29 research outputs found

    Многогранность квантовой теории

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    The current state of art in quantum theory and the main stages of its creation have been considered. Interpretations and formulations of quantum mechanics, thought EPR experiment, Bell’s inequalities, entanglement, hidden variables, quantum non-locality and quantum teleportation have been analyzed.Рассмотрено современное состояние квантовой теории и основные этапы её создания. Проанализированы интерпретации и формулировки квантовой механики, мысленный эксперимент Эйнштейна-Подольского-Розена, неравенства Белла, запутанные состояния, скрытые параметры, квантовая нелокальность иквантовая телепортация

    Universes inside a Λ\Lambda black hole

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    We address the question of universes inside a Λ\Lambda black hole which is described by a spherically symmetric globally regular solution to the Einstein equations with a variable cosmological term Λμν\Lambda_{\mu\nu}, asymptotically Λgμν\Lambda g_{\mu\nu} as r0r\to 0 with Λ\Lambda of the scale of symmetry restoration. Global structure of spacetime contains an infinite sequence of black and white holes, vacuum regular cores and asymptotically flat universes. Regular core of a Λ\Lambda white hole models the initial stages of the Universe evolution. In this model it starts from a nonsingular nonsimultaneous big bang, which is followed by a Kasner-type anisotropic expansion. Creation of a mass occurs mostly at the anisotropic stage of quick decay of the initial vacuum energy. We estimate also the probability of quantum birth of baby universes inside a Λ\Lambda black hole due to quantum instability of the de Sitter vacuum.Comment: REVTEX, 9 pages, 13 figures. To appear in Physics Letters

    Quantum cosmology with rotation

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    The rotation of astronomical objects may be of a cosmological origin due to the Universe's specific angular momentum estimates proving to exceed those for spiral galaxies. The problem is expected to be solved in the framework of quantum geometrodynamics. © World Scientific Publishing Company

    Quantum cosmology with rotation

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    The rotation of astronomical objects may be of a cosmological origin due to the Universe's specific angular momentum estimates proving to exceed those for spiral galaxies. The problem is expected to be solved in the framework of quantum geometrodynamics. © World Scientific Publishing Company

    Field interpretation of General Relativity

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    A field interpretation of General Relativity, without resorting to Einstein-Hilbert's equations, has been presented for three cases: a static centrally symmetric gravitational field, radiation of gravitational waves and a homogeneous isotropic cosmological model. The possibility of an effective Riemannian space being used in General relativity should not been ruled out. © 2018 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Field interpretation of General Relativity

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    A field interpretation of General Relativity, without resorting to Einstein-Hilbert's equations, has been presented for three cases: a static centrally symmetric gravitational field, radiation of gravitational waves and a homogeneous isotropic cosmological model. The possibility of an effective Riemannian space being used in General relativity should not been ruled out. © 2018 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Полёты между экзопланетами с помощью двигателя Алькубьерре

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    A possibility of interstellar flights between habitant exoplanets, using Alcubierre's warp drive, has been considered. Parameters of habitant exoplanets are presented. Alcubierre's warp drive creates around the starship a bubble whose wall deforms space-time. Space is flat outside the wall. The starship's law of motion and Alcubierre's drive power are calculated. The possibility of travels between galactic civilizations are estimated not to be exceeding interplanetary flight durations in the Solar system for our civilization.Рассматривается возможность межзвёздных полётов в Галактике между экзопланетами земного типа с помощью двигателя Алькубьерре, деформирующего пространство-время. Приведены параметры ближайших экзопланет, пригодных для антропоморфной жизни. Двигатель Алькубьерре создаёт вокруг звездолёта пузырь, имеющий тонкую стенку, вне которой пространство плоское, а деформация создаётся внутри стенки. Вычисляются закон движения звездолёта и мощность двигателя Алькубьерре. Оценивается возможность путешествий между сверцивилизациями галактического типа за времена, не превышающие длительности межпланетных полётов в Солнечной системе для нашей цивилизации

    Quantum systems bound by gravity

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    Quantum systems contain charged particles around mini-holes called graviatoms. Electromagnetic and gravitational radiations for the graviatoms are calculated. Graviatoms with neutrino can form quantum macro-systems. Copyright © 2009 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd

    Nonlinear scalar and spinor fields simulating perfect fluids

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    A possibility of simulating a perfect fluid using scalar and spinor fields with different nonlinearities is investigated. Exact cosmological solutions to Einstein's equations with the scalar and spinor fields are compared to the corresponding ones with a perfect fluid with a barotropic equation of state. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    On the Deflection of Light by a Charged Rotating Black Hole

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    The Kerr-Newman, Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom, Kerr and Lense-Thirring metrics have been presented. The deflection of light by Kerr-Newman's black hole has been evaluated. Expressions for the law of motion and trajectory of light have been obtained. The black hole is assumed to be slowly rotating. The light impact parameter is considered to be much superior to the gravitational radius and classical radius of the black hole. The deflection of light is both due to attraction by the black hole mass and due to repulsion by its charge and specific angular momentum