18 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Aflatoxins in Food

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    Mycotoxins in Poultry

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    Mycotoxins, the toxic secondary metabolites of fungi, particularly produced by many species of Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium, have affected animal and human health for over thousand years, whereas little has been discovered so far about these complex substances in poultry, which are generally very sensitive. Even though it varies by species and sex, some common effects are reduced feed intake, weight gain, feed efficiency, growth performance, immunity and hatchability along with increased mortality, organ damages (mainly kidney and liver), carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and decreased egg production. Besides their adverse health effects and the decrease in production rate, concerns over their importance in public health is still under debate. Decontamination approaches to reduce mycotoxins in feed are technologically diverse and based on chemical, biological and physical strategies. Chemical remediation strategies involve the conversion of mycotoxins via chemical reactions. Biological strategies involve various substances such as plant ingredients, enzymes and microorganisms. Physical processes include sorting, milling, dehulling, cleaning, heating, irradiation or combinational approaches. New strategies for the prevention and treatment of mycotoxicosis, including beneficial microorganisms/products, along with alternative treatments, including plant extracts/essential oils, are current hot topics in the poultry industry

    Chemical Contaminants in Poultry Meat and Products

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    Consumption of poultry meat and products has increased as a consequence of economic crisis, driven by several factors, while people keep away from high priced beef/lamb meat or meat products. Meanwhile, due to this increasing demand in industry resulting strict measures in disease control and environmental factors, these products may involve some chemical and natural compounds with hazardous properties at detectable or even very low concentrations. Among these compounds, residues are of concern, including veterinary drugs, environmental pollutants (such as dioxins, pesticides, and phthalates), natural contaminants (mycotoxins, etc), and/or phytosanitary substances accidentally contaminating poultry product during production or marketing stages. In order to keep the consumers safe from the harmful/undesirable effects due to these compounds, such as genotoxic, immunotoxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, or endocrine disrupting effects, new strategies and concepts for poultry food security have been emerged and developed globally. This chapter includes detailed information on the residues of some potential chemical contaminants in poultry meat and products (eggs, etc.) along with risk analysis regarding their hazardous effects and detection in various matrices

    Herbal Bioenhancers in Veterinary Phytomedicine

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    Herbal bioenhancers are active phytomolecules that increase the bioavailability, bioefficacy and biological activity of various drugs when coadministered at low concentrations. These valuable compounds reduce the dose, increase the treatment rate, decrease the treatment duration, drug resistance or related adverse reactions which have economical implications in livestock and pet medicine. Eventhough the concept of herbal bioenhancers are known for years through Ayurvedic medicine, the underlying mechanisms remains unclear. The main mechanisms involved are related to drug absorption (effect on solubility, drug efflux and transport proteins, increased permeability in gastrointestinal system) and drug metabolism (inhibition/induction of drug metabolysing enzymes, thermogenic effect). Due to species specific differences in these mechanisms, corresponding data on human and laboratory animal could not be attributed. As multidrug resistance is a major treat to both human and animal health, within “One Health” concept, efficient therapeutical strategies are encouraged by authorities, where focus on herbal supplements as a vast unexploited field remains to be researched within “Bioenhancement Concept.” This review brings insight to mechanims involved in bioenhancing effect, examples of herbal extracts and phytoactive compounds and their potential in the veterinary medicine including different classes of drugs such as antibiotics, anticancerous, antiviral, and antituberculosis

    Tatlısu ekosisteminde endişe yaratan kirleticiler: Türkiye’den bir vaka çalışması

