13 research outputs found

    Improving ecological safety of agricultural off-road machines operating of sloped ground

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    Received: January 31st, 2021 ; Accepted: April 10th, 2021 ; Published: May 19th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] goal of this article is the analysis of the specific technical properties of the agricultural machinery to prevent the ecological impacts on nature in case of a machine accident. The loss of stability and overturning of the machine is an important part of the farm safety code of practice document and the source of the ground contamination with fuel and no-bio lubricants. The main work is oriented to determine and derive the steps of prevention or prediction of dangerous states of the agricultural off-road vehicle operating on sloped ground and even applicable for heavy trucks. These steps are based on the experimental measurement of accelerations functions and implementing these into the mathematical model and following the European Union Regulations. The recommended simulation and obtained results can tell the engineers in the design process of the prototype how to accurate the technical parameters to keep the machine in a safe state while the machine is under acting the dynamic loads. Optimization of specific dimensions in the process of design can help to improve the ecological safety of the agricultural machines operating on sloped ground. Some theoretical methods are based on the Slovak National Standard STN 47 0170

    The effect of soil conditioner on the spatial variability of soil environment

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    ArticleThe aim of the study was to assess and evaluate the effect of soil conditioner on the spatial variability of soil environment. Activator PRP-SOL conditioning soil properties was selected as a field of study. Assessment of soil environment was done through the evaluation of selected soil properties, namely, tensile resistance of the soil and soil infiltration ability. Two dose of PRP-SOL application was done twice in year 2015 (Autumn and Spring) and once in 2016 (Spring) with application rates 150 kg ha-1 and 140 kg ha-1 , respectively. The area was divided into blocks where stimulators were applied and none treated as a control. The evaluation of recorded values showed that treatability and tillage itself was significantly better on the area which was treated by application of PRP-SOL activators. In addition, tensile resistance was decreased by 5.71% in comparison with non-treated area of experimental field. Since the infiltration ability is among the very important soil properties which have an effect on soil moisture regime as well as surface runoff and therefore soil erosion. The evaluation of recorded values has revealed the effect of treatment by PRP-SOL activators on soil infiltration ability and therefore it results in increases infiltration of precipitation as well. Overall increase of infiltration was recorded at value 2 mm h -1 . It can be concluded that application of soil activators may increase the soil conditions and therefore not only conserve soil fertility but even increase it from the long term perspective

    Field experimetal reseach of the combined fertilizing-seeding machine-tractor aggregate

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    The scientific problem of this study is the justification of the expediency of combining the technological operations of sowing cereals and applying the main and starting doses of mineral fertilizers when using a combined machine and tractor unit (aggregate). During the research there were used methods of conducting field experiments using standard equipment. During the planned experiments there were used correlation methods and methods of numerical calculations on a PC. The comparative studies of the quality of barley sowing with basic and modernized fertilizer-sowing units showed the following values of qualitative indicators. So, the coefficient of seed depth variation of the base unit was – 8.2%, and the combined (modernized) unit – 4.7%; The uniformity of seed distribution along the length of the line for the basic unit is – 63.8%, for the modernized unit – 84.9%; Field germination of seeds when sowing the basic unit is 80.4%, modernized – 87.4%. Thus, when using the combined fertilizer-seeding unit, the uniformity of seed distribution along the length of the string will be substantially increased. At the same time, the field germination of seeds will increase, and the coefficient of variation in the depth of seed placement in the furrow will decrease. Based on the results of field experimental studies, an increase in the yield of spring wheat and barley was found in the application of a combined fertilizer-seed aggregate with the simultaneous introduction of a basic fertilizer-seeded fertilizer into the soil and sowing of cereals with the application of a starting dose of mineral fertilizer in comparison with the known schemes of such operations. The obtained results confirm the expediency of combining these technological operations with one pass of the combined machine-tractor unit (aggregate)

    The study of movement of the wide span tractor-based field machine unit with power method of its control

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    Recently, rapid development of controlled traffi c farming convincingly demonstrates the broad prospects of using the wide span tractor-based fi eld machines throughout the world. The issue at hand lies in the fact that having a wide span tractor-based machine with steering-wheel system moving along the tracks of a constant technological track is not a rational option. According to the concept of bridge and rutting agriculture, it is advisable to subordinate the automated means of mechanization to the principles of the functioning of the coordinate transport system in which machines can move only in two mutually perpendicular directions and for implementation of which the fi eld must have strictly defi ned dimensions. Therefore, a method of power steering similar to a crawler tractor (track-type tractor) can be more effi cient in the automatic driving of bridge means of mechanization within the coordinate-transport system than a kinematic control. Furthermore, methodology utilized for selection of design schemes, parameters and operating modes of machine-tractor aggregates can not be used for study of dynamics of the wide span tractorbased field machine. Theoretical study is based on theoretical mechanics, theory of mobile energy facilities, statistical dynamics and theory of automatic control of linear dynamical systems with reproduction of statistically random control and disturbing input effects. Purpose of the research lies in development of a dynamic model of plane parallel motion in the horizontal plane of a wide span tractor-based fi eld machine unit using a power (onboard) method of control, which would allow investigation of impacts of the control parameters and disturbing infl uences on the controllability and stability of its motion. Mathematical models have been developed and new regularities of the straightforward parallel movement of the wide span tractor-based fi eld machine unit for controlled traffi c farming have been obtained. The results obtained allow the validation of new schemes, design parameters and modes of operation with acceptable controllability and stability of movement in the horizontal plane with a power control method of the chassis

