19 research outputs found

    Ingvinalna hernija koja sadrži inkarcerirani ureter transplantiranog bubrega

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    We presented a case of an inguinal hernia containing an incarcerated ureter in a patient with trans- planted kidney. A 60-year-old man was admitted to hospital with elevated creatinine levels and trans-abdominal ultrasound recognised hydronephrosis. An unenhanced CT scan revealed an in- carcerated ureter in the inguinal hernia sac. The imaging confirmed hydronephrosis of the enlarged kidney with dilated pyelon and calyces. Later control examinations reported no change of grade of hydronephrosis and kidney function, probably due to the intermittent nature of ureteral incarcer- ation. We present this case in light of the recent increase in reporting of ureteroinguinal hernias and as a reminder to radiologists always to check the course of the ureters when they encounter or suspect inguinal hernia.U ovom radu prikazujemo slučaj pacijenta s transplantiranim bubregom koji je razvio ingvinalnu herniju sa inkarceriranim ureterom. MuÅ”karac u dobi od 60 godina primljen je u bolnicu s poviÅ”enim kreatininom te transabdominalnim ultrazvukom otkrivenom hidronefrozom. Nativni CT pregled pokazao je inkarcerirani ureter u vreći ingvinalne hernije. Potvrđena je i hidronefroza uvećanog bubrega s dilatiranim pijelonom i kaliksima. Kasniji kontrolni pregledi utvrdili su stacionarnu hidronefrozu trećeg stupnja te očuvanu bubrežnu funkciju, vjerojatno uslijed intermitentne prirode inkarceracije. Ovaj prikaz donosimo potaknuti sve učestalijim prijavljivanjem slučajeva uretero- ingvinalnih hernija posljednjih godina. Također, nadamo se da će ovaj rad poslužiti kao podsjetnik radiolozima da uvijek provjere tijek uretera pri pregledu ili sumnji na ingvinalnu herniju

    Volumetry of cranio - spinal system

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    Kranio-spinalni prostori proučavaju se otkako je medicine. JoÅ” je egipatski svećenik-liječnik Imhotep prepoznao postojanje cerebrospinalnog likvora. Tijekom većeg dijela povijesti likvor je bio zanemaren, uglavnom zbog svoje nedostupnosti unutar koÅ”tanog oklopa lubanje. Tek su nove slikovne metode kao Å”to su kompjutorizirana tomografija i magnetna rezonancija omogućili uvid u procese, anatomiju i fiziologiju kranio-spinalnog prostora, a posebice cerebrospinalnog likvora. Postojeća dogma o njegovom stvaranju, cirkuliranju i apsorpciji koja traje zadnjih stotinu godina polako se preispituje. Spoznaje koje su donijele nove metode bacaju novo svjetlo na njegova svojstva i moguće implikacije i primjene u medicini. Likvor je toliko kontroverzna medicinska tema da znanost joÅ” uvijek odgovara na osnovna pitanja poput prave količine likvora u zdravih pojedinaca. Polje istraživanja cerebrospinalnog likvora jedno je od rijetkih područja medicine gdje hrvatski znanstvenici stoje uz bok svjetskim autoritetima i neizostavni su dio svake rasprave o toj temi. Zbog svoje neinvazivne prirode i relativne neÅ”kodljivosti metode kompjutorizirane tomografije i magnetne rezonancije postale su osnovni alat u proučavanju kranio-spinalnog prostora, zaista, većina istraživanja koriste upravo ove metode. Stoga će ovaj rad ponuditi pregled njihovog razvoja i primjene na tom području, kao i rezultate koje su polučile.Cranio-spinal space has been studied since the very eve of medicine. The oldest medical document, the Smith papyrus, has an entire section dedicated to cerebrospinal liquor. However, throughout the greater part of history, liquor was neglected by the scientists, largely due to itā€™s enclousure within the hard bony cast of the skull. Only recently did the new neuroimaging methods of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance enable the insight into the processes of liquor anatomy and physiology. The existing dogma concerning itā€™s formation, circulation and apsorption has ruled undisputed for over a century. Nowadays, this dogma is being questioned. The knowledge the new methods have brought along shed a new light on itā€™s qualities and possible applications in medicine. However, liquor is still such a controversial theme that science hasnā€™t even figured out how much of it there is in a healthy individual. The field of liquor research is one of rare fields in medicine where Croatian scientists rank amongst the word authorities on the subject. Due to their noninvasiveness and nonmalleficience the methods of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance became an essential tool in liquor research and, indeed, most studies mentioned in this review are done by them. Therefore, this review hopes to describe their development and application on this field

