694 research outputs found

    Avaliação de técnicas de digestão ácida para estimar teores de cromo em fezes de bovinos

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the accuracy of digestion techniques using nitric and perchloric acid at the ratios of 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 v v‑1, in one‑ or two‑step digestion, to estimate chromium contents in cattle feces, using sodium molybdate as a catalyst. Fecal standards containing known chromium contents (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 g kg‑1) were produced from feces of five animals. The chromium content in cattle feces is accurately estimated using digestion techniques based on nitric and perchloric acids, at a 3:1 v v‑1 ratio, in one‑step digestion, with sodium molybdate as a catalyst.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a acurácia de técnicas de digestão com uso dos ácidos nítrico e perclórico, nas razões 2:1, 3:1 e 4:1 v v‑1, em um ou dois passos de digestão, na estimação da concentração de cromo em fezes de bovinos, com uso do molibdato de sódio como catalisador. Foram produzidos padrões fecais com conteúdo conhecido de cromo (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 g kg‑1), a partir das fezes de cinco animais. A concentração de cromo em fezes de bovinos é acuradamente estimada com técnicas de digestão baseadas no uso dos ácidos nítrico e perclórico, na razão 3:1 v v‑1, em um passo de digestão, com molibdato de sódio como catalisador

    Estimation of endogenous contribution and urinary excretion of purine derivatives from the total digestible nutrient intake in Nellore heifers

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    The objectives of this experiment were to estimate the endogenous excretion of purine derivatives (PD), the intake and digestibility of nutrients, the urinary excretion of PD from the intake of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and digestible organic matter (DOM) in Nellore heifers. Eight heifers, 267±17 kg body weight (BW), were assigned to two 4 × 4 latin squares. The planned treatments were four dry matter intake (DMI) levels: 10, 14, 18 and 22 g/kg BW. The diet contained 70% corn silage and 30% concentrate. The endogenous losses were obtained by regression between excretion of PD (mmol/BW0.75) and DMI (g/BW0.75). When PD excretion (mmol/d) was related to the intake of DOM and TDN (kg/d), the following equations were obtained: ŶPD= 32.98 + 21.94*DOM and ŶPD= 32.47 + 20.40*TDN, respectively. The excretion of PD (mmol/d) was a function of DMI (kg/d): ŶPD = 0.605 + 0.014 x (r2 = 0.46), and 0.60 mmol/BW0.75 was the endogenous fraction of PD. The endogenous losses of PD and nitrogen compounds obtained when the animals were fasted for 5 d, with free access to water, were 0.332 mmol/BW0.75 and 0.384 gN/BW0.75, respectively. The net protein requirement for maintenance was estimated at 2.4 g/BW0.75. Creatinine excretion is not affected by feed restriction

    Supplementation levels for growing beef cattle grazing in the dry-rainy transition

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    The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of different levels of supplementation on the performance, intake, digestibility, pH and rumen ammonia concentration in growing bulls grazing Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. pasture, during the dry-rainy transition season. For evaluation of performance, intake and digestibility, it was used 25 non-castrated steers at 11 months of age and initial average body weight of 270 kg, grouped in five plots of five animals each, following a completely randomized design. Each plot received one of the following feeding treatments: mineral mixture and supplement at the proportion of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg/animal/day, corresponding to 0.18, 0.36, 0.54 and 0.72% of the average body weight of the animals. The area designated for the animals was constituted of five 2.0-ha paddocks. For the evaluation of the pH and rumen ammonia concentration, five crossbred non-castrated steers were used, with average body weight of 240 kg, fistulated in the esophagus, rumen and abomasum, disposed in a 5 × 5 Latin square, with five treatments and five experimental periods. Animal performance behaved in a positive linear manner according to the supplementation levels, responding with an increase of more than 80% on weight gains of the animals. Intakes of total and pasture dry matter (DM), organic matter and neutral detergent fiber were not influenced by supplementation. Intakes of crude protein, non-fibrous carbohydrates, ether extract and total digestible nutrients as well as nutrient digestibility and rumen ammonia concentration showed a positive linear pattern in response to supplementation levels. Increasing levels of concentrate supplementation influence positively the performance of bulls growing on pastures during the dry-rainy transition season.Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de suplementação sobre o desempenho, o consumo, a digestibilidade, o pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal em bovinos recriados em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. durante o período de transição seca-águas. Para avaliação do desempenho, do consumo e da digestibilidade, foram utilizados 25 novilhos não-castrados com idade e peso médio iniciais de 11 meses e 270 kg, divididos em cinco lotes de cinco animais, segundo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Cada lote recebeu um dos seguintes complementos alimentares: mistura mineral; e suplemento na proporção de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 kg/animal/dia, correspondentes a 0,18; 0,36; 0,54 e 0,72% do peso corporal médio dos animais. A área destinada aos animais foi constituída de cinco piquetes de 2,0 ha. Para a avaliação do pH e da concentração ruminal de amônia, foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços não-castrados, com peso médio de 240 kg, fistulados no esôfago, rúmen e abomaso, dispostos em quadrado latino 5 × 5, com cinco tratamentos e cinco períodos experimentais. O desempenho dos animais comportou-se de forma linear positiva de acordo com os níveis de suplementação, refletindo em aumento de mais de 80% no ganho de peso dos animais. Os consumos de matéria seca (MS) total e do pasto, de matéria orgânica e de fibra em detergente neutro não foram influenciados pela suplementação. Os consumos de proteína bruta, carboidratos não fibrosos, extrato etéreo e nutrientes digestíveis totais, assim como a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e a concentração de amônia ruminal, apresentaram comportamento linear positivo em resposta aos níveis de suplementação. Níveis crescentes de suplementação concentrada influenciam positivamente o desempenho de bovinos recriados em pastejo no período de transição seca-águas

