359 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Rahasia Hukum Islam Dalam Ruang Publik (Huquq Allah)

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    As generally, syarak is concist of two parts, the worship and muamalat. The part of worship has characteristic that can answer or give solve the problem is Allah and his prophet. Otherwise, the part of muamalat has characteristis that answer or solve is human. By the mapping of the two different dimensions, there is the formula of jurists who say that if the dimension of worship, basically can't apply the rules unless there is a law ordered it. Compare the dimension of muamalat that basically muamalat can apply the rules if there is a legitimate legal forbidden it

    Sosiologi Penegakan Hukum dalam Kejahatan Geng Motor

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    We know that the rule of law requires both citizens and governments to be subject to known and standing laws. The enforcement or supremacy of law also requires generality in the law. This principle is a further development of the principle of equality before the law. Laws should not be made in respect of particular persons. Those laws ought not to be too easily changeable. Stable laws are a prerequisite of the certainty and confidence which form an essential part of individual freedom and security. In this connexion, when the Geng of Motorcycle appeared, there are many problems of law in society. They can\u27t feel their freedom, security and conducive situation. Therefore, we must give a big attention to solve the Geng of Motorcycle, so that in society the laws ought to be rooted in moral principles, which cannot be achieved if they are framed in too detailed a manner. The enforcement of law to the Geng of Motorcycle requires a definition of law to which the above principles may go some way. A failure to maintain the formal differences between these things must lead to a conception of law as nothing more than authorisation for power, rather than the guarantee of liberty, equally to all.The rule of law ensures that individuals have a secure area of autonomy and have settled expectations by having their rights and duties pre-established and enforced by law

    Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Delik Penganiayaan Berencana (Studi Kasus Putusan No.63/pid.b/2012/pn.dgl)

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    Dewasa ini tindak pidana penganiayaan sudah teramat sering kita dengar atau kita lihat di berita-berita kriminal atau mungkin ada di antara kita yang sudah pernah menjadi korban. Bahkan tidak sedikit tindak pidana penganiayaan yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa orang lain. Untuk itu dalam mewujudkan ketentraman dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, setidaknya hakim harus pintar dalam memutuskan hukuman yang dapat membuat pelaku penganiayaan jera. Sebab tindakan tegas dan ketelitian aparat penegak hukum untuk memberikan sanksi yang tegas bagi para pelaku kejahatan tindak pidana penganiayaan apalagi pada kasus-kasus penganiayaan berencana khususnya, sangat dibutuhkan sebagai penopang rasa keadilan didalam masyarakat, apalagi menganiaya itu berarti bisa saja menghilangkan hak dasar orang lainAdapun kegunaan dari penulisan ini adalah sebagi berikut : secara pribadi penulis selama mengerjakannya berguna sebagai proses pengalaman berharga dalam penulisan karya ilmiah dan menerapkan teori yang telah di peroleh dalam disiplin ilmu hukum, sekaligus hasil penulisan ini berguna sebagai bahan pustaka bagi penulis utamanya dapat digunakan dalam mengkaji lebih lanjut tentang hukum pidana. Diharapkan berguna sebagai informasi bagi kalangan mahasiswa, kalangan intelektual yang berminat untuk mempelajari, mengetahui, dan mengkaji lebih lanjut mengenai proses hukum yang penulis kupas. Hasil penulisan ini diharapkan berguna sebagai bahan informasi sekaligus sumbangan pemikiran yang berisi saran-saran yang berguna bagi penyelesaian hukum tindak pidana penganiayaan

    Pengaruh Tipe Kepribadian, Pengalaman dan Penerimaan Perilaku Disfungsional terhadap Audit Judgement

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    This research was aimed to obtain empirical evident whether there is any effect of personality type, auditor\u27s experience and acceptance of dysfunctional behavior toward audit judgment taken by auditor. This research was carried out in DKI Jakarta with respondent from auditors who work in Public Accountant Office in DKI Jakarta. The sampling technique is used convenience sampling. Data is collected using questionnaires distributed as 79 and only 51 questionnaires that can be processed. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of this study showed that : (1) personality type didn\u27t has significant effects on audit judgment. (2) auditor\u27s experience has significant effects on audit judgment. (3) acceptance of dysfunctional behavior has significant effects on audit judgment. (4) personality type, auditor\u27s experience and acceptance of dysfunctional behavior have significant effects on audit judgment simultaneously.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v5i2.234

    Himpunan Dominasi Ganda Pada Graf Korona Dan Graf Produk Leksikografi Dua Buah Graf

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    ABSTARCT. Let be a subset of , with is a graph without isolated vertices. A subset of referred to double domination in if every vertex , such that every vertex in minimal adjacent with two element of . The minimum cardinality of domination set, total domination set, and double domination set in respectively is a is a domination number, total domination number, and double domination number denote respectively , , and . A double domination number in minimum is two and a double domination number in will not be more order () in , that . A domination number if add one vertex of domination in then the element of dimination number will not be more a double domination number in , that . In this final project examined the sum of bound of doubel domination number in Corona and product lexicographic of two graphs. The minimum cardinality of double domination in Corona is with is order in . Menwhile, the minimum cardinality of double domination in Product Lexicographic at most

    Esensi Budaya Bugis terhadap Produk Peraturan Daerah di Parepare

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    Culture is often the reason to create peace, order, order of coolness in society. Culture that will be meaningful and valuable, culture can serve as a source o behavioral determinants and aspiration of society, namely in political and law. Culture only as accessories when placed or be interpreted as a heritage without involving cultural awareness in legal elements for the manufacture of local regulation. Bugis was one tribe that owns and instill cultural values are very high in every movement, behaviour, actions and words. Accordingly the importance of culture became a major ingredient in the making of local regulations, including the town Parepare. Goverment should promote culture as one consideration local rulemaking

