8 research outputs found
Research of the development of ecology and geography of plants in southslavonic lands between 1759. and 1988. : a bibliometric study
Ova disertacija predstavlja pokušaj analize informacionih masiva, kao odraza strukture nauke, primenom naukometrijskih, posebno bibliometrijskih, metoda.
Prva istraživanja iz fitoekologije i fitogeografije vršili su uglavnom stranci. U drugoj polovini 19. veka osnivaju se prve domaće naučnoistraživačke institucije. Između dva svetska rata dolazi do njihovog jačanja, a posle Drugog svetskog rata do naglog širenja mreže institucija i udesetostručenja broja istraživača. Sedamdesetih godina 20. veka rast se usporava, a krajem osamdesetih dolazi do opadanja.
Osnovu za bibliometrijsku studiju činila je bibliografija o ekologiji, rasprostranjenju i zaštiti flore i vegetacije u jugoslovenskim zemljama 1759-1988, koja je urađena kao prilog uz ovu disertaciju. Ona obuhvata 391 monografsku publikaciju, 226 doktorskih disertacjia i 6.012 članaka iz časopisa i zbornika. Analizirana je vremenska raspodela bibliografskih jedinica, tematska i jezička struktura bibliografije, raspodela autora i časopisa po produktivnosti i uključenost časopisa u svetski sistem protoka informacija. Utvrđeno je da je: moguće izdvojiti 3 osnovna perioda razvoja; razvoj posmatranih disciplina pratio je razvoj u svetu; 17% radova je objavljeno na stranim jezicima, a 53% članaka ima sažetke na svetskim jezicima; preko 50%članaka objavljenih 1980-1988. nalazili su se u časopisima koji su uključeni u svetske baze podataka za odgovarajuće oblasti.
Bibliografija sadrži radove 1.859 autora, čija se raspodela po produktivnosti ponaša po bibliometrijskim zakonima, a parametar rasopodele, koji je i osnovni pokazatelj strukture posmatranog sistema, iznosi 0,67. Bibliografijom je obuhvaćeno 5.863 članaka iz 556 časopisa, čija se raspodela po časopisima ponašala po bibliometrijskim zakonima, a parametar raspodele iznosi 0,49. Vrednosti parametra raspodele manje od 1 ukazuju na negausovsku Cipfovu raspodelu sa jako izraženom stratifikacijom i povećanim udelom visokoproduktivnih nosilaca posmatranih pojava, što je karakteristično za razvoj nauke u nepovoljnim uslovima. Činjenica da je od 150 godina, koliko traje redovno objavljivanje naučnih rezultata iz posmatranih oblasti, 40 godina bilo sa eksponencijalnim rastom, 40 godina sa trendom opadanja, a 70 godina je proteklo u povratku na nivo pre početka negativnog trenda, najbolje ukazuje na suštinu problema razvoja nauke na ovim prostorima.This dissertation is an attempt to present the massifs of information,
which reflect the structure of science, bу using scientometric and specially
bibliometric methods.
First researches on plant ecology and geography were done mostly by foreigners.
the first southslavonic scientific institutions were founded in the second
half of 19th the century. Between the world wars the institutions grew, after the
second world war the network of scientific institutions spread fast, and the
number of researchers was ten times multiplied. In the seventies of the 20th
century the growth was slowing down, and in the eighties the falling started.
Basis for this bibliometric study was the Bibliography of ecology, dispersion
and protection of flora and vegetation in southslavonic lands 1759-1988,
which was compiled as an appendix to this dissertation. It includes 391 monographs, 226 doctoral dissertations and 6.012 articles from journals and
collections. Temporal distribution of publications, thematic and linguistic
structure of the bibliography, dispersion of authors and journals according
to productivity and presence of journals in world system of scientific
information are analyzed. It is established that: it is possible to divide
the development in three basic periods; development of those disciplines
followed the development in the world; 17% of papers were published in foreign
languages and 53% of articles had summaries in foreign languages; more then
50% of articles published between 1980. and 1988. were in journals included
in world databases for adequate disciplines.
Bibliography includes papers of 1.859 authors, whose productivity is dispersed
in accordance with bibliometric laws. Numeric value of bibliometric parameter,
which is the indicator for the structure of examined system of science, was
0,67. Bibliography included 5.863 articles from 556 journals, whose dispersion
was in accordance with bibliometric laws, with parameter of dispersion 0,49.
Parameter values less then 1 indicate that the dispersion is nongaussian,
Zipfs, with highly expressed stratification and with greater part of highly
productive sources. That is the characteristic for the development of science
in unpleasant environment. The fact that in period of 150 years of continual
publishing of scientific results in plant ecology and geography 40 years had
exponential growth of the number of publications, 40 years had falling, and
70 years passed in reaching the level before negative trend started, is the
best indicator of the essential problems for the development of science in
this part of the world
Bibliotečki sistemi i problemi njihovog povezivanja u Srbiji
Automation of the library processes and their interconnection in networks is the imperative of modern times. Libraries in Serbia automated their working processes partly on the local level and partly by building cooperative systems. Software used on local level will in the next few years become technologically so obsolete that it will become an obstacle for further development, so building cooperative systems is the only right way for development. A review of existing software packages used in Serbia is given and some elements that should not be overlooked in the process of deciding which cooperative system to join are emphasized. User expectations are changed, more and more they expect from libraries not just electronic catalogues, but electronic documents
Koje su perspektive visokoškolskih biblioteka u eri informacija? = What are the perspectives of academic libraries in the Information Era?