    Artificial Intelligence in Radiology

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    Since its first use in medical purpose in the 1960s, the concept of artificial intelligence has been especially appealing to health care, particularly radiology. With the development of ever more powerful computers from the 1990s to the present, various forms of artificial intelligence have found their way into different medical specialties ā€“ most notably radiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, and pathology. Due to the growing presence of such systems, it is paramount for the specialists handling them to get acquainted with them in order to provide the best service for their patients. It is therefore the aim of this article to explain the most basic principles of artificial intelligence, accentuating the most prominent concepts used in radiology today, such as deep learning and neural networks. It will also mention some of the artificial intelligence systems approved for clinical use in the US, such as IDx-DR, used to discover more than mild diabetic retinopathy in patients over 22 years of age; and Arterys, used for cardiac segmentation and discovering liver and lung nodules. Same as in many other fields, there is a constant need for improvement ā€“ in construction, testing, and application of these new technologies. Many ethical questions are asked, considering privacy and liability of artificial intelligence systems in clinical use. One of the greatest concerns for radiologists is the possibility of being replaced by these systems. This scenario seems to be far-fetched, at least for the time being. Radiologists should use that time to get to know the ā€œenemyā€. If they accomplish this, they might discover that they had had an ally all along

    Volumetry of cranio - spinal system

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    Kranio-spinalni prostori proučavaju se otkako je medicine. JoÅ” je egipatski svećenik-liječnik Imhotep prepoznao postojanje cerebrospinalnog likvora. Tijekom većeg dijela povijesti likvor je bio zanemaren, uglavnom zbog svoje nedostupnosti unutar koÅ”tanog oklopa lubanje. Tek su nove slikovne metode kao Å”to su kompjutorizirana tomografija i magnetna rezonancija omogućili uvid u procese, anatomiju i fiziologiju kranio-spinalnog prostora, a posebice cerebrospinalnog likvora. Postojeća dogma o njegovom stvaranju, cirkuliranju i apsorpciji koja traje zadnjih stotinu godina polako se preispituje. Spoznaje koje su donijele nove metode bacaju novo svjetlo na njegova svojstva i moguće implikacije i primjene u medicini. Likvor je toliko kontroverzna medicinska tema da znanost joÅ” uvijek odgovara na osnovna pitanja poput prave količine likvora u zdravih pojedinaca. Polje istraživanja cerebrospinalnog likvora jedno je od rijetkih područja medicine gdje hrvatski znanstvenici stoje uz bok svjetskim autoritetima i neizostavni su dio svake rasprave o toj temi. Zbog svoje neinvazivne prirode i relativne neÅ”kodljivosti metode kompjutorizirane tomografije i magnetne rezonancije postale su osnovni alat u proučavanju kranio-spinalnog prostora, zaista, većina istraživanja koriste upravo ove metode. Stoga će ovaj rad ponuditi pregled njihovog razvoja i primjene na tom području, kao i rezultate koje su polučile.Cranio-spinal space has been studied since the very eve of medicine. The oldest medical document, the Smith papyrus, has an entire section dedicated to cerebrospinal liquor. However, throughout the greater part of history, liquor was neglected by the scientists, largely due to itā€™s enclousure within the hard bony cast of the skull. Only recently did the new neuroimaging methods of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance enable the insight into the processes of liquor anatomy and physiology. The existing dogma concerning itā€™s formation, circulation and apsorption has ruled undisputed for over a century. Nowadays, this dogma is being questioned. The knowledge the new methods have brought along shed a new light on itā€™s qualities and possible applications in medicine. However, liquor is still such a controversial theme that science hasnā€™t even figured out how much of it there is in a healthy individual. The field of liquor research is one of rare fields in medicine where Croatian scientists rank amongst the word authorities on the subject. Due to their noninvasiveness and nonmalleficience the methods of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance became an essential tool in liquor research and, indeed, most studies mentioned in this review are done by them. Therefore, this review hopes to describe their development and application on this field