849 research outputs found

    Coherent π^0 photoproduction on the deuteron up to 4 GeV

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    The differential cross section for ^2H(γ,d)π^0 has been measured at deuteron center-of-mass angles of 90° and 136°. This work reports the first data for this reaction above a photon energy of 1 GeV, and permits a test of the apparent constituent counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude behavior as observed in elastic ed scattering. Measurements were performed up to a photon energy of 4.0 GeV, and are in good agreement with previous lower energy measurements. Overall, the data are inconsistent with both constituent-counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude predictions

    Spin Signatures of Photogenerated Radical Anions in Polymer-[70]Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions: High Frequency Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy

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    Charged polarons in thin films of polymer-fullerene composites are investigated by light-induced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at 9.5 GHz (X-band) and 130 GHz (D-band). The materials studied were poly(3-hexylthiophene) (PHT), [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (C60-PCBM), and two different soluble C70-derivates: C70-PCBM and diphenylmethano[70]fullerene oligoether (C70-DPM-OE). The first experimental identification of the negative polaron localized on the C70-cage in polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunctions has been obtained. When recorded at conventional X-band EPR, this signal is overlapping with the signal of the positive polaron, which does not allow for its direct experimental identification. Owing to the superior spectral resolution of the high frequency D-band EPR, we were able to separate light-induced signals from P+ and P- in PHT-C70 bulk heterojunctions. Comparing signals from C70-derivatives with different side-chains, we have obtained experimental proof that the polaron is localized on the cage of the C70 molecule

    Radiative corrections for (e,e′p) reactions at GeV energies

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    A general framework for applying radiative corrections to (e,e′p) coincidence reactions at GeV energies is presented, with special emphasis to higher-order bremsstrahlung effects, radiation from the scattered hadron, and the validity of peaking approximations. The sensitivity to the assumptions made in practically applying radiative corrections to (e,e′p) data is extensively discussed. The general framework is tested against experimental data of the 1H(e,e′p) reaction at momentum transfer values larger than 1.0 (GeV/c)^2, where radiative processes become a dominant source of uncertainty. The formulas presented here can easily be modified for any other electron-induced coincidence reaction

    Tomato ionomic approach for food fortification and safety.

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    Food fortification is an issue of paramount of importance for people living both in developed and in developing countries. Among substances listed as "nutriceuticals", essential minerals have been recognised for their involvement in several healthy issues, involving all ages. In this frame, food plants are playing a pivotal role since their capability to compartmentalise ions and proteinmetal complexes in edible organs. Conversely, the accumulation of high metal levels in those organs may lead to safety problems. In the recent years, thanks to the availability of new and improved analytical apparatus in both ionic and genomic/transcrittomics areas, it is became feasible to couple data coming from plant physiology and genetics. Ionomics is the discipline that studies the cross-analysis of both data sets. Our group, in the frame of GenoPom project granted by MiUR, is interested to study the ionomics of tomatoes cultivars derived by breeding programmes in which wild relatives have been used to transfer several useful traits, such as resistance to biotic or abiotic stresses, fruit composition and textiture, etc. The introgression of the wild genome into the cultivated one produces new gene combinations. They might lead to the expression of some traits, such as increased or reduced adsorption of some metals and their exclusion or loading into edible organs, thus strongly involving the nutritional food value. Our final goal is to put together data coming from ions homeostasis and gene expression analyses, thus obtaining an ionomic tomato map related to ions absorption, translocation and accumulation in various plant organs, fruits included. To follow our hypothesis, we are studying the ionome of Solanum lycopersicum cv. M82 along with 76 Introgression Lines (ILs) produced by interspecific crosses between this cultivar and the wild species S. pennellii. These ILs are homozygous for small portions of the wild species genome introgressed into the domesticated M82 one. They are used as a useful tool for mapping QTL associated with many traits of interest. It is worthy to note that, until now, little information is available on QTL for ions accumulation in tomato. Moreover, as our knowledge, effects of new gene combinations in introgressed lines on ions uptake related to food safety have not been extensively studied. In this presentation we show results coming from the ionome analysis, carried out on S . lycopersicum M82 and several ILs. Plants were grown in pots in a greenhouse and watered with deionised water Thirty day-old plants were left to grow for 15 days in the presence of non-toxic concentration of Cd, Pb, As, Cr and Zn given combined. Leaves of all plants were then harvested and stored at -80°C for ionome and gene expression analyses. Preliminary results of ionome analysis of S. lycopersicum M82 and several ILs, carried out using an ICP-MS, showed that traits correlated to toxic metals and micronutrients accumulation in apical leaves were significantly modified in response to specific genetic backgrounds. Those results are perhaps due to the introgression of traits linked to uptake, translocation and accumulation of useful and/or toxic metal into plant apical leaves and to interactions of the wild type introgressed genomic regions with the cultivated genome. Also, data are shown on the identification and isolation of Solanum gene sequences related to ions uptake, translocation and accumulation, useful for further real-time gene expression evaluation in both cultivated and ILs during the treatments with the above-mentioned metals

