1,101 research outputs found

    Convergence and divergence in the evolution of cat skulls: temporal and spatial patterns of morphological diversity

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    Background: Studies of biological shape evolution are greatly enhanced when framed in a phylogenetic perspective. Inclusion of fossils amplifies the scope of macroevolutionary research, offers a deep-time perspective on tempo and mode of radiations, and elucidates life-trait changes. We explore the evolution of skull shape in felids (cats) through morphometric analyses of linear variables, phylogenetic comparative methods, and a new cladistic study of saber-toothed cats. Methodology/Principal Findings: A new phylogenetic analysis supports the monophyly of saber-toothed cats (Machairodontinae) exclusive of Felinae and some basal felids, but does not support the monophyly of various sabertoothed tribes and genera. We quantified skull shape variation in 34 extant and 18 extinct species using size-adjusted linear variables. These distinguish taxonomic group membership with high accuracy. Patterns of morphospace occupation are consistent with previous analyses, for example, in showing a size gradient along the primary axis of shape variation and a separation between large and small-medium cats. By combining the new phylogeny with a molecular tree of extant Felinae, we built a chronophylomorphospace (a phylogeny superimposed onto a two-dimensional morphospace through time). The evolutionary history of cats was characterized by two major episodes of morphological divergence, one marking the separation between saber-toothed and modern cats, the other marking the split between large and small-medium cats. Conclusions/Significance: Ancestors of large cats in the ‘Panthera’ lineage tend to occupy, at a much later stage, morphospace regions previously occupied by saber-toothed cats. The latter radiated out into new morphospace regions peripheral to those of extant large cats. The separation between large and small-medium cats was marked by considerable morphologically divergent trajectories early in feline evolution. A chronophylomorphospace has wider applications in reconstructing temporal transitions across two-dimensional trait spaces, can be used in ecophenotypical and functional diversity studies, and may reveal novel patterns of morphospace occupation

    Framingham coronary heart disease risk score can be predicted from structural brain images in elderly subjects

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    Recent literature has presented evidence that cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) play an important role on cognitive performance in elderly individuals, both those who are asymptomatic and those who suffer from symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders. Findings from studies applying neuroimaging methods have increasingly reinforced such notion. Studies addressing the impact of CVRF on brain anatomy changes have gained increasing importance, as recent papers have reported gray matter loss predominantly in regions traditionally affected in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and vascular dementia in the presence of a high degree of cardiovascular risk. In the present paper, we explore the association between CVRF and brain changes using pattern recognition techniques applied to structural MRI and the Framingham score (a composite measure of cardiovascular risk largely used in epidemiological studies) in a sample of healthy elderly individuals. We aim to answer the following questions: is it possible to decode (i.e., to learn information regarding cardiovascular risk from structural brain images) enabling individual predictions? Among clinical measures comprising the Framingham score, are there particular risk factors that stand as more predictable from patterns of brain changes? Our main findings are threefold: (i) we verified that structural changes in spatially distributed patterns in the brain enable statistically significant prediction of Framingham scores. This result is still significant when controlling for the presence of the APOE 4 allele (an important genetic risk factor for both AD and cardiovascular disease). (ii) When considering each risk factor singly, we found different levels of correlation between real and predicted factors; however, single factors were not significantly predictable from brain images when considering APOE4 allele presence as covariate. (iii) We found important gender differences, and the possible causes of that finding are discussed

    Consórcios de caupi e milho em cultivo orgùnico para produção de grãos e espigas verdes.

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    No perĂ­odo de outono-inverno-primavera de 2007, foi conduzido um estudo em SeropĂ©dica, RegiĂŁo Metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Baixada Fluminense), com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes tipos de consĂłrcio entre caupi (cv. MauĂĄ) e milho (cv. AG-1051), em sistema orgĂąnico de produção. O experimento foi instalado em ĂĄrea de Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetiçÔes. Os tratamentos constaram de diferentes Ă©pocas ou intervalos de tempo de semeadura do caupi em relação Ă  do milho, a saber: (E1) 21 dias antes do milho; (E2) 14 dias antes do milho; (E3) 7 dias antes do milho; e (E4) no mesmo dia do milho. Tratamentos correspondentes aos cultivos solteiros do caupi e do milho foram incluĂ­dos, ambos semeados na data do tratamento E4. O cultivo consorciado com o caupi nĂŁo interferiu na produtividade do milho em espigas verdes e tambĂ©m em termos de comprimento e diĂąmetro basal dessas espigas, independentemente do intervalo entre semeaduras. Com referĂȘncia ao caupi, a produtividade em grĂŁos verdes no cultivo solteiro foi superior Ă  dos consĂłrcios com o milho. Os valores obtidos para os Índices de EquivalĂȘncia de Área (IEA), foram todos acima de 1,0, indicando que os consĂłrcios foram eficientes quanto ao desempenho agronĂŽmico/biolĂłgico. Considerando, ainda a produtividade de cada cultura participante do consĂłrcio, a semeadura do caupi antecipada de 21 dias em relação Ă  do milho afigura-se mais adequada ao manejo orgĂąnico adotado e Ă s condiçÔes edafoclimĂĄticas da regiĂŁo

    Predictor variables and screening protocol for depressive and anxiety disorders in cancer outpatients

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    Background Cancer patients are at increased risk of persistent depressive and anxiety symptoms and disorders compared to the general population. However, these issues are not always identified, which may worsen the prognosis and increase morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to identify predictor variables (demographic and clinical) for the development of mood and anxiety disorders in cancer outpatients and to propose a probabilistic screening protocol considering these variables and certain standardized screening instruments. Methods A total of 1,385 adults, of both genders, receiving outpatient cancer care were evaluated using a questionnaire and screening instruments. Thereafter, 400 of these subjects responded to the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (SCID-IV) by telephone to confirm or rule out the presence of a Current Major Depressive Episode (CMDE) or Anxiety Disorder (AD). Results Of the patients surveyed, 64% met the criteria for CMDE and 41% for AD. Female gender was found to be a risk factor for both disorders, and the presence of previous psychiatric history and marital status (divorced and widowed) were risk factors for anxiety disorders. When scoring above the recommended cutoff score, the screening instruments also indicated a risk of the studied disorders. Based on these findings, a screening protocol and nomograms were created for the quantification, combination and probabilistic estimate of risk, with accuracy indicators >0.68. Conclusion The prevalence rates for the disorders under study are extremely high in cancer patients. The use of the proposed protocol and nomogram can facilitate rapid and wide screening, thus refining triage and supporting the establishment of criteria for referral to mental health professionals, so that patients can be properly diagnosed and treated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
