630 research outputs found

    Current challenges in cell wall biology in the cereals and grasses

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    Plant cell walls consist predominantly of polysaccharides and lignin. There has been a surge of research activity in plant cell wall biology in recent years, in two key areas. Firstly, in the area of human health it is now recognized that cell wall polysaccharides are key components of dietary fiber, which carries significant health benefits. Secondly, plant cell walls are major constituents of lignocellulosic residues that are being developed as renewable sources of liquid transport biofuels. In both areas, the cell walls of the Poaceae, which include the cereals and grasses, are particularly important. The non-cellulosic wall polysaccharides of the Poaceae differ in comparison with those of other vascular plants, insofar as they contain relatively high levels of heteroxylans as “core” polysaccharide constituents and relatively smaller amounts of heteromannans, pectic polysaccharides, and xyloglucans. Certain grasses and cereals walls also contain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans, which are not widely distributed outside the Poaceae. Although some genes involved in cellulose, heteroxylan, and (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthesis have been identified, mechanisms that control expression of the genes are not well defined. Here we review current knowledge of cell wall biology in plants and highlight emerging technologies that are providing new and exciting insights into the most challenging questions related to the synthesis, re-modeling and degradation of wall polysaccharides

    Combining transcriptional datasets using the generalized singular value decomposition

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    Background Both microarrays and quantitative real-time PCR are convenient tools for studying the transcriptional levels of genes. The former is preferable for large scale studies while the latter is a more targeted technique. Because of platform-dependent systematic effects, simple comparisons or merging of datasets obtained by these technologies are difficult, even though they may often be desirable. These difficulties are exacerbated if there is only partial overlap between the experimental conditions and genes probed in the two datasets. Results We show here that the generalized singular value decomposition provides a practical tool for merging a small, targeted dataset obtained by quantitative real-time PCR of specific genes with a much larger microarray dataset. The technique permits, for the first time, the identification of genes present in only one dataset co-expressed with a target gene present exclusively in the other dataset, even when experimental conditions for the two datasets are not identical. With the rapidly increasing number of publically available large scale microarray datasets the latter is frequently the case. The method enables us to discover putative candidate genes involved in the biosynthesis of the (1,3;1,4)-β-D-glucan polysaccharide found in plant cell walls. Conclusion We show that the generalized singular value decomposition provides a viable tool for a combined analysis of two gene expression datasets with only partial overlap of both gene sets and experimental conditions. We illustrate how the decomposition can be optimized self-consistently by using a judicious choice of genes to define it. The ability of the technique to seamlessly define a concept of "co-expression" across both datasets provides an avenue for meaningful data integration. We believe that it will prove to be particularly useful for exploiting large, publicly available, microarray datasets for species with unsequenced genomes by complementing them with more limited in-house expression measurements.Andreas W Schreiber, Neil J Shirley, Rachel A Burton and Geoffrey B Finche

    Genetic diversity and genome wide association study of β-glucan content in tetraploid wheat grains

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    Non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) have many health benefits, including immunomodulatory activity, lowering serum cholesterol, a faecal bulking effect, enhanced absorption of certain minerals, prebiotic effects and the amelioration of type II diabetes. The principal components of the NSP in cereal grains are (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans and arabinoxylans. Although (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan (hereafter called β-glucan) is not the most representative component of wheat cell walls, it is one of the most important types of soluble fibre in terms of its proven beneficial effects on human health. In the present work we explored the genetic variability of β-glucan content in grains from a tetraploid wheat collection that had been genotyped with a 90k-iSelect array, and combined this data to carry out an association analysis. The β-glucan content, expressed as a percentage w/w of grain dry weight, ranged from 0.18% to 0.89% across the collection. Our analysis identified seven genomic regions associated with β-glucan, located on chromosomes 1A, 2A (two), 2B, 5B and 7A (two), confirming the quantitative nature of this trait. Analysis of marker trait associations (MTAs) in syntenic regions of several grass species revealed putative candidate genes that might influence β-glucan levels in the endosperm, possibly via their participation in carbon partitioning. These include the glycosyl hydrolases endo-β-(1,4)-glucanase (cellulase), β-amylase, (1,4)-β-xylan endohydrolase, xylanase inhibitor protein I, isoamylase and the glycosyl transferase starch synthase II

    Identification of candidate MYB transcription factors that influence CslF6 expression in barley grain

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    (1,3;1,4)-β-Glucan is a non-cellulosic polysaccharide required for correct barley grain fill and plant development, with industrial relevance in the brewing and the functional food sector. Barley grains contain higher levels of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan compared to other small grain cereals and this influences their end use, having undesirable effects on brewing and distilling and beneficial effects linked to human health. HvCslF6 is the main gene contributing to (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan biosynthesis in the grain. Here, the transcriptional regulation of HvCslF6 was investigated using an in-silico analysis of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in its putative promoter, and functional characterization in a barley protoplast transient expression system. Based on TFBS predictions, TF classes AP2/ERF, MYB, and basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) were over-represented within a 1,000 bp proximal HvCslF6 promoter region. Dual luciferase assays based on multiple HvCslF6 deletion constructs revealed the promoter fragment driving HvCslF6 expression. Highest HvCslF6 promoter activity was narrowed down to a 51 bp region located −331 bp to −382 bp upstream of the start codon. We combined this with TFBS predictions to identify two MYB TFs: HvMYB61 and HvMYB46/83 as putative activators of HvCslF6 expression. Gene network analyses assigned HvMYB61 to the same co-expression module as HvCslF6 and other primary cellulose synthases (HvCesA1, HvCesA2, and HvCesA6), whereas HvMYB46/83 was assigned to a different module. Based on RNA-seq expression during grain development, HvMYB61 was cloned and tested in the protoplast system. The transient over-expression of HvMYB61 in barley protoplasts suggested a positive regulatory effect on HvCslF6 expression