    Analiza efektywności magazynowania ciepła odpadowego w akumulatorze wodnym

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    The paper presents analysis of the ways in which waste heat collected from the upper space of the plastic tunnel may be used. Warm air sucked from the upper space was pumped to a diffuser located in the process water tank. The assumed method was theoretically analysed and then tests were carried out in a real facility. Air bubbles moving in the liquid layer transferred heat, which they contained. The initial research, carried out according to the assumed method, did not bring satisfactory results. Nonetheless, some relations and possibilities of improvement of the described method by increasing the degree of complexity and the system costs were reported.W pracy przeprowadzono analizę metody zagospodarowania ciepła odpadowego pobieranego z górnej przestrzeni tunelu foliowego. Ciepłe powietrze zasysane z górnej przestrzeni wtłaczano do dyfuzora umieszczonego w zbiorniku z wodę technologiczną. Przyjętą metodę przeanalizowano teoretycznie a następnie przeprowadzono badania w obiekcie rzeczywistym. Unoszące się pęcherzyki powietrza przemieszczając się w warstwie cieczy przekazywały zawarte w nich ciepło. Badania wstępne realizowane według przyjętej metody nie przyniosły zadawalających wyników. Niemniej zaobserwowano pewne zależności i możliwości doskonalenia opisanej metody na drodze zwiększenia stopnia złożoności i kosztów układu

    The Influence of Biostimulant Asahi SL on the Photosynthetic Activity of Selected Cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L.

