36 research outputs found

    Le plateau littoral du Bas-Léon (nord FinistÚre, Bretagne) au Ier millénaire avant notre Úre : perspectives pour une lecture croisée sur les dynamiques du peuplement et du paysage

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    Les auteurs procĂšdent ici au rĂ©examen des donnĂ©es concernant les peuplements et les paysages du littoral du Bas-LĂ©on (FinistĂšre), au cours du Ier millĂ©naire avant notre Ăšre. L’analyse des abondants rĂ©sultats issus d’approches multidisciplinaires permet de dĂ©gager des indicateurs d’évolutions sociales et environnementales, suggĂ©rant la mise en Ă©vidence de deux phases nettement diffĂ©renciĂ©es au cours de la pĂ©riode. Cette prĂ©sentation conduit Ă  esquisser un schĂ©ma d’évolution chronologique, spatiale et culturelle des peuplements et des paysages ; au-delĂ  de certaines limites, cette synthĂšse permet de proposer un nouvel Ă©clairage sur des dynamiques et des processus encore peu abordĂ©s jusqu’ici dans la rĂ©gion et susceptibles d’ĂȘtre approfondis Ă  travers de nouvelles dĂ©marches gĂ©oarchĂ©ologiques.The authors provide here the review of data on the ancient populations and the coastal landscape of Bas-LĂ©on (FinistĂšre), during the 1st millennium BC. The analysis of the abundant results from multidisciplinary approaches can provide indicators of environmental and social developments, suggesting the identification of two clearly distinct phases during the period. This presentation leads to sketch an outline of the chronological, spatial and cultural evolution considering populations and landscapes; beyond certain limits, this synthesis allows proposing a new light on the dynamics and processes still little addressed so far in the region and which could be deepened through new geoarchaeological approaches

    Analyse des objets Ă  base cuivre protohistoriques de l’Ouest de la France : signature chimique de dĂ©pĂŽts de haches Ă  douille de type armoricain, de haches Ă  talon de dĂ©pĂŽts du Bronze moyen II et d’objets de dĂ©pĂŽts de l’horizon de l’épĂ©e en langue de carpe du Bronze final IIIb

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    Un programme d’analyses d’objets Ă  base cuivre a dĂ©butĂ© en 2007 sur le Grand-Ouest de la France. Il est ciblĂ© actuellement sur trois horizons chronologiques fondĂ©s sur les compositions mĂ©tallographiques des objets : l’épĂ©e en langue de carpe attribuĂ©e au Bronze final IIIb, les haches Ă  douille de type armoricain et les haches Ă  talon produites au Bronze moyen II. Ces derniers objets ont Ă©tĂ© anciennement attribuĂ©s au Bronze final, mais les dĂ©couvertes rĂ©centes tendent Ă  les rattacher au premie..

    Tumulus et dĂ©pĂŽts mĂ©talliques dans les paysages de l’ñge du Bronze en Bretagne : hasard ou coĂŻncidence ?

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    Supplément n°4 au Bulletin de l'APRABInternational audienc

    Les dĂ©pĂŽts de la fin de l’Âge du bronze final de Kergaradec Ă  Gouesnac’h (FinistĂšre) : note prĂ©liminaire sur une dĂ©couverte rĂ©cente de l’horizon mĂ©tallique de l’épĂ©e en langue de carpe

