3 research outputs found

    Translation of the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale Into the Croatian Language

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    Introduction: Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) is the most common and psychometrically sound instrument used to measure the impostor phenomenon. The aim of this study was to translate and make a cultural adaptation of the CIPS from English into Croatian. Materials and Methods: The translation process included two independent forward translations, combination of the forward translations into one single translation, back-translation, back-translation review, pre-piloting and drafting of the final translation after several revisions and minor adjustments by a professional reviewer. Results: We noticed no semantic differences when comparing the original and the back-translated versions of the CIPS. Thus, the final translation was only slightly changed in comparison with the first version. Conclusions: The version of the CIPS which was translated and culturally adapted into Croatian represents a reliable translation ready to be used in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to find the prevalence of failed back surgery syndrome in the University Hospital of Split over the past 6 years (2013-2018). Additionally, the objective was the find average age, days spend in the hospital, whether there was a difference in prevalence between males and females, and finally the prevelance of neurological deficites amongst the patients. Subjects and Methods: The data was taken from the hospital records from the years 2013 to 2018. The inclusion criteria for failed back surgery syndrome was a patient to have 3 or more spinal surgeries, including laminectomies, hemilaminectomies and microdiscectomy. The patients had 2 previous unsuccessful operations and together with the current operation (done at the same anatomical level) totaled to 3 operations. Results: 170 patients were collected over the six years studied (from 2013- 2018). The results showed that a 7% prevalence of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome in the University Hospital of Split. Along with this the average age was 54, but the range was from 21 to 83 years old making the average not a reliable reference. Additionally, results showed similarities between males and females, with 54.71% males and 45.29% female. There was a 28.24% prevalence of neurological deficits found. Conclusion: There is a prevalence of 7% of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome at the University Hospital of Split. In the assessment of gender, age, lengh of hospital stay, and neurological deficits there were no proven significant distinguishing features. This implies that there remains more to be studied about FBSS and its cofactors to aid a standardized diagnosis and approach to this disease.Ciljevi: Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati učestalost FBSS-a u KBC-u Split, u razdoblju od 2013. do 2018. godine. Također, cilj je rada ispitati prosječnu dob bolesnika, broj dana provedenih u bolnici, spol bolesnika, kao i pojavljivanje neuroloških ispada. Materijali i metode: Podatci su uzeti iz bolničke arhive od 2013. do 2018. godine. Kriteriji za FBSS bili su bolesnici koji su prošli minimalno tri ili više operacija kralježnice, uključujući laminektomije, hemilaminektomije i mikrodisektomije. Bolesnici su imali dvije prethodne neuspješne operacije na istom anatomskom nivou u rasponu godina koje smo naveli. Rezultati: U vremenskom periodu koje smo proučavali, nađeno je 170 bolesnika koji su zadovoljili kriterije uključivosti. Rezultati pokazuju prevalenciju od 7% FBSS-a u KBC-u Split. Također, prosjek godina bio je 54 godine (raspon od 21 do 83 godine), što nam pokazuje da je prosjek godina nepouzdan podatak. Učestalost je kod muškaraca i žena slična, s 54,71% muškaraca i 45,29% žena. Prevalencija neuroloških ispada je 28,24% . Zaključak: Nađeno je 7% slučajeva FBSS-a u KBC-u Split. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su kako dob, spol, broj dana hospitalizacije te neurološki ispadi nisu dokazani kao pokazatelji za dijagnozu FBSS-a. Rezultati studije impliciraju da postoji još neistraženih faktora koji bi pomogli pri stvaranju dijagnoze i pristupu bolesti


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to find the prevalence of failed back surgery syndrome in the University Hospital of Split over the past 6 years (2013-2018). Additionally, the objective was the find average age, days spend in the hospital, whether there was a difference in prevalence between males and females, and finally the prevelance of neurological deficites amongst the patients. Subjects and Methods: The data was taken from the hospital records from the years 2013 to 2018. The inclusion criteria for failed back surgery syndrome was a patient to have 3 or more spinal surgeries, including laminectomies, hemilaminectomies and microdiscectomy. The patients had 2 previous unsuccessful operations and together with the current operation (done at the same anatomical level) totaled to 3 operations. Results: 170 patients were collected over the six years studied (from 2013- 2018). The results showed that a 7% prevalence of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome in the University Hospital of Split. Along with this the average age was 54, but the range was from 21 to 83 years old making the average not a reliable reference. Additionally, results showed similarities between males and females, with 54.71% males and 45.29% female. There was a 28.24% prevalence of neurological deficits found. Conclusion: There is a prevalence of 7% of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome at the University Hospital of Split. In the assessment of gender, age, lengh of hospital stay, and neurological deficits there were no proven significant distinguishing features. This implies that there remains more to be studied about FBSS and its cofactors to aid a standardized diagnosis and approach to this disease.Ciljevi: Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati učestalost FBSS-a u KBC-u Split, u razdoblju od 2013. do 2018. godine. Također, cilj je rada ispitati prosječnu dob bolesnika, broj dana provedenih u bolnici, spol bolesnika, kao i pojavljivanje neuroloških ispada. Materijali i metode: Podatci su uzeti iz bolničke arhive od 2013. do 2018. godine. Kriteriji za FBSS bili su bolesnici koji su prošli minimalno tri ili više operacija kralježnice, uključujući laminektomije, hemilaminektomije i mikrodisektomije. Bolesnici su imali dvije prethodne neuspješne operacije na istom anatomskom nivou u rasponu godina koje smo naveli. Rezultati: U vremenskom periodu koje smo proučavali, nađeno je 170 bolesnika koji su zadovoljili kriterije uključivosti. Rezultati pokazuju prevalenciju od 7% FBSS-a u KBC-u Split. Također, prosjek godina bio je 54 godine (raspon od 21 do 83 godine), što nam pokazuje da je prosjek godina nepouzdan podatak. Učestalost je kod muškaraca i žena slična, s 54,71% muškaraca i 45,29% žena. Prevalencija neuroloških ispada je 28,24% . Zaključak: Nađeno je 7% slučajeva FBSS-a u KBC-u Split. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su kako dob, spol, broj dana hospitalizacije te neurološki ispadi nisu dokazani kao pokazatelji za dijagnozu FBSS-a. Rezultati studije impliciraju da postoji još neistraženih faktora koji bi pomogli pri stvaranju dijagnoze i pristupu bolesti