194 research outputs found
The legitimacy of increasing marginal utility in social services: The case of university examinations
The concept of utility became rightfully recognized in economic theory with the introduction of decreasing marginal utility. However a question that arises is: does an increasing consumption of goods always and without exception lead to diminishing marginal utility? It is quite possible that in some cases marginal utility of goods and services actually increases. If this fact is true, it might additionally strengthen the utility theory and make it applicable in numerous cases of economic and social reality. This paper uses the example of the utility of studying at university (i.e. the utility of university examinations), and tries to add a few arguments in favour of the statement that the law of increasing utility exists
Testiranje i izvedba jednostavnog mrežnog diska koriŔtenjem Raspberry Pi platforme
Ovim je radom dat sažeti pregled opÄenito o mrežnim diskovima, njihovoj izvedbi i upotrebi, te je prikazana konfiguracija jedene postojeÄe univerzalne platforme Raspberry Pi u ulozi mrežnog diska.
Prilikom izrade i konfiguracije mrežnog diska obratila se pozornost na funkcionalnost, na njegove performanse i energetsku uÄinkovitost. Probno mjerenje performansi ukazalo je na viÅ”estruko manje brzine od komercijalnog rjeÅ”enja NAS-a, ali ipak su performanse dovoljne za kuÄnu upotrebu.
Prednost takvog rjeÅ”enja za mrežni disk je viÅ”estruko manja potroÅ”nja elektriÄne energije nego kod dijeljenja diska osobnim raÄunalom, viÅ”estruko manja cijena nego kod komercijalnog rjeÅ”enja mrežnog diska. Prednost ove platforme je takoÄer prenamjena, ako mrežni disk viÅ”e nije potreban, ova platforma se lako može iskoristit za neÅ”to drugo
The estimate of regional balances of payments in Croatia
Neither the region, as part of the state, nor regional development has occupied the centre of attention in the theory of international trade. There are several reasons, both theoretical and methodological, as well as entirely practical, including the want of any adequate statistics, particularly those necessary for the construction of Croatian regional balances of payments. Accordingly, there are several objectives to this work. After the introduction in which reference is made to the limitations of the running of individual regional economic policies, comes a chapter in which the content of an ideal regional balance of payments is defined. On the way from the ideal to the objective content of regional balances of payments, that is, one reflecting the available data, many methodological problems had to be solved and suitable statistics set up. In the sequel, the analysis of the balances of payments reveals a whole scale of regions that are negative or positive in terms of foreign currency. Although the quantities of the individual balances and items are interesting in themselves, it is important to understand that the different regional exposures to monetary policy possibly require a selective approach from economic policy. At the end, making use of the regional balances of payments, the influence of the depreciation of the kuna on the gross domestic product of the regions is analysed. It is established that in some hypothetical depreciation, if foreign currency transactions were treated ceteris paribus in relation to other economic aggregates, there would be important gains and losses, which would lead to ever greater developmental inequality in Croatia
Isolation, cultivation, and in vitro susceptibility testing of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato: A review
Lyme borreliosis is the most common vector-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. The agents of Lyme borreliosis are borrelia, bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae, which are grouped in Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species complex. Borreliae are fastidious, slow-growing and biochemically inactive bacteria that need special attention and optimal conditions for cultivation. The isolation of Borrelia from clinical material and their cultivation is a time-consuming and demanding procedure. Cultivation lasts from 9 up to 12 weeks, which is much longer than is necessary to grow most other human bacterial pathogens. Although B. burgdorferi sensu lato is susceptible to a wide range of antimicrobial agents in vitro, up to now the susceptibility of individual Borrelia species to antibiotics is defined only partially. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175011
Some Observations on the Vertical Migrations of the Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg in the Lim Fjord (Northern Adriatic)
Tokom 48-satnog razdoblja praÄena je vertikalna distribucija dinoflagelata Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg u odnosu na dnevne promjene intenziteta svjetla, te vertikalnu raspodjelu važnijih hranjivih soli (nitrata i fosfata). Uzorci vode za bioloÅ”ke i fizikalno-kemijske analize uzimani su na postaji u Limskom kanalu u 4-satnim vremenskim intervalima, na dubinama od 0 do 13 metara.
