134 research outputs found

    Місце контроллінгу в системі наукового знання

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    If the ultimate goal of implementation the controlling system is to increase manageability of firms functioning in an unstable surrounding, the requirement of continuity of the management process comes to the fore, that implies the necessity its reorganization. The controlling subsystem should provide not only the analytical support for management processes but the diagnostics of distributed decision-making system, too

    Koosloome kui üks võimalus luua innovaatilisi IKT vahendeid sotsiaalvaldkonda

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    Коррупция, демократия и регуляторная эффективность государства

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    The object of analysis is a state as a distributed system of decision making and the subject of analysis is its dysfunction as a result of action of institutional factors, in particular, corruption as an informal negative institute. The obtained results provide grounds for doubts in positive influence of democracy upon socio-economic processes, including upon the level of perceptible corruption. This suggests that democracy facilitates dispersion of responsibility and alienation of science from control, since scientific knowledge is not a “mass product” and becomes less and less demanded from the ruling elite in Ukraine. The function of the science as an institutional factor of effectiveness of state control lies in development of concepts of non-discretional mechanisms of decision making and also formulation of clear criteria for assessment of results of activity of subjects endowed with authority of decision making, in order to increase the level of their responsibility. Thus, we speak about such institutional factors of state control effectiveness as social responsibility and social control


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    This article analyzes the relations between capital and labor in the aspects of reproductive processes and social and economic development. Labour and capital are linked through the production and consumption. However, if this link is positive in the production, then all the contradictions between the elements of productive forces are displayed in the consumption, to be exact, the contradictions between the active elements of productive forces and the capital as an institutional phenomenon

    Институциональная матрица: отказ от экономического детерминизма

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    The article is devoted to institutional control of social system and conceptual aspects of the structure of institutional matrix


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    This article analyzes the relations between capital and labor in the aspects of reproductive processes and social and economic development. Labour and capital are linked through the production and consumption. However, if this link is positive in the production, then all the contradictions between the elements of productive forces are displayed in the consumption, to be exact, the contradictions between the active elements of productive forces and the capital as an institutional phenomenon

    Методологическая концепция анализа социально-экономических систем

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    The purpose of the monography is to develop the methodology for analysis of socio-economic systems. To this end, we propose a holistic concept including the system of interrelated concepts and categories, exposing the underlying mechanisms, cause-and-effect relationships and regularities of socio-economic processes. All the more urgent problem is the control of socio-economic processes on the basis of a clear understanding of the hidden underlying mechanisms that give rise to social dynamics. But effective governance requires, firstly, a clear statement of purpose, secondly, the "feedback" from "managed object", ie the monitoring of social reality on the basis of a clear set of indicators characterizing the orientation of social dynamics. In this perspective, the main goal of regulation should be the social progress based on a economic growth subservient to first one. That brings to the fore the problem of accurate determination of the content of this concept. Monitoring the social reality suggests the formulation of key indicators for the "feedback". Thus, if the main purpose of the research is to seek for the way of increasing the controllability of the socio-economic processes, we should elucidate their underlying mechanisms and influencing factors, secondly, clearly identify key indicators, and third, formulate the basic principles of regulation

    Трудовий потенціал в контексті відчуження функцій

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    Labour potential of the community is a complex system of the elements such as the labor power of demographic system and the institutional capacity of social system. The institutional capacity provides the division of labor and integration of individuals in the process of social production. The way of system integration of the individuals in public production defines the labour potential of the community. The paper presents an analytic formulation of the problem of social division of labor taking into account the social costs

    Социальная ответственность и экономическая эффективность: ракурсы оценки

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    The article discusses the concept of social responsibility of state and business in terms of effectiveness of social production system. In this perspective the traditional approaches to determining the effectiveness of the economic system were critically reviewed. Not only new approach to assessing the effectiveness being proposed in this paper, but also the link between effectiveness of public production system and social responsibility of core subjects is substantiated. Conventional approach for the content of definition of "social responsibility" as the sphere of philosophy, ethics and morality has been criticized. The institutional system of society should provide social control that implies a mandatory appraisal of social responsibility of state and business with the system of measurable indicators. Social capital is regarded as the capital of social responsibility of subjects of relations, which provides an existing level of trust and solidarity. Institutional capital is understood as the technology of public labour division and integration efforts of participants of public production, that ensures the effective utilization of labor resources and their reproduction. Thus, the institutional capital provides a certain level of functional efficiency of distributed decision-making system on the basis of clear criteria for core subject's behavior. Science is the only factor of institutional capital's growth

    Деякі аспекти аналізу розподіленої системи прийняття рішень

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    The article is devoted to the development of the methodology of analysis of the management processes. The questions considered in the article relate to the qualitative aspects of distributed decision-making system and to the quantitative aspects of the processes of its functioning. The qualitative aspects are determined by the system's parameters. The quantitative aspects characterize the efficiency of the processes of it's functioning