145 research outputs found

    Переосмысление нации в 'постнациональную' эпоху - Pereosmysleniie natsii v 'postnatsional'nuiu' epokhu

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    Давайте начнем с того, что попытаемся снова ответить на знаменитый ре-нановский вопрос «Что такое нация?». Что можно сегодня сказать по поводу класси-ческого противопоставления «политического» и «культурного» понимания нации? (...)

    De l’ethnographie à l’ethnologie : changer de nom ou changer de paradigme ?

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    RésuméAu lendemain de l’effondrement de l’Urss, un débat agite la discipline, baptisée ethnographie, autour des fondements théoriques. La théorie de l’ethnos, liée avant tout au nom de Ûlian Bromlej, est soumise à la révision critique. D’autres doctrines, reléguées durant l’époque soviétique à la marge de la science officielle et, du coup, exclues du discours savant, sortent de l’ombre. L’ouverture vers le monde extérieur, la prise en compte des méthodologies développées au sein d’autres écoles deviennent non seulement légitimes, mais indispensables. Cependant, la réalité du phénomène de l’ethnos n’est remise en question que par une petite minorité des chercheurs. L’abandon d’un paradigme essentialiste s’avère particulièrement difficile.AbstractFollowing the collapse of the Ussr, the discipline called ethnography was stirred by a debate about its theoretical underpinnings. The ethnos theory, linked above all to Ulian Bromlej’s name, was critically reviewed. Other doctrines came out of hiding that had, during the Soviet era, been pushed into the margins of official science and thus out of intellectual discussions. Opening toward the outside world and taking into account methodologies developed by other schools of thought have become legitimate and, moreover, indispensable. However, only a small minority of researchers has questioned the reality of the ethnos phenomenon. It has turned out to be very hard to give up an essentialistic paradigm

    Retirement literacy as a basis for prospective retirees' well-being

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    The article addresses the problem of teaching prospective retirees to maintain their finances, which will ensure their financial security and well-being. A key issue is the influence of financial literacy on the amount of future pension assets. The analysis of the existing instruments of pension savings enabled to suggest a complex of activities aimed at developing a prospective retirees’ ability to plan and manage pension assets

    Personal Sales Focused on Improving the Psychological Wellbeing of Customers in the Context of Relationship Marketing

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    The article focuses on theoretical principles of the organization of personal sales and marketing relationship. The definition of relationship marketing based on the identified priority position of relationship marketing is given. A new group of stakeholders-"needy" with which the company must build and develop relationships to solve social problemsis indicated. The principles of the concept of relationship marketing are clarified and developed. Considering the change of marketing paradigms and relevance of relationship marketing a new element of the marketing mix –"psychological approach" is provided. Application of psychological approach will allow employees of any company to understand and meet the real needs of customers’ better. The importance of the application of psychological theories in marketing proved. The role of personal sales significantly increased in the medium of relationship marketing is concluded. The notion of personal sales emphasizing the importance of knowing the psychology of customers, the ability to demonstrate significant competence and knowledge of modern technologies of sales by private agents is explained.Thepurpose of personal sales in the modern society is designed, which is predominantly expressed in the construction, maintenance and development of privileged relations with customers. A new stage of personal sales – "gaining knowledge" is suggested. The principles of personal sales, corresponding to the components of psychological wellbeing are discussed

    An introduction to the Russian adaptation of the battery for the assessment of language in children (BVL_RU)

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    Introduction. A significant percentage of children (i.e., 5 to 8%) may present a significant language delay and/or impairment (Tomblin et al. 1997) which is not directly linked to any intellectual or cognitive disability. In such cases, children receive a diagnosis of Primary Language Impairment (PLI). Considering these numbers, it is extremely important to have reliable batteries of tests suitable to characterize and quantify such linguistic impairments in affected children. To the best of our knowledge, however, there is a need for such diagnostic tools for Russian speaking children. The majority of the existing language assessment procedures is based on qualitative evaluations and lack modern validating and standardizing procedures. The current study aims to describe the Russian adaptation of the \u201cBatteria per la Valutazione del Linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni\u201d (BVL_4-12; Marini et al., 2015). This is a comprehensive battery of tests with solid theoretical and psychometric properties that has been designed to assess comprehension, oral production, and repetition skills in children aged 4 through to 12. Most importantly, it is now being adapted also to other languages (e.g., Spanish, Slovenian, and German) ensuring the possibility to compare the linguistic performance of bilinguals and children with different languages from a cross-linguistic perspective. Materials & Procedures. The Russian adaptation of the BVL_4-12 (BVL_RU) has paid particular attention to the specific features of Russian language (e.g., lexical frequencies as well as its phonological and grammatical properties). It has been administered to a cohort of preschool children from Omsk and Kursk, Russia. All children performed within normal range on the Raven's Progressive Matrices and on tasks designed to assess their phonological short-term and working memory. Results & Discussion. After describing the tasks that form the BVL_4-12, we outline the performance of 2 children with diagnosis of PLI by calculating z-scores for each measure of the Battery. This analysis confirmed the presence of significant impairments in such children and suggested that the Battery is a valuable diagnostic tool to characterize their linguistic profile

    Dialogue as a Model of Business Language Training in the Teaching Methods of Russian as a Second Language

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    This article reviews the methods of training foreign students in the fluent dialogic communication skill of the business sphere. Training of the dialogic communication in business sphere is understood to be a key method of professional competences' development with the students. The system of the dialogic communication skills development in the business sphere is included in the general system of the development of oral communication skills in teaching Russian as a Second Language. Described are the linguistic fundamentals of the oral and written communication skills development in business sphere. The system of tasks is based on the communicative law in teaching Russian as a Second Language. It presents the training model of the tasks arrangement to develop the skills of business dialogue in a foreign language


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    At the present stage to find new ways and opportunities for the development of educational - cognitive interest of the student. In the course of this search is rather difficult to overestimate the positive impact of modern information technologies in the development of the child. Digital technology is increasingly penetrating our everyday lives and are a powerful tool for development and training. However, the student is increasingly in a virtual world, and eventually the younger generation lost its national identity. Folk art in our multinational country holds a special place. It reflects the originality, poetry, simplicity and wisdom of the views of the Russian people; It brings the best features of the national character. The study of this problem is one of the objectives of our study. The article discusses the implementation of the pedagogical potential of national applied creativity by means of information and communication technologies in primary education in the process of teaching and educational interest

    Recreational Landscape Value in Tourism Development of Central Yakutia

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    Tourism is a significant element of Russia’s social and economic development. Northern territories play an important role in the development of the Russian national economy in general and of the tourism industry in particular. Northern tourism involves careful observance of environmental and social sustainability, promotion of traditional native knowledge and value systems, and preservation of native cultural heritage and cultural landscapes. This article provides an analysis of the promotion of the tourism potential in Yakutia. Russia’s northern territories are rich in natural resources and economic potential but lack effective tourist infrastructure due to harsh climates and vast permafrost areas. This research is funded by the Russian Science Foundation (project # 15-18-20047 “Landscape ontology: semantics, semiotics, and geographic modeling”). This article presents the results of an analysis of the recreational landscape of “Orto Doidu” tourist complex, which is open year-round and located in the Khangalassky region of Central Yakutia. The main factors for tourism development were determined to be a set of landscape characteristics (the unique nature of the Lena River, the biological diversity of flora and fauna), ethnocultural and historical context, and infrastructural considerations (proximity to the capital city, inexpensive transportation, and engineering systems)


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    Currently, there is an active process of expanding the educational space, including the higher education of the Russian Federation, at the expense of informatization. Informatization of educational area of higher education is impossible without using web-technologies and, such as social networks. The authors of the article suggest social networks to be understood as a working version of an “interactive multi-user website that implements a network social structure consisting of a group of nodes — social objects (groups of people, communities) and links between them (social relationships), on the basis of which participants can establish relationship with each other. Currently, there are several main functions of social networks: educational; adaptive (acts as a resource of adaptation); compensatory (replacing institutional mechanisms of adaptation); informational (supports communication between authors of social interaction); transit (allows an individual to make the transition along the social ladder); coordination; social support functions (strengthen communication within and outside the network) and the function of a sociocultural marker. Social networks, speaking as a special social space of the Internet, have become the sphere in which traditional forms of socialization and social relations are transformed, and communication as a type of leisure activity becomes possible not in the traditional form of direct live communication, but acquires the features of simple communication. The authors state that at present using social networks in the educational area of the higher school of the Russian Federation is minimal. The network educational community on the basis of a social network - a virtual educational environment - is necessary, first of all, for students who have difficulties in communicating directly or need additional knowledge and skills that an educational institution cannot provide. From the point of view of education, social networks can be: freely available (non-specialized networks for which professional communities are not paramount and purely professional communities of practice) and in a corporate format (free-access networks; not specialized (“general profile” network)). The advent of Web 2.0 has expanded the possibilities of using social networks in education, has changed the attitude to the Internet as a whole, and teachers have begun to more actively use the Internet services for educational and educational purposes, in extracurricular activities and creative activities. It has already been experimentally proven that network communities can serve as pedagogical practices for development: co-thinking, tolerance, mastering decentralized models, critical thinking