, I present an alternative which avoids these problems. This “NCC2.0” also retains some benefits of Chalmers's operationalization, namely being compatible with contributions from extended, embedded, enacted, or embodied accounts (4E-accounts) and allowing for the possibility of non-biological or artificial experiencers

    The Ambiguity of "Pain"

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    I argue that the understanding of "pain" as presented in the official medical definition by the IASP is ambiguous and likely a cluster concept

    An Assessment of the Human-Wildlife Conflict across Africa

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    The coexistence between humans and mammals across Africa has led to Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) due to the competition for limited natural resources. Over the past two decades, I have focused my research on conservation issues that either resulted from or induce human-wildlife conflict. Conflicts are intensified in regions where dense human populations live in close proximity to nature, and where livestock holdings and crop fields form a significant part of rural livelihoods. As a result, both people and wildlife suffer tangible consequences; therefore, creating the need for stakeholder’s involvement and their willingness to adopt conservation-based behaviors, as key ingredients for feasible and effective conservation counter measures. This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the wide array of drivers and conservation implications of HWC incidences throughout Africa. An in-depth analysis is essential to understanding the problem and support future conservation prospects. Examples explore key case studies ranging from decreasing numbers of the charismatic forest dwelling elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) in the DRC, to increasing numbers of waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) in Mozambique, and varying numbers of lion populations bordering Kruger National Park in South Africa. Concluding with conflict resolution strategies employed across Africa and recommendations for the effective conservation of the world’s most endangered mammals

    Meeting in the dark room : Bayesian rational analysis and hierarchical predictive coding

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    At least two distinct modeling frameworks contribute to the view that mind and brain are Bayesian: Bayesian Rational Analysis (BRA) and Hierarchical Predictive Coding (HPC). What is the relative contribution of each, and how exactly do they relate? In order to answer this question, we compare the way in which these two modeling frameworks address different levels of analysis within Marr’s tripartite hierarchy for explanation in cognitive science. Whereas BRA answers questions at the computational level only, many HPC-theorists answer questions at the computational, algorithmic, and implementational levels simultaneously. Given that all three levels of analysis need to be addressed in order to explain a behavioral or cognitive phenomenon, HPC seems to deliver more complete explanations. Nevertheless, BRA is well-suited for providing a solution to the dark room problem, a major theoretical obstacle for HPC. A combination of the two approaches also combines the benefits of an embodied-externalistic approach to resolving the dark room problem with the idea of a persisting evidentiary border beyond which matters are out of cognitive reach. For this reason, the development of explanations spanning all three Marrian levels within the general Bayesian approach will require combining the BRA and HPC modeling frameworks

    Monozentrische Langzeitstudie zur epikardialen Herzschrittmachertherapie bei Neugeborenen, Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen

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    Bei der epikardialen Herzschrittmachertherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter liegen nur wenig Daten im Hinblick auf Langzeitergebnisse der Elektrodenlaufzeiten und der verwendeten Elektrodentypen vor. Zudem sind die Fallzahlen in diesen Studien niedrig. Aufgrund der spärlichen Datenlage ist es derzeit ungeklärt, ob bei Kindern und Jugendlichen besser ein epikardiales oder ein transvenöses Herzschrittmachersystem implantiert werden sollte. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, in einem großen Kollektiv von Herzschrittmacherpatienten im Kindes- und Jugendalter die Laufzeiten epikardialer Elektroden, Risikofaktoren für eine verkürzte Laufzeit und die Reizschwellenenergien über einen längeren Zeitraum zu ermitteln

    Influence of the Fuel Properties on the Injection Process and Spray Development in a large ship diesel Engine

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    [EN] The present paper deals with the influence of fuel properties on the spray behaviour. This influence was studied experimentally using a common rail injection system from a medium speed diesel engine. The experiments have been performed with diesel fuel (EN-590) and heavy fuel oil (RMG 180) on a constant volume chamber at room temperature. Comparison of the spray characteristics shows that the heavy fuel oil penetrates deeper in the chamber. However, the diesel spray has a bigger cone angle. These results formed the basis for a further development of the 1D-model [1] to predict the spray penetration by considering the fuel properties and temperature.The presented results are part of the research project “Multiple Injection Strategies for Optimizing Mixture Formation and Combustion in Large Diesel Engines to meet lowest CO2 and Pollutant Emissions using Maritime Fuels”. We would like to thank the German Research Fondation (DFG) for funding this project. We would also like to thank Bosch company for their assistance.Najar, I.; Buchholz, B.; Stengel, B.; Fink, C.; Hassel, E. (2017). Influence of the Fuel Properties on the Injection Process and Spray Development in a large ship diesel Engine. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 561-568. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4787OCS56156

    How many stripes are on the tiger in my dreams?

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    There is tension between commonly held views concerning phenomenal imagery on the one hand and our first-person epistemic access to it on the other. This tension is evident in many individual issues and experiments in philosophy and psychology (e.g. inattentional and change blindness, the speckled hen, dream coloration, visual periphery). To dissolve it, we can give up either (i) that we lack full introspective access to the phenomenal properties of our imagistic experiences, or (ii) that phenomenal imagery is fully determined, or (iii) that phenomenal imagery does not exist. Which option is preferable? I explore the feasibility of option (ii) in more details by distinguishing between dierent kinds of indeterminacy. One of the most often proclaimed versions of indeterminacy is tied to Representationalism. However, I argue that in this context, Representationalism appears to be the least satisfying option, for which I give ten reasons. By abduction, we should reject Representationalism in favour of (i) or (iii)—the most parsimonious option being eliminativism, and the most conservative being the rejection of privileged access. The decision between these two, however, should be made on a case-by-case basis, depending on which is most adequate given the data. I illustrate this with the comparison between visual agnosia and Charles-Bonnet-Syndrome
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