264 research outputs found

    Blockchain tools to facilitate NFT tasks in Oasis network

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    Blockchain and NFT (non-fungible tokens) are topics with a growing interest, especially during the last few years. Many companies and artists have wanted to enter this world to maximize their profits from the sale of digital assets but have encountered the technological barrier of decentralization and smart contracts. This project manages to develop a collection of NFT from a number of layers of art, thus going from layers to images and metadata, then decentralizing it, and, finally, making a smart contract and a website. In addition, the project has been complemented by including two extra tools to calculate the balance and NFTs of a user's wallet. This paper explains the methodology used and the results obtained during its implementation.La cadena de bloques y los NFT (tokens no fungibles) son temas con un interés creciente, sobre todo durante los últimos años. Muchas empresas y artistas han querido adentrarse en este mundo para maximizar sus beneficios con la venta de activos digitales, pero se han encontrado con la barrera tecnológica de la descentralización y los contratos inteligentes. Este proyecto consigue desarrollar una colección de NFT a partir de un número de capas de arte, pasando así de capas a imágenes y metadatos, después descentralizándolo, y, finalmente, haciendo un contrato inteligente y una página web. Además, se ha complementado el proyecto incluyendo dos herramientas extras para calcular el balance y los NFT de la billetera de un usuario. Este documento explica la metodología utilizada y los resultados obtenidos durante la realización de esta.La cadena de blocs i els NFT (tokens no fungibles) són temes amb un interès creixent, sobretot durant els últims anys. Moltes empreses i artistes s'han volgut endinsar en aquest món per a maximitzar els seus beneficis amb la venda d'actius digitals, però s'han trobat amb la barrera tecnològica de la descentralització i els contractes intel·ligents. Aquest projecte aconsegueix desenvolupar una col·lecció de NFT a partir d'un nombre de capes d'art, passant així de capes a imatges i metadades, després descentralitzant- ho, i, finalment, realitzant un contracte intel·ligent i la pàgina web. A més, s'ha complementat el projecte incloent-hi dues eines extres per a calcular el balanç i els NFT a la bitlletera d'un usuari. Aquest document explica les metodologies utilitzades i els resultats obtinguts durant la realització d'aquesta

    Participación argentina en procesos de integración y su influencia en el comercio internacional

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    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar si la participación de la Argentina en el comercio mundial, ya sea como miembro o mediante la celebración de algún acuerdo particular con algún estado o bloque, reporta beneficios económicos que pueden ser percibidos por la totalidad de la población. Este trabajo busca analizar los principales acuerdos de integración existentes en el mundo, repasando brevemente algunas de sus características e hitos de relevancia. Posteriormente se centrará en el análisis de la participación de Argentina en cada uno de los bloques en los que es miembro como así también en las relaciones, históricas o recientes, que mantiene con los bloques más importantes a lo largo del mundo.Fil: Filizzola Giunta, Fabricio. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Jorge, Juan Ignacio . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Congresso ABEQUA

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    Optimal Setting of Earthquake-Related Ionospheric TEC (Total Electron Content) Anomalies Detection Methods: Long-Term Validation over the Italian Region

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    Over the last decade, thanks to the availability of historical satellite observations that have begun to be significantly large and thanks to the exponential growth of artificial intelligence techniques, many advances have been made in the detection of geophysical parameters such as seismic-related anomalies. In this study, the variations of the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC), one of the main parameters historically proposed as a seismic-connected indicator, are analyzed. To make a statistically robust analysis of the complex phenomena involved, we propose a completely innovative machine-learning approach developed in the R programming language. Through this approach, an optimal setting of the multitude of methodological inputs currently proposed for the detection of ionospheric anomalies is performed. The setting is optimized by analyzing, for the first time, multi-year—mostly twenty-year—time series of TEC satellite data measured by global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) over the Italian region, matched with the corresponding multi-year time series of seismic events. Seismic events including all the countries of the Mediterranean area, up to Turkey, are involved in the analysis. Tens of thousands of possible combinations of input methodological parameters are simulated and classified according to pre-established criteria. Several inputs examined return clear results. These results combined with each other highlight the presence of anomalous seismic-related sequences that have an extremely low probability of having been detected randomly (up to 2 out of 1 million). The anomalies identified represent the most anomalous behaviors of the TEC recorded during the entire period under investigation (e.g., 20 years). Some of the main conclusions are that, at mid-latitudes, ① the detection of seismic-TEC anomalies can be more efficient looking for punctual rather than persistent phenomena; ② the optimal thresholds for the identification of co-seismic anomalies can assume different values depending on type of anomaly (positive or negative) and type of observation; ③ single GNSS receiver data can be useful for capturing local earthquake-ionospheric effects and Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) data can be functional in detecting large-scale earthquake-ionospheric effects; ④ earthquakes deeper than 50 km are less likely to affect the ionosphere


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    Este artigo analisa o Rio de Janeiro na obra do escritor carioca Lima Barreto (1881-1922), sob a ótica da identidade nacional e da experiência vivenciada de seus habitantes. Ao conferir importância à experiência individual dos habitantes do Rio de Janeiro da Primeira República, Lima Barreto desenvolveu um discurso de resistência ao modelo oficial baseado nas idéias de ordem, progresso, civilização e higiene. O escritor elabora em seus romances, contos, crônicas e diários, uma argumentação que coloca em tensão a cidade dos indivíduos excluídos e a identidade nacional que se pretendia forjar com as reformas urbanísticas do início do século vinte.NATIONAL IDENTITY AND LIVED URBAN EXPERIENCE IN LIMA BARRETO´S RIO DE JANEIROThis article analyses the city of Rio de Janeiro on the works of the carioca writer Lima Barreto (1881-1922), focusing on national identity and lived urban experience. Since the writer recognized value on the individual experience of the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro, he developed a resistance discourse against the official model based on the ideas of order, progress, civilization and hygiene. The writer elaborates arguments in his novels, tales, chronicles, and diaries, which put in tension the city of the excluded citizens and the national identity that wanted to be forgotten by the urban reforms of the early twentieth century

    Advanced Satellite Technique for Volcanic Activity Monitoring and Early Warning.