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    Three bronze hoards from the end of the Late Bronze Age attributable to the carp’s tongue sword group were discovered in 2004 at Kergaradec in the town of Gouesnac’h in FinistĂšre, Brittany, France. An excavation was undertaken and further precise observations made on the content of the hoards, the layout of the artefacts and their burying context. Two of these hoards contain classical functional categories of the carp’s tongue sword group ; the third is composed merely of plano-convex ingots and is interesting by the layout of these ingots in a circular manner that recalls a flower. The hoard of Menez Tosta, attributed to the same group, had already been discovered in the same plot in the nineteenth century. This preliminary article aims to present this new discovery through the first description of the artefacts and their arrangement. These four hoards are then compared to determine whether the objects were buried in one or the other according to their functional category, their fragmentation or their state of use. We try to determine if these hoards were buried at the same time or a few years apart. Through this research, we observe that there is no evidence proving that the hoards were buried at the same time. Except the one with only ingots, which is clearly apart, there is no distinction between the functional categories of the hoards. Even if the proportion of fragments is high in each, no connection has been determined between them through the different hoards. We note however similarities in their burial because of the three most important functional categories in number and weight : metallurgy, weapons and tools, and because of the most represented objects : ingots, axes and swords. Moreover, the presence of hoards in a same plot of land could not be a coincidence and is evidence of the importance of this place during the Late Bronze Age.Trois dĂ©pĂŽts de la fin de l’Âge du bronze final attribuables Ă  l’horizon mĂ©tallique de l’épĂ©e en langue de carpe ont Ă©tĂ© mis au jour en 2004 au lieudit Kergaradec, dans la commune de Gouesnac’h (FinistĂšre). Une fouille a Ă©tĂ© entreprise sur le lieu de la dĂ©couverte, permettant ainsi d’observer avec exactitude le contenu des dĂ©pĂŽts, la disposition de leur mobilier et leur contexte d’enfouissement. Les deux premiers dĂ©pĂŽts contiennent les catĂ©gories fonctionnelles classiques de cet horizon mĂ©tallique ; le troisiĂšme est composĂ© uniquement de lingots planoconvexes. Le dĂ©pĂŽt de MĂ©nez Tosta, attribuĂ© au mĂȘme horizon mĂ©tallique, avait dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert dans cette parcelle au XIXe siĂšcle. Cet article prĂ©liminaire se propose de prĂ©senter cette nouvelle dĂ©couverte Ă  travers la description des artefacts et de leur agencement. Les quatre dĂ©pĂŽts sont ensuite comparĂ©s afin de dĂ©terminer si les objets ont Ă©tĂ© enfouis dans l’un ou l’autre des dĂ©pĂŽts en fonction de leur catĂ©gorie fonctionnelle, de leur fragmentation ou de leur Ă©tat d’utilisation. À travers ces observations, nous essayerons de dĂ©terminer si ces dĂ©pĂŽts ont Ă©tĂ© enfouis au mĂȘme moment ou Ă  quelques annĂ©es d’intervalle.Fily Muriel. Les dĂ©pĂŽts de la fin de l’Âge du bronze final de Kergaradec Ă  Gouesnac’h (FinistĂšre) : note prĂ©liminaire sur une dĂ©couverte rĂ©cente de l’horizon mĂ©tallique de l’épĂ©e en langue de carpe. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, tome 106, n°1, 2009. pp. 95-107

    Les dĂ©pĂŽts mĂ©talliques de l’extrĂȘme fin du bronze final en Bretagne : nouvelle Ă©valuation des donnĂ©es Ă  la lumiĂšre des dĂ©couvertes rĂ©centes

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    Cet article propose une synthĂšse et une rĂ©actualisation des donnĂ©es sur les dĂ©pĂŽts de l’horizon de l’épĂ©e en langue de carpe. Dans une premiĂšre partie, un protocole d’étude destinĂ© Ă  harmoniser les nombreuses donnĂ©es disponibles est prĂ©sentĂ©. Dans une seconde partie, plusieurs dĂ©couvertes rĂ©centes font l’objet d’une prĂ©sentation prĂ©liminaire. Une attention particuliĂšre est portĂ©e aux trois nouveaux dĂ©pĂŽts de Gouesnac’h (FinistĂšre) qui ont fait l’objet d’une fouille archĂ©ologique et ont donc permis des observations originales sur les conditions d’enfouissement des objets.This article proposes a synthesis and a reactualization of the data on the carp’s tongue sword hoards. In a first part, a protocol of study intended to harmonize the many available data is presented. In a second part, several recent discoveries are the subject of a preliminary presentation. A detailed attention is paid to the three new hoards of Gouesnac’h (FinistĂšre) which were the subject of an archaeological excavation and thus allowed original observations on the burying conditions of the objects

    Contribution Ă  l’étude des aqueducs, carriĂšres et nĂ©cropoles gallo-romaines de Carhaix : la ZAC de Kergorvo

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    Casadebaig Sophie, Perennec Ronan, Fily Muriel. Contribution Ă  l’étude des aqueducs, carriĂšres et nĂ©cropoles gallo-romaines de Carhaix : la ZAC de Kergorvo. In: Aremorica. Études sur l'ouest de la Gaule romaine, n°6, 2014. pp. 39-52

    The metallic hoards in the Bronze and Iron Ages in Brittany, France: old and new discoveries

