4,298 research outputs found

    Sharp transition for single polarons in the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

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    We study a single polaron in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model using four different techniques (three numerical and one analytical). Polarons show a smooth crossover from weak to strong coupling, as a function of the electron-phonon coupling strength λ\lambda, in all models where this coupling depends only on phonon momentum qq. In the SSH model the coupling also depends on the electron momentum kk; we find it has a sharp transition, at a critical coupling strength λc\lambda_c, between states with zero and nonzero momentum of the ground state. All other properties of the polaron are also singular at λ=λc\lambda = \lambda_c, except the average number of phonons in the polaronic cloud. This result is representative of all polarons with coupling depending on kk and qq, and will have important experimental consequences (eg., in ARPES and conductivity experiments)

    Interplay between charge-lattice interaction and strong electron correlations in cuprates: phonon anomaly and spectral kinks

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    We investigate the interplay between strong electron correlations and charge-lattice interaction in cuprates. The coupling between half breathing bond stretching phonons and doped holes in the t-t'-J model is studied by limited phonon basis exact diagonalization method. Nonadiabatic electron-phonon interaction leads to the splitting of the phonon spectral function at half-way to the zone boundary at q⃗s={(±π/2,0),(0,±π/2)}\vec{q}_s=\{(\pm \pi / 2, 0), (0, \pm \pi / 2) \} and to low energy kink feature in the electron dispersion, in agreement with experimental observations. Another kink due to strong electron correlation effects is observed at higher energy, depending on the strength of the charge-lattice coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Evolution of magnetic phases and orbital occupation in (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n superlattices

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    The magnetic and electronic modifications induced at the interfaces in (SrMnO3_{3})n_{n}/(LaMnO3_{3})2n_{2n} superlattices have been investigated by linear and circular magnetic dichroism in the Mn L2,3_{2,3} x-ray absorption spectra. Together with theoretical calculations, our data demonstrate that the charge redistribution across interfaces favors in-plane ferromagnetic (FM) order and eg(x2−y2)e_{g}(x^{2}-y^{2}) orbital occupation, in agreement with the average strain. Far from interfaces, inside LaMnO3_3, electron localization and local strain favor antiferromagnetism (AFM) and eg(3z2−r2)e_{g}(3z^{2}-r^{2}) orbital occupation. For n=1n=1 the high density of interfacial planes ultimately leads to dominant FM order forcing the residual AFM phase to be in-plane too, while for n≄5n \geq 5 the FM layers are separated by AFM regions having out-of-plane spin orientation.Comment: accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Polaron features for long-range electron-phonon interaction

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    The polaron features for long-range electron-phonon interaction are investigated by extending a variational approach previously proposed for the study of systems with local coupling. The ground-state spectral weight, the average kinetic energy, the mean number of phonons, and the electron-lattice correlation function are discussed for a wide range of model parameters focusing on the adiabatic regime and comparing the results with the short-range case (Holstein model). A strong mixing of electronic and phononic degrees of freedom for small values of the electron-phonon coupling constant is found in the adiabatic case due to the long-range interaction. Finally a polaron "phase diagram" is proposed.Comment: 4 figs., to appear in J. Phys.:Condens. Matte

    The CMS Monte Carlo Production System: Development and Design

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    The CMS production system has undergone a major architectural upgrade from its predecessor, with the goal of reducing the operational manpower needed and preparing for the large scale production required by the CMS physics plan. The new production system is a tiered architecture that facilitates robust and distributed production request processing and takes advantage of the multiple Grid and farm resources available to the CMS experiment

    Free energy of the Fr\"ohlich polaron in two and three dimensions

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    We present a novel Path Integral Monte Carlo scheme to solve the Fr\"ohlich polaron model. At intermediate and strong electron-phonon coupling, the polaron self-trapping is properly taken into account at the level of an effective action obtained by a preaveraging procedure with a retarded trial action. We compute the free energy at several couplings and temperatures in three and two dimensions. Our results show that the accuracy of the Feynman variational upper bound for the free energy is always better than 5% although the thermodynamics derived from it is not correct. Our estimates of the ground state energies demonstrate that the second cumulant correction to the variational upper bound predicts the self energy to better than 1% at intermediate and strong coupling.Comment: RevTeX 7 pages 3 figures, revised versio