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    The current study evaluated certain emerging contaminants in the Susurluk sub-basin, an area under significant anthropogenic pollution pressure. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organochlorine insecticides, and microplastics were investigated both from surface and sediment samples collected in dry and wet seasons. γ-HCH and β-HCH were detected in the dry season from Kocaçay River reaching the Marmara Sea. Dieldrin concentrations were also very high in river sediments during the dry season. Nilüfer Stream is a significant waterway close to industrial and urban areas and under impact of pollution due to high concentrations of PCBs, DDT, and its’ metabolites. Sediment samples contained higher levels of contaminants: DDT and metabolites were found in sediments from almost all stations. According to the Hazard quotient coefficient, all detected pollutants were found to be >1, indicating a high risk in the river system. Fiber was the dominant microplastic. The water quality of Nilüfer Stream was poor/bad in quality both in dry and wet seasons, while Kocaçay River was moderate and poor/bad quality in dry and wet seasons, respectively. The findings of bacterial growth augmented and worsened water quality in the river basin with coliforms dominating, as assessed at the genus/species level and were very abundant.Bu çalışma, önemli antropojenik kirlilik baskısı altındaki bir alan olan Susurluk alt havzasında ortaya çıkan bazı endişe yaratan kirleticiler değerlendirmiştir. Kurak ve yağışlı mevsimlerde toplanan yüzey ve sediman örneklerinde poliklorlu bifeniller (PCBler), polibromlu bifeniller difenil eterler (PBDEler), organoklorlu insektisitler ve mikroplastikler araştırılmıştır. γ-HCH and β-HCH, Kocaçay Nehri’nin Marmara Denizi’ne dökülen bölgesinde kurak mevsimde tespit edilmiştir. Dieldrin konsantrasyonları da kurak mevsim boyunca nehir sedimanlarında çok yüksektir. Nilüfer çayı endüstriyel ve kentsel alanlara yakın olan önemli bir su yoludur ve yüksek konsantrasyondaki PCBler, DDT ve metabolitleri nedeniyle kirlilik etkisi altındadır. Sediman örnekleri daha yüksek seviyede kirletici içermektedir: DDT ve metabolitleri neredeyse tüm istasyonlardan alınan sediman örneklerinde bulunmuştur. Tehlike oranı katsayısına (Hazard Quotient) göre tesbit edilen tüm kirleticiler >1 olarak bulunmuş ve bu da nehir sisteminde yüksek risk olduğunu göstermiştir. Mikroplastikler içinde fiber en baskın olanıdır. Nilüfer Çayı’nın su kalitesi hem kurak hem de yağışlı sezonda kötü iken, Kocaçay Nehri’nin su kalitesi kurak mevsimde orta ve yağışlı mevsimde kötüdür. Cins/tür düzeyinde değerlendirildiğinde koliformların hakim olduğu ve çok miktarda olan bakteriyel büyüme bulguları da nehir havzasındaki su kalitesini kötüleştirmiştir

    Determination of persistent organic pollutants in water and sediment samples from Kızılırmak River

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    Yasaklanmalarının üzerinden onlarca yıl geçmesine rağmen kalıcılıkları nedeniyle hala doğada bulunabilen Kalıcı organik kirleticiler (KOK)’den organik klorlu pestisit (OCP), polibromlu difenileter (PBDE) ve poliklorlu bifenil (PCB)’ler sedimentte birikerek çevre ve iklim koşullarına bağlı olarak suya geri salınmaktadırlar. Kızılırmak Nehri ise İç Anadolu Bölgesi’nden doğarak Karadeniz’e dökülen on ilin sınırları içinden geçen Türkiye’nin en uzun nehridir. Kızılırmak Nehri’nin Kırıkkale sınırları içindeki bölümü üzerinde organize sanayi bölgesi, petrokimya ve silah tesisleri bulunmakta, şehrin kanalizasyon deşarjı da nehre yapılmaktadır. Bu nedenle suda bulunan ve sedimentte birikmiş olan KOK’ların miktarı nehrin suyunun kullanıldığı bölgeler için önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada Haziran 2018 ile Mayıs 2019 tarihleri arasındaki 1 yıl boyunca toplanan 60 sediment ve 60 su örneğinde 9 OCP (α, β, γ-hekzaklorosiklohekzan, hekzaklorobenzen, heptaklor, 4,4’- diklorodifenil dikloroetan- 4,4’-DDE, 4,4’-diklorodifenil dikloroetilen- 4,4’-DDD, 2,4’-diklorodifenil trikloroetan- 2,4’-DDT, 4,4’-diklorodifenil trikloroetan- 4,4’-DDT), 7 PCB (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) ve 6 PBDE (17, 47, 66, 100, 153, 183) olmak üzere toplam 22 KOK’un miktarına bakılarak varsa mevsimsel değişikliklerin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda en sık tespit edilen KOK’un 4,4’-DDE, kalıntı konsantrasyonunun en yüksek olduğu ayın ise Ağustos olduğu belirlenmiştir.The organic chlorinated pesticide (OCP), polybrominated diphenylether (PBDE) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which can be found in nature due to their persistence even decades after their prohibition, are deposited in sediment and released back to water depending on environmental and climatic conditions. Kızılırmak, the longest river of Turkey, passes through ten provinces and flows from the Central Anatolia to the Black Sea. There is an organized industrial zone, petrochemical and weapon facilities on Kızılırmak River within Kırıkkale border and the city’s sewage is discharged into the river. Therefore, the amount of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) present in water and deposited in sediment is important for the areas where river water is used. In this study, it was aimed to determine the seasonal changes, if any, by evaluating the total amount of 22 POPs; 9 OCPs (α, β, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor, 4,4'- dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane-4,4'-DDE, 4,4'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene-4,4'-DDD, 2,4'- dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane-2,4'-DDT, 4,4'-dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane-4,4'-DDT), 7 PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) and 6 PBDEs (17, 47, 66, 100, 153, 183) in 60 sediment and 60 water samples collected for 1 year between June 2018 and May 2019. The most frequently detected POP was 4,4'-DDE and the highest residue concentration was in August

