2,670 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Employee Attrition

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    Employee attrition is a major problem that causes many companies to incur in significant costs to find and hire new personnel. The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to predict the likelihood of resignation of an employee, and the quitting causes, can provide HR departments with a valuable decision support system and, as a result, prevent a large waste of time and resources. In this paper, we propose a preliminary exploratory analysis of the application of machine learning methodologies for employee attrition prediction. We compared several classification models with the goal of finding the one that not only performs best, but is also well interpretable, in order to provide companies with the possibility of improving those aspects that have been shown to produce the quitting of their employees. Among the proposed methods, Logistic Regression performs the best, with an accuracy of 88% and an AUC-ROC of 85%

    Three-Dimensional Bioprinting of Human Organs and Tissues: Bioethical and Medico-Legal Implications Examined through a Scoping Review

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    Three-dimensional bioprinting is a rapidly evolving technology that holds the promise of addressing the increasing demand for organs, tissues, and personalized medicine. By employing computer-aided design and manufacturing processes, 3D bioprinting allows for the precise deposition of living cells, biomaterials, and biochemicals to create functional human tissues and organs. The potential applications of this technology are vast, including drug testing and development, disease modeling, regenerative medicine, and ultimately, organ transplantation. However, as with any groundbreaking technology, 3D bioprinting presents several ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns that warrant careful consideration. As the technology progresses towards clinical applications, it is essential to address these challenges and establish appropriate frameworks to guide the responsible development of 3D bioprinting. This article, utilizing the Arksey and O’Malley scoping review model, is designed to scrutinize the bioethical implications, legal and regulatory challenges, and medico-legal issues that are intertwined with this rapidly evolving technology

    A novel solution for the development of a sentimental analysis chatbot integrating ChatGPT

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    In today’s business landscape, Chatbots play a pivotal role in innovation and process optimization. In this paper, we introduced a novel advanced Emotional Chatbot AI, introducing sentiment analysis for human chatbot conversations. Adding an emotional component within the human-computer interaction, can in fact dramatically improve the quality of the final conversation between Chatbots and humans. More specifically, in our paper, we provided a practical evaluation of the EmoROBERTA software, introducing it into a novel implementation of an Emotional Chatbot. The pipeline we present is novel, and we developed it within a business context in which the use of sentimental and emotional responses can act in a significant and fundamental way toward the final success and use of the Chatbot itself. The architecture enriches user experience with real-time updates on the topic of interest, maintaining a user-centric design, toward an affective-response enhancement of the interaction established between the Chatbot and the user. The source code is fully available on GitHub: https://github.com/filippoflorindi/F-One

    Telemedicine as a Strategic Tool to Enhance the Effectiveness of Care Processes: Technological and Regulatory Evolution over the Past Two Decades

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    Digital innovation represents one of the largest areas of investment in healthcare. The application of technologies pertaining to the ever-evolving infrastructure of information and communication technology (ICT) aims to making the many processes and services related to healthcare delivery more effective and efficient. In the complex and articulated panorama of e-health, telemedicine certainly represents one of the key strategic tools to support and improve numerous care processes. For many of these processes, distance is a critical factor for access to care. For this reason, e-health has become the subject of numerous interventions and initiatives by international policies for decades now

    Pressure Ulcers from the Medico‐Legal Perspective: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Abstract: Introduction: The identification of professional liability profiles related to the development of pressure injuries is a very thorny issue from a medico‐legal perspective. This is because no matter how strict the applied prevention protocols applied may be, the development of such injuries is largely dependent on endogenous factors. This paper aims to investigate the medicolegal issues related to this topic through the exposition of one case of medico‐legal litigation and a traditional review of the literature. Methods: We performed a literature search using three databases (Pubmed, Scopus, and Web Of Science), restricting the search to the period between 2001 and 2021. We used “pressure ulcers” and “jurisprudence” as the main keywords. From an initial library of 236 articles, our selection resulted in 12 articles, which were included in the review. Results: We identified the ever‐increasing expectations of patients and the concept of automatic attribution of responsibility when a pressure ulcer develops as the primary reasons for the increase in litigation over the past 20 years. The related corrective measures are numerous: a strict adherence to guidelines, an adequate documentation of preventive measures, a risk assessment, family involvement, and a successful collaboration between physicians and government institutions. Conclusion: The biological complexity of the pathogenetic development of pressure ulcers makes the subject very delicate from the medico‐legal point of view. In principle, it is possible to state that a very large proportion of such injuries are preventable, but that there remains a percentage of them that cannot be prevented. In such cases, only a proper documentary demonstration of the adequacy of preventive measures can exclude liability profile