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    W uprawie roślin często występują czynniki stresogenne, które wpływają na ograniczenie intensywności procesu fotosyntezy, co z kolei może powodować spadek wielkości i jakości plonu roślin. W takich przypadkach uzasadnione staje się stosowanie biostymulatorów w celu poprawy wielkości i jakości uzyskiwanych płodów rolnych, przy jednoczesnym braku negatywnego oddziaływania na środowisko naturalne. W związku z powyższym w prezentowanej pracy analizowano wpływ biostymulatora Asahi SL na efektywność aparatu fotosyntetycznego fasoli zwykłej Phaseolus vulgaris L. Badania polowe zostały przeprowadzone w 2013 i 2014 roku, na dwóch odmianach fasoli, powszechnie uprawianych w Polsce i przetwarzanych przez przemysł spożywczy. Odmiana Aura – posiada białe nasiona a Toska – czerwone. W sezonach wegetacji przeprowadzono dwa pomiary fotosyntetycznej aktywności liści rośliny fasoli (liście z sześciu roślin z każdego poletka): pomiar I – tydzień po pierwszym zastosowaniu biostymulatora; II pomiar – tydzień po drugim zastosowaniu biostymulatora. W przypadku pojedynczego opryskiwania drugi pomiar przeprowadzono w drugim terminie na odpowiednim etapie rozwoju rośliny. W przeprowadzonych badaniach z fasolą podjęto próbę oceny wydajności aparatu fotosyntetycznego przez pomiar niektórych parametrów fluorescencji chlorofilu po dolistnej aplikacji biostymulatora Asahi SL. Aktywność fotosyntetyczną roślin określono przez pomiar indukcji fluorescencji chlorofilu przy pomocy fluorymetru. Oznaczono następujące parametry w stanie adaptacji ciemniowej: Fv/Fm – maksymalna sprawność fotosystemu PS II. Natomiast w stanie adaptacji do światła zmierzono: DF/Fm’ – efektywna wydajność fotosystemu PS II, współczynnik fotochemicznego qP oraz niefotochemicznego qN wygaszania fluorescencji. Wyniki uzyskane z przeprowadzonych doświadczeń polowych wskazują na wielokierunkowy wpływ biostymulatora Atonik na aktywność fotosyntetyczną roślin doświadczalnych, o czym świadczą niższe wartości niektórych parametrów indukcji fluorescencji chlorofilu (FC) w porównaniu z serią kontrolną. Ponadto zaobserwowano, że fasola traktowana roztworem Asahi SL charakteryzowała się większą sprawnością fotosyntetyczną, o czym świadczy wzrost rzeczywistej wydajności fotochemicznej związanej z efektywnością transportu elektronów (DF/Fm’). Jednakże nie we wszystkich kombinacjach zaobserwowano wzrost tego parametru w porównaniu z kontrolą. W warunkach przeprowadzonych badań odmiana Aura charakteryzowała się lepszą sprawnością aparatu fotosyntetycznego. Świadczą o tym między innymi wartości współczynnika fotochemicznego wygaszania fluorescencji chlorofilu (qP). Ponadto badania wykazały także, że tendencja wzrostowa współczynnika qNu odmiany Aura nie wystąpiła tylko po dwukrotnej aplikacji biostymulatora na rośliny fasoli. Identyczną tendencję stwierdzono u odmiany Toska po dwukrotnym opryskiwaniu roślin 0,1% roztworem Asahi SL. W przeprowadzonym doświadczeniu stwierdzono większy wzrost wartości wskaźnika wygaszania niefotochemicznego u roślin odmiany Toska w porównaniu z odmianą Aura.In cultivation of plants, stress factors often occur, which affect the limitation of the intensity of the photosynthesis process, which in turn may cause a decrease in the size and quality of the plant yield. In such cases, it is justified to use biostimulants to improve the size and quality of the obtained crops, with no negative impact on the natural environment. Therefore, the presented work analyzed the effect of the Asahi SL biostimulant on the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus of Phaseolus vulgaris L. bean. Field research was carried out in 2013 and 2014, for two varieties of beans commonly grown in Poland and processed by the food industry, Aura – white seeds and Toska – red seeds. In the growing seasons two measurements of photosynthetic activity of the bean plant leaves (leaves from six plants from each plot) were carried out: measurement I – the week after the first use of the biostimulant; II measurement – a week after the second application of the biostimulator. In the case of a single spray, the second measurement was carried out at the second stage of the plant's development. In the studies with beans, an attempt was made to assess the performance of the photosynthetic apparatus by measuring some parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence after the foliar application of the Asahi SL biostimulant. The photosynthetic activity of plants was determined by measuring the fluorescence induction of chlorophyll using a fluorimeter. The following parameters were marked in the darkroom adaptation state: Fv / Fm – maximum efficiency of the PS II phototype. Whereas, in the state of light adaptation, the following measurements were measured: DF/Fm’ – effective performance of the PS II photosystem, photochemical qP and non-chemical qN quenching of fluorescence. The results obtained from the field experiments indicate the multidirectional effect of the Asahi SL biostimulant on the photosynthetic activity of experimental plants, as evidenced by the lower values of some parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence (FC) induction as compared to the control series. In addition, it was observed that beans treated with Asahi SL solution were characterized by greater photosynthetic efficiency, as evidenced by the increase in real photochemical efficiency related to the efficiency of electron transport (DF/Fm’). However, not all the combinations showed an increase in this parameter compared to the control. In the conditions of the tests, it was found that the Aura cultivar was characterized by a better efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus. This is evidenced, among others, by the photochemical coefficient of quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qP). In addition, the studies also showed that the upward trend in the qura coefficient of the Aura cultivar did not occur only after the biostimulant application for bean plants was applied twice. The identical trend was found in the Toska cultivar after spraying the plants with 0.1% Asahi SL solution twice. In the conducted experiment, a higher increase in the non-chemical quenching index was observed in Toska cultivars in comparison with the Aura cultivar

    The use of multiple-criteria ranking methods for designing public transport systems

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    The aim of the paper was an attempt at application of multiple- criteria analysis for planning public transport system. Methodological rules of an assessment of public transport systems were presented, including: defining variants and coherent family of criteria. Modelling decision-maker’s preferences and seeking the most desirable solution. The problem of an assessment of public transport systems was formulated as a multiple-criteria problem of variants ranking. Schemes of appropriate communication connections (routes) were developed in the work using GIS technology and subjected to the assessment by means of a coherent family of criteria using the decision maker’s preferences

    Influence of wood anisotropy on its mechanical properties in relation to the scale effect

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    As a construction material wood is characterized by many advantages: low density, a high degree of strength and stiffness, low thermal and electrical conductivity and chemical durability. However, it is an anisotropic material that contains structural elements of varying stiffness and strength. When moisture levels increase, it is characterized by the variability of its mechanical properties and creep resulting from rheological properties. Therefore, it is important to understand how the mechanical properties of wood vary depending on its heterogeneity, the orientation of the sample in relation to the directions of anisotropy and its natural disadvantages. The research material was obtained from the lumber of pine wood, which on the basis of the foursided planing process was divided into 2 groups: A, B. The wood was subjected to strength tests specifying for appropriate groups of samples respectively: modulus of elasticity in static bending – group A-B, static bending strength - group A-B. The influence of wood anisotropy on the elasticity and strength properties of wood was demonstrated, this results from the variability of the wood element orientation and load direction in relation to the main directions of anisotropy