177 research outputs found

    Delayed Insemination of Non-Estrual Beef Heifers in 7-day CO-Synch Timed Artificial Insemination

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    Reproductive performance in cattle is considered to be the most economically important trait and is essential for the success of an operation. In the last decade, timed artificial insemination (AI) in the beef cattle industry has increased in popularity due to the decreased amount of labor required for estrous detection. To increase the use of AI; however, cost and time inputs need to be further decreased. The objective of this study was to determine if fertility could be improved in beef heifers that are not expressing estrus before timed AI by delaying insemination

    An Injectable Trace Mineral Supplement in Yearling Bulls Causes a Short-Term Increase in Circulating Trace Mineral Levels But Does Not Improve Sperm Quality

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    Proper trace mineral supplementation is necessary for reproductive development and function. Supplementation with various trace minerals has been shown to improve overall sperm quality and morphology and increase the percentage of live sperm. When developing beef bulls, it is necessary to meet trace mineral requirements to ensure proper reproductive success. An injectable trace mineral product has been made commercially available for use in cattle as a supplemental form of chelated selenium, copper, zinc, and manganese. Considering the role of trace minerals in bull reproductive function, we posed the question of whether using an injectable trace mineral product beyond dietary supplementation could improve sperm quality and percentage of bulls passing yearling breeding soundness exams. The objectives of our study were to compare serum trace mineral concentrations of bulls before and after administration of an injection of trace minerals or saline and to compare semen trace mineral concentrations after treatment. To determine if an injectable trace mineral product could be of benefit, we compared serum and semen trace mineral concentrations as well as semen quality and percentage passing a yearling breeding soundness examination in treated and untreated bulls

    Carcass Trait Trends for Steers and Heifers Finished Through the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Cooperative from 2002 Through 2018

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate trends in carcass characteristics for steers and heifers finished through the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Cooperative. Study Description: Data analyzed included 74,207 steers and 33,529 heifers finished at the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Cooperative (Lewis, IA) and harvested from 2002 through 2018. Steers and heifers were harvested at liveweights of 1,235.0 +/- 119.8 lb and 1,124.2 +/- 106.7 lb, respectively. Carcass trait trends evaluated for steers and heifers included calculated yield grade score, backfat thickness, hot carcass weight, kidney, pelvic, heart, fat percentage, marbling score, and ribeye area. Results: Calculated yield grade scores increased from 2002 through 2018 for steers and heifers. Fat thickness increased 0.08 in for steers and 0.07 in for heifers, both peaking in 2017 at 0.55 and 0.59 in, respectively. Hot carcass weights ranged from 727 to 780 lb for steers and increased over the 17-year period. Hot carcass weights for heifers ranged from 671 to 711 lb and increased slightly from 2002 through 2018. Kidney, pelvic, heart, fat percentage did not change for steers and heifers. Marbling score increased from 422 to 456 for steers and 449 to 493 for heifers. Ribeye area increased slightly for steers while decreasing slightly for heifers over the 17-year period. The Bottom Line: Corresponding with increases in fat thickness and minimal to no improvement in ribeye area, yield grade scores increased over the past 17 years. Genetic selection pressure on marbling within the beef industry is evident from these data

    Decline in Brahman Breed Influence of Beef Calf Lots Marketed by Video Auction from 1995 to 2015

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    Brahman cattle are widely known for their ability to tolerate hot and humid climates as well as for their insect and parasite resistance. An estimated 40% of all beef cows in the United States are located in the southern region, which has a relatively hot climate. Historically, many of these beef cows have had at least some Brahman influence. The opportunity to evaluate potential changes in the influence of the Brahman breed on beef calves produced in the United States was available through lots of beef calves marketed through a video auction service. The objective was to characterize the potential change in the percentage of lots of beef calves with Brahman influence among calves originating from various regions of the United States marketed through summer video auctions from 1995 through 2015

    Sale Price of Holstein Feeder Steer Lots Relative to Other Breed Descriptions Sold Through Superior Livestock Video Sales from 2010 Through 2018

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the relative value of Holstein feeder steer lots compared to steer lots of other breed descriptions sold through video auctions while adjusting for all other factors that significantly influenced sale price. Study Description: Data were analyzed from 14,075 lots of feeder steers sold via 211 livestock video auctions from 2010 through 2018. All lot characteristics that could be accurately quantified or categorized were used to develop a multiple regression model with backwards selection. A lot was categorized into one of four breed descriptions: 1) English, English crossed; 2) English-Continental crossed; 3) Brahman influenced; and 4) Holstein. The Bottom Line: The relative price discount for Holstein feeder steer lots compared with other breed descriptions appears to have increased from 2010ā€“2018, and thus is likely indicating lessening interest in the feedlot sector to feed Holstein steers to harvest