    Spin and charge excitations in incommensurate spin density waves

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    Collective excitations both for spin- and charge-channels are investigated in incommensurate spin density wave (or stripe) states on two-dimensional Hubbard model. By random phase approximation, the dynamical susceptibility \chi(q,\omega) is calculated for full range of (q,\omega) with including all higher harmonics components. An intricate landscape of the spectra in \chi(q,\omega) is obtained. We discuss the anisotropy of the dispersion cones for spin wave excitations, and for the phason excitation related to the motion of the stripe line. Inelastic neutron experiments on Cr and its alloys and stripe states of underdoped cuprates are proposed

    A genome wide association scan for (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content in the grain of contemporary 2-row Spring and Winter barleys

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    Published: 17 October 2014BACKGROUND: (1,3;1,4)-β-Glucan is an important component of the cell walls of barley grain as it affects processability during the production of alcoholic beverages and has significant human health benefits when consumed above recommended threshold levels. This leads to diametrically opposed quality requirements for different applications as low levels of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan are required for brewing and distilling and high levels for positive impacts on human health. RESULTS: We quantified grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content in a collection of 399 2-row Spring-type, and 204 2-row Winter-type elite barley cultivars originating mainly from north western Europe. We combined these data with genotypic information derived using a 9 K Illumina iSelect SNP platform and subsequently carried out a Genome Wide Association Scan (GWAS). Statistical analysis accounting for residual genetic structure within the germplasm collection allowed us to identify significant associations between molecular markers and the phenotypic data. By anchoring the regions that contain these associations to the barley genome assembly we catalogued genes underlying the associations. Based on gene annotations and transcript abundance data we identified candidate genes. CONCLUSIONS: We show that a region of the genome on chromosome 2 containing a cluster of CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE (Csl) genes, including CslF3, CslF4, CslF8, CslF10, CslF12 and CslH, as well as a region on chromosome 1H containing CslF9, are associated with the phenotype in this germplasm. We also observed that several regions identified by GWAS contain glycoside hydrolases that are possibly involved in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan breakdown, together with other genes that might participate in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthesis, re-modelling or regulation. This analysis provides new opportunities for understanding the genes related to the regulation of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content in cereal grains.Kelly Houston, Joanne Russell, Miriam Schreiber, Claire Halpin, Helena Oakey, Jennifer M Washington, Allan Booth, Neil Shirley, Rachel A Burton, Geoffrey B Fincher and Robbie Waug

    The dynamics of transcript abundance during cellularization of developing barley endosperm

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    Within the cereal grain, the endosperm and its nutrient reserves are critical for successful germination and in the context of grain utilization. The identification of molecular determinants of early endosperm development, particularly regulators of cell division and cell wall deposition, would help predict end-use properties such as yield, quality, and nutritional value. Custom microarray data have been generated using RNA isolated from developing barley grain endosperm 3 d to 8 d after pollination (DAP). Comparisons of transcript abundance over time revealed 47 gene expression modules that can be clustered into 10 broad groups. Superimposing these modules upon cytological data allowed patterns of transcript abundance to be linked with key stages of early grain development. Here, attention was focused on how the datasets could be mined to explore and define the processes of cell wall biosynthesis, remodeling, and degradation. Using a combination of spatial molecular network and gene ontology enrichment analyses, it is shown that genes involved in cell wall metabolism are found in multiple modules, but cluster into two main groups that exhibit peak expression at 3 DAP to 4 DAP and 5 DAP to 8 DAP. The presence of transcription factor genes in these modules allowed candidate genes for the control of wall metabolism during early barley grain development to be identified. The data are publicly available through a dedicated web interface (https://ics.hutton.ac.uk/barseed/), where they can be used to interrogate co- and differential expression for any other genes, groups of genes, or transcription factors expressed during early endosperm development.Runxuan Zhang, Matthew R. Tucker, Rachel A Burton, Neil J. Shirley, Alan Little, Jenny Morris, Linda Milne, Kelly Houston, Pete E. Hedley, Robbie Waugh, and Geoffrey B. Finche

    Targeted mutation of barley (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthases reveals complex relationships between the storage and cell wall polysaccharide content

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    Barley (Hordeum vulgare L) grain is comparatively rich in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan, a source of fermentable dietary fibre that protects against various human health conditions. However, low grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content is preferred for brewing and distilling. We took a reverse genetics approach, using CRISPR/Cas9 to generate mutations in members of the Cellulose synthase-like (Csl) gene superfamily that encode known (HvCslF6 and HvCslH1) and putative (HvCslF3 and HvCslF9) (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthases. Resultant mutations ranged from single amino acid (aa) substitutions to frameshift mutations causing premature stop codons, and led to specific differences in grain morphology, composition and (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content. (1,3;1,4)-β-Glucan was absent in the grain of cslf6 knockout lines, whereas cslf9 knockout lines had similar (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content to wild-type (WT). However, cslf9 mutants showed changes in the abundance of other cell-wall-related monosaccharides compared with WT. Thousand grain weight (TGW), grain length, width and surface area were altered in cslf6 knockouts, and to a lesser extent TGW in cslf9 knockouts. cslf3 and cslh1 mutants had no effect on grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content. Our data indicate that multiple members of the CslF/H family fulfil important functions during grain development but, with the exception of HvCslF6, do not impact the abundance of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan in mature grain.</p