Rezultati indiciraju da P. micans migrira za najjaÄe insolacije na dubinu od 5 metara (gdje se u periodu od 8 do 12 sati primjeÄuje izrazito poveÄanje gustoÄe stanica u odnosu na ostale istraživane dubine). Smanjivanjem intenziteta svjetla, primjeÄuju se migracije te vrste u dublje slojeve (10ā13 m). Pretpostavlja se da su ta gibanja bila povezana sa neÅ”to viÅ”im koncentracijama fosfata, hranjive soli, za koju se smatra da limitira primarnu proizvodnju u vodama sjevernog Jadrana. Nitrati su u toku istraživane periode bili naÄeni u koliÄinama viÅ”im od onih koje bi se mogle smatrati graniÄnima za primarnu proizvodnju, a za razliku od fosfata, najviÅ”e koncentracije nitrata bile su opÄenito naÄene u povrÅ”inskim slojevima.Diurnal vertical migration of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg was investigated under field conditions in relation to the underwater light field, and the vertical distribution of nutrients (phosphates and nitrates). Water samples were taken in the Lim Fjord at 4-hour intervals over a 48 hr period. Samples were collected from 0, 2, 5, 7, 10 and 13-m depths for microscopical analysis of the species present, and at 0, 5, 10 and 13 m for other physical and chemical measurements.
The changes in the vertical distribution of P. micans cell densities during the investigation show a periodicity, indicating that the dinoflagellate is capable of undergoing diel vertical migrations. Results indicated that P. micans Ā»avoidsĀ« surface layers and accumulates at 5-m depth during the daylight intensities (Figs. 2, 3, 4). During the night, with the lowering of light intensities, the algae migrated to the deeper portions of the water colum (10ā13 m). It is hypothesized that this downward movement is related to the availability of phosphate, a nutrient considered limiting phytoplankton production in the Northern Adriatic. Nitrate occurred at concentrations considered non-limiting throughout the water column, and in contrast to phosphate, higher concentrations were found in the upper layers (Figs. 2 and 3)
Koronavirusi i 21. vek
Koronavirusi pripadaju RNK virusima, a naziv potiÄe od latinske reÄi ācoronaā usled sliÄ-
nosti sa vencem (koronom) sunÄevih zraka. Sve do poÄetka 21. veka, koronavirusi su povezi-
vani sa sezonskim prehladama i nisu bili prepoznati kao znaÄajni humani patogeni.
MeÄutim, 2002. godine u Kini je identifikovan uzroÄnik teÅ”kog akutnog respiratornog sin-
droma ā SARS (engl. Severe acute respiratory syndrome), pri Äemu su zabeleženi smrtni isho-
di, a virus je oznaÄen kao SARS-CoV. Deset godina kasnije, 2012. godine, u Saudijskoj Arabiji
identifikovan je MERS-CoV (engl. Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus), a krajem
2019. godine i novi koronavirus koji je kasnije oznaÄen kao SARS-CoV-2 usled sliÄnosti sa
SARS-CoV. Broj umrlih usled infekcije SARS-CoV-2 i razvoja bolesti COVID-19 (engl. coronavi-
rus disease 2019) procenjuje se do sada na oko 6 miliona ljudi globalno.