    Factors Affecting the Sale Price of Bred Heifers and Bred Cows Sold Through Superior Livestock Video Auctions

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate potential factors influencing the sale price of bred heifers and bred cows sold through video auctions while adjusting for all other factors that significantly influenced prices. Study Description: Descriptive characteristics of lots offered for sale were obtained through a livestock video auction service (Superior Livestock Auction, Fort Worth, TX). Data were available on 1,870 lots of bred heifers sold through video auctions from 2010 through 2018 and 1,237 lots of bred cows sold through video auctions from 2011 through 2018. Two separate multiple regression models were developed to determine the factors influencing the sale price for each. The Bottom Line: Understanding the various factors influencing the sale price of bred heifers and bred cows will allow producers to make more informed investment decisions

    Region of Origin in the United States Affects Price Premiums Associated with Value-Added Health Protocols of Beef Calf Lots Sold Through Summer Video Auctions from 2010 Through 2018

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate the effects of value-added calf health protocols within various regions of the United States on the sale price of beef calf lots sold via summer video auction. Study Description: Information describing lot factors was obtained through a livestock video auction service (Superior Livestock Auction, Fort Worth, TX). Descriptive characteristics were available over nine years (2010-2018) representing 43,242 lots of beef calves. Data were evaluated to investigate participation in various health programs across regions. A multiple regression model was developed for each region to determine the value associated with health protocols throughout regions of the United States. The Bottom Line: While variation in the sale price of beef calves across regions suggests evident differences in the recognized value by buyers, results indicate the value associated with the vaccination and management of calves with potentially larger transportation distances from origin to delivery

    Breed and gender interact to affect the sale price of beef calves sold through video auctions from 2010 through 2014

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    Citation: McCabe, E. D., King, M. E., Fike, K. E., Hill, K. L., Rogers, G. M., & Odde, K. G. (2016). Breed and gender interact to affect the sale price of beef calves sold through video auctions from 2010 through 2014. Journal of Animal Science, 94, 29-29. doi:10.2527/msasas2016-063The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of the potential interaction of breed and gender on the sale price of beef calves marketed through video auctions while adjusting for all other factors that significantly influenced price. Information on descriptive characteristics of lots of beef calves were obtained from a livestock video auction service. Data were available on 20,007 lots of steer calves and 13,804 lots of heifer calves (2106,181 total steer calves and 1239,645 total heifer calves) that sold in 116 video auctions from 2010 through 2014. All lot characteristics that could be accurately quantified or categorized were used to develop a multiple regression model that evaluated the effects of independent factors on the sale price using a backward selection procedure. A value ofĀ PĀ < 0.05 was used to maintain a factor in the final model. Breed description of the calves in the lots was 1 of 19 factors included in the original model and was characterized into 6 groups: English, English crosses (EX), Englishā€“Continental crosses (ECX), Black Angus sired out of dams with no Brahman influence (AN), Red Angus sired out of dams with no Brahman influence (AR), and Brahman influenced (BR). Breed and gender of the lot interacted (PĀ < 0.0001) to affect the sale price of calves. Lots of AR and AN steer calves had similar sale prices (PĀ = 0.9540; 379.08and379.08 and 378.14 per 100 kg BW, respectively) and sold for significantly higher prices than all other steer breed groups. English cross and ECX steer lots had similar sale prices (PĀ = 0.2588; 376.24and376.24 and 374.92 per 100 kg BW, respectively) but were greater (PĀ < 0.05) than BR steer calves (365.61per100kgBW).Amongheifercalves,lotsofARheiferssoldforthehighestprice(PĀ <0.05;365.61 per 100 kg BW). Among heifer calves, lots of AR heifers sold for the highest price (PĀ < 0.05; 356.02 per 100 kg BW). The AN heifer calves sold for the second highest price at 345.95per100kgBW,andthispricewasgreater(PĀ <0.05)comparedwithECX(345.95 per 100 kg BW, and this price was greater (PĀ < 0.05) compared with ECX (341.50 per 100 kg BW) and EX heifers (341.14per100kgBW).Brahmanāˆ’influencedheifercalvessoldforthelowest(PĀ <0.05)priceat341.14 per 100 kg BW). Brahman-influenced heifer calves sold for the lowest (PĀ < 0.05) price at 334.64 per 100 kg BW compared with heifers of all other breed descriptions. Breed and gender composition of the lots of beef calves interacted to affect the sale price of calves selling through video auctions. The value of the specific breed composition of beef calves is influenced by gender and may be related to buyers purchasing certain breeds of heifer calves as replacements for the breeding herd