    Productive performance and efficiency of utilization of the diet components in dairy cows fed castor meal treated with calcium oxide

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    The effect of replacing of 0; 0.33; 0.67 and 1.0 (kg/kg) of soybean meal (SBM) by undecorticated castor seed meal treated with calcium oxide (CMT - 60 g/kg) was evaluated on performance and efficiency of nutrient utilization in dairy cows. Sixteen Holstein and crossbred cows were distributed in four 4 × 4 latin squares. Animals received concentrated feed at a ratio of 1 kg for 3 kg of milk produced, in the natural matter. The diets had the same amount of nitrogen (150.4 g crude protein/kg DM), containing 325.6 g of concentrated feed/kg DM. There was no effect on the serum concentration of transaminase and the animals showed no clinical symptoms of intoxication by ricin. The intake of DM, crude protein (CP) and non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) reduced from 0.67 replacement of SBM by CMT. The intake of neutral detergent fibers corrected for ash and protein (NDFap) increased from 0.33 replacement of SBM with CMT. Although the digestibility of dietary components decreased from 0.33 replacement, the intake of digestible components only reduced from 0.67 replacement. Because of the reduction of digestible energy, the synthesis of microbial CP and the utilization efficiency of rumen-degradable protein for the synthesis of microbial CP reduced with full replacement of SBM by CMT. Milk yield, milk composition, daily variation of body weight and the efficiency of utilization of the nutrients for the synthesis of N in milk reduced from 0.67 replacement of SBM by CMT. Castor seed meal treated with calcium oxide can replace up to 0.33 of SBM (50 g/kg DM diet DM) in the diet of dairy cows with an average milk production of 20 kg/day

    Contaminação proteica sobre os teores de lignina Klason em gramíneas e leguminosas tropicais

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the extent of protein contamination on Klason lignin (KL) in tropical grasses and legumes, and to propose an equation to estimate the protein‑free content of Klason lignin (KLp). Five grass (30 samples) and 12 legume species (31 samples) were evaluated. Legumes had higher KL contents. Protein contamination was significant in both grasses and legumes, but greater in legume samples. The model to predict KLp was based on KL and crude protein (CP) contents, as follows: KLp = 0.8807KL ‑ 0.0938KL x D ‑ 0.00338CP (R2=0.935), in which D=0, for grasses, and D=1 for legumes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a extensão da contaminação proteica sobre a lignina Klason (LK) em gramíneas e leguminosas tropicais, e propor uma equação para estimar o conteúdo livre de proteína da lignina Klason (LKp). Foram avaliadas cinco espécies de gramíneas (30 amostras) e 12 de leguminosas (31 amostras). As leguminosas apresentaram maiores teores de LK. A contaminação proteica foi significativa em gramíneas e leguminosas, mas maior em amostras de leguminosas. O modelo para estimar LKp foi baseado nos conteúdos de LK e de proteína bruta (PB), da seguinte forma: LKp = 0,8807LK ‑ 0,0938LK x D ‑ 0,00338PB (R2=0,935), em que D=0, para gramíneas, e D=1 para leguminosas

    Serum concentrations of progesterone and lipidics metabolites of crossbred goats fed with hiperlipidics diets during estrous cycle

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    Estudou-se o efeito da suplementação lipídica, utilizando como fonte o sebo bovino, na concentração sérica de progesterona e metabólitos lipídicos durante o ciclo estral de 32 cabras mestiças, com idade e peso médio de cinco meses e 25 kg, distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos: tratamento 1, consumo restrito a 75% do recomendado; tratamento 2, consumo à vontade; tratamentos 3 e 4, dietas hiperlipídicas contendo 2,5% e 5,0% de sebo, respectivamente. As fêmeas submetidas a consumo restrito apresentaram as menores (P<0,05) concentrações séricas de progesterona nos dias 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 do ciclo estral; enquanto as submetidas a dietas hipercalóricas, as maiores concentrações. O mesmo resultado foi encontrado na avaliação das concentrações séricas de colesterol e HDL nos dias 6, 9 e 21; e 12, 15 e 21 do ciclo em estudo, respectivamente, ou seja, as fêmeas submetidas a consumo restrito apresentaram as menores concentrações, e as de dieta hipercalórica, as maiores. As dietas hiperlipídicas foram importantes na modificação do colesterol e HDL, revelando que o metabolismo lipídico pode ter efeito na produção luteal cíclica de progesterona em cabras mestiças, púberes.The serum concentration of progesterone and lipidics metabolites were studied using tallow as lipidic suplementation during the estrous cycle of 32 crossbred goats, with average age and weight of five months and 25 kg. The goats were randomlly allocated in four treatments as described: treatment 1, restricted intake; treatment 2, full feed; treatments 3 and 4, hiperlipidics diets with 2.5% and 5.0% of tallow, respectively. The female goats under restricted intake, showed the small serum progesterone level (P<0.05) at 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of the estrous cycle, while the ones under hiperlipidics diets, treatments 3 and 4, showed greater levels. The same results were found for serum levels of cholesterol and HDL in the estrous cycle days 6, 9 and 21, and 12, 15 and 21, respectively, that is, the females under restricted diet showed the small level and the ones treated with hiperlipidics diets, the highest. The hiperlipidics diets were important factor in altering the serum cholesterol and HDL levels, showing that the lipidic metabolism may be effective in cyclic luteal progesterone production in the puberal female goats

    In situ degradability of dry matter, crude protein and fiber of some feeds

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os parâmetros cinéticos da degradação, in situ, da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e da fibra em detergente neutro das silagens de milho e de capim-elefante, do feno de capim-Tifton 85 e do farelo de soja. Foram utilizados três bovinos adultos, fistulados no rúmen, com peso vivo médio de 400 kg. Os alimentos foram pesados em sacos de náilon, incubados todos de uma vez e retirados nos tempos 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 e 72 horas, após a incubação dos volumosos, e 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 e 48 horas, após incubação do farelo de soja. Os resíduos dos sacos foram analisados quanto ao conteúdo de matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro. A matéria seca e a proteína bruta do farelo de soja apresentaram potencial de degradação elevado, assim como a proteína bruta da silagem de milho. Destacou-se a elevada fração não-degradável da fibra em detergente neutro do feno de capim-Tifton 85 e, portanto, sua baixa degradabilidade potencial da matéria seca. O teor de fibra em detergente neutro e suas características cinéticas exercem acentuado efeito sobre a digestão dos alimentos.The objective of this work was to determine the kinetic parameters of the dry matter in situ degradation, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber for corn silage, elephant-grass silage, Tifton-85 grass hay and soybean meal. Three rumen canulated cattle were used, with mean liveweight of 400 kg. Feeds were weighted in naylon bags, and incubated in the rumen at once. Roughages were removed at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 and 72 hours, and soybean meal at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 hours after incubation. Residues in the bags were analyzed for dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber. Dry matter and crude protein of soybean meal presented highly degradable potential, as well as crude protein of corn silage. Tifton-85 grass hay presented high indigestible neutral detergent fiber fraction and therefore, low potential dry matter degradation. Amount of the neutral detergent fiber and its kinetic characteristic has a marked effect on digestion of feeds