3,558 research outputs found

    20 cm VLA Radio-Continuum Study of M31 - Images and Point Source Catalogues DR2: Extraction of a supernova remnant sample

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    We present Data Release 2 of the Point Source Catalogue created from a series of previously constructed radio-continuum images of M31 at lambda=20 cm (nu=1.4 GHz) from archived VLA observations. In total, we identify a collection of 916 unique discrete radio sources across the field of M31. Comparing these detected sources to those listed by Gelfand et al. (2004) at lambda=92 cm, the spectral index of 98 sources has been derived. The majority (73%) of these sources exhibit a spectral index of alpha <-0.6, indicating that their emission is predominantly non-thermal in nature, which is typical for background objects and Supernova Remnants (SNRs). Additionally, we investigate the presence of radio counterparts for some 156 SNRs and SNR candidates, finding a total of only 13 of these object in our images within a 5 arcsec search area. Auxiliary optical, radio and X-ray catalogs were cross referenced highlighting a small population of SNR and SNR candidates common to multi-frequency domains

    Affine Processes and Application in Finance

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    We provide the definition and a complete characterization of regular affine processes. This type of process unifies the concepts of continuousstate branching processes with immigration and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes. We show, and provide foundations for, a wide range of financial applications for regular affine processes.

    Newly confirmed and high quality candidate Galactic SNRs uncovered from the AAO/UKST HAlpha survey

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    We present a catalogue of 18 new Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) uncovered in the optical regime as filamentary emissions and extended nebulosities on images of the Anglo Australian Observatory/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope (AAO/UKST) HAlpha survey of the southern Galactic plane. Our follow-up spectral observations confirmed classical optical SNR emission lines for these 18 structures via detection of very strong [SII] at 6717 and 6731A relative to HAlpha ([SII]/HAlpha> 0.5). Morphologically, 10 of these remnants have coherent, extended arc or shell structures, while the remaining objects are more irregular in form but clearly filamentary in nature, typical of optically detected SNRs. In 11 cases there was a clear if not complete match between the optical and radio structures with H filamentary structures registered inside and along the presumed radio borders. Additionally, ROSAT X-ray sources were detected inside the optical/radio borders of 11 of these new remnants and 3 may have an associated pulsar. The multi-wavelength imaging data and spectroscopy together present strong evidence to confirm identification of 18 new, mostly senile Galactic SNRs. This includes G288.7-6.3, G315.1+2.7 and G332.5-5.6, identified only as possible remnants from preliminary radio observations. We also confirm existence of radio quiet but optically active supernova remnants.Comment: In original form 21 pages, 29 figures Accepted for MNRA

    SMC SMP 24: A newly radio-detected planetary nebula in the small magellanic cloud

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    In this paper we report new radio-continuum detection of an extragalactic PN: SMC SMP 24. We show the radio-continuum image of this PN and present the measured radio data. The newly reduced radio observations are consistent with the multi-wavelength data and derived parameters found in the literature. SMC SMP 24 appear to be a young and compact PN, optically thick at frequencies below 2 GHz.Comment: accepted for publication in Serbian Astronomical Journa

    A Study of Optical Observing Techniques for Extra-Galactic Supernova Remnants: Case of NGC 300

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    We present the results of a study of observational and identification techniques used for surveys and spectroscopy of candidate supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC 300. The goal of this study was to investigate the reliability of using [Sii]/Halpha > 0.4 in optical SNR surveys and spectra as an identifying feature of extra-galactic SNRs (egSNRs) and also to investigate the effectiveness of the observing techniques (which are hampered by seeing conditions and telescope pointing errors) using this criterion in egSNR surveys and spectrographs. This study is based on original observations of these objects and archival data obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope which contained images of some of the candidate SNRs in NGC 300. We found that the reliability of spectral techniques may be questionable and very high-resolution images may be needed to confirm a valid identification of some egSNRs.Comment: 27 Figures, 10 table

