19 research outputs found

    [Guidelines for the use of a feed additive tested in an industrial environment on highly productive commercial laying hens] Методические рекомендации по использованию кормовой добавки, прошедшей испытания в промышленных условиях на высокопродуктивных промышленных курах-несушках

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    Methodological recommendations were developed within the framework of the Grant Agreement No. 14.W03.31.0013 dated February 20, 2017 as part of the implementation of the Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 220 dated April 9, 2010 on the topic Development of modern biotechnologies for assessing gene expression in connection with productivity and resistance to diseases in poultry farming. Methodical recommendations are intended for specialists and managers of poultry farms, farmers, researchers, teachers, graduate students and students of agricultural universities, students of the advanced training system. Методические рекомендации разработаны в рамках Договора о выделении гранта № 14.W03.31.0013 от 20 февраля 2017 г. в рамках реализации постановления Правительства Российской Федерации от 9 апреля 2010 г. № 220 по теме  Разработка современных биотехнологий для оценки экспрессии генов в связи с продуктивностью и устойчивостью к заболеваниям в птицеводстве. Методические рекомендации предназначены для специалистов и руководителей птицеводческих хозяйств, фермеров, научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов, слушателей системы повышения квалификации

    Fragmentation and Multifragmentation of 10.6A GeV Gold Nuclei

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    We present the results of a study performed on the interactions of 10.6A GeV gold nuclei in nuclear emulsions. In a minimum bias sample of 1311 interac- tions, 5260 helium nuclei and 2622 heavy fragments were observed as Au projec- tile fragments. The experimental data are analyzed with particular emphasis of target separation interactions in emulsions and study of criticalexponents. Multiplicity distributions of the fast-moving projectile fragments are inves- tigated. Charged fragment moments, conditional moments as well as two and three -body asymmetries of the fast moving projectile particles are determined in terms of the total charge remaining bound in the multiply charged projectile fragments. Some differences in the average yields of helium nuclei and heavier fragments are observed, which may be attributed to a target effect. However, two and three-body asymmetries and conditional moments indicate that the breakup mechanism of the projectile seems to be independent of target mass. We looked for evidence of critical point observable in finite nuclei by study the resulting charged fragments distributions. We have obtained the values for the critical exponents gamma, beta and tau and compare our results with those at lower energy experiment (1.0A GeV data). The values suggest that a phase transition like behavior, is observed.Comment: latex, revtex, 28 pages, 12 figures, 3tables, submitted to Europysics Journal

    Communities of larger fungi of ombrotrophic bogs in West Siberia

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    Bogs are common ecosystems in the Taiga of West Siberia. Little is known about mycological diversity in these important ecosystems. This article summarises the results of a two-year study of the macrofungi in two bogs near the town of Khanty-Mansiysk. Sporocarps were collected in 20 plots (about 300 m2) established in Mukhrino Bog as well as during random walks in Mukhrino Bog and Chistoe Bog in the late summer–autumn of 2012 and 2013. The plots were established in two common bog habitats representing the Ledo-Sphagnetum fusci (LS) and Scheuchzerio palustris-Sphagnetum cuspidati (SS) plant community associations. A total of 59 distinct fungal taxa were collected from the two bogs, with the LS association having a higher species richness and diversity than the SS association (50 taxa vs. 16 taxa and 30–40 taxa per 1000 m2 vs. 6–10 taxa per 1000 m2, respectively). Each of the two plant community associations has its own characteristic fungal taxa, with the LS association having 13 characteristic taxa and the SS association having five. Nearly two thirds of the fungal taxa are saprotrophic, mainly of Sphagnum spp., while others are mycorrhizal, mainly with Pinus spp. Most taxa were collected fewer than ten times during the study period and, hence, are considered rare and may need to be recognised for conservation programmes in this region

    The experiment of Developing a System of Vocational Training on the Educational Activity of Future Teacher

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    In the modern education system, high requirements are imposed on the organization of educational activities by the teacher, taking into account the socio-cultural conditions of the development of society. In this regard, it is required to revise the models of training a future teacher to solve the problems of professional activity, to substantiate effective methods for the development of the corresponding components of students’ competencies, which determine their motivational and technological readiness for the effective organization of educational work with students. The authors of the article considered theoretical approaches related to the implementation of the ideas of personality-oriented training of future teachers for the organization of educational activities in the education system, identified promising methods for solving the problem in psychological and pedagogical research. The article identifies the problematic field of organizing the vocational education system, highlights the methodological aspects of designing a system for developing the readiness of future teachers to effectively solve the problems of educational activities with students. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the experience of developing the integral content of the professional educational program of the university and show the results of its practical implementation in the aspect of developing the readiness of future teachers to organize educational activities in education

    Experience in designing a system for monitoring and assessing the results of vocational education of a future educator at a university

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    In the modern system of higher vocational education, special attention is paid to modernizing approaches to building the educational process, changing the system of monitoring and assessing the results of students' vocational training. Scholars and practitioners pay special attention to identifying opportunities for self-development of students, including within the framework of assessment activities [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. At the same time, the emphasis is shifted to the need to choose assessment tools that contribute to the reflective assessment of students' achievements in educational activities, building their own educational route in mastering the necessary competencies. The paper shows the problematic nature of solving the problem under consideration in the direction of substantiating conceptual approaches to the organization of control as a function of managing the vocational training of future educators, choosing the forms and methods of monitoring and assessing educational activities. The purpose of the paper is to show conceptual approaches and their practical application in the organization of control and assessing the results of the educational activities of future educators. Based on the experience of their own professional activities in the preparation of future preschool teachers and supplementary education teachers, the authors have shown the design system of assessment tools, demonstrated conceptual approaches to solving this problem

    Depressive disorders development in connection with gut microflora and dietary factors

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    The morbidity of depressive disorders and their role in the formation of different human pathologies emphasize the actuality of searching for new approaches in the prophylaxis and treatment of depressions. The modification of gut microbiota may be a perspective direction of clinical investigation. Development in this area is based on the review of trials which confirm the significance of gut microflora composition in regulation of mental functions in particular mood and behavior as well as the role of diet in the development of depressions. The hypothesis of the role of gut microbiota in the development of depressive conditions was discussed.</p

    A new variety of spring soft wheat aist-45 as a result of a wide environmental test

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    The assessment of a new variety of spring soft wheat Aist 45 was given based on the analysis data of yield, plasticity, grain quality, and disease resistance. The studies were carried out at the Kurgan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, a branch of the Ural Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A test in breeding nurseries (2011-2020) showed an excess of yield over mid-season and mid-late standards (4.4 and 2.8 cwt/ha). In the ecological test under the KASIB (Kazakstan-Siberian network for improving spring wheat) program of 52 varieties in 16 points of Russia and Kazakhstan (2017-2018), Aist 45 variety had a high rating in terms of yield; according to the results of technological analysis, it showed good potential in the content of protein (15.7-16, 3%) and gluten in grain (31.6-32.4%), attributed to valuable wheat. When evaluated for resistance to brown rust against an artificial background in the seedling phase, Aist 45 was assigned to the resistant type (VIZR and VNIIF). Against the infectious background of the RIBSP of South Kazakhstan, the variety showed resistance to septoriosis and pyrenophorosis. Susceptible to dust brand. The variety is capable of forming a stable yield in drought stress conditions and epiphytotic development of brown and stem rust