18 research outputs found

    Current therapy of KRAS-mutant lung cancer

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    KRAS mutations are the most frequent gain-of-function alterations in patients with lung adenocarcinoma (LADC) in the Western world. Although they have been identified decades ago, prior efforts to target KRAS signaling with single-agent therapeutic approaches such as farnesyl transferase inhibitors, prenylation inhibition, impairment of KRAS downstream signaling, and synthetic lethality screens have been unsuccessful. Moreover, the role of KRAS oncogene in LADC is still not fully understood, and its prognostic and predictive impact with regards to the standard of care therapy remains controversial. Of note, KRAS-related studies that included general non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) population instead of LADC patients should be very carefully evaluated. Recently, however, comprehensive genomic profiling and wide-spectrum analysis of other co-occurring genetic alterations have identified unique therapeutic vulnerabilities. Novel targeted agents such as the covalent KRAS G12C inhibitors or the recently proposed combinatory approaches are some examples which may allow a tailored treatment for LADC patients harboring KRAS mutations. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the therapeutic approaches of KRAS-mutated LADC and provides an update on the most recent advances in KRAS-targeted anti-cancer strategies, with a focus on potential clinical implications

    Inter- and intratumoral proteomics and glycosaminoglycan characterization of ALK rearranged lung adenocarcinoma tissues: a pilot study

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    Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer with limited therapeutic options, therefore a detailed understanding of the underlying molecular changes is of utmost importance. In this pilot study, we investigated the proteomic and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) profile of ALK rearranged lung tumor tissue regions based on the morphological classification, mucin and stromal content. Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering revealed that both the proteomic and GAG-omic profiles are highly dependent on mucin content and to a lesser extent on morphology. We found that differentially expressed proteins between morphologically different tumor types are primarily involved in the regulation of protein synthesis, whereas those between adjacent normal and different tumor regions take part in several other biological processes (e.g. extracellular matrix organization, oxidation-reduction processes, protein folding) as well. The total amount and the sulfation profile of heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate showed small differences based on morphology and larger differences based on mucin content of the tumor, while an increase was observed in both the total amount and the average rate of sulfation in tumors compared to adjacent normal regions

    Doege–Potter-szindróma a mellhártya óriás malignus szoliter fibrosus tumorával = Doege–Potter syndrome with giant malignant solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura

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    Absztrakt: A mellhártya ritkának számító szoliter fibrosus tumora néhány százalékban hypoglykaemiával társul, amit első két leírójukról Doege–Potter-szindrómának neveztek el. Hatvanhárom éves férfi betegünk egy évvel korábban már pulmonológiai kezelés alatt állt bal oldali mellüregi folyadékgyülemmel, bal alsó lebenyi daganat CT-képével. Ismét fokozódó terhelési dyspnoe miatt végzett újabb vizsgálatok során a most már óriásira nőtt tumor vastagtű-biopsziája low grade sarkomát igazolt. Onkológiai konzílium műtéti elbírálás mérlegelését javasolta. A beteg nyugalmi dyspnoe és ismétlődő hypoglykaemiás rosszullétek miatt gyorsan romló állapotban az intenzív osztályról került a műtőbe. A tumor eltávolítása és bal oldali pneumonectomia történt szövődménymentes gyógyulással. A szövettan szoliter fibrosus pleuratumort igazolt a Doege–Potter-szindrómának megfelelően. A műtét alatt észlelt pleuralis szóródás miatt adjuváns kemoterápiában részesült. Egy évvel a műtét után helyileg kiújult tumort távolítottunk el. A folytatódó kemoterápia ellenére lokális és ellenoldali pulmonalis progressziót észleltünk. A beteg első műtétjétől számított túlélése három év. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(4): 149–153. | Abstract: Infrequent solitary fibrous tumours of the pleura are associated with hypoglycaemia only in a few percent of the cases; this condition is called Doege–Potter syndrome, named after its first descriptors. Our 63 years old male patient has previously undergone clinical treatment for intrathoracic fluid accumulation on the left side caused by a giant tumour-like mass in the lower left lobe detected by CT scan. In the course of further investigations performed due to increasing load-induced dyspnoea, lung core biopsy verified low grade sarcoma in the tumour. Tumour board suggested surgery. The patient was transferred from the intensive care unit into the operation theater due to increasing dyspnoea and repeated hypoglycaemic periods in rapidly worsening general condition. Pneumonectomy and removal of the tumour was performed on the left side. Histology showed solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura corresponding to Doege–Potter syndrome. The patient was discharged without complications and underwent adjuvant chemotherapy due to pleural dissemination of the tumour observed intraoperatively. One year after surgery the patient underwent surgical removal of a locally recurrent tumour. In spite of repeated chemotherapy local and multiplex contralateral pulmonary progression was observed. Three-year survival was noted from the time of the first surgery. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(41): 149–153

