681 research outputs found

    Radio Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We present preliminary results of our deep Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) radio-continuum survey of the Magellanic Clouds Planetary Nebulae.Comment: 2 pages 1 figure, to appear in Planetary Nebulae an Eye to the Future Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 28

    Gender of children and preschool program models as factors in preschool childrenā€™s creativity

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    Analysed the influence of Models in the preschool program that was performed in daycare institutions in Serbia for more than two decades including the gender as one of examined factor

    Influence of additive from sugar beet on white bread quality

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    The additive of acceptable sensory, physical and chemical and microbiological characteristics was made from cossettes. Great water binding capacity related to microcrystals of cellulose qualifies this additive as a desired one in bread making process. Bread was baked in the laboratory and patent flour was used. The additive with particles smaller than 95 (m was supplemented in the quantities of 2, 5 and 10%. The data related to the influence of the quantity of additive on white bread quality point that parallel to increasing the amount of the additive in the dough, yield of dough and bread were also increased. Negative effects are detected as volume depression and inferior bread crumb quality and altered crumb color. The decrease in bread quality is small if 2% of additive was applied, but significant with 5 and 10%. The bread freshness was highly graded 48 hours after baking due to the ability of the additive to retain water. On the whole, bread of superior quality supplemented by 5 and 10% of the additive from sugar beet fiber can be easily made by fortifying flour with gluten and by adding appropriate dough conditioner

    Derivative pricing for a multi-curve extension of the Gaussian, exponentially quadratic short rate model

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    The recent financial crisis has led to so-called multi-curve models for the term structure. Here we study a multi-curve extension of short rate models where, in addition to the short rate itself, we introduce short rate spreads. In particular, we consider a Gaussian factor model where the short rate and the spreads are second order polynomials of Gaussian factor processes. This leads to an exponentially quadratic model class that is less well known than the exponentially affine class. In the latter class the factors enter linearly and for positivity one considers square root factor processes. While the square root factors in the affine class have more involved distributions, in the quadratic class the factors remain Gaussian and this leads to various advantages, in particular for derivative pricing. After some preliminaries on martingale modeling in the multi-curve setup, we concentrate on pricing of linear and optional derivatives. For linear derivatives, we exhibit an adjustment factor that allows one to pass from pre-crisis single curve values to the corresponding post-crisis multi-curve values

    Determination of essential and toxic elements in products of milling wheat

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    The bread wheat bran is used as a raw material rich in dietary fiber in the production. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the content of essential and toxic elements in the flour and bran. This paper investigates essential (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn) and toxic (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) elements in products of milling wheat grown in the whole territory of Banat, the region in Serbia. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used for analysis. The mean contents of the following elements Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Fe, Mn and Zn in wheat kernels were 0.143, 0.007, 0.017, 35.7643, 50.865 and 21.174 mg/kg, respectively. Cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to discriminate and to group the different samples, according to element content. Quality results show that the first two principal components, accounting for 80.17% of the total variance, can be considered sufficient for data representation and the first two principal components of toxic elements and essential microelements. Cd (15.28%), Zn (17.91%), Cu (17.08), Fe (16.91%) and Mn (17.54%), have been found the most influential for the first factor coordinate calculation, while the contribution of Pb (27.93%) and Hg (61.86%) has been the most important variable for the second factor coordinate calculation

    Determination of essential and toxic elements in products of milling wheat

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    The bread wheat bran is used as a raw material rich in dietary fiber in the production. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the content of essential and toxic elements in the flour and bran. This paper investigates essential (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn) and toxic (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) elements in products of milling wheat grown in the whole territory of Banat, the region in Serbia. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used for analysis. The mean contents of the following elements Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Fe, Mn and Zn in wheat kernels were 0.143, 0.007, 0.017, 35.7643, 50.865 and 21.174 mg/kg, respectively. Cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to discriminate and to group the different samples, according to element content. Quality results show that the first two principal components, accounting for 80.17% of the total variance, can be considered sufficient for data representation and the first two principal components of toxic elements and essential microelements. Cd (15.28%), Zn (17.91%), Cu (17.08), Fe (16.91%) and Mn (17.54%), have been found the most influential for the first factor coordinate calculation, while the contribution of Pb (27.93%) and Hg (61.86%) has been the most important variable for the second factor coordinate calculation

