28 research outputs found

    Regulation of neutrophil senescence by microRNAs

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    Neutrophils are rapidly recruited to sites of tissue injury or infection, where they protect against invading pathogens. Neutrophil functions are limited by a process of neutrophil senescence, which renders the cells unable to respond to chemoattractants, carry out respiratory burst, or degranulate. In parallel, aged neutrophils also undergo spontaneous apoptosis, which can be delayed by factors such as GMCSF. This is then followed by their subsequent removal by phagocytic cells such as macrophages, thereby preventing unwanted inflammation and tissue damage. Neutrophils translate mRNA to make new proteins that are important in maintaining functional longevity. We therefore hypothesised that neutrophil functions and lifespan might be regulated by microRNAs expressed within human neutrophils. Total RNA from highly purified neutrophils was prepared and subjected to microarray analysis using the Agilent human miRNA microarray V3. We found human neutrophils expressed a selected repertoire of 148 microRNAs and that 6 of these were significantly upregulated after a period of 4 hours in culture, at a time when the contribution of apoptosis is negligible. A list of predicted targets for these 6 microRNAs was generated from http://mirecords.biolead.org and compared to mRNA species downregulated over time, revealing 83 genes targeted by at least 2 out of the 6 regulated microRNAs. Pathway analysis of genes containing binding sites for these microRNAs identified the following pathways: chemokine and cytokine signalling, Ras pathway, and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Our data suggest that microRNAs may play a role in the regulation of neutrophil senescence and further suggest that manipulation of microRNAs might represent an area of future therapeutic interest for the treatment of inflammatory disease

    4C Mortality Score correlates with in-hospital functional outcome after COVID-19-associated ischaemic stroke

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    Aim of the study. The 4C Mortality Score was created to predict mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and has to date been evaluated only in respiratory system disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate its application in patients with COVID-19-associated acute ischaemic stroke (AIS).Clinical rationale for study. COVID-19 is a risk factor for AIS. COVID-19-associated AIS results in higher mortality and worse functional outcome. Predictors of functional outcome in COVID-19-associated AIS are required.Materials and methods. This was a retrospective observational study of patients with AIS hospitalised in seven neurological wards in Małopolska Voivodship (Poland) between August and December 2020. We gathered data concerning the patients’ age, sex, presence of cardiovascular risk factors, type of treatment received, and the presence of stroke-associated infections (including pneumonia, urinary tract infection and infection of unknown source). We calculated 4C Mortality Score at stroke onset, and investigated whether there was a correlation with neurological deficit measured using the National Health Institute Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and functional outcome assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at discharge.Results. The study included 52 patients with COVID-19-associated AIS. The 4C Mortality Score at stroke onset correlated with mRS (rs = 0.565, p < 0.01) at discharge. There was also a statistically significant difference in the mean 4C Mortality Score between patients who died and patients who survived the stroke (13.08 ± 2.71 vs. 9.85 ± 3.47, p = 0.04).Conclusions and clinical implications. 4C Mortality Score predicts functional outcome at discharge in COVID-19-associated AIS patients

    Glia-to-neuron transfer of miRNAs via extracellular vesicles: a new mechanism underlying inflammation-induced synaptic alterations

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    Recent evidence indicates synaptic dysfunction as an early mechanism affected in neuroinflammatory diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, which are characterized by chronic microglia activation. However, the mode(s) of action of reactive microglia in causing synaptic defects are not fully understood. In this study, we show that inflammatory microglia produce extracellular vesicles (EVs) which are enriched in a set of miRNAs that regulate the expression of key synaptic proteins. Among them, miR-146a-5p, a microglia-specific miRNA not present in hippocampal neurons, controls the expression of presynaptic synaptotagmin1 (Syt1) and postsynaptic neuroligin1 (Nlg1), an adhesion protein which play a crucial role in dendritic spine formation and synaptic stability. Using a Renilla-based sensor, we provide formal proof that inflammatory EVs transfer their miR-146a-5p cargo to neuron. By western blot and immunofluorescence analysis we show that vesicular miR-146a-5p suppresses Syt1 and Nlg1 expression in receiving neurons. Microglia-to-neuron miR-146a-5p transfer and Syt1 and Nlg1 downregulation do not occur when EV\ue2\u80\u93neuron contact is inhibited by cloaking vesicular phosphatidylserine residues and when neurons are exposed to EVs either depleted of miR-146a-5p, produced by pro-regenerative microglia, or storing inactive miR-146a-5p, produced by cells transfected with an anti-miR-146a-5p. Morphological analysis reveals that prolonged exposure to inflammatory EVs leads to significant decrease in dendritic spine density in hippocampal neurons in vivo and in primary culture, which is rescued in vitro by transfection of a miR-insensitive Nlg1 form. Dendritic spine loss is accompanied by a decrease in the density and strength of excitatory synapses, as indicated by reduced mEPSC frequency and amplitude. These findings link inflammatory microglia and enhanced EV production to loss of excitatory synapses, uncovering a previously unrecognized role for microglia-enriched miRNAs, released in association to EVs, in silencing of key synaptic genes

    Family as the first educational environment. Educational tasks and ideal from the Church’s perspective

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    This article deals with a family as the first and basic educational environment. It is the first environment in chronological terms – family environment appears at the beginning of life – and it is the first one from the perspective of responsibility and vocation – a family decides about educational methods. The issues presented here cover also contemporary threats to education which may be experienced by a family structure; moreover, we attempted to point out the ideal of Christian education

    The ATD Fourth World Movement by Father Joseph Wresinski and His Program of Inclusion and Social Integration

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    Artykuł opisuje Ruch ATD Czwarty Świat założony w 1957 r. przez o. Józefa Wrzesińskiego wraz z rodzinami zamieszkującymi obóz dla bezdomnych Noisy-le-Grand (pod Paryżem). W tekście został przedstawiony Ruch jako propozycja inkluzji i integracji społecznej oraz została zaprezentowana geneza Ruchu i jego główne założenia i cele. Problem wykluczenia społecznego jest stale aktualny we współczesnym świecie i pomimo wielu działań prowadzonych w obrębie badanego tematu niestety jest kwestią jeszcze dość powszechną. Utworzony przez o. Wrzesińskiego Ruch ATD Czwarty Świat pokazuje nowy kierunek działań na rzecz zniwelowania szeroko rozumianego wykluczenia społecznego. The article describes the ATD Fourth World Movement founded in 1957 by Father Joseph Wresinski with families living in the Noisy-le-Grand homeless camp (near Paris).The text presents the Movement as a proposal of social inclusion and integration, and presents the origin of the Movement and its main assumptions and goals. The problem of social exclusion is still topical in the modern world and despite many activities carried out within the studied topic, unfortunately it is still quite common. The ATD Fourth World Movement, created by Father Wresinski, shows a new course of action to eliminate broadly understood social exclusion

    Problem diagnozowania depresji u matek dzieci z zespołem Downa

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    Artykuł jest poświęcony istotnej problematyce społecznej, jaką jest diagnozowanie depresji u matek dzieci z zespołem Downa. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy, został opracowany na podstawie wywiadów z matkami w depresji, które wychowują dziecko z zespołem Downa (trzy studia przypadku). W toku badań usta-lono m.in., że zdiagnozowanie depresji u badanych kobiet spowodowało u nich więk-szą świadomość własnych problemów, pozwoliło im na dokonywanie zmian w kie-runku radzenia sobie z trudnościami, przyczyniło się do poszukiwania wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych zasobów do walki z depresją oraz do zmiany w relacjach rodzinnych. Konieczne było wypracowanie zasad współpracy pomiędzy członkami rodziny