10 research outputs found

    Cadastral valuation as instrument for strategic planning

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    The article analyzes issues modern state improving of cadastral valuation methods. In this case, the role of the land and property complex in strategic and territorial planning is analyzed. The necessity of forecasting changes in the lands cadastral value for achieving strategic goals and the choice of town-planning solutions is shown

    Clinical Evaluation of a Self-Adhering Flowable Resin Composite in Minimally Invasive Class I Cavities: 5-year Results of a Double Blind Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Svrha istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti dugoročne kliničke rezultate samoadhezivnog tekućeg kompozita u usporedbi s konvencionalnim tekućim kompozitom u kombinaciji s jetkajuće-ispirućim adhezivom u minimalno invazivnim kavitetima I. razreda. Materijali i metode: Na zubima dvadeset i pet pacijenata izrađena su barem po dva ispuna I. razreda (n = 65). Nakon što su preparirani kaviteti I. razreda, nasumično su restaurirani ili samoadhezivnim tekućim kompozitom (Vertise-Flow/Kerr-VR) [skupina 1 (n = 33)], ili konvencionalnim tekućim kompozitom (Luxaflow/DMG-LX) u kombinaciji s jetkajuće-ispirućim adhezivnim sustavom (Teco/DMG) [skupina 2 (n = 32)] prema uputama proizvođača. Dva istraživača procijenila su početne vrijednosti restauracija prema kriterijima FDI-a i nakon toga u petogodišnjem razdoblju jedanput na godinu. Statistička analiza provedena je Pearsonovim Chi-kvadrat testom i Cochranovim Q-testom, a zatim McNemarovim testom (p = 0,05). Rezultati: Nakon pet godina ukupno je izrađeno 47 restauracija sa stopom odaziva na kontrolne preglede od 68 %. U razdoblju od četiri godine, na trima (11,5 %) restauracijama u skupini VR i dvjema u skupini LX (7,6 %) dogodio se kumulativni gubitak retencije. Sedamnaest restauracija (73,9 %) VR i 14 LX (58,3 %) ocijenjeno je klinički dobrima (2) za parametar rubne prilagodbe. Pri procjeni nakon pet godina u skupinama VR i LX zabilježeni su slični rezultati za sve procijenjene parametre (p > 0,05). Kumulativne stope gubitka retencije u skupinama VR i LX iznosile su 15,3 %, odnosno 7,6 %. Ni kod jedne restauracije nije zabilježen rekurentni karijes ili postoperativna osjetljivost. Za oba materijala zabilježena je značajna promjena nakon četiri i pet godina, kad je riječ o rubnom obojenju, u odnosu prema početnoj vrijednosti (p < 0,001). Nadalje, opažene su značajne promjene za parametar rubne prilagodbe u skupinama VR i LX nakon jedne, dvije, tri, četiri i pet godina u usporedbi s početnom vrijednosti (p < 0,001). Zaključak: Oba materijala za restauraciju kaviteta I. razreda pokazala su klinički prihvatljive rezultate nakon pet godina. Samoadhezivni tekući kompozit imao je slične kliničke performanse kao i konvencionalni tekući kompozit u kombinaciji s jetkajuće-ispirućim adhezivnim sustavom.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term clinical performance of a self-adhering flowable resin composite compared to a conventional flowable resin composite used with an etch&rinse adhesive system in minimally invasive Class I cavities. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five patients received at least one pair of Class I restorations (n=65). After Class I cavities had been prepared, they were randomly restored either with a self-adhering flowable resin composite (Vertise-Flow/Kerr-VR) [Group-1 (n=33)], or with a flowable resin composite (Luxaflow/DMG-LX) in combination with an etch&rinse adhesive (Teco/DMG) [Group-2 (n=32)] according to the manufacturers’ instructions. The restorations were evaluated at baseline and yearly during 5 years according to the FDI criteria by two evaluators. A statistical analysis was carried out using the Pearson Chi-Square test and the Cochran Q-test followed by the Mc Nemar’s test (p=0.05). Results: After 5 years a total of 47 restorations were evaluated with a recall rate of 68%. At 4-year, 3 (11.5%) VR and 2 LX (7.6%) restorations exhibited a cumulative retention loss. Seventeen (73.9%) VR and 14 LX (58.3%) restorations exhibited clinically acceptable (2) scores for marginal adaptation. At 5-year evaluations VR and LX showed similar results regarding all evaluated criteria (p > 0.05). The cumulative retention loss rates of VR and LX were 15.3% and 7.6%, respectively. None of the restorations demonstrated a recurrence of caries and post operative sensitivity. Both materials showed significant changes at 4 and 5 years regarding marginal staining when compared to baseline (p<0.001). Furthermore, significant changes were observed for VR and LX at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years for marginal adaptation according to baseline (p<0.001). Conclusion: The use of both materials for the restoration of Class-I cavities demonstrated clinically acceptable performance at the end of 5-year. The self-adhering flowable composite exhibited a clinical performance similar to the conventional flowable applied with an etch&rinse adhesive