Academic libraries have some kind of hybrid position, belonging to higher education and to the library world at the same time. Evolution of higher education, changing habits in scientific communication, lifelong learning processes and the spreading of distance learning push the academic libraries to intensify their work and to shift from collection centered policy to usercentred policy. Digitization of the collections, user education 24-hour reference services, intensive cooperation between academic and other libraries in the country and abroad are some main issues. Discussions about the future of academic and other libraries at international librarians conferences showed that no matter from which part of the world they come librarians believe that libraries are here to stay, not as museums of books but as focal points for people seeking information
Novi trendovi u bibliotekarstvu
Starting from the viewpoint of the necessity for survival of the library and information profession, the author presents a series of factographic information and relevant findings. She stresses the liaison between library and information work and education and sees the future of the working with digital knowledge and lifelong learning. Though the education pushes away towards the knowledge industry, the libraries have to enable direct access to knowledge as much as possible under the equal conditions to all the users. The previous principle of the information management has to be transformed into knowledge management, that is, the librarians have to accept the role of knowledge manager. That means the measurement of the library holdings use and evaluation of the satisfaction degree of the library user needs, as well as the inevitable necessity for permanent education of librarians. Removing the intermediaries between an user and information can be reached by: 1. strengthening of librarians' educational competence, more exactly, developing users' information literacy; 2. library cooperation in building databases and portals, and 3. 24 hours working services for users. Despite of the scientific information crisis and communication problems in science, the actual trends are usefully for the librarians: 1. intensification of the interlibrary loan; 2. coordinating acquisition with the related libraries; 3. simple bibliographic processing and use of the electronic resources
Vrednovanje rada biblioteka i procena uspešnosti njihovog poslovanja : pregled literature i predlog mogućih pokazatelja za biblioteke u Srbiji = Evaluation of library performance and estimation of the efficiency of their results : literature overview and suggestions for the possible indicators for libraries in Serbia
An overview of a part of the relevant literature about the library work evaluation is given as well as an attempt to make a synthesis of foreign experiences in the field. The topics discussed at two workshops with subjects "evaluation of libraries" and "measurement of library performance" are presented in detail. The most-used performance indicators are analyzed in order to calculate them with the use of existing data in Serbia and recommendations are made for data that should be collected in the future
Eurosertifikati za profesionalce u informacionoj i dokumentacionoj delatnosti u Evropi
Project for introduction of eurocerrificates in the library and information
field was presented on the conference in Brussels on October 4th 2004. The
project goal, already in realization in Germany, France and Spain, is to
introduce standard procedure on the European level, which would enable the
recognition of knowledge and working results achieved in praxis. Three
levels of qualification are predicted and the necessary conditions defined.
Certification process is under the control of professional associations. More
information about the project and the guide in English and French languages
are available on the project website http://www.certidoc.ne
Preliminarne obrazovne aktivnosti za poboljšanje kvaliteta bibliotečkog rada
The requirements of ISO 9000 are studied in order to find the easiest way of
coping with the consequences of rapid changes in the academic and research
libraries in Serbia alongside unsatisfactory working conditions and the
consequences of this. The analysis of the prerequisites for launching the
project for improvement of quality in library operations indicated the need
for training. Searching for the most appropriate forms of training for
librarians, with the aim that they should embrace the idea of continual
professional development under given conditions, has necessarily included the
efforts for their motivation to learn. Preliminary educational activities are
conceived as providing educational material, named Q(uality) messages, that
should initiate the librarian, step by step, into best practice procedures in
order to familiarize them with them in the working place and in the rhythm
appropriate for them. messages also introduce the definitions of concepts
from quality standards related to libraries and the continual improvements of
library work processes. Librarians are informed about new editions of library
standards – ISO 2780 and ISO 11620 and about the goals of the educational
activities, materials and events planned by the Serbian Academic Library
Subject category oncology in journal citation reports 2000-2006: Analysis of impact factor distribution and publishing data
Impact factor (IF) of journals is assumed an adequate measure of its importance in the scientific communication of a defined subject. It is important to have in mind that IF is varying very much in time. The range of IF for journals classified in the subject group ONCOLOGY is analyzed for the period 2000-2006. There are only seven of 127 journals in year 2006 which have IF higher than 10. The highest impact in the analyzed period has the journal CA-CANCERJ CLIN, varying from 24,674 to 63,342, but the important fact about that journal is that it publishes very small number of articles annually. The number of journals on the list also changed from 103 in 2000 to 127 in year 2006. Only one journal from the list is published in German and five are multilingual, all the rest are published in English language. Besides US (66), Great Britain (29), Holland (7), and Switzerland (6), all other 11 countries have few journals, mostly situated in the last part of the list ranked by IF. When choosing where to publish their results, scientists should consider all available facts about a journal - from its IF and the way it changes with time, to its openness, availability in libraries and on the WWW, possibility to keep author rights and put the article in an open access repository, where it will get more attention from authors that do not have access to that journal, etc