    Data acquisition software for the CMS strip tracker

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    The CMS silicon strip tracker, providing a sensitive area of approximately 200 m2 and comprising 10 million readout channels, has recently been completed at the tracker integration facility at CERN. The strip tracker community is currently working to develop and integrate the online and offline software frameworks, known as XDAQ and CMSSW respectively, for the purposes of data acquisition and detector commissioning and monitoring. Recent developments have seen the integration of many new services and tools within the online data acquisition system, such as event building, online distributed analysis, an online monitoring framework, and data storage management. We review the various software components that comprise the strip tracker data acquisition system, the software architectures used for stand-alone and global data-taking modes. Our experiences in commissioning and operating one of the largest ever silicon micro-strip tracking systems are also reviewed

    Distributed Computing Grid Experiences in CMS

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    The CMS experiment is currently developing a computing system capable of serving, processing and archiving the large number of events that will be generated when the CMS detector starts taking data. During 2004 CMS undertook a large scale data challenge to demonstrate the ability of the CMS computing system to cope with a sustained data-taking rate equivalent to 25% of startup rate. Its goals were: to run CMS event reconstruction at CERN for a sustained period at 25 Hz input rate; to distribute the data to several regional centers; and enable data access at those centers for analysis. Grid middleware was utilized to help complete all aspects of the challenge. To continue to provide scalable access from anywhere in the world to the data, CMS is developing a layer of software that uses Grid tools to gain access to data and resources, and that aims to provide physicists with a user friendly interface for submitting their analysis jobs. This paper describes the data challenge experience with Grid infrastructure and the current development of the CMS analysis system

    Distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the saliva of healthy omnivores, ovo-lacto-vegetarians, and vegans

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    Food consumption allows the entrance of bacteria and their antibiotic resistance (AR) genes into the human oral cavity. To date, very few studies have examined the influence of diet on the composition of the salivary microbiota, and even fewer investigations have specifically aimed to assess the impact of different long-term diets on the salivary resistome. In this study, the saliva of 144 healthy omnivores, ovo-lacto-vegetarians, and vegans were screened by nested PCR for the occurrence of 12 genes conferring resistance to tetracyclines, macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B, vancomycin, and \u3b2-lactams. The tet(W), tet(M), and erm(B) genes occurred with the highest frequencies. Overall, no effect of diet on AR gene distribution was seen. Some differences emerged at the recruiting site level, such as the higher frequency of erm(C) in the saliva of the ovo-lacto-vegetarians and omnivores from Bologna and Turin, respectively, and the higher occurrence of tet(K) in the saliva of the omnivores from Bologna. A correlation of the intake of milk and cheese with the abundance of tet(K) and erm(C) genes was seen. Finally, when the occurrence of the 12 AR genes was evaluated along with geographical location, age, and sex as sources of variability, high similarity among the 144 volunteers was seen

    Stool microRNA profiles reflect different dietary and gut microbiome patterns in healthy individuals

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    Objectives MicroRNA (miRNA) profiles have been evaluated in several biospecimens in relation to common diseases for which diet may have a considerable impact. We aimed at characterising how specific diets are associated with the miRNome in stool of vegans, vegetarians and omnivores and how this is reflected in the gut microbial composition, as this is still poorly explored. Design We performed small RNA and shotgun metagenomic sequencing in faecal samples and dietary recording from 120 healthy volunteers, equally distributed for the different diets and matched for sex and age. Results We found 49 miRNAs differentially expressed among vegans, vegetarians and omnivores (adj. p 0.22, adj. p <0.05) with the estimated intake of nutrients, particularly animal proteins, phosphorus and, interestingly, lipids. In omnivores, higher Prevotella and Roseburia and lower Bacteroides abundances than in vegans and vegetarians were observed. Lipid metabolism-related miR-425-3p and miR-638 expression levels were associated with increased abundances of microbial species, such as Roseburia sp. CAG 182 and Akkermansia muciniphila, specific of different diets. An integrated analysis identified 25 miRNAs, 25 taxa and 7 dietary nutrients that clearly discriminated (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve=0.89) the three diets. Conclusion Stool miRNA profiles are associated with specific diets and support the role of lipids as a driver of epigenetic changes and host-microbial molecular interactions in the gut
