40 research outputs found

    On the road towards IPSAS with a maturity model: a Swiss case study

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    The International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) have driven the modernisation of public systems of financial information. The extent and pace of their implementation remain uneven. The goal of this study was to measure whether and how much governmental accounting standards converge towards IPSASs’ true and fair approach. The empirical context of the 26 Swiss cantons was used to apply a simplified maturity model. Under two successive reforms (maturity stages), each canton’s accounting standards were assessed and scored. The derived maturity levels indicate how close—or far—each canton has stood from a state of full IPSAS compliance (full maturity), at each stage of the process. As Swiss cantons have a certain degree of autonomy in setting their own accounting standards, the evolving paths they followed when implementing IPSASs were heterogeneous. The maturity level attained by each canton within each stage thus varies. However, the results show that the two successive reforms had an overall favourable impact on Swiss cantonal accounting standards compliance with IPSAS, and fairly improved the faithfulness of reported financial information. This research contributes to the international literature on public accounting standards and provides new insights for the assessment of convergence with IPSAS

    Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

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    G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Plan of Action

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    Statement of G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

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    Statement of G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

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    Statement by G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on Global Financial Market Turmoil

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    G-7 countries are as follows: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Japan, France, and Italy. To view a full list of Central Bank Governors, click the link in the related resource section

    Statement of the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

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    Community land formalization and company land acquisition procedures: A review of 33 procedures in 15 countries

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    Indigenous and community lands, crucial for rural livelihoods, are typically held under informal customary tenure arrangements. This can leave the land vulnerable to outside commercial interests, so communities may seek to formalize their land rights in a government registry and obtain an official land document. But this process can be time-consuming and complex, and in contrast, companies can acquire land relatively quickly and find shortcuts around regulatory burdens. This article reviews and maps 19 community land formalization and 14 company land acquisition procedures is 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Comparing community and company procedures identifies multiple sources of inequity