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    This study is a descriptive study aimed at determining the attitudes of primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The study environment constitutes primary school teachers who are teaching in the primary school as a teacher at the department of Gaziantep University in the Faculty of Education. In the sample group, there are 225 primary school teachers (55 male, 170 female). Casualty scale developed by Caspian (2015) was used in obtaining research data. In the analysis of the data, independent t test, One Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis were used. As a result of the research, it was found that the passion and risk taking attitudes of the male primary school teachers were higher than the female teachers in the study conducted in order to determine the attitudes of the primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The first level students had higher game passions than the other classroom levels. Compliance levels were found to be higher than subclasses. A positive correlation was found between the scores obtained from the scale subscales of both male and female teachers, when the general average score was determined to be higher for game passions and game requests


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    This article is a descriptive study aimed to determine the attitudes of secondary school students to play games that involve physical activity. Study’s universe is defined as middle school students, studying in the school official connected to the Gaziantep Provincial Directorate of Education. In the study’s sample group, 895 students (481 boys, 414 girls) were in secondary school. In obtaining research data, playfulness scale it was used developed by the Hazar (2015). Independent samples t test, One Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis it was used in the analysis of data. As a result, including physical activity was higher in male students' attitudes towards playing the game, but not seen in terms of gender differences in the level of social adaptation, generally in our study, level of social adaptation of middle school students it was found to be low. In the age variable, male students increased their scores were in the age increases Playfulness scale, girl students in the passion for the game and desire to play in attitudes was seen increases with age, the risk-taking in size between the groups were not significantly different


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    Taking Personnel to Government departments via Public Personnel Selection Exam was first done in 1999. Ministry of Education used this exam results in any of the Teacher Assignments. In the year 2013, as it is thought that this exam was not sufficient for Teacher Selection, another exam which measures Teaching Field Knowledge for some branches was conducted. But the Physical Education graduates have to enter only the Public Personnel Selection Exam. This study is to find out the thoughts of the Physical Education graduates about the Public Personnel Selection Exam. In the research, The views of Physical Education Teacher graduates on Public Personnel Selection Exam, whether Teaching Field Knowledge questions should be asked or not, the views of teachers’ on these assignment style, views on this job for their future, in which field they see themselves successful, what kind of problems they face while getting ready for this exam and what their advices are for this exam were tried to be answered. Open-ended questions were asked to the candidates in this research. Interview method, which is one of the qualitative methods, was used for 50 candidates who have graduated from different universities. At the end of the research it was found that most of the Physical Education teacher candidates were opposed to Public Personnel Selection Exam because it was not adequate to designate and assign the teachers, the preparing phase for the exam was creating anxiety and fear, the exam was creating a negative point of view about teaching profession and it was not able to contribute a lot to the profession. In addition, as a result it was reached that teacher candidates were expressing their ideas as there should be field information exams besides Public Personnel Selection Exam also for physical education teacher candidate’s assignments like other branch teachers assignments


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    This study is conducted to determine opinions of primary school teachers on the method of education with game. The study tried to determine general opinions of primary school teachers on the method of education with game, whether they use the method of education with game, the effects of game on learning, types of games they use in education, effects of game in introducing the reading habit, and general recommendations of primary school teachers about the method of education with game. In the study, the data that were obtained from 50 primary school teachers at primary schools within provincial borders of Gaziantep by using the interview method, one of the qualitative research methods, were analyzed using the content analysis method. As a result of the study, majority of participants expressed an opinion on effective use of the method of education with game in the classes. Also, participant primary school teachers offered recommendations about the re-arrangement of primary school programs, providing in-service training courses, supply of course materials, providing physical conditions, compliance of activities with education, and supply of course materials about game. In conclusion, participant primary school teachers stated that game has important effects on development of children, game increases efficiency of students in the classroom, they learn faster and easier, game increases interest of children in a course and they use the technique of education with game in all courses.  Article visualizations


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    For the development of preschool children, games are generally very beneficial and effective. When we look at the education systems of the developed countries in recent years, it is seen that the concept of game is an important activity in terms of children's development. For most of the scientists, game is the best way to get to know and observe the child. And it is the best way to analyze. Children gain many skills while playing. They often learn behavior during playing such as learning, making effective decisions, cooperation, honesty, sharing, respecting the rights of others, liking friends, helping others. By observing the skills during the transition period to adulthood, the child practice and perfect them through the games. This study was conducted in order to determine the views of pre-school teachers about the teaching with games method. In the study, it was tried to determine the general views of preschool teachers on teaching with games, if they prefer teaching with games method, effects of game on learning, game types used in education, until what age children are supposed to play games, which games girls and boys play, which problems teacher encounter while having children play games and suggestions of preschool teachers on teaching with games method. Using the interview method which is one of the qualitative research methods in the research, the data obtained from 50 preschool teachers working in the kindergartens in Gaziantep province were analyzed by content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was found that most of the preschool teachers believe games contribute to motor, cognitive and social development of children, they are also helpful in terms of expressing themselves, they are effective since the learning is fast and permanent with games and children adopt the rules. It was also concluded that children have a strong memory along with their gaming activities, they develop intelligence, children love their school and friends, and that their creative features have improved. Therefore, it can be said that the teaching with games is an important method that contributes to children in almost all dimensions within the development process. However, in terms of teachers' views, physical and environmental conditions should be improved and the necessity of providing in-service trainings in the field of play education has emerged.  Article visualizations