    Universal filtered quantizations of nilpotent Slodowy slices

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    Every conic symplectic singularity admits a universal Poisson deformation and a universal filtered quantization, thanks to the work of Losev and Namikawa. We begin this paper by showing that every such variety admits a universal equivariant Poisson deformation and universal equivariant quantization with respect to any group acting on it by C×\mathbb{C}^\times-equivariant Poisson automorphisms. We go on to study these definitions in the context of nilpotent Slodowy slices. First we give a complete description of the cases in which the finite WW-algebra is the universal filtered quantization of the slice, building on the work of Lehn--Namikawa--Sorger. This leads to a near-complete classification of the filtered quantizations of nilpotent Slodowy slices. The subregular slices in non-simply-laced Lie algebras are especially interesting: with some minor restrictions on Dynkin type we prove that the finite WW-algebra is the universal equivariant quantization with respect to the Dynkin automorphisms coming from the unfolding of the Dynkin diagram. This can be seen as a non-commutative analogue of Slodowy's theorem. Finally we apply this result to give a presentation of the subregular finite WW-algebra in type B as a quotient of a shifted Yangian.Comment: 20 pages, v2: typos corrected in the final section, v3: Proposition 2.17 adde

    Electronic unified therapy record as a clinical risk management tool in the Italian healthcare system

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    Digitization of health records is still struggling to take hold in the Italian healthcare context, where medical records are still largely kept manually on paper. Besides being anachronistic, this practice is particularly critical if applied to the drug chart. Poor handwriting and transcription errors can generate medication errors and thus represent a potential source of adverse events. In the present study, we attempt to test the hypothesis that the application of a computerizedmedical recordmodelmay represent a useful tool formanaging clinical risk and medical expenditure. We shall do so through the analysis of the preliminary results of the application of such a model in two private hospitals in Northern Italy. The results, although preliminary, are encouraging. Among the benefits of digitizing drug records, we recorded a greater accuracy and adequacy of prescriptions, a reduction in the overall workload for nurses (no longer required to manually transcribe the list of drugs from one chart to another), as well as an optimization of the management of drug stocks by hospital pharmacies. The results in terms of clinical risk reduction will be monitored through a prospective cohort study that will take place in the coming months

    Characterization of ternary phase diagrams by means of thermal and rheological analyses

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    Context: Mixtures made of oil, water and surfactants give rise to a wide range of structure with different characteristics and phase manifestations. Objective: Aim of this paper is to build up and understand the phase diagram of a model ternary system (Water, Polysorbate 80 and isopropyl myristate) by the use of common techniques such as thermal analysis and rheology, in comparison with visual assessment and polarized light microscopy. Methods: Different ternary systems were prepared and analyzed by means of DSC and rheology in order to highlight the state of water (free, interphasal, bound water) and the samples structural characteristics. Results: The resultant phase diagram is divided into four different zones. Bound water zone is predominant at elevated surfactant/oil ratios, while as the surfactant/oil ratio decreases, DSC reveals the presence of free water. Interphasal water prevails at intermediate water and surfactant content which corresponds with gels systems. Mechanical spectra allow to discern between cubic (true gel) and lamellar mesophases (weak gel), while flow curves allow to distinguish among microemulsions, emulsions or lamellar mesophases. Discussion: A deeper characterization of a model ternary phase diagram is possible, with respect to the simple visual inspection, by the use of thermal analysis and rheology. The state of water molecules and the viscoelastic characteristics of the system allow to obtain important structural considerations. Conclusions: In conclusion, the knowledge of the state of water and of the viscoelastic characteristics of the systems allow a deeper understanding of the structural features of the ternary phase diagra

    Freedom from the stigma of oncologic disease: legislative and ethical aspects of the right to be forgotten in oncology

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    Cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention advances have significantly improved European outcomes, but the stigma surrounding cancer survivorship remains challenging. Discrimination against cancer survivors has a negative impact on their quality of life, autonomy, and financial stability. While some European countries have implemented legislation recognizing the “right to be forgotten” for cancer survivors, Italy has no such protective measures. This leaves cancer survivors in Italy susceptible to discrimination based on their medical history. Both the European Union Cancer Plan and the European Parliament resolution stress the importance of safeguarding the rights of cancer survivors and preventing discrimination. Although implementation of legislation at the European level may take time, it is essential that national legislatures, including Italy’s, act quickly. This article explores the issue of discrimination against cancer survivors in Europe, focusing on the specific case of Italy. It examines existing legislative solutions and assesses their effectiveness in addressing discrimination. It also discusses the ethical considerations associated with the “right to be forgotten” in oncology, emphasizing its role in promoting equality and safeguarding the privacy of cancer survivor

    Long-term care insurance in Italy: medico-legal and socio-economic profiles

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    Long-term care insurance (LTCI) plays a crucial role in providing substantial aid in non-self-sufficient situations and complementing existing state protection mechanisms. With an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services LTC policies have become indispensable. While individual LTCI policies face adoption challenges, group insurances offer a more streamlined alternative. However, realizing the full potential of these insurances necessitates targeted legislative intervention to improve accessibility and ensure sustainability. This article explores the evolution of LTCI policies in Italy, offering an overview of the current landscape and highlighting the socio-economic and medico-legal factors shaping the present scenario. By providing this analysis, we seek to offer insights into the dynamic evolution of LTCI policies and the crucial role of legislative measures in enhancing their effectiveness and accessibility