    Comparative analysis of prognostic histopathologic parameters in subtypes of epithelioid pleural mesothelioma

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    Aims: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare malignancy with a dismal prognosis. While the epithelioid type is associated with a more favourable outcome, additional factors are needed to further stratify prognosis and to identify patients who can benefit from multimodal treatment. As epithelioid MPM shows remarkable morphological variability, the prognostic role of the five defined morphologies, the impact of the nuclear grading system and the mitosis-necrosis score were investigated in this study. Methods and results: Tumour specimens of 192 patients with epithelioid MPM from five European centres were histologically subtyped. Nuclear grading and mitosis-necrosis score were determined and correlated with clinicopathological parameters and overall survival (OS). Digital slides of 55 independent cases from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database were evaluated for external validation. Histological subtypes were collapsed into three groups based on their overlapping survival curves. The tubulopapillary/microcystic group had a significantly longer OS than the solid/trabecular group (732 days versus 397 days, P = 0.0013). Pleomorphic tumours had the shortest OS (173 days). The solid/trabecular variants showed a significant association with high nuclear grade and mitosis-necrosis score. The mitosis-necrosis score was a robust and independent prognostic factor in our patient cohort. The prognostic significance of all three parameters was externally validated in the TCGA cohort. Patients with tubulopapillary or microcystic tumours showed a greater improvement in OS after receiving multimodal therapy than those with solid or trabecular tumours. Conclusions: Histological subtypes of epithelioid MPM have a prognostic impact, and might help to select patients for intensive multimodal treatment approaches

    Spatially Resolved Proteomic and Transcriptomic Profiling of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase-Rearranged Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas Reveals Key Players in Inter- and Intratumoral Heterogeneity

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    Pulmonary adenocarcinomas (pADCs) with an ALK rearrangement are a rare cancer subtype, necessitating comprehensive molecular investigations to unravel their heterogeneity and improve therapeutic strategies. In this pilot study, we employed spatial transcriptomic (NanoString GeoMx) and proteomic profiling to investigate seven treatment-naïve pADCs with an ALK rearrangement. On each FFPE tumor slide, 12 smaller and 2-6 larger histopathologically annotated regions were selected for transcriptomic and proteomic analysis, respectively. The correlation between proteomics and transcriptomics was modest (average Pearson's r = 0.43 at the gene level). Intertumoral heterogeneity was more pronounced than intratumoral heterogeneity, and normal adjacent tissue exhibited distinct molecular characteristics. We identified potential markers and dysregulated pathways associated with tumors, with a varying extent of immune infiltration, as well as with mucin and stroma content. Notably, some markers appeared to be specific to the ALK-driven subset of pADCs. Our data showed that within tumors, elements of the extracellular matrix, including FN1, exhibited substantial variability. Additionally, we mapped the co-localization patterns of tumor microenvironment elements. This study represents the first spatially resolved profiling of ALK-driven pADCs at both the gene and protein expression levels. Our findings may contribute to a better understanding of this cancer type prior to treatment with ALK inhibitors

    A Challenging Case of Metastatic Intra-Abdominal Synovial Sarcoma with Unusual Immunophenotype and Its Differential Diagnosis

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    The primary and metastatic gastrointestinal synovial sarcoma is rare with a wide differential diagnosis. It usually expresses cytokeratins EMA, BCL2 with an occasional CD99, and S100 positivity but not desmin. We present a case of metastatic synovial sarcoma with unusual immunophenotype causing diagnostic challenges. The tumor cells showed focal cytokeratin, EMA, and, unexpectedly, desmin positivity. Additional intranuclear TLE-1 positivity and negativity for CD34 and DOG-1 were also identified. A diagnosis of monophasic synovial sarcoma was confirmed by using FISH break-apart probe. RT-PCR revealed the SYT-SSX1 fusion gene. Intra-abdominal synovial sarcoma, either primary or metastatic, with unusual desmin positivity raises the diagnostic challenge, since a wide range of differential diagnoses could show a similar immunophenotype (leiomyosarcoma, desmoid tumor, myofibroblastic tumor, and rarely GIST etc.). Typical morphology and focal cytokeratin/EMA positivity should alert to this tumor, and FISH and RT-PCR remain the gold standard for the confirmation

    EGFR Autophosphorylation but Not Protein Score Correlates With Histologic and Molecular Subtypes in Lung Adenocarcinoma

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    Established clinicopathologic characteristics of non-small cell lung cancer patients define a subgroup responding better to EGFR-TK inhibitors: adenocarcinoma histology, ethnicity, sex, smoking status, presence of activating EGFR mutation, and/or K-RAS wild type. However, EGFR mutation does not automatically lead to increased activity of the protein influenced by several factors. As adenocarcinoma can be further divided into histologic subclasses, we compared adenocarcinomas without lepidic growth pattern (NLAC) to those characterized by pure or predominant lepidic growth (LAC) for EGFR protein expression and autophosphorylation activity (Y1173), as determined by immunohistochemistry. This pretarget therapy cohort comprised a total of 110 surgically operated patients of stage I non-small cell lung cancer: 49 NLAC and 61 LAC variants. The LAC group had a significantly better prognosis and the incidence of phospho-EGFR-positive tumors was significantly higher compared with NLAC. Patient sex did not influence EGFR activity, but the incidence of pEGFR-positive tumors was significantly lower among smoker patients. There was no statistically significant difference in EGFR or KRAS mutation frequencies between the 2 groups. In NLAC, pEGFR-positive tumors occurred exclusively among EGFR-mutant/K-RAS wild-type tumors. On the contrary, in LAC tumors, pEGFR-positive tumors were similarly frequent in the EGFR or K-RAS mutant groups indicating an interesting feedback activation of EGFR signaling in K-RAS mutant tumors. Our data also indicate that EGFR mutation leads to EGFR autophosphorylation only in a small fraction of adenocarcinoma patients, which might have clinical significance

    Single-cell immunophenotyping revealed the association of CD4+ central and CD4+ effector memory T cells linking exacerbating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and NSCLC.

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    Tobacco smoking generates airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and its involvement in the development of lung cancer is still among the leading causes of early death. Therefore, we aimed to have a better understanding of the disbalance in immunoregulation in chronic inflammatory conditions in smoker subjects with stable COPD (stCOPD), exacerbating COPD (exCOPD), or non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Smoker controls without chronic illness were recruited as controls. Through extensive mapping of single cells, surface receptor quantification was achieved by single-cell mass cytometry (CyTOF) with 29 antibodies. The CyTOF characterized 14 main immune subsets such as CD4+, CD8+, CD4+/CD8+, CD4-/CD8-, and γ/δ T cells and other subsets such as CD4+ or CD8+ NKT cells, NK cells, B cells, plasmablasts, monocytes, CD11cdim, mDCs, and pDCs. The CD4+ central memory (CM) T cells (CD4+/CD45RA-/CD45RO+/CD197+) and CD4+ effector memory (EM) T cells (CD4+/CD45RA-/CD45RO+/CD197-) were FACS-sorted for RNA-Seq analysis. Plasma samples were assayed by Luminex MAGPIX® for the quantitative measurement of 17 soluble immuno-oncology mediators (BTLA, CD28, CD80, CD27, CD40, CD86, CTLA-4, GITR, GITRL, HVEM, ICOS, LAG-3, PD-1, PD-L1, PD-L2, TIM-3, TLR-2) in the four studied groups.Our focus was on T-cell-dependent differences in COPD and NSCLC, where peripheral CD4+ central memory and CD4+ effector memory cells showed a significant reduction in exCOPD and CD4+ CM showed elevation in NSCLC. The transcriptome analysis delineated a perfect correlation of differentially expressed genes between exacerbating COPD and NSCLC-derived peripheral CD4+ CM or CD4+ EM cells. The measurement of 17 immuno-oncology soluble mediators revealed a disease-associated phenotype in the peripheral blood of stCOPD, exCOPD, and NSCLC patients.The applied single-cell mass cytometry, the whole transcriptome profiling of peripheral CD4+ memory cells, and the quantification of 17 plasma mediators provided complex data that may contribute to the understanding of the disbalance in immune homeostasis generated or sustained by tobacco smoking in COPD and NSCLC