    Yumurta tavuklarında gentamisinin karşılaştırmalı farmakokinetiği

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    Çalışmada, yumurtlayan tavuklara damar içi, kas içi ve deri altı yolla verilen gentamisin sülfatın (5 mg/kg canlı ağırlık) karşılaştırmalı farmakokinetiğinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. 24 tavuğa ilaç uygulandıktan sonra kan örnekleri 0 (uygulama öncesi), 0.083, 0.166, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36 ve 48. saatlerde toplandı. Gentamisin konsantrasyonları Avrupa Birliği tarafından önerilen yöntemde modifikasyon yapılarak belirlendi. Gentamisinin toplam konsantrasyonu (C1, C2 ve C1a) ölçüldü. En düşük belirlenme limiti 0.01 ?g/ml olarak hesaplandı. Non-kompartmental farmakokinetik analizleri Excel ile çalışan program olan PK solver ile belirlendi. Damar içi uygulamayı takiben plazma konsantrasyonu zaman eğrisinin altında kalan alan (AUC0-?), ilk hız atılma sabitesi (?z), yarı-ömür (t1/2?z) ve ortalama tutulma zamanı (MRT) sırasıyla 224.46 ?g/mL saat, 0.06 saat-1, 11.52 saat ve 9.50 saat olarak ölçüldü. Kas içi ve deri altı uygulamadan sonra ortalama maksimum plazma konsantrasyonu (Cmax) sırasıyla26.64 ve 36.92 ?g/mL, maksimum konsantrasyona ulaşmak için geçen zaman (Tmax) ise aynı (0.75 saat) olarak belirlendi. Yine kas içi ve deri altı uygulamadan sonra sırasıyla t1/2?z 8.35 ve 8.24 saat, MRT ise 11.05 ve 9.79 saat olarak ölçüldü. Kas içi ve deri altı uygulama arasında Cmax değerleri hariç ve damar içi ile diğer uygulamalar arasında t1/2?z değerleri hariç tutulursa önemli farklılıklar olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.The aim of this study was to compare pharmacokinetics of gentamicin sulphate (5 mg/kg body weight) after single intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous administration in laying hens. Blood samples were collected at time 0 (pretreatment), and at 0.083, 0.166, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after drug administration in 24 laying hens. Gentamicin concentrations were determined using the HPLC method recommended by the European Union by some modifications. The total concentration of the gentamicin (C1, C2 and C1a) was calculated. The lowest detection limit was 0.01 μg/ml. Noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses were performed using Excel add-in program, PK solver. Following IV administration the area under the plasma time-concentration curve from time zero to infinity (AUC0-∞), first-order elimination rate constant (λz), terminal half-life (t1/2λz) and mean residence time (MRT) were 224.46 μg/mL h, 0.06 h-1, 11.52 h and 9.50 h, respectively. After i.m. and s.c. dosing, the mean maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) were 26.64 and 36.92 μg/mL, achieved at a same post-injection times (Tmax) of 0.75 h, respectively. The t1/2λz was 8.35 and 8.24 h, the MRT was 11.05 and 9.79 h, respectively, after IM and SC administration. There are no significant between IM and SC administration excluding the Cmax values and between i.v. and other administration excluding the t1/2λz values

    Kuzu dokularında endokrin bozucu klorlu kimyasal varlığının gaz kromatografi kütle spektrometrisi ile saptanması ve cinsiyetin etkisi