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    Nowadays, satellite remote sensing is an important tool for volcanic activity monitoring, thanks to several operational satellite platforms providing data everywhere with high observational frequencies and generally at low cost. Among different techniques available, an advanced satellite method, named RST (Robust Satellite Technique). based on the multitemporal analysis of satellite data, has shown a high capability in volcanic activity monitoring. This approach has proved capable of identifyimg and tracking volcanic ash Cloud and of correctly detecting and monitoring volcanic thermal anomalies. This paper analyzes some recent results, obtained applying this approach to the last eruptive events of Mt. Etna using both polar and geostationary satellites. In particular, for the first time, this approach is implemented on the present geostationary platform MSG-SEVIRI, with 15 min of temporal resolution. Preliminary results, together with a future potential of this implementation, are shown and discussed. Moreover, a differential RST index in time domain is also proposed for near real-time application, as a possible contribution to the development of an efficient early warning satellite system for volcanic hazard mitigation

    A self-sufficient approach for GERB cloudy radiance detection.

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    Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) is the broadband radiometer onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) platform, launched at the end of August 2002 and still in commissioning phase. GERB data is planned to be used in many applications concerning Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) calculation. In order to evaluate the impact of clouds on ERB, a cloud detection is required and, at present, a cloud mask based on higher spatial and spectral resolution data acquired by Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the imager onboard the same MSG platform, is planned to be used in order to identify cloudy GERB soundings. As an alternative, a self-sufficient (only based on GERB data) method (OCA, the One-channel Cloudy-radiance-detection Approach) is proposed, as a time-saving and, probably, more suitable solution than the planned co-location approach. In this paper, preliminary results obtained by using several years of Meteosat data as well as GERB synthetic radiances (produced from Meteosat-7 observations) are presented. It is shown how results obtained by using GERB data alone can be comparable (and better in terms of number and spatial distribution of clear-sky GERB soundings identified) to the ones achieved if the co-location of a higher resolution cloud mask is use

    Advanced satellite technique for volcanic activity monitoring and early warning

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    Nowadays, satellite remote sensing is an important tool for volcanic activity monitoring, thanks to several operational satellite platforms providing data everywhere with high observational frequencies and generally at low cost. Among different techniques available, an advanced satellite method, named RST (Robust Satellite Technique), based on the multitemporal analysis of satellite data, has shown a high capability in volcanic activity monitoring. This approach has proved capable of identifying and tracking volcanic ash cloud and of correctly detecting and monitoring volcanic thermal anomalies. This paper analyzes some recent results, obtained applying this approach to the last eruptive events of Mt. Etna using both polar and geostationary satellites. In particular, for the first time, this approach is implemented on the present geostationary platform MSG-SEVIRI, with 15 min of temporal resolution. Preliminary results, together with a future potential of this implementation, are shown and discussed. Moreover, a differential RST index in time domain is also proposed for near real-time application, as a possible contribution to the development of an efficient early warning satellite system for volcanic hazard mitigation

    Limites legais ao uso da inteligência artificial na magistratura

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo descobrir se o uso da Inteligência Artificial como autora, coautor ou substituta do trabalho intelectual do magistrado pode ser considerado legal e constitucional segundo o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. A fim de se atingir o objetivo almejado, levantou-se a conceituação básica a respeito da tecnologia envolvida na Inteligência Artificial, pesquisou-se, nos autores relevantes, e em artigos científicos, as reflexões a respeito dos limites legais relevantes, e, por fim, foi analisado se o uso da Inteligência Artificial como entidade julgadora afronta os direitos, garantias e princípios constitucionais. O método utilizado na realização da pesquisa foi o hipotético-dedutivo, partindo da hipótese de que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não dá suporte a esse tipo de aplicação da Inteligência Artificial. Confrontando essa hipótese com a legislação pertinente ao assunto, e com os princípios aplicáveis, por meio dos métodos de interpretação jurídica, chegou-se à conclusão de que, apesar de não existir regulamentação explícita acerca da matéria, a substituição das atividades do magistrado por um sistema de Inteligência Artificial configura-se inconstitucional por afrontar diversos princípios da Lei Maior

    Robust satellite techniques (RST) for the thermal monitoring of earthquake prone areas: the case of Umbria-Marche October, 1997 seismic events

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    Several authors claim a space-time correlation between increases in Earth’s emitted Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) radiation and earthquake occurrence. The main problems of such studies regard data analysis and interpretation, which are often done without a validation/confutation control. In this context, a robust data analysis technique (RST, i.e. Robust Satellite Techniques) is proposed which permits a statistically based definition of TIR «anomaly » and uses a validation/confutation approach. This technique was already applied to satellite TIR surveys in seismic regions for about twenty earthquakes that occurred in the world. In this work RST is applied for the first time to a time sequence of seismic events. Nine years of Meteosat TIR observations have been analyzed to characterize the unperturbed TIR signal behaviour at specific observation times and locations. The main seismic events of the October 1997 Umbria-Marche sequence have been considered for validation, and relatively unperturbed periods (no earthquakes with Mb ≥ 4) were taken for confutation purposes. Positive time-space persistent TIR anomalies were observed during seismic periods, generally overlapping the principal tectonic lineaments of the region and sometimes focusing on the vicinity of the epicentre. No similar (in terms of relative intensity and space-time persistence) TIR anomalies were detected during seismically unperturbed periods