24 research outputs found

    Integrative Neuroinformatics for Precision Prognostication and Personalized Therapeutics in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

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    Despite changes in guideline-based management of moderate/severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) over the preceding decades, little impact on mortality and morbidity have been seen. This argues against the "one-treatment fits all" approach to such management strategies. With this, some preliminary advances in the area of personalized medicine in TBI care have displayed promising results. However, to continue transitioning toward individually-tailored care, we require integration of complex "-omics" data sets. The past few decades have seen dramatic increases in the volume of complex multi-modal data in moderate and severe TBI care. Such data includes serial high-fidelity multi-modal characterization of the cerebral physiome, serum/cerebrospinal fluid proteomics, admission genetic profiles, and serial advanced neuroimaging modalities. Integrating these complex and serially obtained data sets, with patient baseline demographics, treatment information and clinical outcomes over time, can be a daunting task for the treating clinician. Within this review, we highlight the current status of such multi-modal omics data sets in moderate/severe TBI, current limitations to the utilization of such data, and a potential path forward through employing integrative neuroinformatic approaches, which are applied in other neuropathologies. Such advances are positioned to facilitate the transition to precision prognostication and inform a top-down approach to the development of personalized therapeutics in moderate/severe TBI

    Inter-Vendor Reproducibility of Myelin Water Imaging Using a 3D Gradient and Spin Echo Sequence

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    Myelin water imaging can be achieved using multicomponent T2 relaxation analysis to quantify in vivo measurement of myelin content, termed the myelin water fraction (MWF). Therefore, myelin water imaging can be a valuable tool to better understand the underlying white matter pathology in demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. To apply myelin water imaging in multisite studies and clinical applications, it must be acquired in a clinically feasible scan time (less than 15 min) and be reproducible across sites and scanner vendors. Here, we assessed the reproducibility of MWF measurements in regional and global white matter in 10 healthy human brains across two sites with two different 3 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner vendors (Philips and Siemens), using a 32-echo gradient and spin echo (GRASE) sequence. A strong correlation was found between the MWF measurements in the global white matter (Pearson’s r = 0.91; p < 0.001) for all participants across the two sites. The mean intersite MWF coefficient of variation across participants was 2.77% in the global white matter and ranged from 4.47% (splenium of the corpus callosum) to 17.89% (genu of the corpus callosum) in white matter regions of interest. Bland-Altman analysis showed a good agreement in MWF measurements between the two sites with small bias of 0.002. Overall, MWF estimates were in good agreement across the two sites and scanner vendors. Our findings support the use of quantitative multi-echo T2 relaxation metrics, such as the MWF, in multicenter studies and clinical trials to gain deeper understanding about the pathological processes resulting from the underlying disease progression in neurodegenerative diseases

    A Method for Whole Brain Ex Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Minimal Susceptibility Artifacts

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-destructive technique that is capable of localizing pathologies and assessing other anatomical features (e.g., tissue volume, microstructure, white matter connectivity) in postmortem, ex vivo human brains. However, when brains are removed from the skull and cerebrospinal fluid (i.e., their normal in vivo magnetic environment), air bubbles and air-tissue interfaces typically cause magnetic susceptibility artifacts that severely degrade the quality of ex vivo MRI data. In this report, we describe a relatively simple and cost-effective experimental set-up for acquiring artifact-free ex vivo brain images using a clinical MRI system with standard hardware. In particular, we outline the necessary steps, from collecting an ex vivo human brain to the MRI scanner setup, and have also described changing the formalin (as might be necessary in longitudinal postmortem studies). Finally, we share some representative ex vivo MRI images that have been acquired using the proposed setup in order to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach. We hope that this protocol will provide both clinicians and researchers with a straight-forward and cost-effective solution for acquiring ex vivo MRI data from whole postmortem human brains

    Quantitative Ex Vivo MRI Changes due to Progressive Formalin Fixation in Whole Human Brain Specimens: Longitudinal Characterization of Diffusion, Relaxometry, and Myelin Water Fraction Measurements at 3T