    Effect of Holstein and Beef-Dairy Cross Breed Description on the Sale Price of Feeder and Weaned Calf Lots Sold Through Video Auctions

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    Objective: Objectives were to determine: 1) value of Holstein feeder steer lots compared with steer lots of other breed descriptions, 2) value of beef-dairy cross weaned steer calves compared with either Holstein weaned calves or weaned calves of other breed descriptions, and 3) value of beef-dairy cross weaned calves compared with weaned calves of other beef breed descriptions sold through video auctions. Study Description: Data on 14,075 feeder steer lots sold in 211 auctions from 2010 through 2018; 763 weaned steer calf lots, and 1,125 weaned steer and heifer calf lots sold via seven auctions in 2020 and 2021 were used. Separate multiple regression models using backwards selection were developed for feeder cattle, weaned steer, and weaned steer and heifer calf lots. The five breed group categories used were English-English crossed, English-Continental crossed, Brahman-influenced, Holstein, and beef-dairy crossed (weaned calves). Results: Breed description of feeder steer, weaned steer calf, and weaned steer and heifer calf lots affected sale price (P \u3c 0.0001). Among weaned steer calves, beef-dairy crossed lots sold for the second lowest (P \u3c 0.05) price (147.62/cwt),thoughgreaterthanHolsteins.Amongfeedersteerlots,Holsteinssoldforthelowest(P3Ė˜c0.05)saleprice(147.62/cwt), though greater than Holsteins. Among feeder steer lots, Holsteins sold for the lowest (P \u3c 0.05) sale price (110.56/cwt) compared with all other breed groups. Among weaned steer and heifer calves, beef-dairy crosses sold for less than (P \u3c 0.05; $136.39/cwt) all other breed groups. The Bottom Line: Beef-dairy crosses have improved value prospect compared with Holstein steers in the beef supply chain

    Assessment of Novel Semen Evaluation Technologies and Breed Comparisons in Yearling Beef Bulls

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    Objective: The objectives were 1) to evaluate the iSperm, when conducting breeding soundness exams (BSE) on bulls by comparing sperm motility to a technicianā€™s assessment and 2) to evaluate correlations between sperm response to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and functional sperm measurements. Study Description: Ejaculates were collected via electroejaculation from yearling bulls as part of a BSE. All BSE were conducted by one veterinarian and ejaculates were evaluated by a single technician. Additional sperm motility analysis was conducted with the iSperm analyzer. Ejaculates meeting minimum thresholds for passing a BSE were diluted and sent overnight for flow cytometry evaluation. Data were analyzed using Pearsonā€™s correlation coefficients in SAS. Results: Both gross and progressive motilities were significantly (r = 0.30; 0.38; P \u3c 0.001) correlated to the technicianā€™s assessment of progressive motility. Percentage of live spermatozoa with positive ROS status was correlated (r = 0.53; P \u3c 0.001) with percentage progressive motility. Percentage of live spermatozoa with negative ROS status was moderately correlated with percentage spermatozoa exhibiting secondary abnormalities (r = 0.33; P = 0.02). Percentage live spermatozoa that had disrupted acrosomes was strongly correlated with percentage live spermatozoa with negative ROS (r = 0.66; P \u3c 0.001) and moderately negatively correlated with percentage live spermatozoa with positive ROS (r = -0.31; P = 0.04). Percentage of live spermatozoa with positive ROS status was correlated (r = 0.58; P \u3c 0.001) with percentage of spermatozoa with active mitochondrial membranes. Percentage of live spermatozoa with positive ROS status was strongly correlated (r = 0.92; P \u3c 0.001) with percentage of live spermatozoa with intact acrosomes. The Bottom Line: The iSperm can be used to produce semen assessments similar to those of a trained technician and may offer a useful tool for producers to perform on-farm semen analysis. Sperm health and function continue to be related to negative ROS status
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