12 research outputs found

    Pattern of Disease after Murine Hepatitis Virus Strain 3 Infection Correlates with Macrophage Activation and Not Viral Replication

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    Murine hepatitis virus strain (MHV-3) produces a strain-dependent pattern of disease which has been used as a model for fulminant viral hepatitis. This study was undertaken to examine whether there was a correlation between macrophage activation and susceptibility or resistance to MHV-3 infection. Peritoneal macrophages were isolated from resistant A/J and susceptible BALB/cJ mice and, following stimulation with MHV-3 or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), analyzed for transcription of mRNA and production of interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), mouse fibrinogen-like protein (musfiblp), tissue factor (TF), leukotriene B4, and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Macrophages from BALB/cJ mice produced greater amounts of IL-1, TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, leukotriene B4, and musfiblp following MHV-3 infection than macrophages from resistant A/J mice, whereas in response to LPS, equivalent amounts of IL-1, TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, and TF were produced by macrophages from both strains of mice. Levels of mRNA of IL-1, TNF-alpha, and musfiblp were greater and more persistent in BALB/cJ than in A/J macrophages, whereas the levels and kinetics of IL-1, TNF-alpha, and TF mRNA following LPS stimulation were identical in macrophages from both strains of mice. Levels of production of PGE2 by MHV-3-stimulated macrophages from resistant and susceptible mice were equivalent; however, the time course for induction of PGE2, differed, but the total quantity of PGE2 produced was insufficient to inhibit induction of musfiblp, a procoagulant known to correlate with development of fulminant hepatic necrosis in susceptible mice. These results demonstrate marked differences in production of inflammatory mediators to MHV-3 infection in macrophages from resistant A/J and susceptible BALB/cJ mice, which may explain the marked hepatic necrosis and fibrin deposition and account for the lethality of MHV-3 in susceptible mice

    RNase L Mediated Protection from Virus Induced Demyelination

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    IFN-α/β plays a critical role in limiting viral spread, restricting viral tropism and protecting mice from neurotropic coronavirus infection. However, the IFN-α/β dependent mechanisms underlying innate anti-viral functions within the CNS are poorly understood. The role of RNase L in viral encephalomyelitis was explored based on its functions in inhibiting translation, inducing apoptosis, and propagating the IFN-α/β pathway through RNA degradation intermediates. Infection of RNase L deficient (RL−/−) mice with a sub-lethal, demyelinating mouse hepatitis virus variant revealed that the majority of mice succumbed to infection by day 12 p.i. However, RNase L deficiency did not affect overall control of infectious virus, or diminish IFN-α/β expression in the CNS. Furthermore, increased morbidity and mortality could not be attributed to altered proinflammatory signals or composition of cells infiltrating the CNS. The unique phenotype of infected RL−/− mice was rather manifested in earlier onset and increased severity of demyelination and axonal damage in brain stem and spinal cord without evidence for enhanced neuronal infection. Increased tissue damage coincided with sustained brain stem infection, foci of microglia infection in grey matter, and increased apoptotic cells. These data demonstrate a novel protective role for RNase L in viral induced CNS encephalomyelitis, which is not reflected in overall viral control or propagation of IFN-α/β mediated signals. Protective function is rather associated with cell type specific and regional restriction of viral replication in grey matter and ameliorated neurodegeneration and demyelination

    Loss of resistance to murine hepatitis virus strain 3 infection after treatment with corticosteroids is associated with induction of macrophage procoagulant activity.

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    Activation of the immune coagulation system has been implicated in the pathogenesis of liver injury following infection of inbred mice with murine hepatitis virus strain 3 (MHV-3). Following MHV-3 infection, macrophages isolated from MHV-3-susceptible and -semisusceptible inbred strains of mice express increased procoagulant activity (PCA), whereas macrophages from resistant strains express no increase in PCA over basal levels. The PCA induced by MHV-3 is a prothrombinase, encoded by the gene Fgl-2, which encodes a fibrinogen-like protein (musfiblp). In this study, MHV-3-resistant A/J mice treated with methylprednisolone prior to infection with MHV-3 developed elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase in serum and died within 10 days of infection, with histological findings of fulminant hepatitis. In vitro, macrophages isolated from A/J mice and pretreated with methylprednisolone produced a marked increase in functional PCA following infection with MHV-3. The PCA was shown to be a prothrombinase by its ability to cleave 125I-prothrombin. Northern blot analysis of RNA transcripts from these macrophages demonstrated increased transcription of the Fgl-2 gene relative to that in macrophages which had not been pretreated with methylprednisolone prior to MHV-3 infection. Methylprednisolone pretreatment of MHV-3-infected macrophages stabilized the Fgl-2 mRNA. Thus, loss of resistance to MHV-3 secondary to methylprednisolone therapy is associated with increased transcription and stability of Fgl-2 mRNA resulting in expression of the Fgl-2 gene product, musfiblp. These results provide further insight into mechanisms of PCA regulation in response to MHV-3 infection in inbred strains of mice