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    For the development of preschool children, games are generally very beneficial and effective. When we look at the education systems of the developed countries in recent years, it is seen that the concept of game is an important activity in terms of children's development. For most of the scientists, game is the best way to get to know and observe the child. And it is the best way to analyze. Children gain many skills while playing. They often learn behavior during playing such as learning, making effective decisions, cooperation, honesty, sharing, respecting the rights of others, liking friends, helping others. By observing the skills during the transition period to adulthood, the child practice and perfect them through the games. This study was conducted in order to determine the views of pre-school teachers about the teaching with games method. In the study, it was tried to determine the general views of preschool teachers on teaching with games, if they prefer teaching with games method, effects of game on learning, game types used in education, until what age children are supposed to play games, which games girls and boys play, which problems teacher encounter while having children play games and suggestions of preschool teachers on teaching with games method. Using the interview method which is one of the qualitative research methods in the research, the data obtained from 50 preschool teachers working in the kindergartens in Gaziantep province were analyzed by content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was found that most of the preschool teachers believe games contribute to motor, cognitive and social development of children, they are also helpful in terms of expressing themselves, they are effective since the learning is fast and permanent with games and children adopt the rules. It was also concluded that children have a strong memory along with their gaming activities, they develop intelligence, children love their school and friends, and that their creative features have improved. Therefore, it can be said that the teaching with games is an important method that contributes to children in almost all dimensions within the development process. However, in terms of teachers' views, physical and environmental conditions should be improved and the necessity of providing in-service trainings in the field of play education has emerged


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    The present study is conducted to identify 12th grade high school students’ opinions about the effectiveness of physical education classes. In the study, the interview method of qualitative research method is used. In order to obtain data of the study, open-ended questions that are designed to evaluate students' views and suggestions are used. These questions are following: (1) How do you find the teaching of the lesson, (2) What are the achievements of the course, (3) What are popular and unpopular aspects of the lessons, (4) How do you relate these classes with other courses, (5) What are your recommendations in terms of how to do the class. The research group was formed with 50 students who are studying in the 12th grade in official high schools depending on Gaziantep Directorate of National Education. Content analysis is applied to the data obtained from student’s opinions. Consequently, considering high school 12th grade students’ opinions about physical education classes, it can be said that physical education classes are effective and efficient. It is identified that students think physical education classes are important as they contribute to the development of physical, psychological and social aspects of human beings. However, the number of class hours and environmental conditions are not sufficient enough so this affects the effectiveness of the classes negatively.  Article visualizations

    Opinions of physical education and sport teacher candidates related to effect of micro teaching applications on teaching skills

