763 research outputs found

    The impact of structural capital on the firm Innovativeness, the Galician Northern Portugal automotive industries reality

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    The intellectual capital is increasingly considered a major issue on the management and organization research and a source of competitive advantage. Although there are different models and approaches that try to identify the effect of intellectual capital on firm performance, there’s, also a lack of evidence and consensus. Based on that evidence, this paper focuses on the influence of the structural capital on the product- process and management innovativeness of the firm. A global model including the variables used in the previous literature is used and we establishes hypotheses for testing this model and use statistic technique to estimate the parameters of the model in a sample. To do so, we use a survey from 68 firms working on the auto components sector, established in the Northern Spain and Northern Portugal. We found firstly, that innovativeness has two main dimensions, perfectly differentiated, the product-process innovation and the management innovation; secondly that the structural capital dimensions influences differently each type of innovation capacity (innovativeness). We also concluded that the structural capital of the automotive firms based on the euro region Galicia (Spain) Northern Portugal influences positive and directly the management innovativeness. These results highlight the importance of the structural capital as well as highlight the main dimensions that influence the innovativeness, and more broadly, the value of intellectual capital as a competitive advantage in contemporary time. Moreover, point out the different character of product-process and management innovativeness.

    Error analysis for local coarsening in univariate spline spaces

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    In this article we analyze the error produced by the removal of an arbitrary knot from a spline function. When a knot has multiplicity greater than one, this implies a reduction of its multiplicity by one unit. In particular, we deduce a very simple formula to compute the error in terms of some neighboring knots and a few control points of the considered spline. Furthermore, we show precisely how this error is related to the jump of a derivative of the spline at the knot. We then use the developed theory to propose efficient and very low-cost local error indicators and adaptive coarsening algorithms. Finally, we present some numerical experiments to illustrate their performance and show some applications

    Semiochemicals-baited traps for detecting and estimating the population density of Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryopthoridae), in agaves, in Tlaquiltenango, Morelos

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    Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) is an important pest in agaves, and is the main pest of agaves in Morelos, also this is the first time that the population density of this weevil was sampled in agave plantations in Morelos state using pheromone-baited traps.Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) es una plaga importante en agaves y es la plaga más importante en agaves en Morelos. Esta es la primera ocasión que se estudia la densidad poblacional de esta plaga en agaves en Morelos, mediante trampas con feromona

    Situación actual de DICOM S. A. frente a la discriminación laboral y comercial . Una nueva propuesta legal respecto a la Ley No 19.628 sobre protección de la vida privada

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    Con esta investigación se pretende determinar si exigir los certificados de Dicom S.A constituyen una discriminación. Ya sea tanto en materia laboral, al momento de iniciar una contratación como al encontrarse ya trabajando, para no ser despedido; y en materia comercial, al solicitar un crédito bancario, pedir un préstamo a una institución financiera o abrir una cuenta en una casa comercial. Utilizando para ello una investigación de tipo deductiva e inductiva a la vez, ya que son fenómenos de carácter general aplicados en la realidad concreta. Estableciéndose que si generan discriminación los certificados emitidos por Dicom S.A., tanto en materia laboral como comercial, argumentado por normativa de carácter nacional como internacional, requiriéndose en forma urgente un fuerte cambio de fondo en cuanto Ley Nº 19.628 sobre Protección de la Vida Privada, para así evitar los hechos discriminatorios y arbitrarios que se producen por situaciones que reclaman una nueva modificación

    Markovianization with approximate unitary designs

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    Memoryless processes are ubiquitous in nature, in contrast with the mathematics of open systems theory, which states that non-Markovian processes should be the norm. This discrepancy is usually addressed by subjectively making the environment forgetful. Here we prove that there are physical non-Markovian processes that with high probability look highly Markovian for all orders of correlations; we call this phenomenon Markovianization. Formally, we show that when a quantum process has dynamics given by an approximate unitary design, a large deviation bound on the size of non-Markovian memory is implied. We exemplify our result employing an efficient construction of an approximate unitary circuit design using two-qubit interactions only, showing how seemingly simple systems can speedily become forgetful. Conversely, since the process is closed, it should be possible to detect the underlying non-Markovian effects. However, for these processes, observing non-Markovian signatures would require highly entangling resources and hence be a difficult task.Comment: 6+9 pages, 5 figures. Published version, only presentation change