    Učinak komercijalnih proizvoda za izbjeljivanje na mikrotvrdoću, hrapavost površine, boju i smičnu čvrstoću veze cakline i ispuna

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    Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of four over-the-counter (OTC) whitening products on the microhardness, surface roughness, color, shear bond strength (SBS) and surface charecteristics of human enamel compared with a product used for dentist-su-pervised home whitening. Material and methods: Seventy eight enamel specimens allocated into 6 groups (n=13): 1-Opalescence PF 10% (OP) dentist prescribed home whitening product, 2-Opalescence Go prefilled tray (PT), 3-Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste (WT), 4-Listerine Healthy White whitening mouth rinse (WMR), 5-Cavex Bite&White whitening pen (WP) and 6- no treatment (Con). The microhardness (VHN), surface roughness (Ra) and color of the specimens were measured (T 0 ). The specimens were then subjected to whitening protocols for 14 days (T 1 ). followed by artificial saliva storage for 14 days (T 2 ). The measurements were repeated at T 1 and T 2 . The SBS test was done after the application of 35% phosphoric acid (Scotchbond Universal Etchant), followed by a universal adhesive (G-Premio Bond) and a micro hybrid/universal resin composite (Essentia) into a Teflon tube attached to the enamel surface (p0.05). Ra values of enamel specimens increased with the application of OP, PT and WT (p0.05). OP, PT, WMR, and WP changed the color of the enamel(p 0,05) nije bilo značajnih promjena. Vrijednosti Ra porasle su nakon primjene OP-a, PT-a i WT-a (p 0,05). OP, PT, WMR i WP promijenili su boju cakline (p < 0,05). Nije bilo značajnih razlika u SBS-ovima između skupina, osim kod uzoraka na koje je primijenjen OP i imali su najniže vrijednosti SBS-a (p=0.001). SEM analizom ustanovljena je glatka površina cakline. Zaključak: Proizvodi za izbjeljivanje različito utječu na mikrotvrdoću, hrapavost površine i boju cakline. Samo je OP smanjio SBS cakline

    Mechanical Properties And Water Sorption Of Two Experimental Glass Ionomer Cements With Hydroxyapatite Or Calcium Fluorapatite Formulation

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    In this study the mechanical behavior and water sorption (Ws) of experimental glass-ionomer-cements (GICs) with hydroxyapatite (HA) or calcium fluorapatite (CFA) prototype formulations were examined. Specimens from two experimental and one commercially available GIC were prepared in three protocols; (1) according to the manufacturer's instructions, (2) with coating and (3) with heat application. The specimens were stored in distilled water or artificial saliva at 37 degrees C for 7- and 30-days. Flexural strength (FS), Vickers hardness (VHN) and Ws of GICs were evaluated. Experimental GICs showed higher FS values than commercial GIC (p0.05). The GICs with HA or CFA formulations might represent a promising approach due to their FS, VHN and Ws characteristics.WoSScopu

    Evaluation of the implementation of WHO infection prevention and control core components in Turkish health care facilities: results from a WHO infection prevention and control assessment framework (IPCAF)-based survey.

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