18 research outputs found

    Тенденції розвитку національної інноваційної системи в Україні

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    Проаналізовано національну інноваційну систему України. Розглянуто галузі промисловості України за ознаками інноваційної активності та досліджено темпи зростання показників, враховуючи індекс інфляції. Встановлено, що спад темпів зростання динаміки реалізованої продукції призводить до зменшення витрат на інноваційну діяльність.Дан анализ национальной инновационной системы Украины. Рассмотрены отрасли промышленности Украины по признакам инновационной активности и исследованы темпы роста показателей, учитывая индекс инфляции. Установлено, что спад темпов роста динамики реализованной продукции приводит к уменьшению затрат на инновационную деятельность.This article analyses national innovation system of Ukraine. Examined the industry of Ukraine based on innovative activity and investigated the growth indicators, taking into account inflation-index. It is established that the slowdown in the dynamics realized production leads to a decrease in the cost of innovation

    T7 RNA Polymerase Functions In Vitro without Clustering

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    Many nucleic acid polymerases function in clusters known as factories. We investigate whether the RNA polymerase (RNAP) of phage T7 also clusters when active. Using ‘pulldowns’ and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy we find that elongation complexes do not interact in vitro with a Kd<1 µM. Chromosome conformation capture also reveals that genes located 100 kb apart on the E. coli chromosome do not associate more frequently when transcribed by T7 RNAP. We conclude that if clustering does occur in vivo, it must be driven by weak interactions, or mediated by a phage-encoded protein

    Investigating the clustering of RNA polymerase in bacteriophage T7 and Escherichia coli

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Transcriptional initiation: frequency, bursting, and transcription factories. Genome Organization and Function

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    We know a great deal about the relative population-averaged rates of transcriptional initiation at many promoters, but little about absolute rates, and even less about the temporal distributions of initiations at single loci. Such data has now begun to accumulate; recently developed techniques such as RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the MS2-GFP transcript-tagging system now allow single transcripts to be counted in single cells and in real time. Recent efforts have combined these methods with mathematical modeling to provide evidence that the transcriptional activity of a given gene can vary widely from cell to cell and from minute to minute; many so-called &quot;active&quot; genes seem to spend much of their time inactive, before switching to produce a brief &quot;burst&quot; of transcripts. We briefly review the basic mechanisms of transcription, before focusing on initiation rates. We discuss recent studies of initiation and relate findings to known mechanisms of regulation (concentrating on results obtained in mammalian systems). General Introduction The existence of RNA polymerases (RNAPs) in mammals was first demonstrated in 1959, when it was shown that isolated rat liver nuclei could incorporate [ 32 P] CTP into RNA in the presence of ATP, UTP, and GTP [1]. Shortly thereafter, three types of DNA-dependant RNA polymerizing enzymes (named I, II, III) were isolated from soluble cell lysates on the basis of differential binding to DEAEcellulose columns, differential sensitivity to a-amanitin, and different structural propertie

    The depletion attraction: an underappreciated force driving cellular organization

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    Cellular structures are shaped by hydrogen and ionic bonds, plus van der Waals and hydrophobic forces. In cells crowded with macromolecules, a little-known and distinct force - the "depletion attraction" - also acts. We review evidence that this force assists in the assembly of a wide range of cellular structures, ranging from the cytoskeleton to chromatin loops and whole chromosomes

    Aspectos demográficos e padrão de posse de escravos em Viamão (1776 – 1784)

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    Nesta pesquisa discutem-se estrutura demográfica e de posse de escravos em Viamão na segunda metade do século XVIII. No tocante à demografia, analisou-se o crescimento natural da população livre e a pequena emigração ocorrida na freguesia. Entre os indicadores sociais e de saúde destacou-se o Swaroop-Uemura, que mostrou uma significativa diferença na expectativa de vida entre homens e mulheres e entre livres e escravos. Em relação ao padrão de posse de cativos, analisaram-se os produtores rurais e sua dependência de mão-de-obra escrava. Concluiu-se que Viamão estava inserido na lógica do sistema escravista lusitano nas Américas.This research discusses demography and slave ownership structure in Viamão of the second middle eighteenth century. About demography, it was analyzed the free population vegetative increase and the freguesia´s small emigration. Swaroop-Uemura was selected from social and health indicators, as a potent rate. It showed an expressive difference between men and women and freemen and slaveries. About the slave ownership pattern, it studies the farmers and their dependency of slave labor. The main conclusion is that Viamão was aligned in the logic of Portuguese American slavery system