Usled brzog Ŕirenja SARS-CoV-2, Svetska Zdravstvena Organizacija objavila je 11. marta
2020. pandemiju, koja je joÅ” uvek na snazi. Pandemija je dovela do brzog odgovora na COVID-19
Å”to je za posledicu imalo velika finansijska ulaganja u razvoj bolniÄkih kapaciteta, novih tera-
pijskih opcija, a posebno na razvoj vakcina protiv COVID-19. MeÄutim, paralelno sa razvojem i
primenom vakcina doŔlo je do mutacija u genomu SARS-CoV-2 i pojave novih varijanti virusa Ŕto
je poslediÄno dovelo do manje efikasnosti vakcina i dostupnih terapijskih opcija.
U okviru izlaganja dat je uporedni pregled karakteristika virusa SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV i
SARS-CoV-2. Pažnja koju su privukli koronavirusi 21. veka i iskustva i znanja steÄena njiho-
vom pojavom, omoguÄi Äe bolji odgovor na potencijalno nove koronaviruse, kao i bolji odgo-
vor na epidemije ili pandemije uzrokovane drugim patogenima
Internet advertising of company Tele 2
Na kraju rada i svega napisanog vidi se kako poduzeÄe Tele2 svoje oglaÅ”avanje na Internetu provodi vrlo dobro, no ipak ima svoje nedostatke. ZapoÄevÅ”i s integriranom marketinÅ”kom komunikacijom vidjelo se kako bi se marketinÅ”ke komunikacije i oglaÅ”avanje trebalo provoditi. No, s obzirom na temu rad se ogleda samo na Internetsko oglaÅ”avanje na primjeru poduzeÄa Tele2. Putem mrežne stranice poduzeÄe Tele2 uglavnom viÅ”e pruža informacije umjesto oglasa pa se može reÄi kako mrežna stranica poduzeÄu Tele2 viÅ”e služi za informiranost korisnika i potencijalnih korisnika, a manje za oglaÅ”avanje kod istih. Na taj naÄin poduzeÄe Tele2 svoje korisnike i potencijalne korisnike upoznaje sa svojim ponudama i uslugama gdje se ponude odnose na prodaju mobilnih ureÄaja, prodaju dodataka za mobilne ureÄaje, koriÅ”tenje odreÄenih opcija i tarifa, koriÅ”tene roaming-a, koriÅ”tenje mobilnog Interneta i sliÄno dok se pod uslugama podrazumijevaju telekomunikacijske usluge koje pruža poduzeÄe Tele2 svojim korisnicima i potencijalnim korisnicima. S pružanjem informacija se takoÄer upoznaje korisnike i potencijalne korisnike s dodatnim informacijama o ponudama, pojedinim opcijama i tarifama, o pogodnostima, cijenama, raznim telekomunikacijskim uslugama, paketima i sliÄno. Tako se kupce bolje upoznaje s ponudom, ali i poslovanjem poduzeÄa te takoÄer s dobrom i kvalitetnom informiranosti korisnici i potencijalni korisnici mogu pronaÄi sve Å”to ih zanima u udobnosti vlastitog doma, ili u bilo kojem trenutku i na bilo kojem mjestu se nalazili pomoÄu mrežne stranice.At the end of everything written and see how your company Tele2 advertising on the Internet performed very well, but still has its drawbacks. Starting with an integrated marketing communication was seen to marketing communications and advertising should be implemented. However, with regard to the subject work is reflected only on internet advertising in the case of company Tele2. Through the website company Tele2 mainly provides more information instead of the ad, and it can be said that web page company Tele2 more used for informing users and potential users, rather than advertising for the same. In this way the company Tele2 their users and potential users familiar with their offerings and services where the offer relating to the sale of mobile devices, selling accessories for mobile devices, the use of certain options and tariffs, used roaming services, the use of mobile Internet and the like while under services include telecommunications services provided by the company Tele2 to its customers and potential customers. The provision of information also informs users and potential users with additional information about the offers, individual options and tariffs, benefits, prices, various telecom services, packages and the like. So customers better acquainted with the offer, but also business enterprises and also with good and quality of information users and potential users can find everything they are interested in the comfort of your own home, or at any time and in any place you are using the website
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