5 research outputs found

    Brno - damlake

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    Bakalářská práce byla zpracována jako projekt pro provedení stavby na základě ateliérové práce z druhého ročníku. Předmětem práce je novostavba restaurace se zázemím a prostory pro dopravní podnik na Brněnské přehradě. Stavba se nachází na mírně svažitém pozemku přiléhajícímu k vodní hladině. Prostranství kolem stavby je koncipováno jako veřejné, určené zejména jako nástupní plocha na lodě MHD.This thesis was elaborated as a project for building construction based on studio work from the second year. The subject of the work is a newly built restaurant and rooms with facilities for the public transport company in Brno. The building is located on gently sloping land situated near the surface of the Brno damlake. The area around the building is drafted as a public, primarily intended as the starting area for boat transportation.

    Urban solution of the centre of residential complex Brno-Lesná

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem úprav území na jižním okraji brněnského sídliště Lesná, vymezeného z jižní strany tratí, ze západní křižovatkou Okružní-Generála Píky, ze severní ulicí Heleny Malířové a z východní křižovatkou Merhautova-Okružní-Seifertova. V analytické části práce je proveden zevrubný průzkum jižní části sídliště Lesná a na jeho základě jsou stanoveny nejpalčivější problémy tohoto území. V návrhové části je následně zpracována urbanistická studie daného území, zaměřená na řešení zmíněných problémů. Navrženo je zejména sjednocení obou jeho polovin centrálním prostorem umožňujícím přímý přístup na vlakovou zastávku, rozšíření komunikace v ulici Okružní a vložení tramvajové trati do její osy a doplnění budovy úřadu městské části Brno-Sever do spodní poloviny území pro zvýšení jeho atraktivity.The thesis proposes a modification of an area on the southern edge of a Brno housing estate Lesna, defined by train tracks from the south side, třída Generála Píky-Okružní crossing from the west, Heleny Malířové street from north and Okružní-Merhautova-Seifertova crossroad from the east. A thorough survey of the southern part of the Lesná settlement is carried out in the first part and the most pressing problems of the region are determined. The following part is then an urban planning study, aimed at dealing with discovered problems. The proposed design deals mainly with unification of two halves of the central area to allow for direct access of the train station, enlargement of a main road in the Okružní street to incorporate a new tram line and placement of a new office building for Brno-Sever municipality in the bottom half of the territory to increase its attractiveness.

    A Rapid Separation of Two Distinct Populations of Mouse Corneal Epithelial Cells with Limbal Stem Cell Characteristics by Centrifugation on Percoll Gradient

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    PURPOSE. To detect and isolate cells with stem cell (SC) characteristics in the limbus of the mouse. METHODS. Limbal tissues from BALB/c mice were trypsindissociated and separated on the gradient Percoll (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland). Several fractions were isolated and characterized by real-time PCR for the presence of limbal SC markers and differentiation markers of corneal epithelial cells by flow cytometry for the determination of the sidepopulation (SP) phenotype and growth properties in vitro. RESULTS. Cells retained in the lightest fraction (40% Percoll) and in the densest fraction (80% Percoll) of the gradient were both enriched for populations with a high expression of the SC markers ABCG2 and Lgr5 and also expressing the SP phenotype. However, the lightest fraction (representing approximately 12% of total limbal cells) contained cells with the strongest spontaneous proliferative capacity and expressed the corneal epithelial differentiation marker K12. In contrast the densest fraction (Ͻ7% of original cells) was K12 negative and contained small nonspontaneously proliferating cells, which instead were positive for p63. Unexpectedly, cells from this fraction had the highest proliferative activity when cultured on a 3T3 feeder cell monolayer. CONCLUSIONS. These findings demonstrate the presence of two distinct populations of corneal epithelial cells with limbal SC characteristics, based on differential expression of the keratinspecific marker K12 and transcription factor p63, and suggest a difference in developmental stage of the two populations, with the K12 Ϫ p63 ϩ population being closer to the primitive limbal SC. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020: a modelling study

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    Background Since the release of the first global hepatitis elimination targets in 2016, and until the COVID-19 pandemic started in early 2020, many countries and territories were making progress toward hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination. This study aims to evaluate HCV burden in 2020, and forecast HCV burden by 2030 given current trends. Methods This analysis includes a literature review, Delphi process, and mathematical modelling to estimate HCV prevalence (viraemic infection, defined as HCV RNA-positive cases) and the cascade of care among people of all ages (age ≥0 years from birth) for the period between Jan 1, 2015, and Dec 31, 2030. Epidemiological data were collected from published sources and grey literature (including government reports and personal communications) and were validated among country and territory experts. A Markov model was used to forecast disease burden and cascade of care from 1950 to 2050 for countries and territories with data. Model outcomes were extracted from 2015 to 2030 to calculate population-weighted regional averages, which were used for countries or territories without data. Regional and global estimates of HCV prevalence, cascade of care, and disease burden were calculated based on 235 countries and territories. Findings Models were built for 110 countries or territories: 83 were approved by local experts and 27 were based on published data alone. Using data from these models, plus population-weighted regional averages for countries and territories without models (n=125), we estimated a global prevalence of viraemic HCV infection of 0·7% (95% UI 0·7–0·9), corresponding to 56·8 million (95% UI 55·2–67·8) infections, on Jan 1, 2020. This number represents a decrease of 6·8 million viraemic infections from a 2015 (beginning of year) prevalence estimate of 63·6 million (61·8–75·8) infections (0·9% [0·8–1·0] prevalence). By the end of 2020, an estimated 12·9 million (12·5–15·4) people were living with a diagnosed viraemic infection. In 2020, an estimated 641000 (623000–765000) patients initiated treatment. Interpretation At the beginning of 2020, there were an estimated 56·8 million viraemic HCV infections globally. Although this number represents a decrease from 2015, our forecasts suggest we are not currently on track to achieve global elimination targets by 2030. As countries recover from COVID-19, these findings can help refocus efforts aimed at HCV elimination

    Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020 : a modelling study

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