    A ROSAT PSPC X-Ray Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present the results of a systematic search for point-like and moderately extended soft (0.1-2.4 keV) X-ray sources in a raster of nine pointings covering a field of 8.95 deg^2 and performed with the ROSAT PSPC between October 1991 and October 1993 in the direction of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We detect 248 objects which we include in the first version of our SMC catalogue of soft X-ray sources. We set up seven source classes defined by selections in the count rate, hardness ratio and source extent. We find five high luminosity super-soft sources (1E 0035.4-7230, 1E 0056.8-7146, RX J0048.4-7332, RX J0058.6-7146 and RX J0103-7254), one low-luminosity super-soft source RX J0059.6-7138 correlating with the planetary nebula L357, 51 candidate hard X-ray binaries including eight bright hard X-ray binary candidates, 19 supernova remnants, 19 candidate foreground stars and 53 candidate background active galactic nuclei (and quasars). We give a likely classification for ~60% of the catalogued sources. The total count rate of the detected point-like and moderately extended sources in our catalogue is 6.9+/-0.3 s^-1, comparable to the background subtracted total rate from the integrated field of ~6.1+/-0.1 s^-1.Comment: Accepted by A&AS, 13 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Radio Planetary Nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We present 21 new radio-continuum detections at catalogued planetary nebula (PN) positions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using all presently available data from the Australia Telescope Online Archive at 3, 6, 13 and 20 cm. Additionally, 11 previously detected LMC radio PNe are re-examined with 7 7 detections confirmed and reported here. An additional three PNe from our previous surveys are also studied. The last of the 11 previous detections is now classified as a compact \HII\ region which makes for a total sample of 31 radio PNe in the LMC. The radio-surface brightness to diameter (Σ\Sigma-D) relation is parametrised as ΣDβ\Sigma \propto {D^{ - \beta }}. With the available 6~cm Σ\Sigma-DD data we construct Σ\Sigma-DD samples from 28 LMC PNe and 9 Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) radio detected PNe. The results of our sampled PNe in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) are comparable to previous measurements of the Galactic PNe. We obtain β=2.9±0.4\beta=2.9\pm0.4 for the MC PNe compared to β=3.1±0.4\beta = 3.1\pm0.4 for the Galaxy. For a better insight into sample completeness and evolutionary features we reconstruct the Σ\Sigma-DD data probability density function (PDF). The PDF analysis implies that PNe are not likely to follow linear evolutionary paths. To estimate the significance of sensitivity selection effects we perform a Monte Carlo sensitivity simulation on the Σ\Sigma-DD data. The results suggest that selection effects are significant for values larger than β2.6\beta \sim 2.6 and that a measured slope of β=2.9\beta=2.9 should correspond to a sensitivity-free value of 3.4\sim 3.4.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 6 table

    Radio-continuum detections of Galactic Planetary Nebulae I. MASH PNe detected in large-scale radio surveys

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    We present an updated and newly compiled radio-continuum data-base for MASH PNe detected in the extant large scale "blind" radio-continuum surveys (NVSS, SUMSS/MGPS-2 and PMN) and, for a small number of MASH PNe, observed and detected in targeted radio-continuum observations. We found radio counterparts for approximately 250 MASH PNe. In comparison with the percentage of previously known Galactic PNe detected in the NVSS and MGPS-2 radio-continuum surveys and according to their position on the flux density-angular diameter and the radio brightness temperature evolutionary diagrams we conclude, unsurprisingly, that the MASH sample presents the radio-faint end of the known Galactic PNe population. Also, we present radio-continuum spectral properties of a small sub-sample of MASH PNe located in the strip between declinations -30arcdeg and -40arcdeg, that are detected in both the NVSS and MGPS-2 radio surveys.Comment: 13 figures and 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Radio-continuum study of Large Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant J0509-6731

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    We present a detailed study of Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations (λ\lambda = 20, 13, 6 & 3~cm) of supernova remnant (SNR) J0509--6731 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The remnant has a ring morphology with brightened regions towards the south-western limb. We also find a second brightened inner ring which is only seen in the radio-continuum. The SNR is almost circular, with a diameter ranging from 7 to 8~pc, and a steep radio spectral index between 36 and 3~cm of α=0.73±0.02\alpha=-0.73\pm0.02, which is characteristic of younger SNRs. We also report detection of radially orientated polarisation across the remnant at 6~cm, with a mean fractional polarisation level of PP\cong~(26~±\pm~13)%. We find the magnetic field (\sim168~μ\muG) and ΣD\Sigma - D (Σ=\Sigma = 1.1×10191.1\times 10^{-19}~W m2^{-2}~Hz1^{-1}~sr1^{-1} , D=D= 7.35~pc) to be consistent with other young remnants

    Emission Measures and Emission-measure-weighted Temperatures of Shocked ISM and Ejecta in Supernova Remnants

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    A goal of supernova remnant (SNR) evolution models is to relate fundamental parameters of a supernova (SN) explosion and progenitor star to the current state of its SNR. The SNR hot plasma is characterized by its observed X-ray spectrum, which yields electron temperature, emission measure and abundances. Depending on their brightness, the properties of the plasmas heated by the SNR forward shock, reverse shock or both can be measured. The current work utilizes models which are spherically symmetric. One dimensional hydrodynamic simulations are carried out for SNR evolution prior to onset of radiative losses. From these, we derive dimensionless emission measures and emission-measure-weighted temperatures, and we present fitting formulae for these quantities as functions of scaled SNR time. These models allow one to infer SNR explosion energy, circumstellar medium density, age, ejecta mass and ejecta density profile from SNR observations. The new results are incorporated into the SNR modelling code SNRPy. The code is demonstrated with application to three historical SNRs: Kepler, Tycho and SN1006.Comment: 50 pages, 10 figures, 5 table