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    PurposePostmortem MRI can be used to reveal important pathologies and establish radiology–pathology correlations. However, quantitative MRI values are altered by tissue fixation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate time-dependent effects of formalin fixation on MRI relaxometry (T1 and T2), diffusion tensor imaging (fractional anisotropy, FA; and mean diffusivity, MD), and myelin water fraction (MWF) measurements throughout intact human brain specimens.MethodsTwo whole, neurologically-healthy human brains were immersed in 10% formalin solution and scanned at 13 time points between 0 and 1,032 h. Whole-brain maps of longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation times, FA, MD, and MWF were generated at each time point to illustrate spatiotemporal changes, and region-of-interest analyses were then performed in eight brain structures to quantify temporal changes with progressive fixation.ResultsAlthough neither of the diffusion measures (FA nor MD) showed significant changes as a function of formalin fixation time, both T1 and T2-relaxation times significantly decreased, and MWF estimates significantly increased with progressive fixation until (and likely beyond) our final measurements were taken at 1,032 h.ConclusionThese results suggest that T1-relaxation, T2-relaxation and MWF estimates must be performed quite early in the fixation process to avoid formalin-induced changes compared to in vivo values; and furthermore, that different ex vivo scans within an experiment must be acquired at consistent (albeit still early) fixation intervals to avoid fixative-related differences between samples. Conversely, ex vivo diffusion measures (FA and MD) appear to depend more on other factors (e.g., pulse sequence optimization, sample temperature, etc.)

    Probabilistic atlases of default mode, executive control and salience network white matter tracts: An fMRI-guided diffusion tensor imaging and tractography study

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a powerful MRI technique that can be used to estimate both the microstructural integrity and the trajectories of white matter pathways throughout the central nervous system. This fiber tracking (aka, tractography) approach is often carried out using anatomically-defined seed points to identify white matter tracts that pass through one or more structures, but can also be performed using functionally-defined regions of interest (ROIs) that have been determined using functional MRI (fMRI) or other methods. In this study, we performed fMRI-guided DTI tractography between all of the previously defined nodes within each of six common resting-state brain networks, including the: dorsal Default Mode Network (dDMN), ventral Default Mode Network (vDMN), left Executive Control Network (lECN), right Executive Control Network (rECN), anterior Salience Network (aSN), and posterior Salience Network (pSN). By normalizing the data from 32 healthy control subjects to a standard template – using high-dimensional, non-linear warping methods – we were able to create probabilistic white matter atlases for each tract in stereotaxic coordinates. By investigating all 198 ROI-to-ROI combinations within the aforementioned resting-state networks (for a total of 6336 independent DTI tractography analyses), the resulting probabilistic atlases represent a comprehensive cohort of functionally-defined white matter regions that can be used in future brain imaging studies to: 1) ascribe DTI or other white matter changes to particular functional brain networks, and 2) compliment resting state fMRI or other functional connectivity analyses

    Applying functional MRI to the spinal cord and brainstem

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    Abstract Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord (spinal fMRI) has facilitated the noninvasive visualization of neural activity in the spinal cord (SC) and brainstem of both animals and humans. This technique has yet to gain the widespread usage of brain fMRI, due in part to the intrinsic technical challenges spinal fMRI presents and to the narrower scope of applications it fulfills. Nonetheless, methodological progress has been considerable and rapid. To date, spinal fMRI studies have investigated SC function during sensory or motor task paradigms in spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuropathic pain (NP) patient populations, all of which have yielded consistent and sensitive results. The most recent study in our laboratory has successfully used spinal fMRI to examine cervical SC activity in a SCI patient with a metallic fixation device spanning the C 4 to C 6 vertebrae, a critical step in realizing the clinical utility of the technique. The literature reviewed in this article suggests that spinal fMRI is poised for usage in a wide range of patient populations, as multiple groups have observed intriguing, yet consistent, results using standard, readily available MR systems and hardware. The next step is the implementation of this technique in the clinic to supplement standard qualitative behavioral assessments of SCI. Spinal fMRI may offer insight into the subtleties of function in the injured and diseased SC, and support the development of new methods for treatment and monitoring