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    YÖK Tez ID: 443911Bu araştırma, beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmen adaylarının mikro öğretim uygulamaları kapsamındaki, "sınıfta ders anlatımına ilişkin görüşlerinin" ele alındığı betimsel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2014-2015 öğretim yılı bahar dönemi, Gaziantep Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksek Okulu Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Bölümü III. Sınıf Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri II dersini alan öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada dersi alan toplam 60 öğrenci (27 kadın, 33 erkek) yer almıştır. Araştırmada veri toplamak amacıyla iki farklı veri toplama aracı kullanılmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının ders anlatımıyla ilgili algılarını belirlemek amacıyla Görgen (2003) tarafından geliştirilen "Öğretmen Adaylarının Sınıfta Ders Anlatımıyla İlgili Görüş ve Düşünceleri" başlıklı ölçme aracı kullanılmıştır. Akranlar ve öğretim elemanı tarafından, öğretmen adaylarının sunum tekniklerini değerlendirmek amacıyla araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen ''Mikro Öğretim Gözlem Formu'' kullanılmıştır. Mikro öğretim uygulaması 13 haftalık süreyi kapsamıştır. Toplam 30 grup oluşturulmuştur. Ölçme araçları ile elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortamına kodlanıp SPSS 22.0 paket programından yararlanılarak istatistiksel analizler yapılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizlerde "Paired Samples T" testi ile tanımlayıcı istatistiklerden ortalama değerler alınmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, mikro öğretim uygulamalarına başlamadan önce uygulama grubu olarak seçtiğimiz, Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri II dersini alan beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmeni adaylarının, dersin başlangıcı, işleyişi ve öğrenci karşısındaki tutumları, zaman yönetimi, ölçme değerlendirme, geri bildirimde bulunma, unutkanlık, üretken olma, motivasyonu sağlama, sözel-beden dilini etkili kullanma, uygun öğretim tekniğini seçme, sınıf seviyesini belirleme, konular arası bağlantı kurma, materyalleri etkili kullanma, sınıf yönetimi, öğrenci beklentilerine cevap verebilme, iletişim kurma, dinleme, ödül-ceza kullanımı ve dersi bitirme konularına ilişkin yaşadıkları endişe, heyecan, kaygı, korku, belirsizlik ve öz güven eksikliği gibi duygu durumlarında, mikro öğretim uygulaması sonrasında anlamlı bir şekilde azalma olduğu görülmüştür. Mikro öğretim gözlem formu ile akran ve öğretim elemanı değerlendirmelerinde görülen artış, öğretmen adaylarının kendilerinden önce yapılan sunumlarda gördükleri eksikleri ve hataları tekrarlamamaya özen gösterdiklerini ortaya koymaktadır. "Ders anlatırken duygularımı kontrol edemeyeceğim fikri beni endişelendiriyor, sınıfta hâkimiyeti sağlamaya engel olacağını düşündüğüm için grup çalışması yapmak fikri bana uygun gelmiyor ve ders anlatma düşüncesi bana zevkli gelmiyor" maddelerine ilişkin yapılan analizlerde ön test ve sontest değerlerinde farklılık gözlenmezken, puan ortalamalarının düşük olması ilgili konularda herhangi bir kaygı ve korku yaşamadıkları sonucunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Alanda yapılan çalışmalarla çalışmamızda elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar paralellik göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla mikro öğretim uygulamalarının, öğretmen adaylarının sınıf ortamında yaşayacakları endişe, heyecan, kaygı ve korku gibi stres oluşturan süreçlerin azaltılmasında ve özgüvenin gelişmesinde önemli bir etken olduğu, ayrıca kendilerinden önce sunum yapan akranlarının hatalarını görerek daha doğru sunum yapmalarına katkı sağladığı söylenebilir.This study is a descriptive research that aims to determine physical education teacher candidates' views on "teaching in classroom" in terms of microteaching activities. The study group consisted of 60 students (27 female, 33 male) enrolled in Special Teaching Methodology II course at Gaziantep University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Physical Education and Sports teaching Department during 2014-2015 academic year. Two different data collection tools were used so as to collect the data. To determine teacher candidates' perceptions about teaching in class, "Teacher Candidates' Views and Thoughts about Teaching in Classroom" scale, developed by Görgen (2003), was used. Microteaching Observation Form, developed by the researcher, was used both by peers and instructor to evaluate teacher candidates' presentation techniques and skills. Microteaching treatment lasted for 13 weeks. 30 groups were formed in total. The gathered data were coded on the computer and statistically analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 software program. Paired Samples T test and mean values from descriptive statistics were used in statistical analyses. At the end of the study, it was observed that teacher candidates' anxiety, excitement, worry, fear, uncertainity and lack of self -confidence related to the concepts such as the beginning of the course, teaching activities, classroom management, timemanagement, assessment and evaluation, giving feedback, oversight, productivity, motivating students, the effective use of verbal-nonverbal language, choosing appropriate method, linking the topics, the effective use of materials, lacking in meeting the students' expectations, communication, listening, punishment-reward use and finishing the course were decreased statistically. The increase in the assessments done through microteaching observation forms filled by peers and instructor reveals that teacher candidates observed the previous presentations carefully and they were attentive to the mistakes and the lacks they observed and they tried not to make the same mistakes. While there were no differences in pre-test and post-test scores for the items "The opinion that I cannot control my feelings during teaching worries me, groupwork is not suitable for me since I thought it would hinder my classroom management, and the opinion of teaching in the class does not sound good to me", it could be said that because the mean scores were low in both tests, it revealed that teacher candidates did not have any anxiety or fear for those issues. The results were in parallel to the related literature in the field. Thus, it can be claimed that microteaching applicaions are one of the important factors in decreasing the stress making processes like anxiety, excitement, worry and fear that teacher candidates will experience in real classrooms, and developing their self-confidence. Moreover, it can also be said that microteaching helps them prepare better presentations by observing the mistakes that their peers did in their presentations


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    The aim of this research is to evaluate the acquisition of mild degree mentally disabled students; severe degree mentally disabled students and autistic students in game and physical activities and physical education lessons. The research was done to describe current situation. Nineteen special education teachers and one physical education teacher joined the research voluntarily. Teacher’s evaluated 44 mild degrees mentally disabled students, 31 severe mentally disabled students and 10 autistic students with the evaluation form of game and physical activities. Descriptive statistic techniques were used during the data analysis. According to research result, 1st-2nd-3rd class mild degree mentally disabled students, gallop skill should be developed and also severe degree mentally disabled one in mild level. It was seen that students one in sufficient level. Teachers gave the idea that 4th grade mentally disabled students should the skill of kicking the ball with a racked, folk dances, creative / cultural dances, designing a game, developing a programme and preparing a demonstration they are evaluated as middle and good in jumping, taking step and jumping and joining the game. But in other skills, they are evaluated as good and very good. It is resulted that 4th grade severe degree mentally disabled students are good and very good in running, jumping, hitting, throwing and catching skills; creative/cultural designing a game, developing programes, preparing a demonstration should be developed. As a result, in the movements that were requiring object control, creative, cultural dances, designing a game, developing a program, preparing a demonstration, joining game skills should be developed