    Kondo temperature of SU(4) symmetric quantum dots

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    A path integral approach is used to derive a closed analytical expression for the Kondo temperature of the SU(4) symmetrical Anderson model. In contrast to the SU(2) case, the prefactor of the Kondo temperature is found to display a peculiar orbital-energy (gate voltage) dependence, reflecting the presence of various SU(4) mixed valence fixed points. Our analytical expressions are tested against and confirmed by numerical renormalization group computations

    Design Principles for Sparse Matrix Multiplication on the GPU

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    We implement two novel algorithms for sparse-matrix dense-matrix multiplication (SpMM) on the GPU. Our algorithms expect the sparse input in the popular compressed-sparse-row (CSR) format and thus do not require expensive format conversion. While previous SpMM work concentrates on thread-level parallelism, we additionally focus on latency hiding with instruction-level parallelism and load-balancing. We show, both theoretically and experimentally, that the proposed SpMM is a better fit for the GPU than previous approaches. We identify a key memory access pattern that allows efficient access into both input and output matrices that is crucial to getting excellent performance on SpMM. By combining these two ingredients---(i) merge-based load-balancing and (ii) row-major coalesced memory access---we demonstrate a 4.1x peak speedup and a 31.7% geomean speedup over state-of-the-art SpMM implementations on real-world datasets.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par) 201

    Relative Comparison Kernel Learning with Auxiliary Kernels

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    In this work we consider the problem of learning a positive semidefinite kernel matrix from relative comparisons of the form: "object A is more similar to object B than it is to C", where comparisons are given by humans. Existing solutions to this problem assume many comparisons are provided to learn a high quality kernel. However, this can be considered unrealistic for many real-world tasks since relative assessments require human input, which is often costly or difficult to obtain. Because of this, only a limited number of these comparisons may be provided. In this work, we explore methods for aiding the process of learning a kernel with the help of auxiliary kernels built from more easily extractable information regarding the relationships among objects. We propose a new kernel learning approach in which the target kernel is defined as a conic combination of auxiliary kernels and a kernel whose elements are learned directly. We formulate a convex optimization to solve for this target kernel that adds only minor overhead to methods that use no auxiliary information. Empirical results show that in the presence of few training relative comparisons, our method can learn kernels that generalize to more out-of-sample comparisons than methods that do not utilize auxiliary information, as well as similar methods that learn metrics over objects

    Longitudinal and Transverse Response Functions in ^(56)Fe(e,e') at Momentum Transfer near 1 GeV/c

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    Inclusive electron-scattering cross sections have been measured for ^(56)Fe in the quasielastic region at electron energies between 0.9 and 4.3 GeV, at scattering angles of 15° and 85°. Longitudinal and transverse response functions at a q of 1.14 GeV/c have been extracted using a Rosenbluth separation. The experimental Coulomb sum has been obtained with aid of an extrapolation. The longitudinal response function, after correction for Coulomb distortion, is lower than quasifree-scattering-model predictions at the quasielastic peak and on the high-ω side

    Towards an understanding of nucleon spin structure: from hard to soft scales

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    The workshop "The Helicity Structure of the Nucleon" (BNL June 5, 2006) was organized as part of the 2006 RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting to review the status of the spin problem and future directions. The presentations can be found at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/WWW/publish/caidala/UsersHelicityWorkshop2006/ . Recent data suggests small polarized glue and strangeness in the proton. Here we present a personal summary of the main results and presentations. What is new and exciting in the data, and what might this tell us about the structure of the proton ?Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Opposite Hydrogen Behaviors in GaAsN and InAsN Alloys: Band Gap Opening Versus Donor Doping

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    Experiments suggest that atomic H neutralizes the effects of N (i.e., it recovers the host energy gap) without inducing any band-filling effect (i.e., without behaving as a shallow donor) in the GaAsN alloy, while the vice versa is true in the InAsN one. Moreover, theoretical results on H in GaAsN contradict some experiments. These facts motivated the present study, where the role of N-H complexes has been investigated by performing density functional theory-Heyd-Scuseria-Emzerhof calculations. Present results confirm and explain the H properties; N neutralization is certain only in GaAsN, while H behaves as a shallow donor only in InAsN. They also show that, despite an identical geometry, single-H complexes neutralize the N effects in GaAsN, not in InAsN. This result is accounted for by a simple model showing that: (i) band gap recovery is directly related to a recovery of the atomic charge of the Ga/In cations neighboring the N atom in a N-H complex and (ii) a larger extent of charge recovery is found for the Ga cations with respect to the In ones, consistently with an electronegativity larger for Ga than for In. Remarkably, the same reason is at the ground of the different H behavior, deep versus shallow, in the two GaAsN and InAsN alloys
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