26 research outputs found

    A bead-based suspension array for the detection of Salmonella antibodies in pig sera.

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    Slaughter pigs are monitored for the presence of the zoonotic pathogen Salmonella, using both serology and bacteriology. ELISAs used to investigate pig herds are based on the detection of antibodies against components of the Salmonella cell envelope. Nearly all Salmonella isolates in food-producing animals are serovars of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica, distributed over various serogroups as determined by the composition of their lipopolysaccharide (LPS). ELISAs for Salmonella serology are usually based on serogroup B and C1 LPS, often combined with serogroup D or E LPS. Although C2 LPS may improve serology, use of C2 LPS in a broad ELISA was never achieved

    Interaction of the thiol-dependent reductase ERp57 with nascent glycoproteins

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    Calnexin and calreticulin interact specifically with newly synthesized glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and function as molecular chaperones. The carbohydrate-specific interactions between ER components and glycoproteins synthesized in isolated canine pancreatic microsomes were analyzed using a cross-linking approach. A carbohydrate-dependent interaction between newly synthesized glycoproteins, the thiol-dependent reductase ERp57, and either calnexin or calreticulin was identified. The interaction between ERp57 and the newly synthesized glycoproteins required trimming of the N-linked oligosaccharide side chain. Thus, it is likely that ERp57 functions as part of the glycoprotein-specific quality control machinery operating in the lumen of the ER.</jats:p

    Pre-screening of crude peptides in a serological bead-based suspension array

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    Most serological assays detect antibody responses in biological samples through affinity of serum antibodies for antigens provided in the assay. Certain antigens, however, may be difficult to produce and/or may contain unwanted epitopes. In these cases, a practical alternative may be the use of peptides as representatives for specific epitopes. Peptides can be obtained after purification in large quantities for a modest price, but screening of a large set of peptides during development may be relatively expensive. To cut costs of screening peptides for a new serological assay, the concept was investigated of using cheap non-purified (crude) peptides instead of purified peptides.Peptides were selected that represent three well-described linear epitopes of viral proteins: VP2 of canine parvovirus (CPV), gp41 of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and E2 of classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Crude and purified biotinylated peptides with either a short or long spacer between the biotin and the epitope were used to test their capability to bind antibodies in a bead-based suspension array.The results show that, in a bead-based suspension array, crude peptides can function as antigen for specific monoclonal antibodies, and that the acquired signals are less than with purified peptides. CSFV-derived crude peptides were also able to detect specific antibodies in swine serum, indicating the applicability of crude peptides for pre-screening large numbers of different peptides during the development of serological peptide-based assays.</p

    Optimization of Bacteriocin Release Protein (BRP)-Mediated Protein Release by Escherichia coli: Random Mutagenesis of the pCloDF13-Derived BRP Gene To Uncouple Lethality and Quasi-Lysis from Protein Release

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    Bacteriocin release proteins (BRPs) can be used for the release of heterologous proteins from the Escherichia coli periplasm into the culture medium. However, high-level expression of BRP causes apparent lysis of the host cells in liquid cultures (quasi-lysis) and inhibition of growth on broth agar plates (lethality). To optimize BRP-mediated protein release, the pCloDF13 BRP gene was subjected to random mutagenesis by using PCR techniques. Mutated BRPs with a strongly reduced capacity to cause growth inhibition on broth agar plates were selected, analyzed by nucleotide sequencing, and further characterized by performing growth and release experiments in liquid cultures. A subset of these BRP derivatives did not cause quasi-lysis and had only a small effect on growth but still functioned in the release of the periplasmic protein β-lactamase and the periplasmic K88 molecular chaperone FaeE and in the release of the bacteriocin cloacin DF13 into the culture medium. These BRP derivatives can be more efficiently used for extracellular production of proteins by E. coli than can the original BRP

    Single-Domain Antibody Multimers for Detection of Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotypes C, D, and Their Mosaics in Endopep-MS

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    Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly toxic proteins that require high-affinity immunocapture reagents for use in endopeptidase-based assays. Here, 30 novel and 2 earlier published llama single-domain antibodies (VHHs) against the veterinary-relevant BoNT serotypes C and D were yeast-produced. These VHHs recognized 10 independent antigenic sites, and many cross-reacted with the BoNT/DC and CD mosaic variants. As VHHs are highly suitable for genetically linking to increase antigen-binding affinity, 52 VHH multimers were produced and their affinity for BoNT/C, D, DC, and CD was determined. A selection of 15 multimers with high affinity (KD KD of 14–99 pM, one multimer for BoNT/DC (65 pM) that also binds BoNT/C (75 pM), and seven multimers for BoNT/C (<1–19 pM), six of which also bind BoNT/DC with lower affinity (93–508 pM). In addition to application in diagnostic tests, these VHHs could be used for the development of novel therapeutics for animals or humans

    Nucleases Encoded by the Integrated Elements CJIE2 and CJIE4 Inhibit Natural Transformation of Campylobacter jejuni▿ †

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    The species Campylobacter jejuni is naturally competent for DNA uptake; nevertheless, nonnaturally transformable strains do exist. For a subset of strains we previously showed that a periplasmic DNase, encoded by dns, inhibits natural transformation in C. jejuni. In the present study, genetic factors coding for DNase activity in the absence of dns were identified. DNA arrays indicated that nonnaturally transformable dns-negative strains contain putative DNA/RNA nonspecific endonucleases encoded by CJE0566 and CJE1441 of strain RM1221. These genes are located on C. jejuni integrated elements 2 and 4. Expression of CJE0566 and CJE1441 from strain RM1221 and a homologous gene from strain 07479 in DNase-negative Escherichia coli and C. jejuni strains indicated that these genes code for DNases. Genetic transfer of the genes to a naturally transformable C. jejuni strain resulted in a decreased efficiency of natural transformation. Modeling suggests that the C. jejuni DNases belong to the Serratia nuclease family. Overall, the data indicate that the acquisition of prophage-encoded DNA/RNA nonspecific endonucleases inhibits the natural transformability of C. jejuni through hydrolysis of DNA

    Functional Characterization of Excision Repair and RecA-Dependent Recombinational DNA Repair in Campylobacter jejuni▿

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    The presence and functionality of DNA repair mechanisms in Campylobacter jejuni are largely unknown. In silico analysis of the complete translated genome of C. jejuni NCTC 11168 suggests the presence of genes involved in methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR), nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair (BER), and recombinational repair. To assess the functionality of these putative repair mechanisms in C. jejuni, mutS, uvrB, ung, and recA knockout mutants were constructed and analyzed for their ability to repair spontaneous point mutations, UV irradiation-induced DNA damage, and nicked DNA. Inactivation of the different putative DNA repair genes did not alter the spontaneous mutation frequency. Disruption of the UvrB and RecA orthologues, but not the putative MutS or Ung proteins, resulted in a significant reduction in viability after exposure to UV irradiation. Assays performed with uracil-containing plasmid DNA showed that the putative uracil-DNA glycosylase (Ung) protein, important for initiation of the BER pathway, is also functional in C. jejuni. Inactivation of recA also resulted in a loss of natural transformation. Overall, the data indicate that C. jejuni has multiple functional DNA repair systems that may protect against DNA damage and limit the generation of genetic diversity. On the other hand, the apparent absence of a functional MMR pathway may enhance the frequency of on-and-off switching of phase variable genes typical for C. jejuni and may contribute to the genetic heterogeneity of the C. jejuni population