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    Vücuttaki endokrin reseptörlerine bağlanıp bunları aktive veya bloke ederek doğal hormonların sentez/parçalanmasını değiştiren endokrin bozucu kimyasallarla ilgili çalışmaların geçmişi 1950’li yıllara kadar gitmektedir. Günümüzde yasaklı olan ama bir dönem yoğun olarak kullanılan organik klorlu pestisitler (OCP), poliklorlu bifeniller (PCB) ve polibromlu difenileterler (PBDE) stabilitelerinin yüksek olması ve yağda birikme özellikleri nedeniyle doğada uzun süre kalmaktadırlar. Bu bileşiklerin biyoakümülasyon ve biyomagnifikasyon nedeniyle gıda zincirine girdikten sonra miktarları sürekli artmaktadır. İnsanların bu kimyasallara maruziyetinin %90’ı bulaşık gıdalarla olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 14 OCP (α, β, γ-hekzaklorosiklohekzan, hekzaklorobenzen, 4,4’-diklorodifenil dikloroetan, 4,4’-diklorodifenil dikloroetilen, 2,4’-diklorodifenil trikloroetan, 4,4’-diklorodifenil trikloroetan, heptaklor, aldrin, dieldrin, α-endosülfan, β-endosülfan, metoksiklor), 7 PCB (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) ve 6 PBDE (17, 47, 66, 100, 153, 183)’in kuzu eti ve yağındaki miktarları ve cinsiyetin buna olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kullanılan yöntem SANCO 12571/2013 ve EUROCHEM 2014 Validasyon Kılavuzu’na göre valide edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde toplamda erkek hayvanlara ait örneklerin %75’inde, dişi hayvanlara ait örneklerin ise %33.3’ünde endokrin bozucu kimyasal kalıntısına rastlanmıştır. Analiz edilen örneklerin tamamında PCB tespit edilmiştir. Hekzaklorosiklohekzen ve 4,4’-diklorodifenil trikloroetan ile PCB52 kendi grupları içinde en sık rastlanılan kimyasallar olurken PBDE’lerden sadece PBDE17 tespit edilmiştir. Kalıntı görülme sıklığı erkeklerde daha fazla iken tespit edilen miktarların dişi hayvanlara ait örneklerde daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma sonunda bulunan tüm kalıntı seviyelerinin Türk Gıda Kodeksi ve Avrupa Birliği’nin ilgili yönetmeliklerinde belirtilen seviyelerin altında olduğu belirlendi.The history of endocrine disrupting chemicals that alter the synthesis/degradation of natural hormones by binding or activating endocrine receptors in the body goes back to the 1950s. Organochlorine pesticides (OCP), Polichlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), which are currently banned but are used extensively for a period, remain in nature for a long time due to their high stability and oil deposition properties. Due to bioaccumulation and biomagnification, the amounts are constantly increasing after entering the food chain. People’s exposure (90%) to these chemicals comes from foods. We investigated the contamination of 14 OCPs (α, β, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, hexachlorobenzene, 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane,4,4’-dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene, 2,4’-dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane, 4,4’-dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane, heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, α-endosulfan, β-endosulfan, methoxychlor), 7 PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) and 6 PBDEs (17, 47, 66, 100, 153, 183) in lamb meat and fat and the effect of sex on their levels. The method used was validated according to SANCO 12571/2013 and EUROCHEM 2014 Verification Manual. Endocrine disrupting chemicals residues were found in 75% of males and 33.3% of females samples. The residual contents of the PCBs detected in all of the samples. While hexachlorobenzene, 4,4’-dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane and PCB52 were the most common residues among the their groups, whereas only PBDE17 was detected in the PBDEs. Although the incidence of residues is higher in the male animals, the detected amount is higher in the female animals. All residues levels were below the level specified The Turkish Food Codex and The European Union Regulations


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of storage conditions (room temperature, refrigerator) and cooking methods (frying, boiling) on florfenicol (FF) and florfenicol amine (FFA) residue levels in eggs. Without any significant difference between storage conditions at 20˚C and +4˚C, residue levels decreased within days, but were still present on day 28. Frying and boiling for 1 and 5 min yielded similar results to the storage conditions just described; there was a significant decrease in residue levels, but still not enough for decomposing. These findings indicate that FF and FFA residues are heat-labile

    In Vitro Effects of Phthalate Mixtures on Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines

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    KUZUKIRAN, OZGUR/0000-0001-9294-2801; Filazi, Ayhan/0000-0002-2800-6215WOS: 000368384400003PubMed: 26081030Among endocrine-disrupting chemicals, phthalates are an important concern because of their widespread exposure in humans and environmental contamination. Even though the use of some phthalates has been restricted for toys, some plastics, and food contact materials, exposure to the mixture of these contaminants at very low concentrations in various matrices are still being reported. In the current research, the effects of the mixture of some phthalates were studied. Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), n-butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), diisononyl phthalate (DiNP), di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP), and diisodecyl phthalate (DiDP) were tested on two colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines; DLD-1 and HT29 were studied as described before. Cells were treated with increasing log concentrations (0.33 ppt to 33.33 ppb) of the phthalate mixture, cell viability/proliferation was measured by MTT and staining with neutral red and crystal violet; lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was measured following 24-h exposure. Cell viability/proliferation increased from phthalate treatment at concentrations less than 33.33 ppt. The phthalate mixture induced increases in HT29 proliferation of 10.94% at 33.33 ppt and 60.87% at 3.33 ppt, whereas this proliferation relation at lower concentrations was not found for DLD1 cells. The present study demonstrates preliminary information regarding the low dose induction of proliferation of the cancer cells by phthalate mixtures. Because non-monotonic dose responses are still being debated, further studies are required to re-evaluate the reference doses defined by governments for phthalates