    Analisis Postur Kerja dengan Metode Rapid Upper Limb Assesment (Rula) pada Pekerja Kuli Angkut Buah di Agen Ridho Illahi Pasar Johar Kota Semarang

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the complaints on the part of the skeletal muscle is felt by anyone ranging from complaints very mild to very sick. When the muscle receives static load repeatedly and for a long time, will cause damage to the complaint form joints, ligaments and tendons. Less correct working posture can cause MSDs if not immediate working posture changing. It required an effort to prevent and minimize the incidence of MSDs in the workplace. Manual material handling can be measured using several methods including Rapid Upper Limb assessment (RULA). Design research is a qualitative descriptive analysis and obeservasional approach. Population and samples used in this study using the total population by the number 5 of respondents using the ergonomic risk assemsment rapid upper limb (RULA). The results showed that employees working posture should be changed to prevent musculoskeletal injuries From these results it can be concluded that all respondents at the level of action that should be done as soon as possible working posture change

    Kajian Jarak Optimal Antar Saluran pada Lahangambut di Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    Salah satupengaturantataair pada tanaman di lahan gambut adalah muka air tanah dilahan dikendalikan oleh muka air padasalurantersierdansaluransekunder, dimanafungsisalurantersierlebihberperan. Pada lokasi studi, jarak antar saluran tersier cukup jauh sehingga mempengaruhi produktivitas tanaman yang dibudidayakan oleh para petani. Dalam hal ini, berapa jarak optimal yang diperlukan antar saluran sub tersier sehingga dapat memaksimalkan lahan gambut tersebut untuk dibudidayaka

    Profil Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa SMP dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Ditinjau dari Gender

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    This study aimed to describe the profile of mathematics connection ability to solve problems in terms of gender. Selection of male and female subjects based on equal ability level viewed from math skills tests and grades. This study uses a qualitative method where data is obtained in the form of words written or spoken of the people and the behaviors that can be observed. Data collection techniques were conducted by giving the concept understanding tests and interviews. This study observed both boys and girls in class VIII of SMPN 4 Jember. The researcher conducted interviews to both the research subjects. The interview was recorded and then the result was transcribed and coded. To obtain valid data, the data obtained were triangulated. Then the valid data were analyzed to obtain valid conclusions. The result is the mathematics connection ability class VIII of junior high school students of on the algebra and geometry matter. This article illustrates preparation of your paper using MS-WORD. Papers should not be numbered. Keywords: Connection Mathematics, problem solving, Gender, qualitative metho


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    PENGARUH KONDISI LINGKUNGAN FISIK DAN SOSIAL EKONOMI TERHADAP KETERJANGKITAN ISPA DI KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO    Mohammad Fikri Fadholi Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected]   Drs. Lucianus Sudaryono, M.S. Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa   Abstrak Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) adalah salah satu penyakit tertinggi yang diderita oleh masyarakat khususnya pada anak-anak yang sering terjadi di negara berkembang. Kondisi lingkungan yang buruk dan kondisi ekonomi menengah ke bawah merupakan faktor yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap tingginya keterjangkitan ISPA, disamping faktor lingkungan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor yang  paling berpengaruh terhadap keterjangkitan ISPA di Kabupaten Mojokerto. Penelitian ini dijalankan menggunakan model analisis multivariat melalui uji regresi linier berganda. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 18 sampel yang berupa satuan-satuan wilayah tingkat kecamatan di Kabupaten Mojokerto. Variabel-variabel yang diperhatikan yaitu: variabel tetap meliputi prevalensi ISPA dan variabel bebas meliputi persentase rumah sehat, persentase fasilitas kesehatan, curah hujan, persentase industri besar, kepadatan penduduk, persentase petani, tingkat pendidikan masyarakat dan PDRB perkapita. Hasil penelitian diperoleh variabel-variabel yang  memiliki  pengaruh signifikan meliputi persentase rumah sehat (p = 0,013), kepadatan penduduk (p = 0,004), dan persentase industri besar (p = 0,035). Berdasarkan variabel-variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan tersebut, peran pemerintah yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan penataan wilayah yang lebih teratur untuk daerah industri dan pemukiman agar kepadatan penduduk tersebar merata. Kata Kunci: Keterjangkitan ISPA, Kondisi Lingkungan Fisik dan Sosial Ekonomi, Potensi Daerah ISPA            Abstract Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) is one of the highest diseases suffered by people, especially  children in developing countries. Poor environmental conditions and lower economic conditions are factors that can affect the high infection of URI, as well as other environmental factors. The aim  purpose of this study to know the most influential factor on URI infection in Mojokerto Regency. This study used multivariate analysis model through multiple linear regression tests. The data were collected from 18 samples in the form of sub-district units in Mojokerto regency. The variables observed were fixed variable covering the prevalence of URI and independent variable including the percentage of the healthy house, the percentage of health facility, rainfall, the percentage of large industry, population density, the percentage of farmers, education level of society and per capita PDRB. The results gain variable-variables that have significant influence include percentage of healthy house (p = 0,013), population density (p = 0,004), and the big industry percentage (p = 0,035). Based on variable-variables that have significant influenc, the role of government is arranging a more regular area for industrial areas and settlements so that the population density is evenly distributed. Keywords: URI infection, Environmental Condition of Physical and Socioeconomic, Potential of URI Area
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