    Ekonomska analiza proizvodnje pŔenice na porodičnim gazdinstvima

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    Serbian agricultural producers are currently facing a large number of challenges which have a significant influence on their business activities. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of existing family farms business activities is the only way to improve their profitability and enhance competitiveness in such conditions. Bearing this in mind, the objective of this research is to emphasize an importance of the economic analysis of wheat production on family farms and to contribute successfully to the formulation of the answers to questions if and under which conditions the wheat production is profitable. In order to have a complete insight into investigated problem subject, investigations were carried out on selected family farms. Collected data were processed using calculation procedure for the purpose of determination of main economical indicators of the success of wheat production. Based on realized financial results it can be concluded that with the selling price of 10,000.00 diners per ton, only family farms which have achieved yield of over 7.5 t/ha with adequate level of investments are profitable. Since realized average yield of wheat on family farms in the Republic of Serbia in 2009 was 3.58 t/ha and level of investment necessary for realization of this yield, it is clear that the majority of family farms had loss in wheat production. The results of this study suggest that the economic status of the wheat production depends on the yield and achieved sales price, as well as on the amount of applied production factors and price level for their purchasing.Poljoprivredni proizvođači u Srbiji suočavaju se sa velikim brojem izazova koji prete da značajno ugroze njihovo poslovanje. Jedini put za poboljÅ”anje profitabilnosti i unapređenje konkurentnosti u takvim uslovima je kontinuirano praćenje i ocenjivanje ostvarenih rezultata. Imajući to u vidu u radu je izvrÅ”ena ekonomska analiza proizvodnje pÅ”enice na porodičnim gazdinstvima, a sve u cilju Å”to uspeÅ”nijeg formulisanja odgovora na pitanje da li je i pod kojim uslovima ova proizvodnja profitabilna. Kako bi se istraživana problematika Å”to potpunije sagledala izvrÅ”ena su istraživanja na odabranim porodičnim gazdinstvima. Prikupljeni podaci obrađeni su pomoću kalkulativnog računskog postupka u svrhu utvrđivanja osnovnih ekonomskih pokazatelja uspeÅ”nosti proizvodnje pÅ”enice. Na osnovu ostvarenih finansijskih rezultata može se konstatovati da uz prodajnu cenu od 10,000 dinara po toni profitabilnu proizvodnju imaju samo ona gazdinstva koja su uz odgovarajući nivo ulaganja ostvarila prinos veći od 7,5 t/ ha. Imajući u vidu da je ostvareni prosečan prinos pÅ”enice na porodičnim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji u 2009. godini 3,58 t/ha i potreban nivo ulaganja za njegovo ostvarenje onda je sasvim jasno da je najveći broj gazdinstava ostvario gubitak u proizvodnji pÅ”enice. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja sugeriÅ”u da je ekonomski položaj ove proizvodnje uslovljen visinom ostvarenog prinosa i ostvarenom prodajnom cenom, kao i količinom primenjenih činilaca proizvodnje i nivoom cena za njihovo pribavljanje

    On multicurve models for the term structure

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    In the context of multi-curve modeling we consider a two-curve setup, with one curve for discounting (OIS swap curve) and one for generating future cash flows (LIBOR for a give tenor). Within this context we present an approach for the clean-valuation pricing of FRAs and CAPs (linear and nonlinear derivatives) with one of the main goals being also that of exhibiting an "adjustment factor" when passing from the one-curve to the two-curve setting. The model itself corresponds to short rate modeling where the short rate and a short rate spread are driven by affine factors; this allows for correlation between short rate and short rate spread as well as to exploit the convenient affine structure methodology. We briefly comment also on the calibration of the model parameters, including the correlation factor.Comment: 16 page


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    An experiment with five different tillage systems and their influence on fuel consumption, labour requirement and yield of tested crops was carried out on Albic Luvisol in northwest Slavonia in the period of 1996.-2000. The compared tillage systems were: 1. conventional tillage system (CT), 2. reduced tillage system (RT), 3. conservation tillage system I (CP), 4. conservation tillage system II (CM), 5. no-tillage system (NT). The crop rotation was maize (Zea mays L.) - winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ā€“ maize ā€“ winter wheat. Comparing the fuel consumption to CT system, RT system consumed 6.8% less, CP system 12.1% less, CM system 27.4% less, while NT system consumed even 82.7% less fuel. The labour requirement showed that RT system saved 7.6%, while CP system required 21.8% less, CM system 38.6% less labour, respectively. NT system saved 81.7% of labour in comparison to CT system. The highest yield of maize in the first experimental year was achieved under CT system and the lowest under RT system. In all others experimental years the highest yield of winter wheat and maize was achieved under CM system, while the lowest under RT system.Pokus s pet različitih sustava obrade proveden je na praÅ”kasto ilovastom tlu na području sjeverozapadne Slavonije u razdoblju 1996.-2000., pri čemu je istraživan utjecaj na potroÅ”nju goriva, utroÅ”ak rada i urod testiranih usjeva. Istraživani su sljedeći sustavi obrade tla: 1. konvencionalni sustav (CT), 2. reducirani sustav (RT), 3. konzervacijski sustav I (CP), 4. konzervacijski sustav II (CM), 5. sustav nulte obrade (NT). Plodored je bio sljedeći: kukuruz (Zea mays L.) ā€“ ozima pÅ”enica (Triticum aestivum L.) ā€“ kukuruz ā€“ ozima pÅ”enica. U usporedbi s konvencionalnim sustavom, reduciranim sustavom potroÅ”eno je 6,8% manje goriva, konzervacijskim sustavom I 12,1% manje, konzervacijskim sustavom II 27,4%manje, dok je sustavom nulte obrade ostvarena manja potroÅ”nja goriva za čak 82,7%. Istraživanje utroÅ”ka rada pokazalo je da je reduciranim sustavom utroÅ”eno 7,6% manje rada, konzervacijskim sustavom I 21,8% manje, konzervacijskim sustavom II 38,6% manje, a sustavom nulte obrade 81,7% manje rada, u usporedbi s konvencionalnim sustavom. Najveći urod kukuruza u prvoj pokusnoj godini ostvaren je konvencionalnim sustavom, a najmanji reduciranim sustavom obrade. U svim ostalim pokusnim godinama najveći urod ozime pÅ”enice i kukuruza ostvaren je konzervacijskim sustavom II, a najmanji reduciranim sustavom obrade tla
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