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    International audienceBrittany has always been famous for its Bronze Age metal hoards due to their large size and especially due to Dr Jacques Briard’s research works in the second half of the 20th century. The Bronze Age is seen as the richest period for this region. Some of the hoards are very well known, as for example the Middle Bronze Age hoard of Treboul and the Late Bronze Age Penavern’s hoard of RosnoĂ«n. The various Late Bronze Age hoards of carp’s tongue swords or the numerous Armorican type sock-eted axe hoards of the Iron Age contributed to the region’s renown.The extent of this practice all over Europe and the mystery regarding their function and importance in the society have always fascinated people, archaeologists as well as the general public. This leads to debates concerning the very diïŹ€erent the-ories on the role of these hoards. The interpretations sometimes reïŹ‚ect more of the current people’s conception of society than that of our ancestors. However, beyond the exact meaning of these actions, which can be seen step by step at each new excavation or study, what really matters is the fact that this prac-tice is shared by so many people and so many communities over vast distances in Europe. The method of apprehending these hoards has changed gradually: only the object and its origin seemed important at the beginning of research, while in the 21th century the disposition of the artifacts in the ground, as well as the natural and cultural environments or the deposition process became more signiïŹcant. This change of consideration is also the result of rescue archaeology, which carries out excavations on large areas. It is also worth noting that in recent years, several digs were conducted following metal detections. Due to an important work done by the Regional Service of Archaeology of Brittany, which encourages people to de-clare their discoveries without touching anything, a lot of information could have been saved. But the problem of illegal metal detection remains an issue at Europe-an level as there is a colossal amount of lost data. In the light of old and recent discoveries in Brittany, elements which makes this practice either unique or common in this region will be discussed and replace in a more general Atlantic world’s context

    Les monuments funĂ©raires et les dĂ©pĂŽts mĂ©talliques dans le paysage rituel de l Âge du Bronze (l exemple du centre-ouest de la Bretagne et du FinistĂšre littoral (France))

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    L objectif principal de l Ă©tude est de dĂ©terminer si le relief fut dĂ©cisif dans le choix du lieu d implantation des sĂ©pultures et d abandon des dĂ©pĂŽts et des objets isolĂ©s mĂ©talliques Ă  l Âge du Bronze dans le centre-ouest Bretagne et dans le FinistĂšre littoral. Il s agit de comprendre le rĂŽle du paysage Ă  travers ses collines et ses vallĂ©es dans le monde funĂ©raire et cultuel. De nombreuses informations relatives aux sites ont Ă©tĂ© compilĂ©es dans une base de donnĂ©es, Ă  partir de dĂ©couvertes anciennes et rĂ©centes. Une localisation est proposĂ©e pour chacun des sites. De multiples prĂ©cautions ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es : prise en compte d un Ă©chantillon important quantitativement, traitement successif des sites selon le degrĂ© de certitude de leur fonction, leur Ă©poque, la prĂ©cision de la localisation, et relativisation des rĂ©sultats par des statistiques. Des analyses spatiales sont effectuĂ©es Ă  l aide d un S.I.G. A la question du rĂŽle dĂ©terminant du relief dans les choix d implantation des sĂ©pultures, la rĂ©ponse est affirmative: une attirance forte pour les points hauts du relief et un rejet gĂ©nĂ©ral pour les points bas sont dĂ©montrĂ©s. Une prĂ©fĂ©rence pour dĂ©poser les morts dans des endroits hauts du paysage a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans d autres zones d Europe de l Ouest. Des croyances et une certaine conception de la mort devaient ĂȘtre partagĂ©es par ces populations. A la question du rĂŽle dĂ©terminant du relief pour l abandon des dĂ©pĂŽts et des objets isolĂ©s mĂ©talliques, la rĂ©ponse est plus nuancĂ©e: il n est pas l unique facteur dĂ©terminant. Les sĂ©pultures et les dĂ©pĂŽts suivaient donc des modes d implantation diffĂ©rents et devaient relever de conceptions et de croyances variĂ©es.The main objective of the study is to determine whether the relief is decisive in choosing the location of graves, Bronze hoards and isolated metal objects of the Bronze Age in central-west Brittany and in the FinistĂšre coast (France). We attempt to understand the role of the landscape through its hills and valleys in the funeral and ritual world. Much information about the sites was compiled in a database, from ancient and recent discoveries. A location is proposed for each site. Numerous precautions have been implemented: taking into account a large sample quantity, successive treatment sites depending on the degree of certainty of their function, their date, the accuracy of the location, and relativization by statistics. Spatial analysis are made using a GIS. To the question of the determine role of relief in the choice of the establishment of graves, the answer is yes: a strong attraction for the high positions in landscape and a generalized rejection to the low ones is demonstrated. A preference for the dead lay in high areas of landscape has been observed in other countries of Western Europe. Beliefs and a certain conception of death should be shared by these people. To the question of the role of relief to burry the hoards and isolated metal objects, the answer is more nuanced: it is not the only factor. The burials and the hoards followed therefore different modes of establishment and should remain varied concepts and beliefs.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF