6 research outputs found

    Investigation of STRAUS-2 pulsed electron accelerator characteristics

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    Last years a successful development of highvoltage pulse forming techniques based on stepped transmission lines led to creation of a set of powerful and compact electrophysics facilities including a highcurrent pulsed electron accelerator STRAUS-2 [1, 2]. The first sample of this accelerator was started up into exploitation in 1989. At present, three facilities of the same type exist in VNIIEF, one of them is used as an injector for a linear induction accelerator LIA-10M [2-5]. Two others are autonomous and applied for research in radiation physics

    Results of LIA-10M accelerator investigations

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    There are presented basic results of experiments on the LIA-10M accelerator since its putting into operation (1994) till today. There were investigated various modes of accelerator operation and its output characteristics depending on the parameters of injected electron beam, number of connected accelerator modules, time program of inductors switch-in etc. There was obtained a large scope of experimental data that are of interest for LIA-10M accelerator practical use and for the development of new facilities of this type. The investigations that have been performed recently make it possible to considerably (half as much again) increase the output dose parameters of the accelerator as compared to the level achieved before: maximal dose (Si) and dose rate on the output flange constitute 400 Gy and 2.5.1010 Gy/s, while at a 1 meter distance from the target they are equal to 7.5 Gy and 5.108 Gy/s, respectively

    High-current pulse electron accelerators based on stepped forming lines

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    There presented is a brief review of I-3000, STRAUS, STRAUS-2 and LIA-10M accelerators produced in VNIIEF over the period from 1981 to 1994. All the installations function in the mode of single pulses. Their distinction consists in using the systems of forming high-voltage pulses on the basis of stepped forming lines. Such installations formed of line sections of a similar electrical length with a stepped character of impedance variance provide a high efficiency and as a result of wave processes increase for a several time the output voltage as compared to the charge voltage of lines. The limiting energy of accelerated electrons for the created accelerators lies within the range from 2.3 to 25 MeV, beam current amplitude – from 20 to 50 kA, current pulse width at half-height – from 16 to 40 ns. The basic characteristics of each accelerator are presented

    Клинические рекомендации по семейной гиперхолестеринемии

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    These guidelines represent all current aspects of etiology diagnosis, and treatment of the clinical and statistical group of familial hypercholesterolemia in both adults and children in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Russia.Данные клинические рекомендации представляют все современные аспекты этиологии, диагностики, лечения семейной гиперхолестеринемии как у взрослых, так и у детей. Рекомендации подготовлены для размещения в соответствующем рубрикаторе клинических рекомендаций Минздрава России в сети Интернет по адресу http://cr.rosmincylrav.ml

    Test beam studies of possibilities to separate particles with gamma factors above 10 3

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    Measurements of hadron production in the TeV energy range are one of the tasks of the future studies at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The main goal of these experiments is a study of the fundamental QCD processes at this energy range, which is very important not only for probing of the Standard Model but also for ultrahigh-energy cosmic particle physics. One of the key elements of these experiments measurements are hadron identification. The only detector technology which has a potential ability to separate hadrons in this energy range is Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) technology. TRD prototype based on straw proportional chambers combined with a specially assembled radiator has been tested at the CERN SPS accelerator beam. The test beam results and comparison with detailed Monte Carlo simulations are presented here

    Global Problems for Differential Inclusions. Kalman and Vyshnegradskii Problems and Chua Circuits

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